function PrintTickets($bean, $event, $arguments) { if ($bean->print_tickets_c == 1) { $sql = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT c.first_name,c.last_name, cc.account_code_c,c.primary_address_state,,e.ticket_type\n FROM e_enrolments e, e_events_e_enrolments_1_c ee,\n contacts_e_enrolments_1_c ce, contacts c, contacts_cstm cc\n WHERE (e.status = 'confirmed' OR e.status='PartPaid') AND\n AND ee.e_events_e_enrolments_1e_events_ida='{$bean->id}'\n and e.deleted=0 AND ce.deleted=0 AND c.deleted = 0\n AND AND\n AND\n order by e.ticket_type"); $pdf = new FPDF(); while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($sql)) { $gt = ''; if ($row['ticket_type'] == 'Resit') { $gt = 'Graduate'; } elseif ($row['ticket_type'] == 'Elite') { $gt = 'Elite'; } $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 16); $pdf->Code39(110, 5, $row['account_code_c']); $pdf->ln(15); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $bean->name, 0, 1, 'R'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->ln(10); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'Participant Agreement and Release Form - ' . $row['first_name'] . ' ' . $row['last_name'], 0, 1, 'L'); $pdf->ln(4); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 4, 'Read the terms and conditions outlined below carefully. You may only proceed to enter the room where the training seminar is being held if you fully accept and agree to these terms and conditions in addition to the original terms and conditions which you signed upon purchasing the product.', 0, 'J'); $pdf->ln(3); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 4, 'By signing the below I accept and agree to the following terms and conditions', 0, 'J'); $pdf->ln(3); $pdf->Cell(5); $pdf->Cell(5, 4, '1.', 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 4, 'You warrant that you have purchased this product for the sole purpose of self-education. You acknowledge that the nominated Training Package and (if applicable) other additional products are based on example or demonstration trades only. You warrant and represent that you will not engage in live trading based on any information or examples provided and that if you do so you indemnify Pumpkin Pty Ltd and its associated companies in relation to all claims and losses suffered by you or anyone else in relation to that trade.', 0, 'J'); $pdf->ln(3); $pdf->Cell(20); $pdf->Cell(20, 8, 'Signature', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(50, 8, '', 1, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(30, 8, 'Date', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(30, 8, '', 1, 0, 'L'); $pdf->ln(20); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 30); $pdf->Cell(105, 0, $row['first_name'], 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $row['first_name'], 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->ln(15); $pdf->Cell(105, 0, $row['last_name'], 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $row['last_name'], 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->ln(10); $pdf->Cell(60); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 16); $pdf->Cell(105, 0, $row['primary_address_state'], 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $row['primary_address_state'], 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Code39(5, 265, $row['account_code_c']); $pdf->Code39(110, 265, $row['account_code_c']); $pdf->ln(25); $pdf->Cell(60); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 14); $pdf->Cell(105, 0, $gt, 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $gt, 0, 0, 'L'); } $pdf->Output('cache/EventRef' . $bean->event_ref . 'Tickets.pdf', 'F'); $bean->print_tickets_c = 0; if (!empty($bean->note_id_c)) { $pdf = file_get_contents('cache/EventRef' . $bean->event_ref . 'Tickets.pdf'); file_put_contents('upload/' . $bean->note_id_c, $pdf); } else { $Notes = BeanFactory::getBean('Notes'); $Notes->name = 'EventRef' . $bean->event_ref . 'Tickets.pdf'; $Notes->file_mime_type = 'pdf'; $Notes->filename = 'EventRef' . $bean->event_ref . 'Tickets.pdf'; $Notes->parent_type = 'E_Events'; $Notes->parent_id = $bean->id; $Notes->save(); $pdf = file_get_contents('cache/EventRef' . $bean->event_ref . 'Tickets.pdf'); file_put_contents('upload/' . $Notes->id, $pdf); } $bean->note_id_c = $Notes->id; } }
$pdf->Cell(70, 5, "ASSUNTO", 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(15, 5, "AUTUACAO", 1, 1, 'C'); foreach (Tramite::getProcessosGuiaRecibo() as $key => $processo) { try { $stmt = Controlador::getInstance()->getConnection()->connection->prepare("SELECT NUMERO_PROCESSO,I.INTERESSADO AS INTERESSADO,A.ASSUNTO AS ASSUNTO, DT_AUTUACAO\r\n FROM TB_PROCESSOS_CADASTRO PC\r\n INNER JOIN TB_PROCESSOS_ASSUNTO A ON A.ID = PC.ASSUNTO\r\n INNER JOIN TB_PROCESSOS_INTERESSADOS I ON I.ID = PC.INTERESSADO\r\n WHERE NUMERO_PROCESSO = ? LIMIT 1"); $stmt->bindParam(1, $processo, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); $out = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($out)) { $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 6); $pdf->Cell(5, 5, ++$cont, 1, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(30, 5, $processo, 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(70, 5, $out['INTERESSADO'], 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(70, 5, $out['ASSUNTO'], 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 5); $pdf->Cell(15, 5, Util::formatDate($out['DT_AUTUACAO']), 1, 1, 'C'); } } catch (PDOException $e) { throw new Exception($e); } } $pdf->Ln(10); $pdf->Cell(5, 5, "", 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 6); $pdf->Cell(180, 5, "COMPROVANTE DE RECEBIMENTO", 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(5, 5, "", 0, 1, 'L'); $pdf->ln(5); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 7); $pdf->Cell(95, 20, "ASSINATURA: _____________________________________________________", 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(95, 20, utf8_decode("DATA: ________/ _______/ ________ HORÁRIO: ____ : ____ "), 0, 1, 'C'); $pdf->Output("Guia de Recibo.pdf", "I");
