Beispiel #1
  * Return the Pagination lib config array
  * @param FTL_Binding $tag
  * @return array
 public static function get_pagination_config(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $pagination_config = array();
     // CSS class / id
     $html_class = $tag->getAttribute('class');
     if (!is_null($html_class)) {
         $html_class = ' class="' . $html_class . '" ';
     $html_id = $tag->getAttribute('id');
     if (!is_null($html_id)) {
         $html_id = ' class="' . $html_id . '" ';
     $cf = Theme::get_theme_path() . 'config/pagination' . '.php';
     if (!is_file($cf)) {
         $cf = APPPATH . 'config/pagination' . '.php';
     if (is_file($cf)) {
         $config = array();
         require $cf;
         $pagination_config = $config['pagination'];
     // Pagination config from tag
     if (!is_null($ptag = $tag->getAttribute('full_tag'))) {
         $pagination_config['full_tag_open'] = '<' . $ptag . $html_id . $html_class . '>';
         $pagination_config['full_tag_close'] = '</' . $ptag . '>';
     if (!is_null($ptag = $tag->getAttribute('first_tag'))) {
         $pagination_config['first_tag_open'] = '<' . $ptag . '>';
         $pagination_config['first_tag_close'] = '</' . $ptag . '>';
     if (!is_null($ptag = $tag->getAttribute('last_tag'))) {
         $pagination_config['last_tag_open'] = '<' . $ptag . '>';
         $pagination_config['last_tag_close'] = '</' . $ptag . '>';
     if (!is_null($ptag = $tag->getAttribute('cur_tag'))) {
         $pagination_config['cur_tag_open'] = '<' . $ptag . '>';
         $pagination_config['cur_tag_close'] = '</' . $ptag . '>';
     if (!is_null($ptag = $tag->getAttribute('next_tag'))) {
         $pagination_config['next_tag_open'] = '<' . $ptag . '>';
         $pagination_config['next_tag_close'] = '</' . $ptag . '>';
     if (!is_null($ptag = $tag->getAttribute('prev_tag'))) {
         $pagination_config['prev_tag_open'] = '<' . $ptag . '>';
         $pagination_config['prev_tag_close'] = '</' . $ptag . '>';
     if (!is_null($ptag = $tag->getAttribute('num_tag'))) {
         $pagination_config['num_tag_open'] = '<' . $ptag . '>';
         $pagination_config['num_tag_close'] = '</' . $ptag . '>';
     return $pagination_config;
Beispiel #2
  * @param FTL_Binding $tag
  * @return string
 public static function tag_authority_can(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $action = $tag->getAttribute('action');
     $resource = $tag->getAttribute('resource');
     if (empty($action) && empty($resource)) {
         return self::show_tag_error($tag, 'Feed the "action" and "resource" attributes');
     if (Authority::can($action, $resource)) {
         return $tag->expand();
     } else {
         // Else
     return '';
Beispiel #3
  * Check one session value
  * Optionally, can check for one value AND set another value.
  * In this case, the check will return TRUE and set the value after
  * @usage	<ion:session var="session_var_name" is="session_var_value" [set="new_session_var_value"] >
  *			...
