public function run($request)
     $sent = 0;
     if (WorkflowInstance::get()->count()) {
         // Don't attempt the filter if no instances -- prevents a crash
         $active = WorkflowInstance::get()->innerJoin('WorkflowDefinition', '"DefinitionID" = "WorkflowDefinition"."ID"')->filter(array('WorkflowStatus' => array('Active', 'Paused'), 'RemindDays:GreaterThan' => '0'));
         $active->filter(array('RemindDays:GreaterThan' => '0'));
         if ($active) {
             foreach ($active as $instance) {
                 $edited = strtotime($instance->LastEdited);
                 $days = $instance->Definition()->RemindDays;
                 if ($edited + $days * 3600 * 24 > time()) {
                 $email = new Email();
                 $bcc = '';
                 $members = $instance->getAssignedMembers();
                 $target = $instance->getTarget();
                 if (!$members || !count($members)) {
                 $email->setSubject("Workflow Reminder: {$instance->Title}");
                 $email->setBcc(implode(', ', $members->column('Email')));
                 $email->populateTemplate(array('Instance' => $instance, 'Link' => $target instanceof SiteTree ? "admin/show/{$target->ID}" : ''));
                 $instance->LastEdited = time();
     echo "Sent {$sent} workflow reminder emails.\n";
 public function run($request)
     $sent = 0;
     $filter = '"WorkflowStatus" IN (\'Active\', \'Paused\') AND "RemindDays" > 0';
     $join = 'INNER JOIN "WorkflowDefinition" ON "DefinitionID" = "WorkflowDefinition"."ID"';
     $active = DataObject::get('WorkflowInstance', $filter, null, $join);
     if ($active) {
         foreach ($active as $instance) {
             $edited = strtotime($instance->LastEdited);
             $days = $instance->Definition()->RemindDays;
             if ($edited + $days * 3600 * 24 > time()) {
             $email = new Email();
             $bcc = '';
             $members = $instance->getAssignedMembers();
             $target = $instance->getTarget();
             if (!$members || !count($members)) {
             $email->setSubject("Workflow Reminder: {$instance->Title}");
             $email->setBcc(implode(', ', $members->column('Email')));
             $email->populateTemplate(array('Instance' => $instance, 'Link' => $target instanceof SiteTree ? "admin/show/{$target->ID}" : ''));
             $instance->LastEdited = time();
     echo "Sent {$sent} workflow reminder emails.\n";
  * Adds or modifies a job on the website.
  * @param array $data
  * @param Form $form
 public function doJobForm()
     $data = $this->request->postVars();
     $form = new JobBoardForm($this);
     $existed = false;
     if (!isset($data['JobID']) && !$data['JobID']) {
         $job = new Job();
     } else {
         $job = Job::get()->byId($data['JobID']);
         $existed = true;
         if ($job && !$job->canEdit()) {
             return $this->owner->httpError(404);
         } else {
             $job = new Job();
     $job->isActive = true;
     Session::set('JobID', $job->ID);
     $member = Member::get()->filter(array('Email' => $data['Email']))->first();
     if (!$member) {
         $member = new Member();
         $member->Email = $SQL_email;
         $member->FirstName = isset($data['Company']) ? $data['Company'] : false;
         $password = Member::create_new_password();
         $member->Password = $password;
         $member->addToGroupByCode('job-posters', _t('Jobboard.JOBPOSTERSGROUP', 'Job Posters'));
     $job->MemberID = $member->ID;
     if (!$existed) {
         $email = new Email();
         // send the welcome email.
         $email->populateTemplate(array('Member' => $member, 'Password' => isset($password) ? $password : false, 'FirstPost' => $password ? true : false, 'Holder' => $this, 'Job' => $job));
         if ($notify = $form->getController()->getJobNotifyAddress()) {
     return $this->redirect($data['BackURL']);
  * Send a mail of the order to the client (and another to the admin).