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$pdf->Cell(5, 10, '', 0); $pdf->Cell(70, 10, 'Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras', 0); $pdf->Ln(8); $pdf->Cell(18, 10, '', 0); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 16); $pdf->Cell(35, 10, '', 0); $pdf->Cell(70, 10, 'Facultad de ciencias Juridicas', 0); $pdf->Ln(13); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'U', 14); $pdf->Cell(30, 8, ' ', 0, 0, "C"); $pdf->Cell(125, 8, 'Plan operativo Anual', 0, 0, "C"); //$pdf->Rect(6, 45, 200, 230 ,'D'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); $pdf->Ln(10); $pdf->cell(5, 8, ''); $pdf->ln(10); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12); $pdf->cell(5, 8, ''); $pdf->Cell(70, 10, 'Actividades Faltantes', 0); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); $pdf->Ln(20); $pdf->cell(10, 8, ''); $pdf->cell(20, 8, 'Codigo', 1); $pdf->cell(30, 8, 'Correlativo', 1); $pdf->cell(30, 8, 'Fecha Inicio', 1); $pdf->cell(30, 8, 'Fecha Fin', 1); $pdf->cell(70, 8, 'Descripcion', 1); $pdf->ln(10); $contador = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $pdf->cell(10, 8, '');
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, utf8_decode("Teléfono: 2232-2290"), 0, 1, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4.1); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, utf8_decode("Edificio A-2"), 0, 1, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4.1); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, utf8_decode("Ciudad Universitaria"), 0, 1, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4.1); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, utf8_decode("Tegucigalpa, Honduras"), 0, 1, 'R'); $pdf->SetRightMargin(10); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(10); $pdf->Cell(18, 10, '', 0); //$pdf->Ln(20); //$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'U', 14); //$pdf->Cell(30, 8, ' ', 0,0,"C"); //$pdf->Cell(130, 8, ' Reporte de Estudiantes', 0,0,"C"); $pdf->ln(20); $pdf->SetFont('Cambria', 'BI', 16); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, utf8_decode("Reporte de Estudiantes"), 0, 1, 'C'); $pdf->Rect(5, 55, 206, 200, 'D'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); $pdf->Ln(15); $pdf->Cell(115, 15, 'Fecha: ' . date('Y-m-d'), 0); $pdf->Ln(7); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->Cell(25, 8, 'Cuenta', 1, 0, "C"); $pdf->Cell(30, 8, 'Identidad', 1, 0, "C"); $pdf->Cell(45, 8, 'Estudiante', 1, 0, "C"); $pdf->Cell(40, 8, 'Correo', 1, 0, "C"); $pdf->Cell(10, 8, 'Indice', 1, 0, "C"); $pdf->Cell(33, 8, utf8_decode('Mención Horifica'), 1, 0, "C");
function boletinSantaTeresita($idSalon, $periodo) { $area = new Area(); $areas = $area->leerAreas(); $pensum = new Pensum(); $pens = $pensum->leerPensum($idSalon); $persona = new Persona(); $estudiantes = $persona->leerPorSalon($idSalon); $nots = new Nota(); if ($periodo == "PRIMERO") { $puestos = $nots->leerPromedios($idSalon, "primerP"); } elseif ($periodo == "SEGUNDO") { $puestos = $nots->leerPromedios($idSalon, "segundoP"); } elseif ($periodo == "TERCERO") { $puestos = $nots->leerPromedios($idSalon, "tercerP"); } elseif ($periodo == "CUARTO") { $puestos = $nots->leerPromedios($idSalon, "cuartoP"); } elseif ($periodo == "FINAL") { $puestos = $nots->leerPromediosFinal($idSalon); } $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'cm', 'Legal'); $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0); $puest = 0; foreach ($puestos as $puesto) { foreach ($estudiantes as $estudiante) { if ($puesto["idPersona"] == $estudiante->getIdPersona()) { $matricula = new Matricula(); $matr = $matricula->leerMatriculaPorId($estudiante->getIdPersona()); $salon = new Salon(); $sal = $salon->leerSalonePorId($idSalon); $grado = new Grado(); $grad = $grado->leerGradoPorId($sal->getIdGrado()); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 14); $pdf->SetXY(1, 0); $pdf->cell(18.5, 1, 'COLEGIO "SANTA TERESITA"', 0, 0, "C"); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->cell(4, 4, "", 0); $pdf->Image('utiles/imagenes/escudoSantaTeresita.jpg', 1, 0, 2.5); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 10); //CAbecera $pdf->SetXY(1, 1); $pdf->Cell(18.5, 1, utf8_decode('"EDUCAMOS PARA HACER POSIBLE LA VIDA Y LA FELICIDAD"'), 0, 1, "C"); $pdf->SetXY(1, 1.5); $pdf->Cell(18.5, 1, "INFORME EVALUATIVO", 0, 1, "C"); $pdf->SetXY(16, 0); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 10); $pdf->Cell(4, 1, "Bajo(Db): 10 - 69 ", 0, 0, "C"); $pdf->SetXY(16, 0.5); $pdf->Cell(4, 1, "Basico(DB): 70 - 79 ", 0, 0, "C"); $pdf->SetXY(16, 1); $pdf->Cell(4, 1, "Alto(DA): 80 - 94 ", 0, 0, "C"); $pdf->SetXY(16, 1.5); $pdf->Cell(4, 1, "Superior(DS): 95 - 100", 0, 0, "C"); $pdf->SetXY(16, 0); $pdf->Cell(4, 2.5, "", 1, 0, "C"); if ($periodo == "PRIMERO") { $periodo3 = "1"; } if ($periodo == "SEGUNDO") { $periodo3 = "2"; } if ($periodo == "TERCERO") { $periodo3 = "3"; } if ($periodo == "CUARTO") { $periodo3 = "4"; } if ($periodo == "FINAL") { $periodo3 = "F"; } $x = 1; $y = 2.75; $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 10); $pdf->Cell(3.3, 0.5, "Apellidos y Nombre:", 0, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 10); $pdf->Cell(8, 0.5, utf8_decode(strtoupper($estudiante->getPApellido() . " " . $estudiante->getSApellido() . " " . $estudiante->getNombres())), 0, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->Cell(12.8, 0.5, "", 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 10); $pdf->Cell(1.2, 0.5, "Grado:", 0, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 10); $pdf->Cell(0.8, 0.5, $idSalon, 0, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetXY($x + 12.8, $y); $pdf->Cell(2.2, 0.5, "", 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 10); $pdf->Cell(1.5, 0.5, "Periodo:", 0, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 10); $pdf->Cell(0.5, 0.5, $periodo3, 0, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetXY($x + 15, $y); $pdf->Cell(2, 0.5, "", 