  *			</ion:session>
 public static function check(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $var = $tag->getAttribute('var');
     $is = $tag->getAttribute('is');
     $set = $tag->getAttribute('set');
     if (self::is_allowed($var) == TRUE) {
         if ($is !== FALSE) {
             if (self::$ci->session->userdata($var) == $is) {
                 if ($set != FALSE) {
                     self::$ci->session->set_userdata($var, $set);
                 return $tag->expand();
Beispiel #4
  * Displays the form
  * Inherits from TagManager_Form the form displaying methods
  * so the view can be slightly the same than the one used for one classical form
  * @param FTL_Binding $tag
  * @return string
 public static function tag_form(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $ajax = $tag->getAttribute('ajax');
     // Ajax form
     if ($ajax == TRUE) {
         // Get form string
         $str = parent::tag_form($tag);
         // No JS  The user will add the JS part in his own JS script
         $nojs = $tag->getAttribute('nojs');
         $form_name = $tag->getAttribute('name');
         $form_submit_id = $tag->getAttribute('submit');
         // $error_tag = $tag->getAttribute('error_tag');
         // $error_tag_class = $tag->getAttribute('error_tag_class');
         // Module settings
         self::$config = Modules()->get_module_config('Ajaxform');
         if (!$nojs) {
             // Add the JS part of the module
             if ($form_name && $form_submit_id) {
                 $data = array('form_name' => $form_name, 'form_submit_id' => $form_submit_id, 'url' => base_url() . Settings::get_lang() . '/' . self::$config['uri'] . '/post');
                 $str .= self::$ci->load->view('ajaxform_js', $data, TRUE);
             } else {
                 log_message('error', 'Ajaxform ERROR : Set the name & submit attributes of the <ion:form name="formName" submit="submitButtonID"> tag');
         return $str;
     } else {
         return parent::tag_form($tag);
Beispiel #5
  * Returns one article's author
  * @param 	FTL_Binding
  * @return 	string
  * @usage	<ion:article:user [who='updater']>
  * 				<ion:name />
  *				<ion:email />
  *				<ion:join_date />
  * 				...
  * 			</ion:article:user>
 public static function tag_writer(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $parent_tag_name = $tag->getParentName();
     $element = $tag->get($parent_tag_name);
     $user_key = $tag->getAttribute('who', 'author');
     if (!is_null($element) && isset($element[$user_key])) {
         $user = self::$ci->user_model->get(array('username' => $element[$user_key]));
         $tag->set('writer', $user);
     return self::wrap($tag, $tag->expand());
Beispiel #6
  * Returns the categories
  * @param	FTL_Binding
  * @param	array/null
  * @return	array
 public static function get_categories(FTL_Binding $tag)
     // Categories model
     // Current page
     $page = $tag->get('page');
     // Local storage key
     $lsk = '__all__';
     // Get the local cache data
     $element_name = $tag->getParentName();
     $element = $tag->get($element_name);
     if (!is_null($element)) {
         $lsk = '__' . $element_name . '__' . $element['name'];
     // Set the local cache data
     if (!isset(self::$categories[$lsk])) {
         // CSS class to use for the current category
         $active_class = $tag->getAttribute('active_class', 'active');
         // Asked category
         $asked_category_name = self::get_asked_category_uri();
         // Check if the element has one category array (eg. for Articles)
         if (isset($element['categories'])) {
             $categories = $element['categories'];
             // Fix the 'nb' key (nb_articles using this category)
             foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
                 $categories[$key]['nb'] = '1';
         } else {
             if ($element_name == 'page') {
                 $id_page = !is_null($page) ? $page['id_page'] : NULL;
             } else {
                 $id_page = NULL;
             $categories = self::$ci->category_model->get_categories_list($id_page, Settings::get_lang());
         $page_url = !is_null($page) ? trim($page['absolute_url'], '/') . '/' : Pages::get_home_page_url();
         $category_uri_segment = self::get_config_special_uri_segment('category');
         // Add the URL to the category to each category row
         // Also add the active class
         foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
             $categories[$key]['url'] = $page_url . $category_uri_segment . '/' . $category['name'];
             $categories[$key]['lang_url'] = $page_url . $category_uri_segment . '/' . $category['name'];
             // Active category ?
