Beispiel #1
 private function eval_route()
     $route = URI::current();
     $formula = $this->get_formula($route, $action_count);
     $m = new EvalMath();
     $result = $m->e($formula);
     if ($action_count <= 10 && $result !== false) {
         return round($result, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
     } else {
         return 'Incorrect arithmetic route';
  * Check input, strip slashes etc. set alert, if input is not ok.
  * @return	boolean		Input ok, true/false
 function checkInput()
     global $lng;
     $_POST[$this->getPostVar()] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]);
     if ($this->getRequired() && trim($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]) == "") {
         return false;
     } else {
         $eval = new EvalMath();
         $eval->suppress_errors = true;
         $result = $eval->e(str_replace(",", ".", ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST[$this->getPostVar()], FALSE)));
         if ($result === false) {
             return false;
     return $this->checkSubItemsInput();
  * Checks the range limits
  * Checks the Range limits Upper and Lower for their correctness
  * @return boolean 
 public function checkRange()
     include_once "./Services/Math/classes/class.EvalMath.php";
     $eval = new EvalMath();
     $eval->suppress_errors = TRUE;
     if ($eval->e($_POST["rang_lower_limit"]) !== FALSE and $eval->e($_POST["range_upper_limit"]) !== FALSE) {
         if ($eval->e($_POST["rang_lower_limit"]) < $eval->e($_POST["range_upper_limit"])) {
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             return FALSE;
     return FALSE;
  * Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question.
  * The points are calculated from the given answers.
  * @access public
  * @param integer $active_id
  * @param integer $pass
  * @param boolean $returndetails (deprecated !!)
  * @return integer/array $points/$details (array $details is deprecated !!)
 public function calculateReachedPoints($active_id, $pass = NULL, $returndetails = FALSE)
     global $ilDB;
     $found_value1 = array();
     $found_value2 = array();
     $detailed = array();
     if (is_null($pass)) {
         $pass = $this->getSolutionMaxPass($active_id);
     $result = $ilDB->queryF("SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s", array("integer", "integer", "integer"), array($active_id, $this->getId(), $pass));
     $user_result = array();
     while ($data = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
         if (strcmp($data["value2"], "") != 0) {
             $user_result[$data["value1"]] = array("gap_id" => $data["value1"], "value" => $data["value2"]);
     $points = 0;
     $counter = 0;
     $solution_values_text = array();
     // for identical scoring checks
     $solution_values_select = array();
     // for identical scoring checks
     $solution_values_numeric = array();
     // for identical scoring checks
     foreach ($user_result as $gap_id => $value) {
         if (array_key_exists($gap_id, $this->gaps)) {
             switch ($this->gaps[$gap_id]->getType()) {
                 case CLOZE_TEXT:
                     $gappoints = 0;
                     for ($order = 0; $order < $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItemCount(); $order++) {
                         $answer = $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItem($order);
                         $gotpoints = $this->getTextgapPoints($answer->getAnswertext(), $value["value"], $answer->getPoints());
                         if ($gotpoints > $gappoints) {
                             $gappoints = $gotpoints;
                     if (!$this->getIdenticalScoring()) {
                         // check if the same solution text was already entered
                         if (in_array($value["value"], $solution_values_text) && $gappoints > 0) {
                             $gappoints = 0;
                     $points += $gappoints;
                     $detailed[$gap_id] = array("points" => $gappoints, "best" => $this->getMaximumGapPoints($gap_id) == $gappoints ? TRUE : FALSE, "positive" => $gappoints > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
                     array_push($solution_values_text, $value["value"]);
                 case CLOZE_NUMERIC:
                     $gappoints = 0;
                     for ($order = 0; $order < $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItemCount(); $order++) {
                         $answer = $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItem($order);
                         $gotpoints = $this->getNumericgapPoints($answer->getAnswertext(), $value["value"], $answer->getPoints(), $answer->getLowerBound(), $answer->getUpperBound());
                         if ($gotpoints > $gappoints) {
                             $gappoints = $gotpoints;
                     if (!$this->getIdenticalScoring()) {