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 10); $pdf->Cell(1, 0.5, utf8_decode("Año:"), 0, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 10); $pdf->Cell(1, 0.5, $matr->getAnoLectivo(), 0, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetXY($x + 17, $y); $pdf->Cell(2, 0.5, "", 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 9); $y += 0.5; $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 9); $pdf->Cell(5.5, 0.5, "AREAS Y ASIGNATURAS", 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 8); $pdf->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "I.H", 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 9); $pdf->Cell(12, 0.5, "FORTALEZAS Y/O DIFICULTADES", 1, 0, "C"); $pdf->Cell(1, 0.5, "NOTA", 1, 0, "C"); $y += 0.5; $c = 0; $suma = 0; $cont = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($areas); $i++) { $c++; foreach ($areas as $a) { $g = intval($grad->getIdGrado()); if ($a->getIdArea() == "FIL") { if ($g > 5) { if ($a->getOrden() == $c) { $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "BU", 9); if ($a->getIdArea() == "EF" || $a->getIdArea() == "EA" || $a->getIdArea() == "ER" || $a->getIdArea() == "EVD" || $a->getIdArea() == "FIL") { $pdf->Cell(5.5, 1.25, utf8_decode($a->getNombreArea()), 1, 0, "L"); } else { $pdf->Cell(5.5, 0.5, utf8_decode($a->getNombreArea()), 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->Cell(0.5, 0.5, utf8_decode(""), 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->Cell(12, 0.5, utf8_decode(""), 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->Cell(1, 0.5, utf8_decode(""), 1, 0, "L"); } $mate = new Materia(); $band = 0; foreach ($pens as $p) { $materias = $mate->leerMateriaPorId($p->getIdMateria()); foreach ($materias as $materia) { $idMateria = $materia->getIdMateria(); $nombreMateria = $materia->getNombreMateria(); $horas = $materia->getHoras(); $idArea = $materia->getIdArea(); if ($idArea == $a->getIdArea()) { $nota = new Nota(); $not = $nota->leerNotaEstudiante($estudiante->getIdPersona(), $idMateria); $falla = new Falla(); $fal = $falla->leerFallaEstudiante($estudiante->getIdPersona(), $idMateria); $logro = new Logro(); if ($periodo == "FINAL") { $log = $logro->leerLogro("CUARTO", $grad->getIdGrado(), $idMateria); } else { $log = $logro->leerLogro($periodo, $grad->getIdGrado(), $idMateria); } $desempeño = ""; $cadena = ""; $band = 0; $y += 0.5; $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 9); if ($nombreMateria == "ARTISTICA" || $nombreMateria == "ETICA" || $nombreMateria == "RELIGION" || $nombreMateria == "EDUCACION FISICA" || $nombreMateria == "FILOSOFIA") { //$pdf->MultiCell(5.5,1.25, utf8_decode($a->getNombreArea()),1,"L"); $band = 1; } else { $pdf->MultiCell(5.5, 1.25, utf8_decode($nombreMateria), 1, "L"); } if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 5.5, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 5.5, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(0.5, 1.25, $horas, 1, "L"); if ($log != NULL) { if ($periodo == "PRIMERO") { // $pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getPrimerP(), 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getPrimerP(); $n = $not->getPrimerP(); if ($not->getPrimerP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getPrimerP() <= 79 && $not->getPrimerP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getPrimerP() <= 94 && $not->getPrimerP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getPrimerP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "SEGUNDO") { //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getSegundoP(), 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getSegundoP(); $n = $not->getSegundoP(); if ($not->getSegundoP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getSegundoP() <= 79 && $not->getSegundoP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getSegundoP() <= 94 && $not->getSegundoP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getSegundoP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "TERCERO") { //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getTercerP(), 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getTercerP(); $n = $not->getTercerP(); if ($not->getTercerP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getTercerP() <= 79 && $not->getTercerP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getTercerP() <= 94 && $not->getTercerP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getTercerP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "CUARTO") { //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getCuartoP();, 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getCuartoP(); $n = $not->getCuartoP(); if ($not->getCuartoP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getCuartoP() <= 79 && $not->getCuartoP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getCuartoP() <= 94 && $not->getCuartoP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getCuartoP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "FINAL") { $def = $nota->calcularDef2($not->getPrimerP(), $not->getSegundoP(), $not->getTercerP(), $not->getCuartoP()); //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $def, 1, 0, "C"); $n = $def; $suma = $suma + $def; if ($def < 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($def <= 79 && $def > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($def <= 94 && $def > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($def > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } $cont++; $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 7); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(12, 0.417, strtoupper(utf8_decode($desempeño . ": " . $cadena)), 0, "L"); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(12, 1.25, "", 1, "L"); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y); } $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 7); //MODIFICAR ESTA LINEA DE ACUERDO AL PERIODO $pdf->MultiCell(12, 1.25, utf8_decode($n), 0, "L"); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(1, 1.25, "", 1, "L"); } if ($band == 1) { $y += 0.25; } else { $y += 0.75; } } } } $y += 0.5; } } } elseif ($a->getIdArea() == "ET") { if ($grad->getIdGrado() != "P" && $grad->getIdGrado() != "J") { if ($a->getOrden() == $c) { $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "BU", 9); if ($a->getIdArea() == "EF" || $a->getIdArea() == "EA" || $a->getIdArea() == "ER" || $a->getIdArea() == "EVD" || $a->getIdArea() == "FIL") { $pdf->Cell(5.5, 1.25, utf8_decode($a->getNombreArea()), 1, 0, "L"); } else { $pdf->Cell(5.5, 0.5, utf8_decode($a->getNombreArea()), 1, 0, "L"); 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$band = 1; } else { $pdf->MultiCell(5.5, 1.25, utf8_decode($nombreMateria), 1, "L"); } if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 5.5, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 5.5, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(0.5, 1.25, $horas, 1, "L"); if ($log != NULL) { if ($periodo == "PRIMERO") { // $pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getPrimerP(), 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getPrimerP(); $n = $not->getPrimerP(); if ($not->getPrimerP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getPrimerP() <= 79 && $not->getPrimerP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getPrimerP() <= 94 && $not->getPrimerP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getPrimerP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "SEGUNDO") { //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getSegundoP(), 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getSegundoP(); $n = $not->getSegundoP(); if ($not->getSegundoP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getSegundoP() <= 79 && $not->getSegundoP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getSegundoP() <= 94 && $not->getSegundoP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getSegundoP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "TERCERO") { //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getTercerP(), 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getTercerP(); $n = $not->getTercerP(); if ($not->getTercerP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getTercerP() <= 79 && $not->getTercerP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getTercerP() <= 94 && $not->getTercerP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getTercerP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "CUARTO") { //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getCuartoP();, 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getCuartoP(); $n = $not->getCuartoP(); if ($not->getCuartoP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getCuartoP() <= 79 && $not->getCuartoP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getCuartoP() <= 94 && $not->getCuartoP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getCuartoP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "FINAL") { $def = $nota->calcularDef2($not->getPrimerP(), $not->getSegundoP(), $not->getTercerP(), $not->getCuartoP()); //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $def, 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $def; $n = $def; if ($def < 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($def <= 79 && $def > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($def <= 94 && $def > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($def > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } $cont++; $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 7); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(12, 0.417, strtoupper(utf8_decode($desempeño . ": " . $cadena)), 0, "L"); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(12, 1.25, "", 1, "L"); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y); } $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 7); //MODIFICAR ESTA LINEA DE ACUERDO AL PERIODO $pdf->MultiCell(12, 1.25, utf8_decode($n), 0, "L"); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(1, 1.25, "", 1, "L"); } if ($band == 1) { $y += 0.25; } else { $y += 0.75; } } } } $y += 0.5; } } } else { if ($a->getOrden() == $c) { $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "BU", 9); if ($a->getIdArea() == "EF" || $a->getIdArea() == "EA" || $a->getIdArea() == "ER" || $a->getIdArea() == "EVD" || $a->getIdArea() == "FIL") { $pdf->Cell(5.5, 1.25, utf8_decode($a->getNombreArea()), 1, 0, "L"); } else { $pdf->Cell(5.5, 0.5, utf8_decode($a->getNombreArea()), 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->Cell(0.5, 0.5, utf8_decode(""), 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->Cell(12, 0.5, utf8_decode(""), 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->Cell(1, 0.5, utf8_decode(""), 1, 0, "L"); } $mate = new Materia(); $band = 0; foreach ($pens as $p) { $materias = $mate->leerMateriaPorId($p->getIdMateria()); foreach ($materias as $materia) { $idMateria = $materia->getIdMateria(); $nombreMateria = $materia->getNombreMateria(); $horas = $materia->getHoras(); $idArea = $materia->getIdArea(); if ($idArea == $a->getIdArea()) { $nota = new Nota(); $not = $nota->leerNotaEstudiante($estudiante->getIdPersona(), $idMateria); $falla = new Falla(); $fal = $falla->leerFallaEstudiante($estudiante->getIdPersona(), $idMateria); $logro = new Logro(); if ($periodo == "FINAL") { $log = $logro->leerLogro("CUARTO", $grad->getIdGrado(), $idMateria); } else { $log = $logro->leerLogro($periodo, $grad->getIdGrado(), $idMateria); } $desempeño = ""; $cadena = ""; $band = 0; $y += 0.5; $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 9); if ($nombreMateria == "ARTISTICA" || $nombreMateria == "ETICA" || $nombreMateria == "RELIGION" || $nombreMateria == "EDUCACION FISICA" || $nombreMateria == "FILOSOFIA") { //$pdf->MultiCell(5.5,1.25, utf8_decode($a->getNombreArea()),1,"L"); $band = 1; } else { $pdf->MultiCell(5.5, 1.25, utf8_decode($nombreMateria), 1, "L"); } if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 5.5, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 5.5, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(0.5, 1.25, $horas, 