Beispiel #1
 public static function build($statistic, $page = 1)
     if ($statistic['type'] === 'all') {
         $bestPodiums = array();
         $eventIds = array_keys(Events::getNormalEvents());
         $temp = $statistic;
         $temp['type'] = 'single';
         foreach ($eventIds as $eventId) {
             $temp['eventId'] = $eventId;
             $bestPodiums[$eventId] = self::build($temp);
         return self::makeStatisticsData($statistic, array('statistic' => $bestPodiums, 'select' => Events::getNormalEvents(), 'selectHandler' => 'Yii::t("event", "$name")', 'selectKey' => 'event'));
     $eventId = $statistic['eventId'];
     $type = self::getType($eventId);
     $command = Yii::app()->wcaDb->createCommand();
     $command->select(array('r.competitionId', 'r.eventId', 'r.roundId', self::getSelectSum($eventId, $type), 'c.cellName', 'c.cityName', 'c.year', 'c.month', ''))->from('Results r')->leftJoin('Competitions c', '')->where('r.eventId=:eventId', array(':eventId' => $eventId))->andWhere('r.roundId IN ("c", "f")')->andWhere('r.pos IN (1,2,3)')->andWhere('c.countryId="China"')->andWhere("r.{$type} > 0");
     $cmd = clone $command;
     $command->group('r.competitionId')->order('sum ASC')->having('count(DISTINCT pos)<=3 AND count(pos)>=3')->limit(self::$limit)->offset(($page - 1) * self::$limit);
     $columns = array(array('header' => 'Yii::t("common", "Competition")', 'value' => 'CHtml::link(ActiveRecord::getModelAttributeValue($data, "name"), $data["url"])', 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("Competition", "Date")', 'value' => '$data["date"]', 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Sum")', 'value' => 'CHtml::tag("b", array(), $data["formatedSum"])', 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("common", "Average")', 'value' => '$data["formatedAverage"]', 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "First")', 'value' => self::makePosValue('first'), 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => '', 'value' => self::makePosResultValue('first')), array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Second")', 'value' => self::makePosValue('second'), 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => '', 'value' => self::makePosResultValue('second')), array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Third")', 'value' => self::makePosValue('third'), 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => '', 'value' => self::makePosResultValue('third')));
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($command->queryAll() as $row) {
         $row = self::getCompetition($row);
         self::setPodiumsResults($row, $type);
         $row['formatedSum'] = self::formatSum($row);
         $row['formatedAverage'] = self::formatAverage($row);
         $row['date'] = sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", $row['year'], $row['month'], $row['day']);
         $rows[] = $row;
     $statistic['count'] = $cmd->select('count(DISTINCT r.competitionId) AS count')->queryScalar();
     $statistic['rank'] = ($page - 1) * self::$limit;
     $statistic['rankKey'] = 'sum';
     return self::makeStatisticsData($statistic, $columns, $rows);
 public static function build($statistic, $page = 1)
     $gender = isset($statistic['gender']) ? $statistic['gender'] : 'all';
     $ranks = self::getRanks($statistic['type'], $gender);
     $eventIds = !empty($statistic['eventIds']) ? $statistic['eventIds'] : array_keys(Events::getNormalEvents());
     $columns = array(array('header' => 'Yii::t("common", "Region")', 'value' => 'Region::getIconName($data["countryId"], $data["iso2"])', 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Sum")', 'value' => 'CHtml::tag("b", array(), $data["sum"])', 'type' => 'raw'));
     $penalty = self::getPenalties($statistic['type']);
     $allPenalties = 0;
     foreach ($eventIds as $key => $eventId) {
         if (!isset($ranks[$eventId])) {
         $allPenalties += $penalty[$eventId];
     $rankSum = array();
     foreach ($eventIds as $eventId) {
         foreach ($ranks[$eventId] as $countryId => $row) {
             if (!isset($rankSum[$countryId])) {
                 $rankSum[$countryId] = $row;
                 $rankSum[$countryId]['sum'] = $allPenalties;
             $rankSum[$countryId]['sum'] += $row['worldRank'] - $penalty[$eventId];
         $columns[] = array('header' => "CHtml::tag('span', array(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t'class'=>'event-icon event-icon-white event-icon-{$eventId}'\r\n\t\t\t\t), '&nbsp;')", 'name' => $eventId, 'type' => 'raw');
     uasort($rankSum, function ($rankA, $rankB) {
         return $rankA['sum'] - $rankB['sum'];
     $count = count($rankSum);
     if ($page > ceil($count / self::$limit)) {
         $page = ceil($count / self::$limit);
     $rows = array();
     foreach (array_slice($rankSum, ($page - 1) * self::$limit, self::$limit) as $countryId => $row) {
