  * Move old stale requests to rejected list. Delete old rejected requests.
 public static function runAutoMaintenance()
     global $wgRejectedAccountMaxAge, $wgConfirmAccountRejectAge, $wgConfirmAccountFSRepos;
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     $repo = new FSRepo($wgConfirmAccountFSRepos['accountreqs']);
     # Select all items older than time $encCutoff
     $encCutoff = $dbw->addQuotes($dbw->timestamp(time() - $wgRejectedAccountMaxAge));
     $res = $dbw->select('account_requests', array('acr_id', 'acr_storage_key'), array("acr_rejected < {$encCutoff}"), __METHOD__);
     # Clear out any associated attachments and delete those rows
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $key = $row->acr_storage_key;
         if ($key) {
             $path = $repo->getZonePath('public') . '/' . UserAccountRequest::relPathFromKey($key);
             if ($path && file_exists($path)) {
         $dbw->delete('account_requests', array('acr_id' => $row->acr_id), __METHOD__);
     # Select all items older than time $encCutoff
     $encCutoff = $dbw->addQuotes($dbw->timestamp(time() - $wgConfirmAccountRejectAge));
     # Old stale accounts will count as rejected. If the request was held, give it more time.
     $dbw->update('account_requests', array('acr_rejected' => $dbw->timestamp(), 'acr_user' => 0, 'acr_comment' => wfMsgForContent('confirmaccount-autorej'), 'acr_deleted' => 1), array("acr_rejected IS NULL", "acr_registration < {$encCutoff}", "acr_held < {$encCutoff} OR acr_held IS NULL"), __METHOD__);
     # Clear cache for notice of how many account requests there are
 protected function acceptRequest(IContextSource $context)
     global $wgAuth, $wgAccountRequestTypes, $wgConfirmAccountSaveInfo;
     global $wgAllowAccountRequestFiles, $wgConfirmAccountFSRepos;
     $accReq = $this->accountReq;
     // convenience
     # Now create user and check if the name is valid
     $user = User::newFromName($this->userName, 'creatable');
     if (!$user) {
         return array('accountconf_invalid_name', wfMsgHtml('noname'));
     # Check if account name is already in use
     if (0 != $user->idForName() || $wgAuth->userExists($user->getName())) {
         return array('accountconf_user_exists', wfMsgHtml('userexists'));
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     # Make a random password
     $p = User::randomPassword();
     # Insert the new user into the DB...
     $tokenExpires = $accReq->getEmailTokenExpires();
     $authenticated = $accReq->getEmailAuthTimestamp();
     $params = array('real_name' => $accReq->getRealName(), 'newpassword' => User::crypt($p), 'email' => $accReq->getEmail(), 'email_authenticated' => $dbw->timestampOrNull($authenticated), 'email_token_expires' => $dbw->timestamp($tokenExpires), 'email_token' => $accReq->getEmailToken());
     $user = User::createNew($user->getName(), $params);
     # Grant any necessary rights (exclude blank or dummy groups)
     $group = self::getGroupFromType($this->type);
     if ($group != '' && $group != 'user' && $group != '*') {
     $acd_id = null;
     // used for rollback cleanup
     # Save account request data to credentials system
     if ($wgConfirmAccountSaveInfo) {
         $key = $accReq->getFileStorageKey();
         # Copy any attached files to new storage group
         if ($wgAllowAccountRequestFiles && $key) {
             $repoOld = new FSRepo($wgConfirmAccountFSRepos['accountreqs']);
             $repoNew = new FSRepo($wgConfirmAccountFSRepos['accountcreds']);
             $pathRel = UserAccountRequest::relPathFromKey($key);
             $oldPath = $repoOld->getZonePath('public') . '/' . $pathRel;
             $triplet = array($oldPath, 'public', $pathRel);
             $status = $repoNew->storeBatch(array($triplet));
             // copy!