             $categories[$key]['active_class'] = $category['name'] == $asked_category_name ? $active_class : '';
             $categories[$key]['is_active'] = !empty($categories[$key]['active_class']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
         self::$categories[$lsk] = array_values($categories);
     return self::$categories[$lsk];
Beispiel #7
  * Evaluates one expression
  * @param FTL_Binding
  * @param $expression
  * @return bool|null		TRUE if the evaluation returns TRUE
  * 							FALSE if the evaluation returns FALSE
  * 							NULL if the evaluation can't be done (error in expression or $value NULL)
 protected static function eval_expression(FTL_Binding $tag, $expression)
     // Result and return
     $return = NULL;
     $result = FALSE;
     // If no key, we compare the value of the tag name
     $keys = $tag->getAttribute('key');
     if (is_null($keys)) {
         $keys = $tag->name;
     // Make an array from keys
     $keys = explode(',', $keys);
     $test_value = NULL;
     foreach ($keys as $idx => $key) {
         $key = trim($key);
         // 1. Try to get the value from tag's data array
         $value = $tag->getValue($key);
         $expression = str_replace('.gt', '>', $expression);
         $expression = str_replace('.lt', '<', $expression);
         $expression = str_replace('.eq', '==', $expression);
         $expression = str_replace('.neq', '!=', $expression);
         // Not convinced...
         // $expression = str_replace('.leqt', '<=', $expression);
         // $expression = str_replace('.geqt', '>=', $expression);
         // 2. Fall down to to tag's locals
         if (is_null($value)) {
             $value = $tag->get($key);
         if ($idx == 0 && strpos($expression, $key) === FALSE) {
             $expression = $key . $expression;
         $test_value = (!$value == (string) (double) $value or is_null($value) or $value == '') ? "'" . $value . "'" : $value;
         // if (gettype($test_value) == 'string' && $test_value == '') $test_value = "'".$test_value."'";
         $expression = str_replace($key, $test_value, $expression);
     // If at least one tested value was not NULL
     if (!is_null($test_value)) {
         $return = @eval("\$result = (" . $expression . ") ? TRUE : FALSE;");
     if ($return === NULL or is_null($test_value)) {
         if ($result) {
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             return FALSE;
     } else {
         return NULL;
Beispiel #8
  * Author tag
  * @param		FTL_Binding		Tag object
  * @return		String			Tag attribute or ''
  * @usage		<ion:demo:authors>
  *					<ion:author field="name" />
  * 				</ion:demo:authors>
 public static function tag_author(FTL_Binding $tag)
     // Returns the field value or NULL if the attribute is not set
     $field = $tag->getAttribute('field');
     if (!is_null($field)) {
         // Get the local tag var "author"
         $author = $tag->get('author');
         if (!empty($author[$field])) {
             return self::output_value($tag, $author[$field]);
     // Here we have the choice :
     // - Ether return nothing if the field attribute isn't set or doesn't exist
     // - Ether silently return ''
     return self::show_tag_error($tag, 'The attribute <b>"field"</b> is not set or the field doesn\'t exists.');
     // return '';
Beispiel #9
  * Processes one string by adding text helper attributes
  * @param	FTL_Binding 	$tag
  * @param	String			$value
  * @usage	<ion:content />
 public function process_string(FTL_Binding $tag, $value)
     // paragraph & words limit ?
     $paragraph = $tag->getAttribute('paragraph');
     $words = $tag->getAttribute('words');
     $chars = $tag->getAttribute('characters');
     $ellipsize = $tag->getAttribute('ellipsize');
     // Limit to x paragraph if the attribute is set
     if (!is_null($paragraph)) {
         $value = tag_limiter($value, 'p', intval($paragraph));
     // Limit to x words
     if (!is_null($words)) {
         $value = word_limiter($value, $words);
     // Limit to x characters
     if (!is_null($chars)) {
         $value = character_limiter($value, $chars);
     // Ellipsize the text
     // See :
     if (!is_null($ellipsize)) {
         $ellipsize = explode(',', $ellipsize);
         if (!isset($ellipsize[0])) {
             $ellipsize[0] = 32;
         if (!isset($ellipsize[1])) {
             $ellipsize[1] = 0.5;
         if (floatval($ellipsize[1]) > 0.99) {
             $ellipsize[1] = 0.99;
         $value = ellipsize($value, intval($ellipsize[0]), floatval($ellipsize[1]));
     return $value;
Beispiel #10
  * Languages tag
  * @param	FTL_Binding
  * @return 	null|string
  * @usage	<ion:languages [helper="helper:helper_method"]>
  * 				...