         foreach ($eventIds as $eventId) {
             $row[$eventId] = isset($ranks[$eventId][$countryId]) ? $ranks[$eventId][$countryId]['worldRank'] : $penalty[$eventId];
             if (isset($ranks[$eventId][$countryId]) && $ranks[$eventId][$countryId]['worldRank'] <= 10) {
                 $row[$eventId] = CHtml::tag('span', array('class' => 'top10'), $row[$eventId]);
             } elseif (!isset($ranks[$eventId][$countryId])) {
                 $row[$eventId] = CHtml::tag('span', array('class' => 'penalty'), $row[$eventId]);
         $rows[] = $row;
     $statistic['count'] = $count;
     $statistic['rank'] = isset($rows[0]) ? count(array_filter($rankSum, function ($row) use($rows) {
         return $row['sum'] < $rows[0]['sum'];
     })) : 0;
     $statistic['rankKey'] = 'sum';
     return self::makeStatisticsData($statistic, $columns, $rows);
Beispiel #3
 public static function getPenlties($type, $countryId)
     if (Region::isContinent($countryId)) {
         $countryId = '_' . $countryId;
     $ranksPenalties = self::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('type' => $type, 'countryId' => $countryId));
     $penalties = array();
     foreach ($ranksPenalties as $ranksPenalty) {
         $penalties[$ranksPenalty->eventId] = $ranksPenalty->penalty;
     //some countries dont' have penalty for some events
     //because no person attend the events
     foreach (Events::getNormalEvents() as $eventId => $eventName) {
         if (!isset($penalties[$eventId])) {
             $penalties[$eventId] = 1;
     return $penalties;
 public static function build($statistic, $page = 1, $recursive = true)
     $command = Yii::app()->wcaDb->createCommand();
     $command->select(array('personId', 'personName', 'sum(CASE WHEN pos=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS gold', 'sum(CASE WHEN pos=2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS silver', 'sum(CASE WHEN pos=3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS bronze'))->from('Results')->where('personCountryId="China" AND roundId IN ("c", "f") AND best>0');
     if (!empty($statistic['eventIds'])) {
         $command->andWhere(array('in', 'eventId', $statistic['eventIds']));
     $cmd = clone $command;
     $command->group('personId')->order('gold DESC, silver DESC, bronze DESC, personName ASC')->having('gold + silver + bronze > 0')->limit(self::$limit)->offset(($page - 1) * self::$limit);
     $columns = array(array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Person")', 'value' => 'Persons::getLinkByNameNId($data["personName"], $data["personId"])', 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Gold")', 'name' => 'gold'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Silver")', 'name' => 'silver'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Bronze")', 'name' => 'bronze'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Sum")', 'value' => 'CHtml::tag("b", array(), $data["gold"] + $data["silver"] + $data["bronze"])', 'type' => 'raw'));
     if ($statistic['type'] === 'all') {
         $rows = array();
         foreach ($command->queryAll() as $row) {
             $row['rank'] = sprintf('%d_%d_%d', $row['gold'], $row['silver'], $row['bronze']);
             $rows[] = $row;
         $statistic['count'] = $cmd->select('count(DISTINCT personId) AS count')->andWhere('pos IN (1,2,3)')->queryScalar();
         $statistic['rank'] = ($page - 1) * self::$limit;
         $statistic['rankKey'] = 'rank';
         if ($page > 1 && $rows !== array() && $recursive) {
             $stat = self::build($statistic, $page - 1, false);
             foreach (array_reverse($stat['rows']) as $row) {
                 if ($row['rank'] === $rows[0]['rank']) {
                 } else {
         return self::makeStatisticsData($statistic, $columns, $rows);
     } else {
         $medals = array();
         $eventIds = array_keys(Events::getNormalEvents());
         foreach ($eventIds as $eventId) {
             $cmd = clone $command;
             $rows = $cmd->andWhere("eventId='{$eventId}'")->queryAll();
             $medals[$eventId] = self::makeStatisticsData($statistic, $columns, $rows);
         return self::makeStatisticsData($statistic, array('statistic' => $medals, 'select' => Events::getNormalEvents(), 'selectHandler' => 'Yii::t("event", "$name")'));
 private function getCompetitionData($model)
     $wcaDelegates = array();
     foreach (User::getDelegates(User::IDENTITY_WCA_DELEGATE) as $delegate) {
         $wcaDelegates[$delegate->id] = $delegate->name_zh ?: $delegate->name;
     $ccaDelegates = array();
     foreach (User::getDelegates(User::IDENTITY_CCA_DELEGATE) as $delegate) {
         $ccaDelegates[$delegate->id] = $delegate->name_zh ?: $delegate->name;
     $organizers = User::getOrganizers();
     $types = Competition::getTypes();
     $checkPersons = Competition::getCheckPersons();