                         // check if the same solution value was already entered
                         include_once "./Services/Math/classes/class.EvalMath.php";
                         $eval = new EvalMath();
                         $eval->suppress_errors = TRUE;
                         $found_value = FALSE;
                         foreach ($solution_values_numeric as $solval) {
                             if ($eval->e($solval) == $eval->e($value["value"])) {
                                 $found_value = TRUE;
                         if ($found_value && $gappoints > 0) {
                             $gappoints = 0;
                     $points += $gappoints;
                     $detailed[$gap_id] = array("points" => $gappoints, "best" => $this->getMaximumGapPoints($gap_id) == $gappoints ? TRUE : FALSE, "positive" => $gappoints > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
                     array_push($solution_values_numeric, $value["value"]);
                 case CLOZE_SELECT:
                     if ($value["value"] >= 0) {
                         for ($order = 0; $order < $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItemCount(); $order++) {
                             $answer = $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItem($order);
                             if ($value["value"] == $answer->getOrder()) {
                                 $answerpoints = $answer->getPoints();
                                 if (!$this->getIdenticalScoring()) {
                                     // check if the same solution value was already entered
                                     if (in_array($answer->getAnswertext(), $solution_values_select) && $answerpoints > 0) {
                                         $answerpoints = 0;
                                 $points += $answerpoints;
                                 $detailed[$gap_id] = array("points" => $answerpoints, "best" => $this->getMaximumGapPoints($gap_id) == $answerpoints ? TRUE : FALSE, "positive" => $answerpoints > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
                                 array_push($solution_values_select, $answer->getAnswertext());
     if ($returndetails) {
         return $detailed;
     } else {
         return $points;
  * Checks for a given value within the range
  * @param double $value The value to check
  * @return boolean TRUE if the value is in the range, FALSE otherwise
  * @access public
  * @see $upperlimit
  * @see $lowerlimit
 function contains($value)
     include_once "./Services/Math/classes/class.EvalMath.php";
     $eval = new EvalMath();
     $eval->suppress_errors = TRUE;
     $result = $eval->e($value);
     if ($result === FALSE || $result === TRUE) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($result >= $eval->e($this->getLowerLimit()) && $result <= $eval->e($this->getUpperLimit())) {
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
  * Checks for a given value within the range
  * Checks for a given value within the range
  * @param double $value The value to check
  * @return boolean TRUE if the value is in the range, FALSE otherwise
  * @see $upperlimit
  * @see $lowerlimit
 public function contains($value)
     require_once './Services/Math/classes/class.EvalMath.php';
     $eval = new EvalMath();
     $eval->suppress_errors = TRUE;
     $result = $eval->e($value);
     if ($result === FALSE || $result === TRUE) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($result >= $eval->e($this->lowerlimit) && $result <= $eval->e($this->upperlimit)) {
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
  * Returns a QTI xml representation of the question
  * Returns a QTI xml representation of the question and sets the internal
  * domxml variable with the DOM XML representation of the QTI xml representation
  * @return string The QTI xml representation of the question
  * @access public
 function toXML($a_include_header = true, $a_include_binary = true, $a_shuffle = false, $test_output = false, $force_image_references = false)
     global $ilias;
     include_once "./Services/Math/classes/class.EvalMath.php";
     $eval = new EvalMath();
     $eval->suppress_errors = TRUE;
     include_once "./Services/Xml/classes/class.ilXmlWriter.php";
     $a_xml_writer = new ilXmlWriter();
     // set xml header
     $attrs = array("ident" => "il_" . IL_INST_ID . "_qst_" . $this->object->getId(), "title" => $this->object->getTitle(), "maxattempts" => $this->object->getNrOfTries());
     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("item", $attrs);
     // add question description
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("qticomment", NULL, $this->object->getComment());
     // add estimated working time
     $workingtime = $this->object->getEstimatedWorkingTime();
     $duration = sprintf("P0Y0M0DT%dH%dM%dS", $workingtime["h"], $workingtime["m"], $workingtime["s"]);