1, "L"); if ($log != NULL) { if ($periodo == "PRIMERO") { // $pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getPrimerP(), 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getPrimerP(); $n = $not->getPrimerP(); if ($not->getPrimerP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getPrimerP() <= 79 && $not->getPrimerP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getPrimerP() <= 94 && $not->getPrimerP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getPrimerP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "SEGUNDO") { //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getSegundoP(), 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getSegundoP(); $n = $not->getSegundoP(); if ($not->getSegundoP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getSegundoP() <= 79 && $not->getSegundoP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getSegundoP() <= 94 && $not->getSegundoP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getSegundoP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "TERCERO") { //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getTercerP(), 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getTercerP(); $n = $not->getTercerP(); if ($not->getTercerP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getTercerP() <= 79 && $not->getTercerP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getTercerP() <= 94 && $not->getTercerP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getTercerP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "CUARTO") { //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $not->getCuartoP();, 1, 0, "C"); $suma = $suma + $not->getCuartoP(); $n = $not->getCuartoP(); if ($not->getCuartoP() <= 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($not->getCuartoP() <= 79 && $not->getCuartoP() > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($not->getCuartoP() <= 94 && $not->getCuartoP() > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($not->getCuartoP() > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } elseif ($periodo == "FINAL") { $def = $nota->calcularDef2($not->getPrimerP(), $not->getSegundoP(), $not->getTercerP(), $not->getCuartoP()); //$pdf->Cell(1, 1.5, $def, 1, 0, "C"); $n = $def; $suma = $suma + $def; if ($def < 69) { $cadena = $log->getBajo(); $desempeño = "Db"; } if ($def <= 79 && $def > 69) { $cadena = $log->getBasico(); $desempeño = "DB"; } if ($def <= 94 && $def > 79) { $cadena = $log->getAlto(); $desempeño = "DA"; } if ($def > 94) { $cadena = $log->getSuperior(); $desempeño = "DS"; } } $cont++; $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 7); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(12, 0.417, strtoupper(utf8_decode($desempeño . ": " . $cadena)), 0, "L"); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 6, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(12, 1.25, "", 1, "L"); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y); } $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 7); //MODIFICAR ESTA LINEA DE ACUERDO AL PERIODO $pdf->MultiCell(12, 0.417, utf8_decode($n), 0, "L"); if ($band == 1) { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y - 0.5); } else { $pdf->SetXY($x + 18, $y); } $pdf->MultiCell(1, 1.25, "", 1, "L"); } if ($band == 1) { $y += 0.25; } else { $y += 0.75; } } } } $y += 0.5; } //FIN IF } } //FOREACH AREAS } $prom = round($suma / $cont, 1); $pdf->SetXY($x + 17.5, $y); $pdf->Cell(1.5, 0.5, utf8_decode("PROM: " . $prom), 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetXY($x + 17.5, $y + 0.5); $puest++; $pdf->Cell(1.5, 0.5, utf8_decode("POS: " . $puest), 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->Cell(17.5, 1, "", 1, 0, "L"); $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->Cell(17.5, 0.5, "Observaciones:", 0, 0, "L"); $y += 1.5; $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 9); $pdf->Cell(10, 0.5, "DIRECTOR DE GRUPO______________________", 0, 0, "C"); $pdf->Cell(10, 0.5, "RECTOR______________________", 0, 0, "C"); break; } } //FIn Estudiantes } $pdf->Output("Boletin " . $grad->getIdGrado(), "I"); }
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/** * @param mixed $id The entity id * @Template() * * @Route("/etatfinancier", name="etatfinancier") */ public function etatFinancierAction() { $date = new \DateTime(); $etatfinancier = $this->get("alb_inscriptions.alb_manager")->getEtatFinancierApplication(); $nomfichier = 'tresorerie/EF_' . $date->format('YmdHis') . '.pdf'; $pdf = new \FPDF(); $pdf->Open(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 20); $pdf->Cell(0, 8, utf8_decode('Amicale Laïque de Billère'), 0, 1, 'C'); $pdf->ln(4); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 16); $pdf->Cell(0, 8, utf8_decode('Etat financier au ' . $date->format('d/m/Y')), 0, 1); $pdf->ln(4); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->Cell(5, 4, '', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(45, 4, utf8_decode('Nom'), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(31, 4, utf8_decode('Prénom'), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(15, 4, utf8_decode('Montant'), 1, 1, 'C'); $i = 0; $total = 0; foreach ($etatfinancier as $etatfinancier0) { foreach ($etatfinancier0 as $etat) { if ($etat['montant'] != 0) { $i++; $total = $total + $etat['montant']; $pdf->Cell(5, 4, $i, 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(45, 4, utf8_decode($etat['nom']), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->Cell(31, 4, utf8_decode($etat['prenom']), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->Cell(15, 4, number_format($etat['montant'], 2, ',', ' '), 1, 1, 'R'); } } } $pdf->ln(4); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $pdf->Cell(45, 6, utf8_decode('Total : '), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(20, 6, number_format($total, 2, ',', ' '), 0, 1, 'R'); $pdf->Output($nomfichier, 'F'); $response = new Response(); $response->setContent(file_get_contents($nomfichier)); $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/force-download'); $response->headers->set('Content-disposition', 'filename=' . $nomfichier); return $response; }
