  * Define array with couple substitution key => substitution value
  * @param   Expedition			$object             Main object to use as data source
  * @param   Translate		$outputlangs        Lang object to use for output
  * @param   array_key		$array_key	        Name of the key for return array
  * @return	array								Array of substitution
 function get_substitutionarray_shipment($object, $outputlangs, $array_key = 'object')
     global $conf;
     $calculatedVolume = $object->trueWidth * $object->trueHeight * $object->trueDepth;
     $array_shipment = array($array_key . '_id' => $object->id, $array_key . '_ref' => $object->ref, $array_key . '_ref_ext' => $object->ref_ext, $array_key . '_ref_customer' => $object->ref_customer, $array_key . '_date_delivery' => dol_print_date($object->date_delivery, 'day'), $array_key . '_hour_delivery' => dol_print_date($object->date_delivery, 'hour'), $array_key . '_date_creation' => dol_print_date($object->date_creation, 'day'), $array_key . '_total_ht' => price($object->total_ht), $array_key . '_total_vat' => price($object->total_tva), $array_key . '_total_ttc' => price($object->total_ttc), $array_key . '_total_discount_ht' => price($object->getTotalDiscount()), $array_key . '_note_private' => $object->note_private, $array_key . '_note' => $object->note_public, $array_key . '_tracking_number' => $object->tracking_number, $array_key . '_tracking_url' => $object->tracking_url, $array_key . '_shipping_method' => $object->listmeths[0]['libelle'], $array_key . '_weight' => $object->trueWeight . ' ' . measuring_units_string($object->weight_units, 'weight'), $array_key . '_width' => $object->trueWidth . ' ' . measuring_units_string($object->width_units, 'size'), $array_key . '_height' => $object->trueHeight . ' ' . measuring_units_string($object->height_units, 'size'), $array_key . '_depth' => $object->trueDepth . ' ' . measuring_units_string($object->depth_units, 'size'), $array_key . '_size' => $calculatedVolume . ' ' . measuring_units_string(0, 'volume'));
     // Add vat by rates
     foreach ($object->lines as $line) {
         if (empty($array_shipment[$array_key . '_total_vat_' . $line->tva_tx])) {
             $array_shipment[$array_key . '_total_vat_' . $line->tva_tx] = 0;
         $array_shipment[$array_key . '_total_vat_' . $line->tva_tx] += $line->total_tva;
     // Retrieve extrafields
     /*if(is_array($object->array_options) && count($object->array_options))
         		require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/extrafields.class.php';
         		$extrafields = new ExtraFields($this->db);
         		$extralabels = $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label('shipment',true);
         		$array_shipment = $this->fill_substitutionarray_with_extrafields($object,$array_shipment,$extrafields,$array_key,$outputlangs);
     return $array_shipment;