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("duration", NULL, $duration);
     // add ILIAS specific metadata
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldlabel", NULL, "ILIAS_VERSION");
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldentry", NULL, $ilias->getSetting("ilias_version"));
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldlabel", NULL, "QUESTIONTYPE");
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldentry", NULL, CLOZE_TEST_IDENTIFIER);
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldlabel", NULL, "AUTHOR");
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldentry", NULL, $this->object->getAuthor());
     // additional content editing information
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldlabel", NULL, "textgaprating");
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldentry", NULL, $this->object->getTextgapRating());
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldlabel", NULL, "fixedTextLength");
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldentry", NULL, $this->object->getFixedTextLength());
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldlabel", NULL, "identicalScoring");
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldentry", NULL, $this->object->getIdenticalScoring());
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldlabel", NULL, "combinations");
     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("fieldentry", NULL, base64_encode(json_encode($this->object->getGapCombinations())));
     // PART I: qti presentation
     $attrs = array("label" => $this->object->getTitle());
     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("presentation", $attrs);
     // add flow to presentation
     $questionText = $this->object->getQuestion() ? $this->object->getQuestion() : '&nbsp;';
     $this->object->addQTIMaterial($a_xml_writer, $questionText);
     $text_parts = preg_split("/\\[gap.*?\\[\\/gap\\]/", $this->object->getClozeText());
     // add material with question text to presentation
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->object->getGapCount(); $i++) {
         $this->object->addQTIMaterial($a_xml_writer, $text_parts[$i]);
         if ($i < $this->object->getGapCount()) {
             // add gap
             $gap = $this->object->getGap($i);
             switch ($gap->getType()) {
                 case CLOZE_SELECT:
                     // comboboxes
                     $attrs = array("ident" => "gap_{$i}", "rcardinality" => "Single");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("response_str", $attrs);
                     $solution = $this->object->getSuggestedSolution($i);
                     if (count($solution)) {
                         if (preg_match("/il_(\\d*?)_(\\w+)_(\\d+)/", $solution["internal_link"], $matches)) {
                             $attrs = array("label" => "suggested_solution");
                             $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("material", $attrs);
                             $intlink = "il_" . IL_INST_ID . "_" . $matches[2] . "_" . $matches[3];
                             if (strcmp($matches[1], "") != 0) {
                                 $intlink = $solution["internal_link"];
                             $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("mattext", NULL, $intlink);
                     $attrs = array("shuffle" => $gap->getShuffle() ? "Yes" : "No");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("render_choice", $attrs);
                     // add answers
                     foreach ($gap->getItems() as $answeritem) {
                         $attrs = array("ident" => $answeritem->getOrder());
                         $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("response_label", $attrs);
                         $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("mattext", NULL, $answeritem->getAnswertext());
                 case CLOZE_TEXT:
                     // text fields
                     $attrs = array("ident" => "gap_{$i}", "rcardinality" => "Single");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("response_str", $attrs);
                     $solution = $this->object->getSuggestedSolution($i);
                     if (count($solution)) {
                         if (preg_match("/il_(\\d*?)_(\\w+)_(\\d+)/", $solution["internal_link"], $matches)) {
                             $attrs = array("label" => "suggested_solution");
                             $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("material", $attrs);
                             $intlink = "il_" . IL_INST_ID . "_" . $matches[2] . "_" . $matches[3];
                             if (strcmp($matches[1], "") != 0) {
                                 $intlink = $solution["internal_link"];
                             $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("mattext", NULL, $intlink);