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function ybuy_do_pdf($id) { global $wpdb, $ybuy_country_list; $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'ybuy_purchase yp LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'ybuy_purchase_download_assoc pda ON = pda.purchase_id LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'ybuy_purchase_product_assoc ppa ON ppa.purchase_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'ybuy_product prod ON = ppa.product_id LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'ybuy_purchase_attribute attr ON attr.purchase_id = WHERE = ' . $id . ' AND attr.attribute_id = 2'; $rows = $wpdb->get_results($query); $row = $rows[0]; if ($row->current_status_id != 2) { // payment not complete return FALSE; } $user_data = get_userdata($row->user_id); include YBUY_INCLUDES_DIR . 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' Total', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(30, $line_h, number_format($total, 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'b', $font); $pdf->Cell(1, $line_h, 'Payment Details'); $pdf->Cell($cell); $pdf->Cell($cell); $pdf->Cell($cell); $pdf->Cell('60'); $pdf->Cell(1, $line_h, 'Other Information', 0, 9, 'R'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', $font); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->Cell(1, $line_h, 'Paid with thanks'); $pdf->Cell($cell); $pdf->Cell($cell); $pdf->Cell($cell); $pdf->Cell('60'); $pdf->Cell(1, $line_h, 'Company Registration Number: 07350515', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->Cell(1, $line_h, 'PayPal Transaction ID' . $row->value); $pdf->Cell($cell); $pdf->Cell($cell); $pdf->Cell($cell); $pdf->Cell('60'); $pdf->Cell(1, $line_h, 'VAT Registration Number: 107 6226 45', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Output(YBUY_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '../../uploads/pdf/ybuy_' . $id . '.pdf'); //echo '<iframe src="/wp-content/uploads/pdf/ybuy_' . $id . '.pdf" style="width: 1000px; height: 800px"></iframe>'; //$r = wp_mail('*****@*****.**', 'test', 'test', '', YBUY_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '../../uploads/pdf/ybuy_' . $id . '.pdf'); //print_r($r); return YBUY_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '../../uploads/pdf/ybuy_' . $id . '.pdf'; }
/* конец нижней части */ /*начало шапки*/ $pdf=new FPDF(); $pdf->AddFont('ArialMT','','arial.php'); $pdf->AddFont('Arial-BoldMT','','arialbd.php'); $pdf->AddFont('Arial-BoldItalicMT','','arialbi.php'); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial-BoldMT','',14); // задаем шрифт и его размер $reportName="НАКЛАДНАЯ /ОБРАЗЦЫ /"; $pdf->Cell( 0, 15, $reportName, 0, 0, 'C' ); $pdf->SetFont('Arial-BoldMT','',8); // задаем шрифт и его размер $pdf->Cell(10,20,'',0,1,'l'); $pdf->ln(0); $pdf->Cell(10,5,'',0,0,'l'); $pdf->SetTextColor(214,3,0); // красный $pdf->Cell(50,5,'Дата составления заявки',1,0,'l'); $pdf->SetTextColor(22,50,255); // синий $pdf->Cell(90,5,date("d-m-Y",time()),1,0,'l'); $pdf->ln(5); $pdf->Cell(10,30,'',0,0,'l'); $pdf->SetTextColor(214,3,0); // красный $pdf->Cell(50,25,'Название фирмы',1,0,'l'); $pdf->Image('logo.jpg',80,37,'70',''); $pdf->Cell(90,25,'',1,0,'l'); $pdf->ln(20);
/** * @Template() * * @Route("/statistique-participations/", name="statistiqueparticipations") */ public function statistiqueParticipationsAction(Request $request) { $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); if (!$this->get('security.authorization_checker')->isGranted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN')) { $user = $this->getUser(); $id = $user->getId(); $activites = $this->get("alb_inscriptions.alb_manager")->getActivitesAdherent($id); $bureau = $this->get("alb_inscriptions.alb_manager")->isBureau($id, $activites); if ($bureau) { $groupes = $this->get("alb_inscriptions.alb_manager")->getGroupesAdherent($id); $activitesgroupe = $em->getRepository('ALBInscriptionsBundle:Activites')->findByIdgroupes($groupes); foreach ($activitesgroupe as $activite) { $activites[] = $activite->getId(); } } $activites = $this->get("alb_inscriptions.alb_manager")->getListeActivites($activites); } else { $activites = $em->getRepository('ALBInscriptionsBundle:Activites')->findAll(); $groupes = $em->getRepository('ALBInscriptionsBundle:Groupes')->findAll(); } if ('POST' === $request->getMethod()) { $activite = $request->get('activite'); $groupe = $request->get('groupe'); if ($activite > 0) { $nomactivite = $em->getRepository('ALBInscriptionsBundle:Activites')->find($activite)->getActivite(); } elseif ($groupe > 0) { $nomactivite = $em->getRepository('ALBInscriptionsBundle:groupes')->find($groupe)->getGroupe(); } else { $nomactivite = 'Toutes'; } $datedebut = $request->get('datedebut'); $datefin = $request->get('datefin'); $nb = 0; if ($activite > 0) { $participants = $this->get("alb_inscriptions.alb_manager")->getListeParticipantsActivite($activite); } else { $participants = $this->get("alb_inscriptions.alb_manager")->getListeParticipants($groupe); } $nomfichier = 'statistiques/' . $activite . '.pdf'; $pdf = new \FPDF(); $pdf->Open(); $pdf->SetTopMargin(5); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 14); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, utf8_decode('Amicale Laïque de Billère'), 0, 1, 'C'); $pdf->ln(2); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, utf8_decode('Liste des présences aux sorties ' . $nomactivite . ' entre le ' . substr($datedebut, 8, 2) . '/' . substr($datedebut, 5, 2) . '/' . substr($datedebut, 0, 4) . ' et le ' . substr($datefin, 8, 2) . '/' . substr($datefin, 5, 2) . '/' . substr($datefin, 0, 4)), 0, 1); $pdf->ln(2); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->Cell(5, 4, '', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(50, 4, utf8_decode('Nom Prénom'), 1, 0, 'C'); //$pdf->Cell(20,4,utf8_decode('Activité'),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(30, 4, utf8_decode('Nb de présence'), 1, 1, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $i = 0; $encadrement = false; foreach ($participants as $participant) { if ($participant->getAidemeneur() and !