* @author Artem Demchenkov <*****@*****.**>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * Result of choosing table and delimiter
if ($error == 1) {
    // first error: Delimiter can not be empty
    echo "<span class='importCsvError'>" . Yii::t('importcsvModule.importcsv', 'Error') . ": " . Yii::t('importcsvModule.importcsv', 'Fields Delimiter can not be empty') . "</span>";
} elseif ($error == 0) {
    //making options width csv columns for $csvKey
    $conLists = EmailList::model()->findAll();
    $lengthCsv = sizeof($fromCsv);
    $optionsContent4 = '<option value=\\"\\"></option>';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $lengthCsv; $i++) {
        $valOpt = $i + 1;
        $selected4 = $paramsArray['csvKey'] == $valOpt ? 'selected=\\"selected\\"' : '';
        $optionsContent4 = $optionsContent4 . '<option value=\\"' . $valOpt . '\\" ' . $selected4 . '>' . trim($fromCsv[$i]) . '</option>';
    $optionsContent4 = trim($optionsContent4);
    //making options width table rows for $tableKey
    $length = sizeof($tableColumns);
    $optionsContent2 = '<option value=\\"\\"></option>';
    $optionsContent3 = '<option value=\\"\\"></option>';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $valOpt2 = $i + 1;