function PageHome(&$skeleton) { $articles = Entities::retrieveGroupedEntities(ARTICLES); $itemlist = new ItemList($skeleton); $itemlist->setBorders(array('top' => '-', 'bottom' => '-', 'left' => '+', 'right' => '+')); $ascii_article = new Article($skeleton, current($articles)); $skeleton->addWidget($ascii_article); $count = 0; while ($article = next($articles)) { ++$count; $text = ""; $text .= "[url="; $text .= Common::urlFor('view_article', array('token' => $article->getToken())) . ']'; $text .= "[b]" . $article->getCategory() . "[/b]"; $text .= "/" . $article->getTitle() . '[/url]'; $text .= " (" . $article->getDate() . ")"; if ($count < count($articles) - 1) { $text .= "\n"; } $itemlist->setText($text); } if ($count > 0) { $skeleton->addWidget($itemlist); } }
function PageViewAsText($token) { header('content-type: text/html'); if ($article = Entities::retrieveEntity($token)) { echo '<pre>' . Ascii::generateHTML($article->getContent()) . '</pre>'; } else { echo "No matching article found."; } exit; }
function PageViewArticle($skeleton, $token) { if ($article = Entities::retrieveEntity($token)) { $ascii_article = new Article($skeleton, $article); $skeleton->addWidget($ascii_article); } else { $text = new TextContent($skeleton); $text->addText("No matchin article found :'("); $skeleton->addWidget($text); } }
function SearchArticles($pattern, $skeleton) { $matches = 0; $articles = Entities::retrieveGroupedEntities(ARTICLES); $itemlist = new ItemList($skeleton); foreach ($articles as $article) { if (stristr($article->getContent(), $pattern)) { ++$matches; $link = Common::urlFor('view_article', array('token' => $article->getToken())); $itemlist->setText('<a href="' . $link . '">' . $article->getTitle() . '</a>'); } } $skeleton->addWidget($itemlist); return $matches; }
* A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ namespace axibase\atsdPHP; require_once '../atsdPHP/models/Entities.php'; require_once '../atsdPHP/HttpClient.php'; require_once '../atsdPHP/Utils.php'; $expression = 'name like \'nurswgvmw*\''; $tags = 'app, os'; $limit = 10; $queryClient = new Entities(); $params = array("limit" => $limit, 'expression' => $expression, 'tags' => $tags); $responseEntities = $queryClient->findAll($params); $viewConfig = new ViewConfiguration('Entities for expression: ' . $expression . "; tags: " . $tags . "; limit: " . $limit, 'entities', array('lastInsertTime' => 'unixtimestamp')); $entitiesTable = Utils::arrayAsHtmlTable($responseEntities, $viewConfig); $entity = "awsswgvml001"; $responseEntity = $queryClient->find($entity); $viewConfig = new ViewConfiguration('Entity: ' . $entity, "entity"); $entityTable = Utils::arrayAsHtmlTable(array($responseEntity), $viewConfig); $params = array("limit" => $limit); $responseMetrics = $queryClient->findMetrics($entity, $params); $viewConfig = new ViewConfiguration('Metrics for entity: ' . $entity, "metrics"); $metricsTable = Utils::arrayAsHtmlTable($responseMetrics, $viewConfig); Utils::render(array($entitiesTable, $entityTable, $metricsTable));
<?php foreach (Entities::retrieveCategories() as $category) { ?> <h2>/<?php echo $category; ?> </h2> <div class="last_articles"> <?php foreach (Entities::retrieveEntities(ARTICLES . '/' . $category) as $article) { ?> <h3> <a href="<?php echo Common::urlFor('view_article', array('token' => $article->getToken())); ?> "> <?php echo Common::stripString($article->getTitle(), 19); ?> </a> </h3> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }
<?php /* * Copyright 2015 Axibase Corporation or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ namespace axibase\atsdPHP; require_once '../atsdPHP/models/Entities.php'; require_once '../atsdPHP/HttpClient.php'; $expression = 'name like \'*\''; $limit = 1; $queryClient = new Entities(); $params = array("limit" => $limit, 'expression' => $expression); $responseEntities = $queryClient->findAll($params); if (empty($responseEntities)) { exit("Connection failed!"); } exit("Connection success!");