     $normalEvents = Events::getNormalEvents();
     $otherEvents = Events::getOtherEvents();
     $cities = Region::getAllCities();
     return array('model' => $model, 'normalEvents' => $normalEvents, 'otherEvents' => $otherEvents, 'cities' => $cities, 'wcaDelegates' => $wcaDelegates, 'ccaDelegates' => $ccaDelegates, 'organizers' => $organizers, 'types' => $types, 'checkPersons' => $checkPersons);
Beispiel #6
 public static function build($statistic)
     $db = Yii::app()->wcaDb;
     $command = $db->createCommand()->from('Results rs')->leftJoin('Countries country', 'rs.personCountryId=country.Id')->leftJoin('Competitions c', '')->leftJoin('Persons p', ' AND p.subid=1')->where('eventId=:eventId', array(':eventId' => $statistic['event']))->order('value ASC')->limit(200);
     ActiveRecord::applyRegionCondition($command, $statistic['region']);
     if (isset($statistic['gender'])) {
         switch ($statistic['gender']) {
             case 'female':
             case 'male':
     switch ($statistic['type']) {
         case 'single':
             $temp = array();
             for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
                 $cmd = clone $command;
                 $temp[] = $cmd->select(array("value{$i} AS value", 'personId', 'personName', 'personCountryId', ' AS countryName', 'iso2', 'competitionId', 'cellName', 'cityName', 'eventId'))->andWhere("value{$i}>0")->queryAll();
             $top200 = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $temp);
             usort($top200, function ($resultA, $resultB) {
                 $temp = $resultA['value'] - $resultB['value'];
                 if ($temp == 0) {
                     $temp = strcmp($resultA['personName'], $resultB['personName']);
                 return $temp;
         case 'average':
             $top200 = $command->select(array('personId', 'personName', 'personCountryId', ' AS countryName', 'iso2', 'competitionId', 'cellName', 'cityName', 'eventId', 'average AS value', 'value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4', 'value5'))->andWhere('average>0')->queryAll();
     $top100 = array();
     $lastValue = 0;
     $number = $pos = 0;
     foreach ($top200 as $result) {
         if ($lastValue != $result['value']) {
             $lastValue = $result['value'];
             $pos = $number;
         if ($pos > 100) {
         if (isset($statistic['count'])) {
             if (!isset($top100[$result['personId']])) {
                 $top100[$result['personId']] = $result;
                 $top100[$result['personId']]['count'] = 0;
         } else {
             $top100[] = $result;
     if (isset($statistic['count'])) {
         usort($top100, function ($rowA, $rowB) {
             return $rowB['count'] - $rowA['count'];
         $columns = array(array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Person")', 'value' => 'Persons::getLinkByNameNId($data["personName"], $data["personId"])', 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Appearances")', 'value' => 'CHtml::tag("b", array(), $data["count"])', 'type' => 'raw'));
         self::$top100s[$statistic['type']][$statistic['event']] = self::makeStatisticsData($statistic, $columns, array_slice($top100, 0, self::$limit));
         $events = Events::getNormalEvents();
         $eventIds = array_keys($events);
         foreach ($eventIds as $eventId) {
             if (isset(self::$top100s[$statistic['type']][$eventId])) {
             $temp = $statistic;
             $temp['event'] = $eventId;
         if ($statistic['type'] === 'average') {
             unset($events['444bf'], $events['555bf'], $events['333mbf']);
         return self::makeStatisticsData($statistic, array('statistic' => self::$top100s[$statistic['type']], 'select' => $events, 'selectHandler' => 'Yii::t("event", "$name")', 'selectKey' => 'event'));
     } else {
         $top100 = array_map(function ($row) {
             return self::getCompetition($row);
         }, $top100);
         $columns = array(array('header' => 'Yii::t("statistics", "Person")', 'value' => 'Persons::getLinkByNameNId($data["personName"], $data["personId"])', 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("common", "Result")', 'value' => 'Results::formatTime($data["value"], $data["eventId"])', 'type' => 'raw'), array('header' => 'Yii::t("common", "Competition")', 'value' => 'CHtml::link(ActiveRecord::getModelAttributeValue($data, "name"), $data["url"])', 'type' => 'raw'));
         if ($statistic['type'] === 'average') {
             $columns[] = array('header' => "Yii::t('common', 'Detail')", 'value' => 'Results::getDisplayDetail($data)', 'type' => 'raw');
         $statistic['count'] = count($top100);
         $statistic['rankKey'] = 'value';
         return self::makeStatisticsData($statistic, $columns, $top100);
Beispiel #7
  * Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions.
