public function validate() { $return = true; if ($this->user_id == "") { $this->errors[] = "You must enter a user ID"; $return = false; } if ($this->survey_id == "") { $this->errors[] = "You must enter a survey ID"; $return = false; } $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string($this->user_id); $survey_id = mysql_real_escape_string($this->survey_id); $and_not_self = ""; if ($this->id) { $id = mysql_real_escape_string($this->id); $and_not_self = " AND `id` != '{$id}'"; } $result = mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `survey_responses` WHERE `user_id` = '{$user_id}' AND `survey_id` = '{$survey_id}'{$and_not_self} AND `deleted` = false"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $this->errors[] = "This user has already responded to this survey."; $return = false; } if (!$this->survey) { if ($this->survey_id) { $this->survey = Survey::find_by_id($this->survey_id); } } if (!$this->survey) { $this->errors[] = "You must enter a survey ID"; $return = false; } else { if ($this->survey->event_id) { // Survey user must have been to the event $event_id = mysql_real_escape_string($this->survey->event_id); $result = EventSignup::find(" = '{$event_id}' AND = '{$user_id}' AND event_signups.paid"); if (!$result) { $this->errors[] = "You must have attended {$event->name} to complete this survey"; $return = false; } } } if (count($this->errors) > 0) { $return = false; } return $return; }
public function move($permalink = null) { $event = self::load_event($permalink); $event_id = mysql_real_escape_string($event->id); $signup_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['seat']); $signup = EventSignup::find("event_signups.event_id = '{$event_id}' AND event_tickets.participant = true AND event_signups.paid = true AND = '{$signup_id}'"); if (!$signup) { Error404(); } if (isset($_GET['destination'])) { $anchor = ''; if ($_GET['destination'] == "unseat") { $signup->event_seat_id = null; if ($signup->save()) { Site::Flash("notice", "{$signup->user->nickname} has been unseated"); } else { Site::Flash("error", "Unable to unseat {$signup->user->nickname}"); } } else { $destination = self::load_seat($_GET['destination'], $event); if ($destination) { $anchor = "#{$destination->seating_plan->permalink}-"; if ($destination->event_signup->id) { $destination->event_signup->event_seat_id = null; $destination->event_signup->save(); } $signup->event_seat_id = $destination->id; if ($signup->save()) { //Email::send_event_checkin($signup); Site::Flash("notice", "{$signup->user->nickname} has been moved to {$destination->label}"); } else { Site::Flash("error", "Unable to move {$signup->user->nickname}"); } } } Redirect("admin/events/{$event->permalink}/seating{$anchor}"); } $this->assign("event", $event); $this->assign("signup", $signup); $this->title = "{$event->name} Seating"; $this->render("event_seat/move.tpl"); }
public function __get($name) { switch ($name) { case 'requiresContactData': if (!$this->id) { $this->requiresContactData = false; return false; } $id = mysql_real_escape_string($this->id); $count = EventSignup::find(" = '{$id}'"); $this->requiresContactData = false; if ($count) { $this->requiresContactData = true; } return $this->requiresContactData; break; case 'hasContactData': $fields = array('address1', 'towncity', 'county', 'postcode', 'phone'); $this->hasContactData = true; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!$this->{$field}) { $this->hasContactData = false; break; } } return $this->hasContactData; case 'forumPmLink': global $config; return $config['forums']['url'] . 'index.php?app=core&module=epic§ion=profile&feature=pm&id=' . $this->id; case 'forumProfileLink': global $config; return $config['forums']['url'] . 'index.php?app=core&module=epic§ion=profile&feature=profile&id=' . $this->id; case 'steam_id': // Calculate traditional Steam ID if (!$this->steamid64bit) { return ''; } $offset = bcsub($this->steamid64bit, '76561197960265728'); $id = bcdiv($offset, '2'); $idParts = explode('.', $id); $id = array_shift($idParts); if (bcmod($offset, '2')) { $steamid = 'STEAM_0:1:' . $id; } else { $steamid = "STEAM_0:0:" . $id; } return $steamid; default: return $this->{$name}; } }