  * 			<ion:languages>
 public static function tag_languages(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $languages = Authority::can('access', 'admin') && Settings::get('display_front_offline_content') == 1 ? Settings::get_languages() : Settings::get_online_languages();
     $page = self::registry('page');
     $article = self::registry('article');
     // Current active language class
     $active_class = $tag->getAttribute('active_class', 'active');
     // Ignore current language in output
     $ignore_current = $tag->getAttribute('ignore_current');
     // helper
     $helper = $tag->getAttribute('helper');
     $str = '';
     $tag->set('count', count($languages));
     foreach ($languages as $idx => &$lang) {
         $lang_code = $lang['lang'];
         $p_data = $page['languages'][$lang_code];
         if ($ignore_current == TRUE && $lang_code == Settings::get_lang('current')) {
         // Correct the Home page URL
         if ($p_data['online'] == 1 or $p_data['online'] == 0 && Authority::can('access', 'admin') && Settings::get('display_front_offline_content') == 1) {
             if ($page['home'] != 1) {
                 $lang['absolute_url'] = !empty($page['absolute_urls'][$lang_code]) ? $page['absolute_urls'][$lang_code] : base_url() . $lang_code;
             } else {
                 $lang['absolute_url'] = base_url() . $lang_code;
         } else {
             $lang['absolute_url'] = NULL;
         $lang['active_class'] = $lang_code == Settings::get_lang('current') ? $active_class : '';
         $lang['is_active'] = $lang_code == Settings::get_lang('current');
         $lang['id'] = $lang_code;
         if (!is_null($article)) {
             $a_data = $article['languages'][$lang_code];
             if (!is_null($a_data['url']) && $a_data['online'] == 1 or $a_data['online'] == 0 && Authority::can('access', 'admin') && Settings::get('display_front_offline_content') == 1) {
                 if ($page['home'] != 1) {
                     $lang['absolute_url'] .= '/' . $a_data['url'];
                 } else {
                     $lang['absolute_url'] .= '/' . $page['urls'][$lang_code] . '/' . $a_data['url'];
             } else {
                 $lang['absolute_url'] = NULL;
         // Tag locals
         $tag->set('language', $lang);
         $tag->set('id', $lang_code);
         $tag->set('absolute_url', $lang['absolute_url']);
         $tag->set('active_class', $lang['active_class']);
         $tag->set('is_active', $lang['is_active']);
         $tag->set('index', $idx);
         if (!is_null($lang['absolute_url'])) {
             $str .= $tag->expand();
     // Try to return the helper function result
     if ($str != '' && !is_null($helper)) {
         $helper_function = substr(strrchr($helper, ':'), 1) ? substr(strrchr($helper, ':'), 1) : 'get_language_navigation';
         $helper = strpos($helper, ':') !== FALSE ? substr($helper, 0, strpos($helper, ':')) : $helper;
         if (function_exists($helper_function)) {
             $nav = call_user_func($helper_function, $languages);
             return self::wrap($tag, $nav);
     return self::wrap($tag, $str);
Beispiel #11
  * Find and parses the article view
  * @param 	FTL_Binding
  * @param   array
  * @return string
 private static function find_and_parse_article_view(FTL_Binding $tag, $article)
     // Registered page
     $page = self::registry('page');
     // Local articles
     $articles = $tag->get('articles');
     // Try to get the view defined for article
     $tag_view = $tag->getAttribute('view');
     $article_view = !is_null($tag_view) ? $tag_view : (!empty($article['view']) ? $article['view'] : NULL);
     if (!is_null($article_view)) {
         // Force first the view defined by the tag
         if (!is_null($tag_view)) {
             $article['view'] = $tag_view;
         } else {
             if (count($articles) == 1) {
                 $article['view'] = $page['article_view'];
             } else {
                 $article['view'] = $page['article_list_view'];
     // Default article view
     if (empty($article['view'])) {
         $article['view'] = Theme::get_default_view('article');
     // View path
     $view_path = Theme::get_theme_path() . 'views/' . $article['view'] . EXT;
     // Return the Ionize default's theme view
     if (!file_exists($view_path)) {
         $view_path = Theme::get_theme_path() . 'views/' . Theme::get_default_view('article') . EXT;
         if (!file_exists($view_path)) {
             $view_path = APPPATH . 'views/' . Theme::get_default_view('article') . EXT;
     return $tag->parse_as_nested(file_get_contents($view_path));
Beispiel #12
  * Browser check
  * Checks the browser and display or not the tag content reagarding the result.