                     $attrs = array("fibtype" => "String", "prompt" => "Box", "columns" => $gap->getGapSize());
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("render_fib", $attrs);
                 case CLOZE_NUMERIC:
                     // numeric fields
                     $attrs = array("ident" => "gap_{$i}", "numtype" => "Decimal", "rcardinality" => "Single");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("response_num", $attrs);
                     $solution = $this->object->getSuggestedSolution($i);
                     if (count($solution)) {
                         if (preg_match("/il_(\\d*?)_(\\w+)_(\\d+)/", $solution["internal_link"], $matches)) {
                             $attrs = array("label" => "suggested_solution");
                             $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("material", $attrs);
                             $intlink = "il_" . IL_INST_ID . "_" . $matches[2] . "_" . $matches[3];
                             if (strcmp($matches[1], "") != 0) {
                                 $intlink = $solution["internal_link"];
                             $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("mattext", NULL, $intlink);
                     $answeritem = $gap->getItem(0);
                     $attrs = array("fibtype" => "Decimal", "prompt" => "Box", "columns" => $gap->getGapSize());
                     if (is_object($answeritem)) {
                         if ($eval->e($answeritem->getLowerBound()) !== FALSE) {
                             $attrs["minnumber"] = $answeritem->getLowerBound();
                         if ($eval->e($answeritem->getUpperBound()) !== FALSE) {
                             $attrs["maxnumber"] = $answeritem->getUpperBound();
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("render_fib", $attrs);
     // PART II: qti resprocessing
     // add response conditions
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->object->getGapCount(); $i++) {
         $gap = $this->object->getGap($i);
         switch ($gap->getType()) {
             case CLOZE_SELECT:
                 foreach ($gap->getItems() as $answer) {
                     $attrs = array("continue" => "Yes");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("respcondition", $attrs);
                     // qti conditionvar
                     $attrs = array("respident" => "gap_{$i}");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $answer->getAnswertext());
                     // qti setvar
                     $attrs = array("action" => "Add");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("setvar", $attrs, $answer->getPoints());
                     // qti displayfeedback
                     $linkrefid = "";
                     $linkrefid = "{$i}" . "_Response_" . $answer->getOrder();
                     $attrs = array("feedbacktype" => "Response", "linkrefid" => $linkrefid);
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("displayfeedback", $attrs);
             case CLOZE_TEXT:
                 foreach ($gap->getItems() as $answer) {
                     $attrs = array("continue" => "Yes");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("respcondition", $attrs);
                     // qti conditionvar
                     $attrs = array("respident" => "gap_{$i}");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $answer->getAnswertext());
                     // qti setvar
                     $attrs = array("action" => "Add");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("setvar", $attrs, $answer->getPoints());
                     // qti displayfeedback
                     $linkrefid = "{$i}" . "_Response_" . $answer->getOrder();
                     $attrs = array("feedbacktype" => "Response", "linkrefid" => $linkrefid);
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("displayfeedback", $attrs);
             case CLOZE_NUMERIC:
                 foreach ($gap->getItems() as $answer) {
                     $attrs = array("continue" => "Yes");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("respcondition", $attrs);
                     // qti conditionvar
                     $attrs = array("respident" => "gap_{$i}");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $answer->getAnswertext());
                     // qti setvar
                     $attrs = array("action" => "Add");
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("setvar", $attrs, $answer->getPoints());
                     // qti displayfeedback
                     $linkrefid = "{$i}" . "_Response_" . $answer->getOrder();
                     $attrs = array("feedbacktype" => "Response", "linkrefid" => $linkrefid);
                     $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("displayfeedback", $attrs);
     $feedback_allcorrect = $this->object->feedbackOBJ->getGenericFeedbackExportPresentation($this->object->getId(), true);
