  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $user = FWS_Props::get()->user();
     $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
     $jobs = array();
     $files = $user->get_session_data('phpref_files');
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i += PC_PHPREF_PAGES_PER_CYCLE) {
         $args = array();
         for ($j = 0, $count = min(count($files) - $i, PC_PHPREF_PAGES_PER_CYCLE); $j < $count; $j++) {
             $args[] = escapeshellarg($files[$i + $j]);
         $jobs[] = PC_PHP_EXEC . ' cli.php phpref ' . implode(' ', $args);
     $user->set_session_data('job_commands', $jobs);
     $user->set_session_data('job_finalizer', PC_PHP_EXEC . ' cli.php phpreffin');
     // init shared data
     $mutex = new FWS_MutexFile(PC_CLI_MUTEX_FILE);
     $data = new PC_JobData();
     $data->set_misc(array('versions' => array(), 'aliases' => array()));
     $tpl->add_variables(array('file_count' => count($files), 'files_per_job' => PC_PHPREF_PAGES_PER_CYCLE, 'check_interval' => PC_JOB_CTRL_POLL_INTERVAL / 1000));
Beispiel #2
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $cookies = FWS_Props::get()->cookies();
     $file = $input->get_var('file', -1, FWS_Input::STRING);
     $class = $input->get_var('class', -1, FWS_Input::STRING);
     $function = $input->get_var('function', -1, FWS_Input::STRING);
     $url = PC_URL::get_mod_url();
     $url->set('file', $file);
     $url->set('class', $class);
     $url->set('function', $function);
     $surl = clone $url;
     $typecon = new PC_Engine_TypeContainer(new PC_Engine_Options());
     $pagination = new PC_Pagination(PC_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE, PC_DAO::get_calls()->get_count_for($file, $class, $function));
     $start = $pagination->get_start();
     $calls = array();
     foreach (PC_DAO::get_calls()->get_list($start, PC_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE, $file, $class, $function) as $call) {
         /* @var $call PC_Obj_Call */
         $url = PC_URL::get_mod_url('file');
         $url->set('path', $call->get_file());
         $url->set('line', $call->get_line());
         $url->set_anchor('l' . $call->get_line());
         $func = $typecon->get_method_or_func($call->get_class(), $call->get_function());
         $calls[] = array('id' => $call->get_id(), 'call' => $this->get_call($call, $typecon), 'file' => $call->get_file(), 'line' => $call->get_line(), 'url' => $url->to_url(), 'since' => $func ? implode(', ', $func->get_version()->get_min()) : '', 'till' => $func ? implode(', ', $func->get_version()->get_max()) : '');
     $callurl = PC_URL::get_mod_url('filepart');
     $callurl->set('id', '__ID__');
     $callurl->set('type', 'call');
     $tpl->add_variables(array('calls' => $calls, 'get_code_url' => $callurl->to_url(), 'file' => $file, 'class' => $class, 'function' => $function, 'search_target' => $surl->to_url(), 'display_search' => $cookies->get_cookie('calls_search') ? 'block' : 'none', 'cookie_name' => $cookies->get_prefix() . 'calls_search'));
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
     $project = FWS_Props::get()->project();
     $tpl->add_variables(array('action_id' => PC_ACTION_START_STMNTSCAN, 'folders' => $project !== null ? $project->get_stmt_folders() : '', 'exclude' => $project !== null ? $project->get_stmt_exclude() : ''));
Beispiel #4
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $functions = FWS_Props::get()->functions();
     $id_str = $input->get_var('ids', 'get', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $loc = $input->get_var('loc', 'get', FWS_Input::STRING);
     if (!$id_str || !$loc) {
     $ids = FWS_Array_Utils::advanced_explode(',', $id_str);
     if (FWS_Array_Utils::is_numeric($ids)) {
         switch ($loc) {
             case 'view_projects':
                 $table = TDL_TB_PROJECTS;
                 $field = 'project_name';
                 $yes_url = TDL_URL::get_mod_url('view_projects');
                 $yes_url->set(TDL_URL_AT, TDL_ACTION_DELETE_PROJECTS);
                 $yes_url->set(TDL_URL_IDS, implode(',', $ids));
                 $yes_url = $yes_url->to_url();
             case 'view_entries':
                 $table = TDL_TB_ENTRIES;
                 $field = 'entry_title';
                 $yes_url = TDL_URL::get_mod_url(-1);
                 $yes_url->set(TDL_URL_AT, TDL_ACTION_DELETE_ENTRIES);
                 $yes_url->set(TDL_URL_IDS, implode(',', $ids));
                 $yes_url = $yes_url->to_url();
         $no_url = 'javascript:FWS_hideElement(\\\'delete_message_box\\\');';
         $functions->add_entry_delete_message($ids, $table, $field, $yes_url, $no_url);
  * Puts all variables to the template inc_pagination.htm so that it can be included.