$encadrement) { $pdf->Cell(55, 4, 'TOTAL', 1, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(30, 4, $nb, 1, 1, 'C'); $nb = 0; $encadrement = true; $i = 0; $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->Cell(85, 5, 'ENCADREMENT', 0, 1, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->Cell(5, 4, '', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(50, 4, utf8_decode('Nom Prénom'), 1, 0, 'C'); //$pdf->Cell(20,4,utf8_decode('Activité'),1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(30, 4, utf8_decode('Nb de présence'), 1, 1, 'C'); } $i++; $pdf->Cell(5, 4, $i, 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(50, 4, utf8_decode($participant->getIdadherent()->getNom() . ' ' . $participant->getIdadherent()->getPrenom()), 1, 0, ''); $id = $participant->getId(); if ($activite > 0) { $nbparticipation = $this->get("alb_inscriptions.alb_manager")->getNbParticipationActivite($activite, $id, $datedebut, $datefin); } else { $nbparticipation = $this->get("alb_inscriptions.alb_manager")->getNbParticipationGroupe($groupe, $id, $datedebut, $datefin); } $pdf->Cell(30, 4, $nbparticipation, 1, 1, 'C'); $nb = $nb + $nbparticipation; } $pdf->Cell(55, 4, 'TOTAL', 1, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(30, 4, $nb, 1, 1, 'C'); $pdf->Output($nomfichier, 'F'); $response = new Response(); $response->setContent(file_get_contents($nomfichier)); $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/force-download'); $response->headers->set('Content-disposition', 'filename=' . $nomfichier); return $response; } return array('activites' => $activites, 'groupes' => $groupes); }
<?php include '../conexion/db.php'; require '../fpdf17/fpdf.php'; $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 16); $pdf->Image("../dist/img/ICONO2.png", 10, 8, 10, 10, 'PNG'); $pdf->Cell(60, 10, '', 0); $pdf->Cell(90, 10, 'Efood - Administracion', 0); $pdf->ln(15); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); $pdf->Cell(70, 10, '', 0); $pdf->Cell(90, 10, 'Ventas realizadas', 0); $pdf->ln(30); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12); $pdf->Cell(30, 10, 'N. Venta', 0); $pdf->Cell(70, 10, 'Cliente', 0); $pdf->Cell(30, 10, 'Fecha', 0); $pdf->Cell(30, 10, 'Total C.', 0); $pdf->ln(8); //Consulta a la BD /*$pdf->SetFont('Arial','',12); $ventas=pg_query("Select * form ventas ") while ($ventas2=pg_fetch_row($ventas)) { $pdf->Cell(30,10,$ventas2['id'],0); $pdf->Cell(70,10,$ventas2['cliente'],0); $pdf->Cell(30,10,$ventas2['fecha'],0); $pdf->Cell(30,10,$ventas2['totalp'],0); $pdf->ln(8);
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$fechaanio = date("Y", $fecha2); $fecha_ahora = date('Y-m-d'); $fecha_hoy_dia = $fechadia . "/" . $fechames . "/" . $fechaanio; if (isset($_GET['fecha_hoy'])) { $fecha_hoy_dia = $_GET['fecha_hoy']; $fecha_ahora = DateToIso($_GET['fecha_hoy']); } $horapago = date("G", $fecha2); $horapago = $horapago; $minutopago = date("i", $fecha2); $horapago = $horapago . ":" . $minutopago; /** INICIO HEADER **/ $ruta = MAIN_PATH . 'images/' . $_SESSION['path'] . '/logo.jpg'; $pdf->Image($ruta, 195, 5, 10, 10); $pdf->Cell(193, 4, 'Libro Diario ' . $fecha_hoy_dia, 0, 1, 'C'); $pdf->ln(); /** FIN HEADER **/ $pdf->Cell(1, 4, '', 0, 0, 'C', $fill); $pdf->Cell(115, 4, 'Descripción', 1, 0, 'C'); $fill = 0; $pdf->Cell(1, 4, '', 0, 0, 'C', $fill); $pdf->Cell(50, 4, ' Entradas ', 1, 0, 'C', $fill); $pdf->Cell(1, 4, '', 0, 0, 'C', $fill); $pdf->Cell(25, 4, ' Salidas ', 1, 1, 'C', $fill); $pdf->Cell(115, 4, ' ', 0, 0); $fill = 0; $pdf->Cell(1, 4, '', 0, 0, 'C', $fill); $pdf->Cell(1, 4, '', 0, 0, 'C', $fill); $pdf->Cell(25, 4, ' Caja ', 1, 0, 'C', $fill); $pdf->Cell(25, 4, ' Banco ', 1, 0, 'C', $fill); $pdf->Cell(25, 4, ' ', 0, 1, 'C', $fill);
function geraCertificado($Data, $NomeAluno, $Evento, $orador, $CargaHoraria, $organizadorEvento, $caminhoServidor) { //CRIA O PDF $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->SetTitle('Certificado de ' . utf8_decode($NomeAluno)); // ABRE O PDF PARA EDIÇÃO $pdf->Open(); // ADICIONA UMA PÁGINA AO ARQUIVO $pdf->AddPage('L', 'A4'); $pdf->AddFont('Century', '', 'Century.php'); // ADICIONA IMAGEM (CABEÇALHO) $pdf->Image('resources/images/header.png', 0, 5); $pdf->SetY(67); $pdf->SetX(20); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont('Century', '', 18); if ($orador != "") { $pdf->MultiCell(220, 10, utf8_decode("Certifico para os devidos fins que {$NomeAluno} participou, como ouvinte, do evento \"{$Evento}\" apresentado por \"{$orador}\" organizado pelo(a) {$organizadorEvento}, {$Data} com carga horária de {$CargaHoraria} horas."), 0, "J", false); } else { $pdf->MultiCell(220, 10, utf8_decode("Certifico para os devidos fins que {$NomeAluno} participou, como ouvinte, do evento \"{$Evento}\" organizado pelo(a) {$organizadorEvento}, {$Data} com carga horária de {$CargaHoraria} horas."), 0, "J", false); } //ADICIONA A ASSINATURA $pdf->Image('resources/images/assinaturaFulano.gif', 125, 130, 43, 16); //NOME DO ASSINANTE $pdf->SetFont('Century', '', 12); $pdf->SetY(157); $pdf->SetX(73); $pdf->Cell(145, 0, 'Sr. Fulano da Silva', 0, 0, 'C'); //TITULO OU FUNCAO DO ASSINANTE $pdf->ln(7); $pdf->SetX(73); $pdf->Cell(145, 0, utf8_decode("Título/Função de Fulano da Silva"), 0, 0, 'C'); //ENDEREÇO DO LOCAL A DESEJAR $pdf->SetY(175); $pdf->ln(4); $pdf->SetX(73); $pdf->Cell(145, 0, utf8_decode("Avenida Meu Endereço, São Paulo - SP"), 0, 0, 'C'); //RODAPE COM DEMAIS INFORMACOES $pdf->ln(7); $pdf->SetX(73); $pdf->Cell(145, 0, '(11) 5555-5555 -', 0, 0, 'C'); //GERA O ARQUIVO PDF COM O NOME DO ALUNO E SALVA NO SERVIDOR EM PASTA ESPECIFICA DO EVENTO $NomeAlunoSemAcent = remove_acentuacao($NomeAluno, true); $EventoSemAcent = remove_acentuacao($Evento, true); $pdf->Output($caminhoServidor . "/{$EventoSemAcent}/" . $NomeAlunoSemAcent . ".pdf", "F"); }