  * @param  	FTL_Binding		Tag
  * @usage	<ion:browser method="is_browser|is_mobile|is_robot|..." value="Safari|Firefox..." is="true|false">
  *				...
  *			</ion:browser>
  * @see
  *			for the method list
 public static function tag_browser(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $method = $tag->getAttribute('method');
     $value = $tag->getAttribute('value');
     $is = $tag->getAttribute('is');
     $result = NULL;
     if (!is_null($method)) {
         if (!is_null($value)) {
             $result = self::$ci->agent->{$method}($value);
         } else {
             $result = self::$ci->agent->{$method}();
     if (is_bool($is) && $result == $is) {
         return $tag->expand();
Beispiel #13
  * @param FTL_Binding $tag
  * @return string
 public function tag_media(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $parentName = $tag->getDataParentName();
     // Standalone tag : Only one media is wished
     if ($parentName != 'medias') {
         $index = $tag->getAttribute('index', 0);
         $medias = $media = NULL;
         // Try to find medias
         if (!is_null($parentName)) {
             $medias = $tag->getParent()->getValue('medias', $parentName);
         } else {
             $article = self::registry('article');
             $page = self::registry('page');
             if (!empty($article['medias'])) {
                 $medias = $article['medias'];
             } else {
                 if (!empty($page['medias'])) {
                     $medias = $article['medias'];
         // Filter them, as usual
         if (!empty($medias)) {
             $medias = self::filter_medias($tag, $medias);
         // Set the asked media
         if (!empty($medias) && isset($medias[$index])) {
             $tag->set('media', $medias[$index]);
     return $tag->expand();
Beispiel #14
  * Expands the children if the user is logged in.
  * @param FTL_Binding $tag
  * @return string
 public static function tag_user_logged(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $is = $tag->getAttribute('is');
     if (is_null($is)) {
         $is = TRUE;
     if (User()->logged_in() == $is) {
         if (self::$trigger_else > 0) {
         return $tag->expand();
     } else {
         return '';
Beispiel #15
  * Search results tag
  * Parent tag for results
  * @param	FTL_Binding
  * @return 	string
  * @usage	<ion:search:results>
 public static function tag_search_results(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $str = '';
     // POST realm
     $realm = $tag->get('realm');
     $tag->set('count', 0);
     if ($realm !== FALSE && $realm != '') {
         // Get the results
         if (is_null(self::$_articles)) {
             // Loads the serach module model
             self::$ci->load->model('search_model', '', TRUE);
             $articles = self::$ci->search_model->get_articles($realm);
             if (!empty($articles)) {
                 // arrays of keys, for multisorting
                 $knum = $kdate = array();
                 $unique = array();
                 foreach ($articles as $key => &$article) {
                     // remove duplicates
                     if (!in_array($article['id_article'], $unique)) {
                         $unique[] = $article['id_article'];
                         // set number of found words
                         preg_match_all('#' . $realm . '#i', $article['title'] . ' ' . $article['content'], $match);
                         $num = count($match[0]);
                         $article['nb_words'] = $knum[$key] = $num;
                         $kdate[$key] = strtotime($article['date']);
                     } else {
                 // Sort the results by realm occurences DESC first, by date DESC second.