  * @param TDL_URL $url the URL-instance
 public function populate_tpl($url)
     $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
     if (!$url instanceof TDL_URL) {
         FWS_Helper::def_error('instance', 'url', 'TDL_URL', $url);
     if ($this->get_page_count() > 1) {
         $param = $this->get_page_param();
         $page = $this->get_page();
         $numbers = $this->get_page_numbers();
         $tnumbers = array();
         foreach ($numbers as $n) {
             $number = $n;
             $link = '';
             if (FWS_Helper::is_integer($n)) {
                 $url->set($param, $n);
                 $link = $url->to_url();
             } else {
                 $link = '';
             $tnumbers[] = array('number' => $number, 'link' => $link);
         $start_item = $this->get_start() + 1;
         $end_item = $start_item + $this->get_per_page() - 1;
         $end_item = $end_item > $this->get_num() ? $this->get_num() : $end_item;
         $tpl->add_variable_ref('numbers', $tnumbers);
         $tpl->add_variables(array('page' => $page, 'total_pages' => $this->get_page_count(), 'start_item' => $start_item, 'end_item' => $end_item, 'total_items' => $this->get_num(), 'prev_url' => $url->set($param, $page - 1)->to_url(), 'next_url' => $url->set($param, $page + 1)->to_url(), 'first_url' => $url->set($param, 1)->to_url(), 'last_url' => $url->set($param, $this->get_page_count())->to_url()));
 public function perform_action()
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $locale = FWS_Props::get()->locale();
     $project_name = $input->get_var('project_name', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $project_name_short = $input->get_var('project_name_short', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $start_day = $input->get_var('start_day', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     $start_month = $input->get_var('start_month', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     $start_year = $input->get_var('start_year', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day, $start_year);
     $project = new TDL_Objects_Project(TDL_TB_PROJECTS);
     if (!$project->check('create')) {
         return $project->errors();
     $id = $project->get_id();
     $edit_url = TDL_URL::get_mod_url('edit_project')->set(TDL_URL_MODE, 'edit')->set(TDL_URL_ID, $id);
     $this->set_success_msg($locale->_('The project has been added'));
     $this->set_redirect(true, $edit_url);
     $this->add_link($locale->_('Edit the project'), $edit_url);
     return '';
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $cookies = FWS_Props::get()->cookies();
     $file = $input->get_var('file', -1, FWS_Input::STRING);
     $class = $input->get_var('class', -1, FWS_Input::STRING);
     $url = PC_URL::get_submod_url();
     $url->set('file', $file);
     $url->set('class', $class);
     $surl = clone $url;
     $pagination = new PC_Pagination(PC_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE, PC_DAO::get_classes()->get_count_for($class, $file));
     $start = $pagination->get_start();
     $classes = array();
     foreach (PC_DAO::get_classes()->get_list($start, PC_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE, $class, $file) as $c) {
         $sig = $c->get_signature(true);
         $sig = preg_replace_callback('/#(.+?)#/', function ($match) {
             return "<a href=\"" . PC_URL::get_mod_url('class')->set('name', $match[1])->to_url() . "\">" . $match[1] . "</a>";
         }, $sig);
         $classes[] = array('name' => $sig, 'file' => $c->get_file(), 'line' => $c->get_line(), 'since' => implode(', ', $c->get_version()->get_min()), 'till' => implode(', ', $c->get_version()->get_max()));
     $tpl->add_variables(array('classes' => $classes, 'file' => $file, 'class' => $class, 'search_target' => $surl->to_url(), 'display_search' => $cookies->get_cookie('classes_search') ? 'block' : 'none', 'cookie_name' => $cookies->get_prefix() . 'classes_search'));
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $cookies = FWS_Props::get()->cookies();
     $file = $input->get_var('file', -1, FWS_Input::STRING);
     $name = $input->get_var('name', -1, FWS_Input::STRING);
     $url = PC_URL::get_submod_url();
     $url->set('file', $file);