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/** * valida email * @param string $email */ public function geraProcessosDetran($orgao, $resultado, $anexar, $id_empresa, $id_usuario, $id_pedido, $ordem, $res_oficio) { if ($orgao == '') { $orgao = 'Detran'; } if ($resultado == '') { $resultado = 'Nada Constou'; } // Variaveis de Tamanho $mesq = "10"; // Margem Esquerda (mm) $msup = "10"; // Margem Superior (mm) margem mínima dois pois ficou cortando) /*Uma dica: estes tamanhos você pode verificar com uma régua ou na própria caixa da etiqueta, seja bem preciso e sugiro que faça o teste na impressora que vai ser utilizada, pois pode acontecer de na impressão começar a subir ou descer, portanto, você deverá aumentar ou diminuir a altura da etiqueta. */ $m = date(m); $mes = traduzMes($m); $anexoDAO = new AnexoDAO(); $impressoDAO = new ImpressoDAO(); $atividadeDAO = new AtividadeDAO(); $res = $impressoDAO->buscaPorId(28); $imprimir_topo = $res->topo; $id_impresso = $res->id_impresso; $imprimir_timbre = $res->timbre; $imprimir_sub = $res->sub; $imprimir_linha = $res->linhas; $frase = ''; #if($anexar!='on'){ $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'cm', 'A4'); //papel personalizado $pdf->Open(); $pdf->SetMargins(1, 2); //seta as margens do documento $pdf->SetAuthor('Softfox 2011'); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 7); $pdf->SetDisplayMode(100, 'continuous'); //define o nivel de zoom do documento PDF $coluna = 0; $linha = 0; $posicaoH = 0; $posicaoV = 0; #} $impressao_ordem = ''; $linha = 0; $frase .= $imprimir_topo; $bloco = ''; if ($res_oficio->id_pedido != '') { $linha_bloco = 1; $orgao_regiao = $res_oficio->certidao_cidade; $orgao_regiao .= '-' . $res_oficio->certidao_estado; $impressao_ordem = '#' . $res_oficio->id_pedido . '/' . $res_oficio->ordem . ' '; $responsavel_endereco = $res_oficio->endereco . ' ' . $res_oficio->numero . ' ' . $res_oficio->complemento; $data_atual = $res_oficio->cidade . ', ' . date(d) . ' de ' . $mes . ' de 20' . date(y) . '.'; $topo = str_replace('<certidao_nome>', $res_oficio->certidao_nome, $imprimir_topo); $topo = str_replace('<certidao_cnpj>', $res_oficio->certidao_cnpj, $topo); $topo = str_replace('<certidao_cpf>', $res_oficio->certidao_cpf, $topo); $topo = str_replace('<orgao>', $orgao, $topo); $topo = str_replace("<resultado>", $resultado, $topo); $topo = str_replace("<orgao_regiao>", $orgao_regiao, $topo); $topo = str_replace('<responsavel_empresa>', $res_oficio->fantasia, $topo); $topo = str_replace('<responsavel_endereco>', $responsavel_endereco, $topo); $topo = str_replace('<responsavel_cidade>', $res_oficio->cidade, $topo); $topo = str_replace('<responsavel_estado>', $res_oficio->estado, $topo); $topo = str_replace("<data>", $data_atual, $topo); $topo = str_replace('<impressao_ordem>', $impressao_ordem, $topo); $sub = str_replace('<responsavel_empresa>', $res_oficio->fantasia, $imprimir_sub); $sub = str_replace('<responsavel_endereco>', $responsavel_endereco, $sub); $sub = str_replace('<responsavel_cidade>', $res_oficio->cidade, $sub); $sub = str_replace('<responsavel_estado>', $res_oficio->estado, $sub); $sub = str_replace('<responsavel_cep>', $res_oficio->cep, $sub); $sub = str_replace('<responsavel_tel>', $res_oficio->tel, $sub); $sub = str_replace('<responsavel_fax>', $res_oficio->fax, $sub); $sub = str_replace('<responsavel_email>', $res_oficio->email, $sub); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Image('../images/header.jpg', '0', '0', '19', '3,04', 'JPG'); $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 12); $pdf->Cell('', 2, 'NÃO EMITIMOS E NEM VENDEMOS CERTIDÕES E SIM PRAZOS E SOLUÇÕES', '', 1, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 14); $pdf->Cell('', 2, 'Declaração de Busca', '', 1, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('', '', 12); $pdf->Write(1, $topo, ''); $pdf->SetFont('', '', 12); $pdf->Cell('', 1, '', '', 1, 'C'); $pdf->Cell('', 1, '', '', 1, 'C'); $pdf->Cell('', 1, '', '', 1, 'C'); $pdf->Cell('', 1, '', '', 1, 'C'); $pdf->Cell('', 1, '', '', 1, 'C'); $pdf->Cell('', 1, '', '', 1, 'C'); $pdf->Cell('', 1, $data_atual, '', 1, 'C'); $pdf->Cell('', 1, $impressao_ordem, '', 1, 'R'); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->Cell('', 1, $res_oficio->fantasia, '', 1, 'C'); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->Write(0.5, $sub, ''); $pdf->Line(1, 25, 20, 25); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Cell('', 0.5, $rodape, '', 1, 'C'); $rodape = $responsavel_endereco . ', ' . $res_oficio->cidade . '-' . $res_oficio->estado . ' CEP: ' . $res_oficio->cep; $pdf->Cell('', 0.5, $rodape, '', 1, 'C'); $rodape = 'Tel/Fax: ' . $res_oficio->tel . '/' . $res_oficio->fax . ' E-mail:' . $res_oficio->email; $pdf->Cell('', 0.5, $rodape, '', 1, 'C'); $rodape = ''; $pdf->Cell('', 0.5, $rodape, '', 1, 'C'); if ($anexar == 'on' and $res_oficio->id_servico == '16') { $pdf->Close(); //imprime a saida $num_a = $anexoDAO->listaAnexoPedidoNome($res_oficio->id_pedido_item, 'Declaração de Busca'); if (COUNT($num_a) == 0) { $file_path = "../anexosnovos/" . date('m') . '' . date('Y') . '/'; #alterado => "../anexos/" if (!is_dir($file_path)) { mkdir($file_path, 0777); } #alterado $arq_anexo = $file_path . 'decla_busca_' . $res_oficio->id_pedido_item . '_' . time() . '.pdf'; $pdf->Output($arq_anexo, 'F'); //imprime a saida $anexo->anexo = $arq_anexo; $anexo->anexo_nome = 'Declaração de Busca'; $anexo->id_pedido_item = $res_oficio->id_pedido_item; $anexo->id_usuario = $id_usuario; $anexoDAO->inserir($anexo); $ativ = $atividadeDAO->inserir('209', '', $id_usuario, $res_oficio->id_pedido_item); return 'Declaração anexada para ' . $impressao_ordem . '<br>'; } else { return 'Declaração não pode ser anexada para ' . $impressao_ordem . ' porque o anexo já existe<br>'; } } else { if ($anexar == 'on' and $res_oficio->id_servico != '16') { return '<b>Declaração não pode ser anexada para ' . $impressao_ordem . ' porque o serviço não é "Pesquisa Detran</b>"<br>'; } } } if ($anexar != 'on') { return $pdf->Output(); //imprime a saida } else { return 1; } }