getManifest() public method

Used for backward compatibility. Specific methods should be called instead.
public getManifest ( ) : array
return array
 * Load and parse a plugin manifest from a plugin XML file.
 * @example plugins/manifest.xml Example 1.8-style manifest file.
 * @deprecated 1.8 Use ElggPlugin->getManifest()
 * @param string $plugin Plugin name.
 * @return array of values
function load_plugin_manifest($plugin)
    elgg_deprecated_notice('load_plugin_manifest() is deprecated by ElggPlugin->getManifest()', 1.8);
    $xml_file = elgg_get_plugins_path() . "{$plugin}/manifest.xml";
    try {
        $manifest = new ElggPluginManifest($xml_file, $plugin);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return false;
    return $manifest->getManifest();
function guessName($release, &$type)
    $filestorePath = $release->getFilenameOnFilestore();
    $filename = $release->originalfilename;
    //	var_dump($filename, $filestorePath);
    $extension = strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
    if ($extension == 'gz') {
        if (strtolower(pathinfo(substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 3), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == 'tar') {
            $extension = 'tar.gz';
    if (!in_array($extension, array('zip', 'tar.gz'))) {
        //		var_dump('BAD ext: ' . $extension);
        return false;
    $resultId = false;
    $resultDir = false;
     * guess package name
    if ($extension == 'zip') {
        $type = 'zip';
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        if ($errorCode = $zip->open($filestorePath)) {
            $manifestsCnt = 0;
            $dirname = null;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
                $stat = $zip->statIndex($i);
                if (basename($stat['name']) == 'manifest.xml') {
                    $dirname = trim(pathinfo($stat['name'], PATHINFO_DIRNAME), '/\\');
                    if (!empty($dirname) && $dirname !== '.' && strpos($dirname, '/') === false && strpos($dirname, '\\') === false) {
                        $resultDir = $dirname;
                        if (preg_match('#^([^\\-]+)\\-(.+)\\-([0-9a-fA-F]{7}|master)$#', $resultDir, $matches)) {
                            $resultDir = $matches[2];
                        } elseif (strpos($resultDir, '-' . $release->version) === strlen($resultDir) - strlen('-' . $release->version)) {
                            // cut away version appended by git
                            $resultDir = substr($resultDir, 0, strlen($resultDir) - strlen('-' . $release->version));
                        $stream = $zip->getStream($stat['name']);
                        if (is_resource($stream)) {
                            $content = stream_get_contents($stream);
                            try {
                                $manifest = new ElggPluginManifest($content);
                                $manifestArr = $manifest->getManifest();
                                if (isset($manifestArr['id'])) {
                                    $resultId = $manifestArr['id'];
                            } catch (Exception $e) {
            if ($manifestsCnt == 1) {
                if ($resultId) {
                    return $resultId;
                } else {
                    return $resultDir;
            } else {
                return false;
                //no manifests or too many manifests in proper nesting
        } else {
            var_dump('ERROR:', $errorCode);
            return false;
            // cant open archive
    } else {
        // tar.gz
        $type = 'tar';
        try {
            $tar = new PharData($filestorePath);
        } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
            return false;
        $tarIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($tar);
        $prefix = 'phar://' . $filestorePath . '/';
        $manifestsCnt = 0;
        $dirname = null;
         * @var $file PharFileInfo
        //		foreach ($tarIterator as $key => $file) {
        while ($tarIterator->valid()) {
            try {
                $file = $tarIterator->current();
            } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
            $path = substr($file->getPathname(), strlen($prefix));
            if ($file->getFilename() == 'manifest.xml') {
                $dirname = trim(pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_DIRNAME), '/\\');
                if (!empty($dirname) && $dirname !== '.' && strpos($dirname, '/') === false && strpos($dirname, '\\') === false) {
                    $resultDir = $dirname;
                    if (preg_match('#^([^\\-]+)\\-(.+)\\-([0-9a-fA-F]{7}|master)$#', $resultDir, $matches)) {
                        $resultDir = $matches[2];
                    } elseif (strpos($resultDir, '-' . $release->version) === strlen($resultDir) - strlen('-' . $release->version)) {
                        // cut away version appended by git
                        $resultDir = substr($resultDir, 0, strlen($resultDir) - strlen('-' . $release->version));
                    $content = $file->getContent();
                    try {
                        $manifest = new ElggPluginManifest($content);
                        $manifestArr = $manifest->getManifest();
                        if (isset($manifestArr['id'])) {
                            $resultId = $manifestArr['id'];
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
        if ($manifestsCnt == 1) {
            if ($resultId) {
                return $resultId;
            } else {
                return $resultDir;
        } else {
            return false;
            //no manifests or too many manifests in proper nesting
        return false;