     $url->set('name', $name);
     $surl = clone $url;
     $pagination = new PC_Pagination(PC_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE, PC_DAO::get_constants()->get_count_for(0, $file, $name));
     $start = $pagination->get_start();
     $consts = array();
     $constants = PC_DAO::get_constants()->get_list(array(0), $file, $name, PC_Project::CURRENT_ID, $start, PC_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE);
     foreach ($constants as $const) {
         $url = PC_URL::get_mod_url('file');
         $url->set('path', $const->get_file());
         $url->set('line', $const->get_line());
         $url->set_anchor('l' . $const->get_line());
         $consts[] = array('id' => $const->get_id(), 'name' => $const->get_name(), 'type' => (string) $const->get_type(), 'file' => $const->get_file(), 'line' => $const->get_line(), 'url' => $url->to_url());
     $callurl = PC_URL::get_mod_url('filepart');
     $callurl->set('id', '__ID__');
     $callurl->set('type', 'const');
     $tpl->add_variables(array('consts' => $consts, 'get_code_url' => $callurl->to_url(), 'file' => $file, 'name' => $name, 'search_target' => $surl->to_url(), 'display_search' => $cookies->get_cookie('consts_search') ? 'block' : 'none', 'cookie_name' => $cookies->get_prefix() . 'consts_search'));
Beispiel #9
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $cookies = FWS_Props::get()->cookies();
     $scope = $input->get_var('scope', -1, FWS_Input::STRING);
     $name = $input->get_var('name', -1, FWS_Input::STRING);
     $url = PC_URL::get_mod_url();
     $url->set('scope', $scope);
     $url->set('name', $name);
     $surl = clone $url;
     $total = PC_DAO::get_vars()->get_count_for($scope, $name);
     $pagination = new PC_Pagination(PC_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE, $total);
     $start = $pagination->get_start();
     $vars = array();
     foreach (PC_DAO::get_vars()->get_list($start, PC_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE, $scope, $name) as $var) {
         /* @var $var PC_Obj_Variable */
         $url = PC_URL::get_mod_url('file');
         $url->set('path', $var->get_file());
         $url->set('line', $var->get_line());
         $url->set_anchor('l' . $var->get_line());
         $vscope = $var->get_scope();
         if ($vscope == PC_Obj_Variable::SCOPE_GLOBAL) {
             $vscope = '<i>Global</i>';
         $vars[] = array('id' => $var->get_id(), 'scope' => $vscope, 'name' => '$' . $var->get_name(), 'type' => $var->get_type(), 'file' => $var->get_file(), 'line' => $var->get_line(), 'url' => $url->to_url());
     $callurl = PC_URL::get_mod_url('filepart');
     $callurl->set('id', '__ID__');
     $callurl->set('type', 'var');
     $tpl->add_variables(array('vars' => $vars, 'get_code_url' => $callurl->to_url(), 'scope' => $scope, 'name' => $name, 'search_target' => $surl->to_url(), 'display_search' => $cookies->get_cookie('vars_search') ? 'block' : 'none', 'cookie_name' => $cookies->get_prefix() . 'vars_search'));
Beispiel #10
 public function get_action_id()
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $action_type = $input->get_var('action_type', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     if ($action_type === null) {
         $action_type = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_AT, 'get');
     return $action_type;
Beispiel #11
 public function perform_action()
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $db = FWS_Props::get()->db();
     $functions = FWS_Props::get()->functions();
     $locale = FWS_Props::get()->locale();
     $title = $input->get_var('entry_title', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $description = $input->get_var('entry_description', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $entry_info_link = $input->get_var('entry_info_link', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $category = $input->get_var('category', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     $start_version = $input->get_var('start_version', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $fixed_version = $input->get_var('fixed_version', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $status = $input->correct_var('status', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING, array('open', 'running', 'fixed', 'not_tested', 'not_reproducable', 'need_info'), 'open');