  * Typical usecase:
  * - Initialize the model fields with values from filter form.
  * - Execute this method to get CActiveDataProvider instance which will filter
  * models according to data in model fields.
  * - Pass data provider to CGridView, CListView or any similar widget.
  * @return CActiveDataProvider the data provider that can return the models
  * based on the search/filter conditions.
 public function search()
     // @todo Please modify the following code to remove attributes that should not be searched.
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->with = 'country';
     $criteria->compare('', $this->id, true);
     // $criteria->compare('',$this->name,true);
     $criteria->compare('t.cityName', $this->cityName, true);
     $criteria->compare('t.countryId', $this->countryId, true);
     $criteria->compare('t.information', $this->information, true);
     // $criteria->compare('t.year',$this->year);
     // $criteria->compare('t.month',$this->month);
     // $criteria->compare('',$this->day);
     $criteria->compare('t.endMonth', $this->endMonth);
     $criteria->compare('t.endDay', $this->endDay);
     $criteria->compare('t.eventSpecs', $this->eventSpecs, true);
     $criteria->compare('t.wcaDelegate', $this->wcaDelegate, true);
     $criteria->compare('t.organiser', $this->organiser, true);
     $criteria->compare('t.venue', $this->venue, true);
     $criteria->compare('t.venueAddress', $this->venueAddress, true);
     $criteria->compare('t.venueDetails', $this->venueDetails, true);
     $criteria->compare('', $this->website, true);
     $criteria->compare('t.cellName', $this->cellName, true);
     $criteria->compare('t.latitude', $this->latitude);
     $criteria->compare('t.longitude', $this->longitude);
     $pageSize = 100;
     if (in_array($this->year, self::getYears())) {
         $criteria->compare('year', $this->year);
     } elseif ($this->year === 'current') {
         $time = time() - 86400 * 90;
         $criteria->addCondition('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CONCAT(year, "-", month, "-", day))>=' . $time);
         $pageSize = 10000;
     switch ($this->region) {
         case 'World':
         case 'Africa':
         case 'Asia':
         case 'Oceania':
         case 'Europe':
         case 'North America':
         case 'South America':
             $criteria->compare('country.continentId', '_' . $this->region);
             $criteria->compare('t.countryId', $this->region);
     if ($this->event && in_array($this->event, array_keys(Events::getNormalEvents()))) {
         $criteria->addCondition("eventSpecs REGEXP '[[:<:]]{$this->event}[[:>:]]'");
     if ($this->name) {
         $names = explode(' ', $this->name);
         foreach ($names as $key => $value) {
             if (trim($value) === '') {
             $paramKey = ':name' . $key;
             $criteria->addCondition("t.cellName LIKE {$paramKey} or t.cityName LIKE {$paramKey} or t.venue LIKE {$paramKey}");
             $criteria->params[$paramKey] = '%' . $value . '%';
     return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array('criteria' => $criteria, 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => $pageSize), 'sort' => array('defaultOrder' => 't.year DESC, t.month DESC, DESC, t.endMonth DESC, t.endDay DESC')));
 private function statMedalCollection()
     $page = $this->iGet('page', 1);
     $eventIds = $this->aGet('event');
     if (array_intersect($eventIds, array_keys(Events::getNormalEvents())) === array()) {
         $eventIds = array();
     $statistic = array('class' => 'MedalCollection', 'type' => 'all', 'eventIds' => $eventIds);
     if ($page < 1) {
         $page = 1;
     $this->title = Yii::t('statistics', 'Medal Collection');
     $this->pageTitle = array('Fun Statistics', $this->title);
     $this->breadcrumbs = array('Results' => array('/results/index'), 'Statistics' => array('/results/statistics'), $this->title);
     $data = Statistics::buildRankings($statistic, $page);
     if ($page > ceil($statistic['count'] / Statistics::$limit)) {
         $page = ceil($statistic['count'] / Statistics::$limit);
     $this->render('stat/medalCollection', array('statistic' => $statistic, 'time' => $time, 'page' => $page, 'eventIds' => $eventIds));