                 array_multisort($knum, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC, $kdate, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC, $articles);
             // Init the articles URLs
             // Adds the page URL to each article
             self::$_articles = $articles;
         // Add the number of result to the tag data
         $count = count(self::$_articles);
         $tag->set('count', $count);
         $tag->set('results', self::$_articles);
         foreach (self::$_articles as $key => $_article) {
             // The tag should at least do 1 expand to get the child "loop" attribute
             if ($tag->getAttribute('loop') === FALSE) {
                 return $tag->expand();
             } else {
                 $tag->set('result', $_article);
                 $tag->set('count', $count);
                 $tag->set('index', $key);
                 $str .= $tag->expand();
     // Expand the tag if no articles : Allows the children tags to be processed even not results were found
     // Must not be done if articles or this add one unwanted expand.
     if (empty(self::$_articles)) {
         $str .= $tag->expand();
     return $str;
Beispiel #16
  * Element's items tag
  * @param FTL_Binding $tag
  * @return string
  * @usage   With "stickers" as your definition name :
  * 			<ion:static:stickers:items />
 public static function tag_static_items(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $return = $tag->getAttribute('return');
     $str = '';
     // Limit ?
     $limit = $tag->getAttribute('limit') ? (int) $tag->getAttribute('limit') : FALSE;
     $items = $tag->get('items');
     $tag->set('count', 0);
     // Process the elements
     if (!empty($items)) {
         if (is_null($return)) {
             $count = count($items);
             $limit = ($limit == FALSE or $limit > $count) ? $count : $limit;
             $tag->set('count', $limit);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) {
                 $item = $items[$i];
                 // item : One element instance
                 $tag->set('item', $item);
                 $tag->set('index', $i + 1);
                 $tag->set('count', $limit);
                 $str .= $tag->expand();
             $str = self::wrap($tag, $str);
         } else {
             if ($return == 'json') {
                 // Ugly process of links in case
                 // of link type extend fields
                 // @todo: rewrite
                 self::$ci->load->model('extend_fields_model', '', TRUE);
                 if (count(Settings::get_online_languages()) > 1 or Settings::get('force_lang_urls') == '1') {
                     $base_url = base_url() . Settings::get_lang('current') . '/';
                 } else {
                     $base_url = base_url();
                 foreach ($items as $k1 => $item) {
                     foreach ($item['fields'] as $k2 => $field) {
                         if ($field['html_element_type'] == 'link') {
                             $items[$k1]['ion_urls'] = array();
                             $links = self::$ci->extend_fields_model->get_extend_link_list_from_content($field['content']);
                             foreach ($links as $link) {
                                 $items[$k1]['ion_urls'][] = $base_url . $link['path'];
                 // End @todo
                 $str = json_encode($items, TRUE);
                 $str = str_replace("'", "\\'", $str);
     return $str;
Beispiel #17
 public static function get_archives(FTL_Binding $tag)
     // Categories model
     // Page
     $page = $tag->get('page');
     if (is_null($page)) {
         $page = self::registry('page');
     // Period format. see :
     $format = $tag->getAttribute('format', 'F');
     // Attribute : active class
     $active_class = $tag->getAttribute('active_class', 'active');
     // filter
     $filter = $tag->getAttribute('filter', FALSE);
     if ($filter != FALSE) {
         $filter = self::process_filter($filter);
     // month
     $with_month = $tag->getAttribute('month');
     // order
     $order = $tag->getAttribute('order');
     $order = $order == 'ASC' ? 'period ASC' : 'period DESC';
     // Archive string : 'yyyy' or ''. Used for CSS active class
     $_archive_string = '';
     // Archive URI args
     $args = self::get_special_uri_array('archives');
     if (!empty($args)) {
         $_archive_string = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : '';
         $_archive_string .= isset($args[1]) ? '.' . $args[1] : '';
     // Archives URI segment, as set in the config file
     $archives_uri_segment = self::get_config_special_uri_segment('archives');
     // Get the archives