             if (!$status->isOK()) {
                 # DELETE new rows in case there was a COMMIT somewhere
                 $this->acceptRequest_rollback($dbw, $user->getId(), $acd_id);
                 return array('accountconf_copyfailed', $context->getOutput()->parse($status->getWikiText()));
         $acd_id = $dbw->nextSequenceValue('account_credentials_acd_id_seq');
         # Move request data into a separate table
         $dbw->insert('account_credentials', array('acd_user_id' => $user->getID(), 'acd_real_name' => $accReq->getRealName(), 'acd_email' => $accReq->getEmail(), 'acd_email_authenticated' => $dbw->timestampOrNull($authenticated), 'acd_bio' => $accReq->getBio(), 'acd_notes' => $accReq->getNotes(), 'acd_urls' => $accReq->getUrls(), 'acd_ip' => $accReq->getIP(), 'acd_filename' => $accReq->getFileName(), 'acd_storage_key' => $accReq->getFileStorageKey(), 'acd_areas' => $accReq->getAreas('flat'), 'acd_registration' => $dbw->timestamp($accReq->getRegistration()), 'acd_accepted' => $dbw->timestamp(), 'acd_user' => $this->admin->getID(), 'acd_comment' => $this->reason, 'acd_id' => $acd_id), __METHOD__);
         if (is_null($acd_id)) {
             $acd_id = $dbw->insertId();
             // set $acd_id to ID inserted
     # Add to global user login system (if there is one)
     if (!$wgAuth->addUser($user, $p, $accReq->getEmail(), $accReq->getRealName())) {
         # DELETE new rows in case there was a COMMIT somewhere
         $this->acceptRequest_rollback($dbw, $user->getId(), $acd_id);
         return array('accountconf_externaldberror', wfMsgHtml('externaldberror'));
     # OK, now remove the request from the queue
     # Commit this if we make past the CentralAuth system
     # and the groups are added. Next step is sending out an
     # email, which we cannot take back...
     # Prepare a temporary password email...
     if ($this->reason != '') {
         $msg = "confirmaccount-email-body2-pos{$this->type}";
         # If the user is in a group and there is a welcome for that group, use it
         if ($group && !wfEmptyMsg($msg)) {
             $ebody = wfMsgExt($msg, array('parsemag', 'content'), $user->getName(), $p, $this->reason);
             # Use standard if none found...
         } else {
             $ebody = wfMsgExt('confirmaccount-email-body2', array('parsemag', 'content'), $user->getName(), $p, $this->reason);
     } else {
         $msg = "confirmaccount-email-body-pos{$this->type}";
         # If the user is in a group and there is a welcome for that group, use it
         if ($group && !wfEmptyMsg($msg)) {
             $ebody = wfMsgExt($msg, array('parsemag', 'content'), $user->getName(), $p, $this->reason);
             # Use standard if none found...
         } else {
             $ebody = wfMsgExt('confirmaccount-email-body', array('parsemag', 'content'), $user->getName(), $p, $this->reason);
     # Actually send out the email (@TODO: rollback on failure including $wgAuth)
     $result = $user->sendMail(wfMsgForContent('confirmaccount-email-subj'), $ebody);
     if ( !$result->isOk() ) {
     	# DELETE new rows in case there was a COMMIT somewhere
     	$this->acceptRequest_rollback( $dbw, $user->getId(), $acd_id );
     	return array( 'accountconf_mailerror',
     		wfMsg( 'mailerror', $context->getOutput()->parse( $result->getWikiText() ) ) );
     # Update user count
     $ssUpdate = new SiteStatsUpdate(0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
     # Safe to hook/log now...
     wfRunHooks('AddNewAccount', array($user, false));
     # Clear cache for notice of how many account requests there are
     # Delete any attached file and don't stop the whole process if this fails
     if ($wgAllowAccountRequestFiles) {
         $key = $accReq->getFileStorageKey();
         if ($key) {
             $repoOld = new FSRepo($wgConfirmAccountFSRepos['accountreqs']);
             $pathRel = UserAccountRequest::relPathFromKey($key);
             $oldPath = $repoOld->getZonePath('public') . '/' . $pathRel;
             if (file_exists($oldPath)) {
                 // delete!
     # Start up the user's userpages if set to do so.
     # Will not append, so previous content will be blanked.
     # Greet the new user if set to do so.
     return array(true, null);
  * Show a private file requested by the visitor.
  * @param $key string
 protected function showFile($key)
     global $wgConfirmAccountFSRepos;
     $out = $this->getOutput();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     # We mustn't allow the output to be Squid cached, otherwise
     # if an admin previews a private image, and it's cached, then
     # a user without appropriate permissions can toddle off and
     # nab the image, and Squid will serve it
     $request->response()->header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', 0) . ' GMT');
     $request->response()->header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate');
     $request->response()->header('Pragma: no-cache');
     $repo = new FSRepo($wgConfirmAccountFSRepos['accountreqs']);
     $path = $repo->getZonePath('public') . '/' . UserAccountRequest::relPathFromKey($key);