  * @param $template - the class name of the email you wish to send
  * @param $subject - subject of the email
  * @param $copyToAdmin - true by default, whether it should send a copy to the admin
 public function sendEmail($template, $subject, $copyToAdmin = true)
     $from = ShopConfig::config()->email_from ? ShopConfig::config()->email_from : Email::config()->admin_email;
     $to = $this->order->getLatestEmail();
     $checkoutpage = CheckoutPage::get()->first();
     $completemessage = $checkoutpage ? $checkoutpage->PurchaseComplete : "";
     $email = new Email();
     if ($copyToAdmin) {
     $email->populateTemplate(array('PurchaseCompleteMessage' => $completemessage, 'Order' => $this->order, 'BaseURL' => Director::absoluteBaseURL()));
     return $email->send();
 public function process()
     $sent = 0;
     $filter = array('WorkflowStatus' => array('Active', 'Paused'), 'Definition.RemindDays:GreaterThan' => 0);
     $active = WorkflowInstance::get()->filter($filter);
     foreach ($active as $instance) {
         $edited = strtotime($instance->LastEdited);
         $days = $instance->Definition()->RemindDays;
         if ($edited + $days * 3600 * 24 > time()) {
         $email = new Email();
         $bcc = '';
         $members = $instance->getAssignedMembers();
         $target = $instance->getTarget();
         if (!$members || !count($members)) {
         $email->setSubject("Workflow Reminder: {$instance->Title}");
         $email->setBcc(implode(', ', $members->column('Email')));
         $email->populateTemplate(array('Instance' => $instance, 'Link' => $target instanceof SiteTree ? "admin/show/{$target->ID}" : ''));
         // add a comment to the workflow if possible
         $action = $instance->CurrentAction();
         $currentComment = $action->Comment;
         $action->Comment = sprintf(_t('AdvancedWorkflow.JOB_REMINDER_COMMENT', '%s: Reminder email sent\\n\\n'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . $currentComment;
         try {
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             SS_Log::log($ex, SS_Log::WARN);
         $instance->LastEdited = time();
         try {
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             SS_Log::log($ex, SS_Log::WARN);
     $this->currentStep = 2;
     $this->isComplete = true;
     $nextDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $this->repeatInterval);
     $this->queuedJobService->queueJob(new WorkflowReminderJob($this->repeatInterval), $nextDate);
 public function execute(WorkflowInstance $workflow)
     $email = new Email();
     $members = $workflow->getAssignedMembers();
     $emails = '';
     if (!$members || !count($members)) {
     foreach ($members as $member) {
         if ($member->Email) {
             $emails .= "{$member->Email}, ";
     $context = $this->getContextFields($workflow->getTarget());
     $member = $this->getMemberFields();
     $variables = array();
     foreach ($context as $field => $val) {
         $variables["\$Context.{$field}"] = $val;
     foreach ($member as $field => $val) {
         $variables["\$Member.{$field}"] = $val;
     $subject = str_replace(array_keys($variables), array_values($variables), $this->EmailSubject);
     if ($this->ListingTemplateID) {
         $item = $workflow->customise(array('Items' => $workflow->Actions(), 'Member' => Member::currentUser(), 'Context' => $workflow->getTarget()));
         $template = DataObject::get_by_id('ListingTemplate', $this->ListingTemplateID);
         $view = SSViewer::fromString($template->ItemTemplate);
         $body = $view->process($item);
     } else {
         $body = str_replace(array_keys($variables), array_values($variables), $this->EmailTemplate);
     $email->setBcc(substr($emails, 0, -2));
     return true;
  * Attempts to save either a registration or add member form submission
  * into a new member object, returning NULL on validation failure.
  * @return Member|null
 protected function addMember($form)
     $member = new Member();
     $groupIds = $this->getSettableGroupIdsFrom($form);
     $member->ProfilePageID = $this->ID;
     $member->NeedsValidation = $this->EmailType == 'Validation';
     $member->NeedsApproval = $this->RequireApproval;
     try {
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         $form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad');
     // set after member is created otherwise the member object does not exist
     // If we require admin approval, send an email to the admin and delay
     // sending an email to the member.