     if (strlen($feedback_allcorrect)) {
         $attrs = array("continue" => "Yes");
         $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("respcondition", $attrs);
         // qti conditionvar
         for ($i = 0; $i < $this->object->getGapCount(); $i++) {
             $gap = $this->object->getGap($i);
             $indexes = $gap->getBestSolutionIndexes();
             if ($i > 0) {
             switch ($gap->getType()) {
                 case CLOZE_SELECT:
                     $k = 0;
                     foreach ($indexes as $key) {
                         if ($k > 0) {
                         $attrs = array("respident" => "gap_{$i}");
                         $answer = $gap->getItem($key);
                         $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $answer->getAnswertext());
                         if ($k > 0) {
                 case CLOZE_TEXT:
                     $k = 0;
                     foreach ($indexes as $key) {
                         if ($k > 0) {
                         $attrs = array("respident" => "gap_{$i}");
                         $answer = $gap->getItem($key);
                         $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $answer->getAnswertext());
                         if ($k > 0) {
                 case CLOZE_NUMERIC:
                     $k = 0;
                     foreach ($indexes as $key) {
                         if ($k > 0) {
                         $attrs = array("respident" => "gap_{$i}");
                         $answer = $gap->getItem($key);
                         $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $answer->getAnswertext());
                         if ($k > 0) {
             if ($i > 0) {
         // qti displayfeedback
         $attrs = array("feedbacktype" => "Response", "linkrefid" => "response_allcorrect");
         $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("displayfeedback", $attrs);
     $feedback_onenotcorrect = $this->object->feedbackOBJ->getGenericFeedbackExportPresentation($this->object->getId(), false);
     if (strlen($feedback_onenotcorrect)) {
         $attrs = array("continue" => "Yes");
         $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("respcondition", $attrs);
         // qti conditionvar
         for ($i = 0; $i < $this->object->getGapCount(); $i++) {
             $gap = $this->object->getGap($i);
             $indexes = $gap->getBestSolutionIndexes();
             if ($i > 0) {
             switch ($gap->getType()) {
                 case CLOZE_SELECT:
                     $k = 0;
                     foreach ($indexes as $key) {
                         if ($k > 0) {
                         $attrs = array("respident" => "gap_{$i}");
                         $answer = $gap->getItem($key);
                         $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $answer->getAnswertext());
                         if ($k > 0) {
                 case CLOZE_TEXT:
                     $k = 0;
                     foreach ($indexes as $key) {
                         if ($k > 0) {
                         $attrs = array("respident" => "gap_{$i}");
                         $answer = $gap->getItem($key);
                         $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $answer->getAnswertext());
                         if ($k > 0) {
                 case CLOZE_NUMERIC:
                     $k = 0;
                     foreach ($indexes as $key) {
                         if ($k > 0) {
                         $attrs = array("respident" => "gap_{$i}");
                         $answer = $gap->getItem($key);
                         $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("varequal", $attrs, $answer->getAnswertext());
                         if ($k > 0) {
             if ($i > 0) {
         // qti displayfeedback
         $attrs = array("feedbacktype" => "Response", "linkrefid" => "response_onenotcorrect");
         $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("displayfeedback", $attrs);
     // PART III: qti itemfeedback
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->object->getGapCount(); $i++) {
         $gap = $this->object->getGap($i);
         switch ($gap->getType()) {
             case CLOZE_SELECT:
             case CLOZE_TEXT:
             case CLOZE_NUMERIC:
         /*foreach ($gap->getItems() as $answer)
         				$linkrefid = "$i" . "_Response_" . $answer->getOrder();
         				$attrs = array(
         					"ident" => $linkrefid,
         					"view" => "All"
         				$a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("itemfeedback", $attrs);
         				// qti flow_mat
         //				$a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("material");
         //				$a_xml_writer->xmlElement("mattext");