     $archives = self::$ci->article_model->get_archives_list(array('id_page' => $page['id_page']), Settings::get_lang(), $filter, $with_month, $order);
     // Translated period array
     $month_formats = array('D', 'l', 'F', 'M');
     $page_url = !is_null($page) ? $page['absolute_url'] . '/' : Pages::get_home_page_url();
     foreach ($archives as &$row) {
         $year = substr($row['period'], 0, 4);
         $month = substr($row['period'], 4);
         if ($month != '') {
             $month = strlen($month) == 1 ? '0' . $month : $month;
             $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
             // Get date in the wished format
             $period = (string) date($format, $timestamp);
             // Translate the period month
             if (in_array($format, $month_formats)) {
                 $period = lang(strtolower($period));
             $row['period'] = $period . ' ' . $year;
             $row['url'] = $page_url . $archives_uri_segment . '/' . $year . '/' . $month;
             $row['active_class'] = $year . '.' . $month == $_archive_string ? $active_class : '';
         } else {
             $row['period'] = $year;
             $row['url'] = $page_url . $archives_uri_segment . '/' . $year;
             $row['active_class'] = $year == $_archive_string ? $active_class : '';
         $row['is_active'] = !empty($row['active_class']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     return $archives;
Beispiel #18
  * @param FTL_Binding $tag
  * @usage	<ion:media:download class="download" />
  * @return string
 public function tag_media_download(FTL_Binding $tag)
     // get media attributes
     $media = $tag->locals->media;
     $mediaTitle = empty($media['title']) ? $media['file_name'] : $media['title'];
     // get CSS classname (optional)
     $class = trim($tag->getAttribute('class'));
     // generate SHA-1 hash to verify valid (= intentionally public) downloads
     $hash = urlencode(sha1($media['id_media'] . config_item('encryption_key')));
     // render output
     $url = base_url() . 'media/download/' . $media['id_media'] . '/' . $hash;
     return '<a' . (empty($class) ? '' : ' class="' . $class . '"') . ' href="' . $url . '">' . $mediaTitle . '</a>';
Beispiel #19
  * Displays the complete error string
  * (containing all errors)
  * @param 	FTL_Binding
  * @return 	string
  * @usage	<ion:form:form_name:validation:error />
  * 			Example with the form called 'profile' :
  * 			<ion:form:profile:validation:error />
 public static function tag_form_validation_error(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $is = $tag->getAttribute('is');
     $key = $tag->getAttribute('key');
     $delimiter = $tag->getAttribute('delimiter', 'span');
     $form_name = $tag->getParent('validation')->getParentName();
     // 'additional_error' values
     $values = NULL;
     $fd = self::$ci->session->flashdata($form_name);
     if (!empty($fd['additional_error'])) {
         $values = $fd['additional_error'];
     } else {
         // Adds additional errors to the CI Validation error array
         if (self::$posting_form_name == $form_name) {
             // We're not in 'redirect mode' : Remove the flash session data
             // Validate the form if it wasn't done
             // No key : Get the string
             if (is_null($key)) {
                 self::$ci->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<' . $delimiter . '>', '</' . $delimiter . '>');
                 $values = self::$ci->form_validation->error_string();
             } else {
                 $values = self::$ci->form_validation->_error_array;
     if (!is_null($values)) {
         // Expand mode
         if (!is_null($is)) {
             // No key ask : Check against the additional success array
             if (is_null($key)) {
                 if (!$is == empty($values)) {
                     return self::wrap($tag, $tag->expand());
             } else {
                 if (!$is == empty($values[$key])) {
                     return self::wrap($tag, $tag->expand());
         } else {
             if (is_null($key)) {
                 if (!empty($values)) {
                     $str = '';
                     if (is_string($values)) {
                         $values = array($values);
                     foreach ($values as $val) {
                         $str .= "<span>" . $val . "</span>";
                     return self::wrap($tag, $str);
             } else {
                 if (!empty($values[$key])) {
                     return self::wrap($tag, $fd[$key]);
     // No posted form : No errors
     if ($is == FALSE) {
         return $tag->expand();
     return '';
Beispiel #20
  * Displays the breacrumb : You are here !