     if ($this->RequireApproval) {
         $groups = $this->ApprovalGroups();
         $emails = array();
         if ($groups) {
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 foreach ($group->Members() as $_member) {
                     if ($member->Email) {
                         $emails[] = $_member->Email;
         if ($emails) {
             $email = new Email();
             $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
             $approve = Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL(), 'member-approval', $member->ID, '?token=' . $member->ValidationKey);
             $email->setSubject("Registration Approval Requested for {$config->Title}");
             $email->setBcc(implode(',', array_unique($emails)));
             $email->populateTemplate(array('SiteConfig' => $config, 'Member' => $member, 'ApproveLink' => Director::absoluteURL($approve)));
     } elseif ($this->EmailType != 'None') {
         $email = new MemberConfirmationEmail($this, $member);
     $this->extend('onAddMember', $member);
     return $member;
 public function SendEnquiryForm($data, $form)
     $From = $this->EmailFrom;
     $To = $this->EmailTo;
     $Subject = $this->EmailSubject;
     $email = new Email($From, $To, $Subject);
     $replyTo = $this->EnquiryFormFields()->filter(array('FieldType' => 'Email'))->First();
     if ($replyTo) {
         $postField = $this->keyGen($replyTo->FieldName, $replyTo->SortOrder);
         if (isset($data[$postField]) && Email::validEmailAddress($data[$postField])) {
     if ($this->EmailBcc) {
     //abuse / tracking
     $email->addCustomHeader('X-Sender-IP', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     //set template
     //populate template
     $templateData = $this->getTemplateData($data);
     //send mail
     //return to submitted message
     if (Director::is_ajax()) {
         return $this->renderWith('EnquiryPageAjaxSuccess');
  * standard SS Method
  * Sends an email to the member letting her / him know that the account has been approved.
 function onAfterWrite()
     if ($this->owner->isApprovedCorporateCustomer()) {
         if (!$this->owner->ApprovalEmailSent) {
             $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
             $ecommerceConfig = EcommerceDBConfig::current_ecommerce_db_config();
             $email = new Email();
             $email->setSubject(_t("EcommerceCorporateAccount.ACCOUNTAPPROVEDFOR", "Account approved for ") . $config->Title);
             $email->populateTemplate(array('SiteConfig' => $config, 'EcommerceConfig' => $ecommerceConfig, 'Member' => $this->owner));
             $this->owner->ApprovalEmailSent = 1;
  * Sent the e-mail.
  * @param Array $data
  * @param Form $form
 function sendmail($data, $form)
     $email = Convert::raw2sql($data["EmailDownloadPageEmail"]);
     $obj = EmailDownloadPage_Registration::get()->filter(array("Email" => $email, "DownloadFileID" => $this->DownloadFileID))->first();
     if (!$obj) {
         $obj = new EmailDownloadPage_Registration();
         $obj->Email = $email;
         $obj->DownloadFileID = $this->DownloadFileID;
     } else {
         $obj->Used = false;
     $obj->EmailDownloadPageID = $this->ID;
     $adminEmail = Email::getAdminEmail();
     if (!$adminEmail) {
         user_error("You need to set an admin email in order to use this page", E_USER_NOTICE);
     $email = new Email($adminEmail, $data["EmailDownloadPageEmail"], $this->EmailSubject);
     if ($this->CopyOfAllEmailsToAdmin) {
     // You can call this multiple times or bundle everything into an array, including DataSetObjects
     $email->populateTemplate(new ArrayData(array("EmailSubject" => DBField::create_field('Varchar', $this->EmailSubject), "TitleOfFile" => DBField::create_field('Varchar', $this->TitleOfFile), "ValidUntil" => date('Y-M-d', strtotime("+" . $this->ValidityInDays * 86400 . " seconds")), "HasLink" => $this->LinkToThirdPartyDownload ? true : false, "HasFile" => $this->DownloadFileID ? true : false, "LinkToThirdPartyDownload" => $this->LinkToThirdPartyDownload, "File" => $this->DownloadFile(), "DownloadLink" => Director::absoluteURL($this->Link("dodownload/" . $obj->ID . "/" . $obj->Code . '/')), "FileLocation" => Director::absoluteURL($this->DownloadFile()->Link()))));
     $outcome = $email->send();
     Session::set($this->sessionVarNameForSending(), $outcome);
     $this->redirect($this->Link("thankyou/" . ($outcome ? "success" : "fail") . "/"));
     return array();