$p4 = ''; $p5 = ''; if (!empty($source)) { $p1 = $source; if (!isset($Encrypt) || empty($Encrypt)) { $Encrypt = new Encrypt(); } $p1 = $Encrypt->fix_filename_str($p1); if (!isset($Translit) || empty($Translit)) { $Translit = new Translit(); } $p1 = $Translit->Transliterate($p1); $p1 = $Encrypt->unix_filename($p1); $p = $source; if (!isset($Entities) || empty($Entities)) { $Entities = new Entities(); } $p = $Entities->ipa_text_to_dec_ents($p); /* this replacement should be done before any other conversion to numeric entities */ //$p = $Entities->text_digits_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->text_symbs_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->named_symbs_to_dec_ents($p); //$p = $Entities->latin_text_chars_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->acc_text_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->acc_named_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->cyr_text_chars_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->cyr_named_chars_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->hex_ents_to_dec_ents($p); $p = str_replace("&", "&", $p); if (!empty($ent_amp)) {
$ent_parse = isset($_REQUEST['ent_parse']) ? $_REQUEST['ent_parse'] : ''; $ent_amp = isset($_REQUEST['ent_amp']) ? $_REQUEST['ent_amp'] : ''; $ent_single_quotes = isset($_REQUEST['ent_single_quotes']) ? $_REQUEST['ent_single_quotes'] : ''; $ent_double_quotes = isset($_REQUEST['ent_double_quotes']) ? $_REQUEST['ent_double_quotes'] : ''; $ent_lt_gt = isset($_REQUEST['ent_lt_gt']) ? $_REQUEST['ent_lt_gt'] : ''; $ent_hyphenminus = isset($_REQUEST['ent_hyphenminus']) ? $_REQUEST['ent_hyphenminus'] : ''; $p = ''; if (!empty($source)) { $p = $source; if (!empty($ent_parse)) { if (!isset($Typography) || empty($Typography)) { $Typography = new Typography(); } $p = $Typography->parse($p); if (!isset($Entities) || empty($Entities)) { $Entities = new Entities(); } $p = $Entities->ipa_text_to_dec_ents($p); //$p = $Entities->text_digits_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->text_symbs_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->named_symbs_to_dec_ents($p); //$p = $Entities->latin_text_chars_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->acc_text_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->acc_named_to_dec_ents($p); //$p = $Entities->cyr_text_chars_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->cyr_named_chars_to_dec_ents($p); $p = $Entities->hex_ents_to_dec_ents($p); } $p = str_replace("&", "&", $p); if (!empty($ent_amp)) { $p = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $p);
protected function prepareInsert($item) { if (empty($item)) { return; } if (is_string($item)) { $item = Entities::replaceAllEntities($item); $frag = $this->ownerDocument->createDocumentFragment(); try { $frag->appendXML($item); } catch (Exception $e) { } return $frag; } if ($item instanceof \DOMNode) { if ($item->ownerDocument !== $this->ownerDocument) { return $this->ownerDocument->importNode($item, true); } return $item; } }
<feed xmlns=""> <title>mxs_area</title> <subtitle><?php echo TITLE; ?> </subtitle> <link href=""/> <author> <name>Sebastien Rannou</name> <email></email> </author> <?php foreach (Entities::retrieveGroupedEntities(ARTICLES) as $article) { ?> <entry> <title><?php echo $article->getTitle(); ?> </title> <link href="<?php echo ROOT_URI . Common::urlFor('view_article', array('token' => $article->getToken())); ?> "/> <updated><?php echo date(DATE_ATOM, $article->getTimestamp()); ?> </updated> <summary type="xhtml"><?php
<?php namespace axibase\atsdPHP; require_once '../atsdPHP/HttpClient.php'; require_once '../atsdPHP/models/Entities.php'; $client = new Entities(); if (empty($_REQUEST['entity'])) { exit("Entity is not specified"); } $metrics = $client->findMetrics($_REQUEST['entity'], array("useEntityInsertTime" => true)); if ($metrics === false) { $metrics = array(); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['lag'])) { $_REQUEST['lag'] = "99999999"; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['ahead'])) { $_REQUEST['ahead'] = "99999999"; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['status'])) { $_REQUEST['status'] = 'all'; } function prepareTimestamp($timestamp) { $date = new \DateTime(); $date->setTimestamp($timestamp / 1000); return $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html>
</form> <?php if (!empty($_REQUEST['entity'])) { ?> <p id="title-0" class="title"></p> <div id="widget-0"></div> <p class="title">Tags:</p> <table border="1px" class="tags-table"> <tr> <th>name</th> <th>value</th> </tr> <?php $client = new Entities(); $entityData = $client->find($_REQUEST['entity']); foreach ($entityData['tags'] as $key => $value) { echo "<tr><td>" . $key . "</td><td>" . $value . "</td></tr>"; } ?> </table> </body> <script> function onload() { onBodyLoad(); loadWidgets('WidgetExample.config?cache=' +, function (widgetConfigs) { var widget = widgetConfigs[0]; widget.path = "WidgetExampleSeriesProxy.php"; var series = widget.series[0];