         //				$a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("material");
         				$fb = $this->object->feedbackOBJ->getSpecificAnswerFeedbackExportPresentation(
         					$this->object->getId(), $index
         				$this->object->addQTIMaterial($a_xml_writer, $fb);
         $attrs = array("ident" => $i, "view" => "All");
         $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("itemfeedback", $attrs);
         // qti flow_mat
         //				$a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("material");
         //				$a_xml_writer->xmlElement("mattext");
         //				$a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("material");
         $fb = $this->object->feedbackOBJ->getSpecificAnswerFeedbackExportPresentation($this->object->getId(), $i);
         $this->object->addQTIMaterial($a_xml_writer, $fb);
     if (strlen($feedback_allcorrect)) {
         $attrs = array("ident" => "response_allcorrect", "view" => "All");
         $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("itemfeedback", $attrs);
         // qti flow_mat
         $this->object->addQTIMaterial($a_xml_writer, $feedback_allcorrect);
     if (strlen($feedback_onenotcorrect)) {
         $attrs = array("ident" => "response_onenotcorrect", "view" => "All");
         $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("itemfeedback", $attrs);
         // qti flow_mat
         $this->object->addQTIMaterial($a_xml_writer, $feedback_onenotcorrect);
     $xml = $a_xml_writer->xmlDumpMem(FALSE);
     if (!$a_include_header) {
         $pos = strpos($xml, "?>");
         $xml = substr($xml, $pos + 2);
     return $xml;
Beispiel #8
$lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD% <expression>. Evaluate a mathematical expression and print results. Use _ and $ to referr to the last result.', '00' => '1 ... No ... 0 ... No ... UNDEFINED!', 'err_in' => 'Error in expression.', 'err_lib' => 'The "EvalMath" class by Miles Kaufmann is missing.'));
$plugin = Dog::getPlugin();
if ('' === ($message = $plugin->msg())) {
    return $plugin->showHelp();
if (false !== ($last = Dog_Conf_Plug_User::getConf($plugin->getName(), Dog::getUID(), 'last', false))) {
    $message = str_replace(array('_', '$'), $last, $message);
if ($message === '0^0') {
    return $plugin->rply('00');
if ($message === 'pi') {
    return $plugin->reply('4');
$path = GWF_PATH . 'core/inc/3p/EvalMath.php';
if (!Common::isFile($path)) {
    return $plugin->rply('err_lib');
require_once $path;
$eval = new EvalMath();
if (false === ($result = $eval->e($message))) {
    return $plugin->rply('err_in');
$result = sprintf('%.09f', $result);
if (strpos($result, '.') !== false) {
    $result = rtrim($result, '0');
    $result = rtrim($result, '.');
Dog_Conf_Plug_User::setConf($plugin->getName(), Dog::getUID(), 'last', $result);
 public function checkInput()
     $error = false;
     $json = json_decode(ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST['gap_json_post']));
     $_POST['gap'] = ilUtil::stripSlashesRecursive($_POST['gap']);
     $gaps_used_in_combination = array();
     if (array_key_exists('gap_combination', $_POST)) {
         $_POST['gap_combination'] = ilUtil::stripSlashesRecursive($_POST['gap_combination']);
         $_POST['gap_combination_values'] = ilUtil::stripSlashesRecursive($_POST['gap_combination_values']);
         $gap_with_points = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['gap_combination']['select']); $i++) {
             foreach ($_POST['gap_combination']['select'][$i] as $key => $item) {
                 if ($item == 'none_selected_minus_one') {
                     return false;
                 $gaps_used_in_combination[$item] = $item;
                 $check_points_for_best_scoring = false;
                 foreach ($_POST['gap_combination_values'][$i] as $index => $answeritems) {
                     foreach ($answeritems as $answeritem) {
                         if ($answeritem == 'none_selected_minus_one') {
                             return false;
                     $points = $_POST['gap_combination']['points'][$i][$index];
                     if ($points > 0) {
                         $check_points_for_best_scoring = true;
                 if (!$check_points_for_best_scoring) {
                     return false;
     if (isset($_POST['gap']) && is_array($_POST['gap'])) {
         foreach ($_POST['gap'] as $key => $item) {
             $_POST['clozetype_' . $key] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST['clozetype_' . $key]);
             $getType = $_POST['clozetype_' . $key];
             $gapsize = $_POST['gap_' . $key . '_gapsize'];
             $json[0][$key]->text_field_length = $gapsize > 0 ? $gapsize : '';
             if ($getType == CLOZE_TEXT || $getType == CLOZE_SELECT) {
                 $_POST['gap_' . $key] = ilUtil::stripSlashesRecursive($_POST['gap_' . $key]);
                 $gapText = $_POST['gap_' . $key];