  * @param	FTL_Binding object
  * @return	String	The parsed view
  * @usage	<ion:breadcrumb [level="2" separator=" &bull; " tag="ul" class="breadcrumb" child-tag="li" child-class="breadcrump-item"] />
 public static function tag_breadcrumb(FTL_Binding $tag)
     // Child tag : HTML tag for each element
     $child_tag = $tag->getAttribute('child-tag');
     $child_class = $tag->getAttribute('child-class');
     $child_class = !is_null($child_class) ? ' class="' . $child_class . '"' : '';
     // Child tag cosmetic
     $child_tag_open = !is_null($child_tag) ? '<' . $child_tag . $child_class . '>' : '';
     $child_tag_close = !is_null($child_tag) ? '</' . $child_tag . '>' : '';
     $separator = $tag->getAttribute('separator', '&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;');
     $separator_tag = $tag->getAttribute('separator_tag');
     $separator_class = $tag->getAttribute('separator_class');
     $separator_class = !is_null($separator_class) ? ' class="' . $separator_class . '"' : '';
     if (!is_null($separator_tag)) {
         $separator = '<' . $separator_tag . $separator_class . '>' . $separator . '</' . $separator_tag . '>';
     $level = $tag->getAttribute('level', FALSE);
     // Pages && page
     $pages = self::$context->registry('pages');
     $page = self::$context->registry('page');
     // Get the Breadcrumbs array
     $lang = Settings::get_lang();
     $breadcrumb = self::get_breadcrumb_array($page, $pages, $lang);
     // Filter appearing pages
     $breadcrumb = array_values(array_filter($breadcrumb, array(__CLASS__, '_filter_appearing_pages')));
     if ($level != FALSE) {
         $new_breadcrumb = array();
         foreach ($breadcrumb as $b) {
             if ($b['level'] >= $level) {
                 $new_breadcrumb[] = $b;
         $breadcrumb = $new_breadcrumb;
     // Build the links
     $return = '';
     // Add Home page ?
     if ($tag->getAttribute('home') == TRUE && $page['home'] == 0) {
         $home_page = self::get_home_page();
         $url = $home_page['absolute_url'];
         $return .= $child_tag_open . '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $home_page['title'] . '</a>' . $separator . $child_tag_close;
     // Pages
     $nb_pages = count($breadcrumb);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_pages; $i++) {
         $url = $breadcrumb[$i]['absolute_url'];
         // Adds the suffix if defined
         if (config_item('url_suffix') != '') {
             $url .= config_item('url_suffix');
         $return .= $child_tag_open . '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $breadcrumb[$i]['title'] . '</a>';
         if ($i < $nb_pages - 1) {
             $return .= $separator;
         $return .= $child_tag_close;
     // Current Article ?
     if ($tag->getAttribute('article') == TRUE) {
         $article = self::registry('article');
         if ($article) {
             $separator = $return != '' ? $separator : '';
             $return .= $child_tag_open . $separator . $article['title'] . $child_tag_close;
     // Prefix process
     $return = self::prefix_suffix_process($return, $tag->getAttribute('prefix'));
     return self::wrap($tag, $return);
Beispiel #21
  * Element's items tag
  * @param FTL_Binding $tag
  * @return string
 public static function tag_element_items(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $str = '';
     // Limit ?
     $limit = $tag->getAttribute('limit') ? (int) $tag->getAttribute('limit') : FALSE;
     $items = $tag->get('items');
     // Process the elements
     if (!empty($items['elements'])) {
         $count = count($items['elements']);
         $limit = ($limit == FALSE or $limit > $count) ? $count : $limit;
         $tag->set('count', $limit);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) {
             $item = $items['elements'][$i];
             // item : One element instance
             $tag->set('item', $item);
             $tag->set('index', $i + 1);
             $tag->set('count', $limit);
             $str .= $tag->expand();
         $str = self::wrap($tag, $str);
     return $str;