     $type = $input->correct_var('type', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING, array('bug', 'feature', 'improvement', 'test'), 'bug');
     $priority = $input->correct_var('priority', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING, array('current', 'next', 'anytime'), 'anytime');
     @(list($start_project_id, $start_version_id) = explode(',', $start_version));
     $time = time();
     // create entry
     $entry = new TDL_Objects_Entry(TDL_TB_ENTRIES);
     // determine fixed-inputs
     $fixed_version_id = 0;
     if ($fixed_version == 0 || $status != 'fixed') {
     } else {
         @(list(, $fixed_version_id) = explode(',', $fixed_version));
     // check for errors
     if (!$entry->check('create')) {
         return $entry->errors();
     // create the object
     // update config
     $db->update(TDL_TB_CONFIG, ' WHERE is_selected = 1', array('last_start_version' => $start_version_id, 'last_fixed_version' => $fixed_version_id, 'last_category' => $category, 'last_type' => $type, 'last_priority' => $priority, 'last_status' => $status));
     $url = new TDL_URL();
     $this->add_link($locale->_('Back'), $url->set(TDL_URL_ACTION, 'view_entries'));
     $this->set_success_msg('Der Eintrag wurde erfolgreich erstellt!');
     $this->set_redirect(true, TDL_URL::get_entry_url());
     return '';
 public function perform_action()
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $pid = $input->get_var('id', 'get', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     if ($pid == null) {
         return '';
     if ($input->isset_var('add', 'post')) {
         $type = $input->correct_var('add_type', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING, array('min', 'max'), 'min');
         $name = $input->get_var('add_name', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
         $version = $input->get_var('add_version', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
         if ($name == '') {
             return 'Please specify the name of the component';
         if ($version == '') {
             return 'Please specify the version';
         PC_DAO::get_projects()->add_req($pid, $type, $name, $version);
     } else {
         $name = $input->get_var('name', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
         $start_day = $input->get_var('start_day', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
         $start_month = $input->get_var('start_month', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
         $start_year = $input->get_var('start_year', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
         $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day, $start_year);
         $projdeps = $input->get_var('projdeps', 'post');
         $report_argret_strictly = $input->isset_var('report_argret_strictly', 'post');
         $edit_type = $input->get_var('edit_type', 'post');
         $edit_name = $input->get_var('edit_name', 'post');
         $edit_version = $input->get_var('edit_version', 'post');
         $proj = PC_DAO::get_projects()->get_by_id($pid);
         if (!$proj) {
             return '';
         if ($name == '') {
             return 'Please specify the project name';
         $proj->set_project_deps(is_array($projdeps) ? array_keys($projdeps) : array());
         $req = $proj->get_req();
         foreach ($req as &$r) {
             $r['type'] = $edit_type[$r['id']];
             $r['name'] = $edit_name[$r['id']];
             $r['version'] = $edit_version[$r['id']];
     $this->set_success_msg('The version has been added');
     $this->set_redirect(true, PC_URL::get_mod_url('edit_project')->set('id', $pid));
     return '';
Beispiel #13
  * @see FWS_Module::init()
  * @param FWS_Document $doc
 public function init($doc)
     $renderer = $doc->use_default_renderer();
     $renderer->add_breadcrumb('Statement scanner', PC_URL::build_mod_url('stmtscan'));
     // init submodule
     if (FWS_Props::get()->project() === null) {
         $this->report_error(FWS_Document_Messages::ERROR, 'Please create and select a project first!');
  * Constructor
  * @param string $module your module-name
  * @param array $subs the sub-module names that are possible