                 foreach ($gapText['answer'] as $row => $answer) {
                     if (!isset($answer) || $answer == '') {
                         $error = true;
                 $points_sum = 0;
                 if (array_key_exists('points', $gapText)) {
                     foreach ($gapText['points'] as $row => $points) {
                         if (isset($points) && $points != '' && is_numeric($points)) {
                             $points_sum += $points;
                         } else {
                             $error = true;
                     if (is_array($gap_with_points) && array_key_exists($key, $gap_with_points)) {
                         $points_sum += $gap_with_points[$key];
                     if ($points_sum == 0) {
                         if (!array_key_exists($key, $gaps_used_in_combination)) {
                             $error = true;
                     if ($getType == CLOZE_SELECT) {
                         $_POST['shuffle_' . $key] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST['shuffle_' . $key]);
                         if (!isset($_POST['shuffle_' . $key])) {
                             $error = true;
                 } else {
                     $error = true;
             if ($getType == CLOZE_NUMERIC) {
                 $_POST['gap_' . $key . 'numeric'] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST['gap_' . $key . 'numeric'], FALSE);
                 $_POST['gap_' . $key . 'numeric_lower'] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST['gap_' . $key . 'numeric_lower'], FALSE);
                 $_POST['gap_' . $key . 'numeric_upper'] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST['gap_' . $key . 'numeric_upper'], FALSE);
                 $_POST['gap_' . $key . 'numeric_points'] = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST['gap_' . $key . 'numeric_points']);
                 $mark_errors = array('answer' => false, 'lower' => false, 'upper' => false, 'points' => false);
                 $eval = new EvalMath();
                 $eval->suppress_errors = true;
                 $formula = $_POST['gap_' . $key . '_numeric'];
                 $result = $eval->e(str_replace(',', '.', $_POST['gap_' . $key . '_numeric'], $formula));
                 if ($result === false) {
                     $error = true;
                 $lower = $_POST['gap_' . $key . '_numeric_lower'];
                 $assClozeTestObject = new assClozeTest();
                 $has_valid_chars = $assClozeTestObject->checkForValidFormula($lower);
                 $result = $eval->e(str_replace(',', '.', $lower), FALSE);
                 if ($result === false || !$has_valid_chars) {
                     $error = true;
                 $_POST['gap_' . $key . '_numeric_lower'] = $result;
                 $result = $eval->e(str_replace(',', '.', $_POST['gap_' . $key . '_numeric_upper']), FALSE);
                 if ($result === false) {
                     $error = true;
                 $_POST['gap_' . $key . '_numeric_upper'] = $result;
                 $points = $_POST['gap_' . $key . '_numeric_points'];
                 if (is_array($gap_with_points) && array_key_exists($key, $gap_with_points)) {
                     $points += $gap_with_points[$key];
                 if (!isset($points) || $points == '' || !is_numeric($points) || $points == 0) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($key, $gaps_used_in_combination)) {
                         $error = true;
                 $json[0][$key]->values[0]->error = $mark_errors;
     $_POST['gap_json_post'] = json_encode($json);
     return !$error;
 protected function getNumericValueFromAnswerText()
     include_once "./Services/Math/classes/class.EvalMath.php";
     $eval = new EvalMath();
     $eval->suppress_errors = true;
     return $eval->e(str_replace(",", ".", ilUtil::stripSlashes($this->getAnswertext(), FALSE)));
Beispiel #11
  * @param $user_result
  * @param $detailed
  * @return array
 protected function calculateReachedPointsForSolution($user_result, &$detailed = null)
     if ($detailed === null) {
         $detailed = array();
     $assClozeGapCombinationObj = new assClozeGapCombination();
     $combinations[1] = array();
     if ($assClozeGapCombinationObj->combinationExistsForQid($this->getId())) {
         $combinations = $this->calculateCombinationResult($user_result);
         $points = $combinations[0];
     $counter = 0;
     $solution_values_text = array();
     // for identical scoring checks
     $solution_values_select = array();
     // for identical scoring checks
     $solution_values_numeric = array();
     // for identical scoring checks
     foreach ($user_result as $gap_id => $value) {
         if (is_string($value)) {
             $value = array("value" => $value);
         if (array_key_exists($gap_id, $this->gaps) && !array_key_exists($gap_id, $combinations[1])) {
