function resend_password() { $this->loadTicket(); FSS_Settings::set('support_email_on_create', 1); FSS_EMail::User_Create_Unreg($this->ticket, $this->ticket->title, JText::_('RESENDING_TICKET_PASSWORD')); $link = FSSRoute::_("index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support&layout=ticket&ticketid=" . $this->ticket->id, false); JFactory::getApplication()->redirect($link, JText::_("PASSWORD_FOR_TICKET_HAS_BEEN_RESENT_TO_THE_USER")); return false; }
function sortCaptchaType() { if ($this->admin_create > 0) { FSS_Settings::set('support_captcha_type', 'none'); } $capset = FSS_Settings::get('support_captcha_type'); if (substr($capset, 0, 3) == "ur-") { if (JFactory::getUser()->id == 0) { $capset = substr($capset, 3); } else { $capset = ""; } FSS_Settings::set('support_captcha_type', $capset); } }
function Send() { $emails = $this->getAllTo(); // limit to max 15 email target addresses if (count($emails) > 15) { $emails = array_slice($emails, 0, 15); } if (strpos($this->body, "{login_code}") !== false) { FSS_Settings::set('email_send_multiple', "multi"); } if (FSS_Settings::Get('email_send_multiple') == "to" || FSS_Settings::Get('email_send_multiple') == "bcc") { $mailer = $this->getMailer(); $mailer->isHTML($this->ishtml); $mailer->setSubject($this->subject); $mailer->setBody($this->body); foreach ($emails as $email => $name) { if (trim($email) == "") { continue; } if (FSS_Settings::Get('email_send_multiple') == "bcc") { $mailer->addBCC(array($email)); } else { $mailer->addRecipient(array($email)); } } foreach ($this->files as $filename => $display) { $mailer->addAttachment($display, $filename); } $this->debug_data['mailer'] = $mailer; //SupportActions::DoAction("beforeEMailSend", $this->debug_data['Ticket'], $this->debug_data); unset($this->debug_data['mailer']); $mailer->Send(); } else { foreach ($emails as $email => $name) { if (trim($email) == "") { continue; } $mailer = $this->getMailer(); $mailer->isHTML($this->ishtml); $body = $this->body; // strip and replace login code if its in the email if (strpos($body, "{login_code}") !== false) { // lookup user_id from email $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $sql = "SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE email = '" . $db->escape($email) . "'"; $db->setQuery($sql); $user_id = $db->loadResult(); if ($user_id > 1) { $body = str_replace("{login_code}", FSS_Helper::AutoLoginCreate($user_id), $body); } else { $body = str_replace("{login_code}", "", $body); } } $mailer->setSubject($this->subject); $mailer->setBody($body); $mailer->addRecipient(array($email)); foreach ($this->files as $filename => $display) { $mailer->addAttachment($filename, $display); } $this->debug_data['mailer'] = $mailer; //SupportActions::DoAction("beforeEMailSend", $this->debug_data['Ticket'], $this->debug_data); unset($this->debug_data['mailer']); $mailer->Send(); } } $this->doLog(); }
function testdates() { // test the 4 date formats $date = time(); $result = array(); $offset = (int) JRequest::GetVar('offset'); FSS_Settings::set('timezone_offset', $offset); $date_dt_short = JRequest::GetVar('date_dt_short'); if ($date_dt_short == "") { $date_dt_short = JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC4') . ', H:i'; } $result['date_dt_short'] = $this->testdate($date, $date_dt_short); $date_dt_long = JRequest::GetVar('date_dt_long'); if ($date_dt_long == "") { $date_dt_long = JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC3') . ', H:i'; } $result['date_dt_long'] = $this->testdate($date, $date_dt_long); $date_d_short = JRequest::GetVar('date_d_short'); if ($date_d_short == "") { $date_d_short = JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC4'); } $result['date_d_short'] = $this->testdate($date, $date_d_short); $date_d_long = JRequest::GetVar('date_d_long'); if ($date_d_long == "") { $date_d_long = JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC3'); } $result['date_d_long'] = $this->testdate($date, $date_d_long); $result['timezone_offset'] = $this->testdate($date, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); echo json_encode($result); exit; }