  * @param string $default the default sub-module
 public function __construct($module, $subs = array(), $default = 'default')
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     if (count($subs) == 0) {
         FWS_Helper::error('Please provide the possible submodules of this module!');
     $sub = $input->correct_var('sub', 'get', FWS_Input::STRING, $subs, $default);
     // include the sub-module and create it
     include_once FWS_Path::server_app() . 'module/' . $module . '/sub_' . $sub . '.php';
     $classname = 'PC_SubModule_' . $module . '_' . $sub;
     $this->sub = new $classname();
Beispiel #15
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $cookies = FWS_Props::get()->cookies();
     $file = $input->get_var('file', -1, FWS_Input::STRING);
     $msg = $input->get_var('msg', -1, FWS_Input::STRING);
     $types = $input->get_var('types', -1);
     if (!FWS_Array_Utils::is_numeric($types)) {
         $types = array();
     $url = PC_URL::get_mod_url();
     $url->set('file', $file);
     $url->set('msg', $msg);
     if (count($types)) {
         $url->set('types', $types);
     $surl = clone $url;
     $pagination = new PC_Pagination(PC_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE, PC_DAO::get_errors()->get_count_with($file, $msg, $types));
     $start = $pagination->get_start();
     $errs = array();
     $errors = PC_DAO::get_errors()->get_list(PC_Project::CURRENT_ID, $start, PC_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE, $file, $msg, $types);
     foreach ($errors as $err) {
         /* @var $err PC_Obj_Error */
         $url = PC_URL::get_mod_url('file');
         $url->set('path', $err->get_loc()->get_file());
         $url->set('line', $err->get_loc()->get_line());
         $url->set_anchor('l' . $err->get_loc()->get_line());
         $errs[] = array('id' => $err->get_id(), 'type' => PC_Obj_Error::get_type_name($err->get_type()), 'message' => $this->get_msg($err), 'file' => $err->get_loc()->get_file(), 'line' => $err->get_loc()->get_line(), 'fileurl' => $url->to_url(), 'typeurl' => PC_URL::get_mod_url()->set('types', array($err->get_type()))->to_url());
     $typecbs = array();
     $row = -1;
     $i = 0;
     $error_types = PC_Obj_Error::get_types();
     foreach ($error_types as $type => $name) {
         if ($i % 4 == 0) {
             $typecbs[++$row] = array();
         $typecbs[$row][] = array('name' => 'types[' . $type . ']', 'selected' => count($types) == 0 || in_array($type, $types), 'value' => $type, 'text' => $name);
     for ($i = $i % 4; $i < 4; $i++) {
         $typecbs[$row][] = array('name' => '');
     $callurl = PC_URL::get_mod_url('filepart');
     $callurl->set('id', '__ID__');
     $callurl->set('type', 'error');
     $tpl->add_variables(array('errors' => $errs, 'search_target' => $surl->to_url(), 'display_search' => $cookies->get_cookie('error_search') ? 'block' : 'none', 'cookie_name' => $cookies->get_prefix() . 'error_search', 'file' => $file, 'msg' => $msg, 'typecbs' => $typecbs, 'get_code_url' => $callurl->to_url()));
Beispiel #16
 public function perform_action()
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $pid = $input->get_var('project', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     if ($pid < 0) {
         return 'Invalid project-id';
     return '';
Beispiel #17
     * @see FWS_Module::run()
    public function run()
        $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
        $db = FWS_Props::get()->db();
        $versions = FWS_Props::get()->versions();
        $functions = FWS_Props::get()->functions();
        $user = FWS_Props::get()->user();
        $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
        $id = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_ID, 'get');
        if ($id == null) {
        $data = $db->get_row('SELECT e.*,c.category_name FROM ' . TDL_TB_ENTRIES . ' e
			 LEFT JOIN ' . TDL_TB_CATEGORIES . ' c ON entry_category = c.id
			 WHERE e.id = ' . $id);
        if ($data['id'] == '') {
        $start_version = $versions->get_element($data['entry_start_version']);
        $fixed_date = '-';
        $fixed_version = '-';
        if ($data['entry_fixed_date'] > 0) {
            $fixed_date = FWS_Date::get_date($data['entry_fixed_date']);