             switch ($this->gaps[$gap_id]->getType()) {
                 case CLOZE_TEXT:
                     $gappoints = 0;
                     for ($order = 0; $order < $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItemCount(); $order++) {
                         $answer = $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItem($order);
                         $gotpoints = $this->getTextgapPoints($answer->getAnswertext(), $value["value"], $answer->getPoints());
                         if ($gotpoints > $gappoints) {
                             $gappoints = $gotpoints;
                     if (!$this->getIdenticalScoring()) {
                         // check if the same solution text was already entered
                         if (in_array($value["value"], $solution_values_text) && $gappoints > 0) {
                             $gappoints = 0;
                     $points += $gappoints;
                     $detailed[$gap_id] = array("points" => $gappoints, "best" => $this->getMaximumGapPoints($gap_id) == $gappoints ? TRUE : FALSE, "positive" => $gappoints > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
                     array_push($solution_values_text, $value["value"]);
                 case CLOZE_NUMERIC:
                     $gappoints = 0;
                     for ($order = 0; $order < $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItemCount(); $order++) {
                         $answer = $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItem($order);
                         $gotpoints = $this->getNumericgapPoints($answer->getAnswertext(), $value["value"], $answer->getPoints(), $answer->getLowerBound(), $answer->getUpperBound());
                         if ($gotpoints > $gappoints) {
                             $gappoints = $gotpoints;
                     if (!$this->getIdenticalScoring()) {
                         // check if the same solution value was already entered
                         include_once "./Services/Math/classes/class.EvalMath.php";
                         $eval = new EvalMath();
                         $eval->suppress_errors = TRUE;
                         $found_value = FALSE;
                         foreach ($solution_values_numeric as $solval) {
                             if ($eval->e($solval) == $eval->e($value["value"])) {
                                 $found_value = TRUE;
                         if ($found_value && $gappoints > 0) {
                             $gappoints = 0;
                     $points += $gappoints;
                     $detailed[$gap_id] = array("points" => $gappoints, "best" => $this->getMaximumGapPoints($gap_id) == $gappoints ? TRUE : FALSE, "positive" => $gappoints > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
                     array_push($solution_values_numeric, $value["value"]);
                 case CLOZE_SELECT:
                     if ($value["value"] >= 0) {
                         for ($order = 0; $order < $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItemCount(); $order++) {
                             $answer = $this->gaps[$gap_id]->getItem($order);
                             if ($value["value"] == $answer->getOrder()) {
                                 $answerpoints = $answer->getPoints();
                                 if (!$this->getIdenticalScoring()) {
                                     // check if the same solution value was already entered
                                     if (in_array($answer->getAnswertext(), $solution_values_select) && $answerpoints > 0) {
                                         $answerpoints = 0;
                                 $points += $answerpoints;
                                 $detailed[$gap_id] = array("points" => $answerpoints, "best" => $this->getMaximumGapPoints($gap_id) == $answerpoints ? TRUE : FALSE, "positive" => $answerpoints > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
                                 array_push($solution_values_select, $answer->getAnswertext());
     return $points;
Beispiel #12
    <form method="post" action="<?php 
echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
        y(x) = <input type="text" name="function" value="<?php 
echo isset($_POST['function']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['function']) : '';
        <input type="submit">
if (isset($_POST['function']) and $_POST['function']) {
    include 'evalmath.class.php';
    $m = new EvalMath();
    $m->suppress_errors = true;
    if ($m->evaluate('y(x) = ' . $_POST['function'])) {
        print "\t<table border=\"1\">\n";
        print "\t\t<tr><th>x</th><th>y(x)</th>\n";
        for ($x = -2; $x <= 2; $x += 0.2) {
            $x = round($x, 2);
            print "\t\t<tr><td>{$x}</td><td>" . $m->e("y({$x})") . "</td></tr>\n";
        print "\t</table>\n";
    } else {
        print "\t<p>Could not evaluate function: " . $m->last_error . "</p>\n";