public function redeem() { if (!Site::CurrentUser()->hasContactData) { Site::Flash('error', 'You must complete your contact information before you can redeem a voucher'); Site::Flash('forceContactInfo', true); Redirect('account'); } if ($this->post and !$this->csrf) { global $site; $site['flash']['error'] = "Invalid form submission"; } elseif ($this->post) { $code = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['code']); $signup = EventSignup::find("event_signups.voucher = true AND event_signups.voucher_code = '{$code}'"); if ($signup) { // We have a signup matching this voucher code, let's unvoucher it and transfer it to the user (if they don't have a ticket already); $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string(Site::CurrentUser()->id); $event_id = mysql_real_escape_string($signup->event_id); $existing_signup = EventSignup::find("event_signups.event_id = '{$event_id}' AND event_signups.voucher = false AND event_signups.user_id = '{$user_id}'"); if ($existing_signup) { if ($existing_signup->paid) { // The signup is paid for, we can't redeem it Site::Flash("error", "You have already signed up and paid for " . $existing_signup->event->name); Redirect("bookings/{$existing_signup->id}"); } else { // We'll delete the existing signup $existing_signup->destroy(); } } $signup->user_id = Site::CurrentUser()->id; $signup->voucher = false; $signup->voucher_code = null; $signup->save(); Site::Flash("notice", "The event booking has been transferred to you"); Redirect("bookings/{$signup->id}"); } else { Site::Flash("error", "Unable to find a voucher with that code"); } } $this->render("event_signup/redeem.tpl"); }
protected static function load_signup($id = null) { if (!$id) { $id = $_GET['id']; } $id = mysql_real_escape_string($id); $signup = EventSignup::find(" = '{$id}'"); if ($signup) { return $signup; } else { Error404(); } }
public function show($permalink = null) { if (isset($_GET['permalink'])) { $permalink = $_GET['permalink']; } $survey = Survey::find_by_permalink($permalink); if (!$survey or !$survey->active && Site::CurrentUser()->isAdmin() == 0) { Error404(); } if ($survey->event->id) { $event_id = mysql_real_escape_string($survey->event_id); $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string(Site::CurrentUser()->id); $result = EventSignup::find(" = '{$event_id}' AND = '{$user_id}' AND event_signups.paid"); if (!$result) { Site::Flash("error", "You must have attended {$survey->event->name} to take this survey"); RedirectBack(); } } $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string(Site::CurrentUser()->id); $survey_id = mysql_real_escape_string($survey->id); $response = SurveyResponse::find(" = '{$survey_id}' AND = '{$user_id}'"); if ($response) { Site::Flash("error", "You have already completed this survey"); Redirect("surveys"); } $response = new SurveyResponse(); $response->survey = $survey; $response->survey_id = $survey->id; $response->user = Site::CurrentUser(); $response->user_id = Site::CurrentUser()->id; $answers = array(); $choices = array(); $valid = true; $errors = array(); if ($this->post) { foreach ($survey->questions() as $question) { $answer = new SurveyAnswer(); $answer->survey_question_id = $question->id; if (in_array($question->type, array("sqtTextbox", "sqtTextArea"))) { // Free-text input if (isset($_POST['question'][$question->id])) { $answer->value = $_POST['question'][$question->id]; } elseif (!$question->required) { continue; } } else { if (isset($_POST['question'][$question->id])) { $chosen = array(); if ($question->type == "sqtCheckbox") { // Checkboxes $chosen = $_POST['question'][$question->id]; } else { // Radio/Select $chosen = array($_POST['question'][$question->id]); } foreach ($chosen as $id) { $option = SurveyQuestionOption::find_by_id($id); if (!$option or $option->question->id != $question->id) { if (!$question->required) { continue; } $valid = false; $answer->add_error("Answer for question {$question->position} is invalid"); $errors[] = $question->id; break; } $choice = new SurveyAnswerChoice(); $choice->survey_question_option_id = $option->id; $choices[$question->id][$option->id] = $choice; } } elseif ($question->required) { $valid = false; $answer->add_error("You must enter an answer for question {$question->position}"); $errors[] = $question->id; } else { continue; } } $result = $answer->validate(); if (!$result) { $valid = false; } $answers[$question->id] = $answer; } if ($valid) { // This is valid, let's save everything! if ($response->save()) { foreach ($answers as $answer) { $answer->survey_response_id = $response->id; $answer->save(); $answers[$answer->survey_question_id] = $answer; } foreach ($choices as $question_id => $answer_choices) { foreach ($answer_choices as $choice) { $choice->survey_answer_id = $answers[$question_id]->id; $choice->save(); } } $account = TwitterAccount::find_by_code('site'); if ($account) { $message = "{$response->user->nickname} has completed the {$survey->name} Survey"; $account->add_tweet($message); } Redirect("surveys/{$survey->permalink}/complete"); } $valid = false; } } $this->assign("answers", $answers); $this->assign("choices", $choices); $this->assign("valid", $valid); $this->assign("survey", $survey); $this->assign("response", $response); $this->assign("errors", $errors); $this->title = $survey->name; $this->render("survey/show.tpl"); }