            if ($data['entry_fixed_version'] > 0) {
                $version = $versions->get_element($data['entry_fixed_version']);
            } else {
                $version = $versions->get_element($data['entry_start_version']);
            $fixed_version = $version['version_name'];
        if ($data['entry_info_link'] != '') {
            $info_link = '<a class="tl_main" target="_blank" href="' . $data['entry_info_link'] . '">';
            $info_link .= $data['entry_info_link'] . '</a>';
        } else {
            $info_link = '-';
        if ($data['entry_description'] != '') {
            $desc = nl2br($data['entry_description']);
        } else {
            $desc = '-';
        $type_text = $functions->get_type_text($data['entry_type']);
        $type = '<img src="' . $user->get_theme_item_path('images/type/' . $data['entry_type'] . '.gif') . '" align="top"';
        $type .= ' alt="' . $type_text . '" title="' . $type_text . '" />&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $type_text;
        $prio_text = $functions->get_priority_text($data['entry_priority']);
        $prio = '<img src="' . $user->get_theme_item_path('images/priority/' . $data['entry_priority'] . '.png') . '" align="top"';
        $prio .= ' alt="' . $prio_text . '" title="' . $prio_text . '" />&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $prio_text;
        $tpl->add_variables(array('project_name' => $start_version['project_name'], 'category_name' => $data['category_name'], 'priority' => $prio, 'id' => $data['id'], 'type' => $type, 'status' => $functions->get_status_text($data['entry_status']), 'status_class' => 'tl_status_' . $data['entry_status'], 'title' => $data['entry_title'], 'start_date' => FWS_Date::get_date($data['entry_start_date']), 'start_version' => $start_version['version_name'], 'fixed_date' => $fixed_date, 'fixed_version' => $fixed_version, 'changed_date' => FWS_Date::get_date($data['entry_changed_date']), 'description' => $desc, 'info_link' => $info_link));
Beispiel #18
  * Helper to get the project-id to use for the database
  * @param int $pid the project-id you have
  * @return int the real project-id to use
 public static function get_project_id($pid)
     $project = FWS_Props::get()->project();
     if ($pid == PC_Project::PHPREF_ID) {
         return $pid;
     if ($pid == PC_Project::CURRENT_ID) {
         if ($project === null) {
             return PC_Project::PHPREF_ID;
         return $project->get_id();
     return $pid;
Beispiel #19
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $db = FWS_Props::get()->db();
     $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
     $num = $db->get_row_count(TDL_TB_PROJECTS, 'id', '');
     $tpl->add_variables(array('num' => $num));
     $projects = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($db->get_rows('SELECT * FROM ' . TDL_TB_PROJECTS . ' ORDER BY id DESC') as $data) {
         $projects[] = array('title' => $data['project_name'], 'shortcut' => $data['project_name_short'], 'start' => FWS_Date::get_date($data['project_start'], false), 'index' => $i++, 'id' => $data['id']);
     $tpl->add_variable_ref('projects', $projects);
     $tpl->add_variables(array('index' => $i));
 public function perform_action()
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $pid = $input->get_var('id', 'get', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     $vid = $input->get_var('vid', 'get', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     if ($pid == null || $vid == null) {
         return TDL_GENERAL_ERROR;
     $this->set_success_msg('The requirement has been deleted');
     $this->set_redirect(true, PC_URL::get_mod_url('edit_project')->set('id', $pid));
     return '';
Beispiel #21
 public function run($args)
     $project = FWS_Props::get()->project();
     $options = new PC_Engine_Options();
     foreach ($project->get_project_deps() as $pid) {
     $types = new PC_Engine_TypeContainer($options);
     $storage = new PC_Engine_TypeStorage_DB();
     $env = new PC_Engine_Env($options, $types, $storage);
     $fin = new PC_Engine_TypeFinalizer($env);
Beispiel #22
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $doc = FWS_Props::get()->doc();
