Beispiel #1
  * addUploadedFile - add a file in the file release manager, in the release $release_id, in package $package_id of the project $group_id with given values
  * @param string $sessionKey the session hash associated with the session opened by the person who calls the service
  * @param int $group_id the ID of the group we want to add the file
  * @param int $package_id the ID of the package we want to add the file
  * @param int $release_id the ID of the release we want to add the file
  * @param string $filename the name of the file we want to add (only file name, not directory)
  * @param int $type_id the ID of the type of the file
  * @param int $processor_id the ID of the processor of the file
  * @param string $reference_md5 the md5sum of the file calculated in client side
  * @param string $comment A comment/description of the uploaded file
  * @return int the ID of the new created file, 
  *              or a soap fault if :
  *              - group_id does not match with a valid project, 
  *              - package_id does not match with a valid package,
  *              - package_id does not belong to the project group_id,
  *              - release_id does not match with a valid release,
  *              - release_id does not belong to the project group_id,
  *              - the user does not have the permissions to create a file
  *              - the md5 comparison failed
  *              - the file creation failed.
 function addUploadedFile($sessionKey, $group_id, $package_id, $release_id, $filename, $type_id, $processor_id, $reference_md5, $comment)
     if (session_continue($sessionKey)) {
         try {
             $pm = ProjectManager::instance();
             $pm->getGroupByIdForSoap($group_id, 'addUploadedFile');
         } catch (SoapFault $e) {
             return $e;
         // retieve the package
         $pkg_fact = new FRSPackageFactory();
         $package =& $pkg_fact->getFRSPackageFromDb($package_id);
         if (!$package || $package->getGroupID() != $group_id) {
             return new SoapFault(invalid_package_fault, 'Invalid Package', 'addUploadedFile');
         // retrieve the release
         $release_fact = new FRSReleaseFactory();
         $release =& $release_fact->getFRSReleaseFromDb($release_id);
         if (!$release || $release->getPackageID() != $package_id) {
             return new SoapFault(invalid_release_fault, 'Invalid Release', 'addUploadedFile');
         $file_fact = new FRSFileFactory();
         if ($file_fact->userCanAdd($group_id)) {
             $user = UserManager::instance()->getCurrentUser();
             $file = new FRSFile();
             try {
                 return $file->getFileID();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 return new SoapFault(invalid_file_fault, $e->getMessage(), 'addUploadedFile');
         } else {
             return new SoapFault(invalid_file_fault, 'User is not allowed to add a file', 'addUploadedFile');
     } else {
         return new SoapFault(invalid_session_fault, 'Invalid Session', 'addUploadedFile');