     $id = $input->get_var('id', 'get', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     $type = $input->correct_var('type', 'get', FWS_Input::STRING, array('call', 'var', 'func', 'const', 'error'), 'call');
     if ($id === null) {
     $loc = null;
     switch ($type) {
         case 'call':
             $loc = PC_DAO::get_calls()->get_by_id($id);
         case 'var':
             $loc = PC_DAO::get_vars()->get_by_id($id);
         case 'func':
             $loc = PC_DAO::get_functions()->get_by_id($id);
         case 'const':
             $loc = PC_DAO::get_constants()->get_by_id($id);
         case 'error':
             $loc = PC_DAO::get_errors()->get_by_id($id);
             if ($loc === null) {
             $loc = $loc->get_loc();
     if (!is_file($loc->get_file())) {
     $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($loc->get_file()));
     $start_line = max(1, $loc->get_line() - 4);
     $end_line = min(count($lines), $loc->get_line() + 2);
     $code = '';
     for ($i = $start_line; $i <= $end_line; $i++) {
         $code .= $lines[$i - 1] . "\n";
     $code = PC_Utils::highlight_string($code, $start_line, $loc->get_line(), false);
     $renderer = $doc->use_raw_renderer();
Beispiel #23
 public function run($args)
     $project = FWS_Props::get()->project();
     $options = new PC_Engine_Options();
     foreach ($project->get_project_deps() as $pid) {
     foreach ($project->get_req() as $r) {
         if ($r['type'] == 'min') {
             $options->add_min_req($r['name'], $r['version']);
         } else {
             $options->add_max_req($r['name'], $r['version']);
     $env = new PC_Engine_Env($options);
     $ascanner = new PC_Engine_StmtScannerFrontend($env);
     $msgs = array();
     foreach ($args as $file) {
         try {
         } catch (PC_Engine_Exception $e) {
             $msgs[] = $e->__toString();
     if (count($env->get_types()->get_calls())) {
     foreach ($env->get_errors()->get() as $err) {
     foreach ($ascanner->get_vars() as $vars) {
         foreach ($vars as $var) {
     // write messages to shared data
     $mutex = new FWS_MutexFile(PC_CLI_MUTEX_FILE);
     $data = unserialize($mutex->read());
     /* @var $data PC_JobData */
Beispiel #24
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $user = FWS_Props::get()->user();
     $jobm = new FWS_Job_Manager();
     foreach ($user->get_session_data('job_commands', array()) as $cmd) {
         $jobm->add_job(new FWS_Job_Data($cmd));
     if (($fin = $user->get_session_data('job_finalizer', '')) != '') {
         $jobm->set_finalizer(new FWS_Job_Data($fin));
Beispiel #25
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $line = $input->get_var('line', 'get', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     if (!isset($_GET['path'])) {
     $path = urldecode($_GET['path']);
     if (PC_DAO::get_classes()->get_count_for_file($path) == 0 && PC_DAO::get_calls()->get_count_for($path) == 0) {
     $source = PC_Utils::highlight_file($path, $line);
     $tpl->add_variables(array('source' => $source));
 public function perform_action()
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $db = FWS_Props::get()->db();
     $cats = FWS_Props::get()->cats();
     $versions = FWS_Props::get()->versions();
     $locale = FWS_Props::get()->locale();
     $pid = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_ID, 'get');
     if ($pid == null) {
         return TDL_GENERAL_ERROR;
     $project_name = $input->get_var('project_name', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $project_name_short = $input->get_var('project_name_short', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $start_day = $input->get_var('start_day', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     $start_month = $input->get_var('start_month', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     $start_year = $input->get_var('start_year', 'post', FWS_Input::INTEGER);
     $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day, $start_year);
     $project = new TDL_Objects_Project(TDL_TB_PROJECTS);
     if (!$project->check('update')) {
         return $project->errors();
     $nversions = $input->get_var('version', 'post');
     if (is_array($nversions)) {
         foreach ($nversions as $id => $version_name) {
             $db->execute('UPDATE ' . TDL_TB_VERSIONS . " SET version_name = '" . $version_name . "' WHERE id = " . $id);
             $versions->set_element_field($id, 'version_name', $version_name);
     $categories = $input->get_var('category', 'post');
     if (is_array($categories)) {
         foreach ($categories as $id => $category_name) {
             $db->execute('UPDATE ' . TDL_TB_CATEGORIES . " SET category_name = '" . $category_name . "' WHERE id = " . $id);
             $cats->set_element_field($id, 'category_name', $category_name);
     $this->set_success_msg($locale->_('The project has been edited successfully'));
     $this->set_redirect(true, TDL_URL::get_mod_url('edit_project')->set(TDL_URL_MODE, 'edit')->set(TDL_URL_ID, $pid));
     return '';
 public function perform_action()
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $user = FWS_Props::get()->user();
     $folderstr = $input->get_var('folders', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $exclstr = $input->get_var('exclude', 'post', FWS_Input::STRING);
     $files = array();
     $folders = FWS_Array_Utils::advanced_explode("\n", $folderstr);
     $excl = FWS_Array_Utils::advanced_explode("\n", $exclstr);
     // determine files to scan
     foreach ($folders as $folder) {
         $folder = trim($folder);
         if (is_file($folder)) {
             $files[] = $folder;
         } else {
             foreach (FWS_FileUtils::get_list($folder, true, true) as $item) {
                 if (!$this->is_excluded($item, $excl)) {
                     $files[] = $item;
     // clear position, just to be sure
     $storage = new FWS_Progress_Storage_Session('ptypescan_');
     // store in session
     $user->set_session_data('typescan_files', $files);
     // store in project
     $project = FWS_Props::get()->project();
     // clear previous data in the db
     PC_DAO::get_errors()->delete_by_type(PC_Obj_Error::get_types_of(PC_Obj_Error::R_TYPESCANNER), $project->get_id());
     $this->set_redirect(true, PC_URL::get_submod_url(0, 'cliscan'));
     return '';
Beispiel #28
  * @see FWS_Module::run()
 public function run()
     $doc = FWS_Props::get()->doc();
     $renderer = $doc->use_raw_renderer();
     // read from file
     $mutex = new FWS_MutexFile(PC_CLI_MUTEX_FILE);
     $data = unserialize($mutex->read());
     /* @var $data PC_JobData */
     $res = $data->get_done() . ';';
     if (count($data->get_errors())) {
         $res .= '<div style="text-align: left; padding-left: 3em;"><ul>';
         foreach ($data->get_errors() as $err) {
             $res .= '<li>' . $err . '</li>';
         $res .= '</ul></div>';
 public function perform_action()
     $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
     $db = FWS_Props::get()->db();
     $cats = FWS_Props::get()->cats();
     $locale = FWS_Props::get()->locale();
     $id = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_SID, 'get');
     if ($id == null) {
         return TDL_GENERAL_ERROR;
     $db->execute('DELETE FROM ' . TDL_TB_CATEGORIES . ' WHERE id = ' . $id);
     $db->execute('UPDATE ' . TDL_TB_ENTRIES . ' SET entry_category = 0 WHERE entry_category = ' . $id);
     $pid = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_ID, 'get');
     $this->set_success_msg($locale->_('The category has been deleted'));
     $this->set_redirect(true, TDL_URL::get_mod_url('edit_project')->set(TDL_URL_MODE, 'edit')->set(TDL_URL_ID, $pid));
     return '';
    public function perform_action()
        $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
        $db = FWS_Props::get()->db();
        $versions = FWS_Props::get()->versions();
        $locale = FWS_Props::get()->locale();
        $pid = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_ID, 'get');
        if ($pid == null) {
            return TDL_GENERAL_ERROR;
        $db->execute('INSERT INTO ' . TDL_TB_VERSIONS . ' (version_name,project_id)
			 VALUES (\'\',' . $pid . ')');
        $id = $db->get_inserted_id();
        $versions->add_element(array('id' => $id, 'version_name' => '', 'project_id' => $pid), $id);
        $this->set_success_msg($locale->_('The version has been added'));
        $this->set_redirect(true, TDL_URL::get_mod_url('edit_project')->set(TDL_URL_MODE, 'edit')->set(TDL_URL_ID, $pid));
        return '';