public function testResponse()
     $client = new Elastica_Client();
     $index = $client->getIndex('test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = $index->getType('helloworld');
     $mapping = new Elastica_Type_Mapping($type, array('name' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'no'), 'dtmPosted' => array('type' => 'date', 'store' => 'no', 'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(1, array('name' => 'nicolas ruflin', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-06-23 21:53:00"));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(2, array('name' => 'raul martinez jr', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-06-23 09:53:00"));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(3, array('name' => 'rachelle clemente', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-07-08 08:53:00"));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(4, array('name' => 'elastica search', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-07-08 01:53:00"));
     $query = new Elastica_Query();
     $query->setQuery(new Elastica_Query_MatchAll());
     $resultSet = $type->search($query);
     $engineTime = $resultSet->getResponse()->getEngineTime();
     $shardsStats = $resultSet->getResponse()->getShardsStatistics();
     $this->assertTrue($engineTime != '');
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('total', $shardsStats);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('successful', $shardsStats);
 public function testGeoPoint()
     $client = new Elastica_Client();
     $index = $client->getIndex('test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = $index->getType('test');
     // Set mapping
     $type->setMapping(array('point' => array('type' => 'geo_point')));
     // Add doc 1
     $doc1 = new Elastica_Document(1, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc1->addGeoPoint('point', 17, 19);
     // Add doc 2
     $doc2 = new Elastica_Document(2, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc2->addGeoPoint('point', 30, 40);
     // Only one point should be in radius
     $query = new Elastica_Query();
     $geoFilter = new Elastica_Filter_GeoDistance('point', array('lat' => 30, 'lon' => 40), '1km');
     $query = new Elastica_Query(new Elastica_Query_MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $type->search($query)->count());
     // Both points should be inside
     $query = new Elastica_Query();
     $geoFilter = new Elastica_Filter_GeoDistance('point', array('lat' => 30, 'lon' => 40), '40000km');
     $query = new Elastica_Query(new Elastica_Query_MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $type->search($query)->count());
 public function testGeoPoint()
     $client = new Elastica_Client();
     $index = $client->getIndex('test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = $index->getType('test');
     // Set mapping
     $type->setMapping(array('point' => array('type' => 'geo_point')));
     // Add doc 1
     $doc1 = new Elastica_Document(1, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc1->addGeoPoint('point', 17, 19);
     // Add doc 2
     $doc2 = new Elastica_Document(2, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc2->addGeoPoint('point', 30, 40);
     // Only one point should be in polygon
     $query = new Elastica_Query();
     $points = array(array(16, 16), array(16, 20), array(20, 20), array(20, 16), array(16, 16));
     $geoFilter = new Elastica_Filter_GeoPolygon('point', compact('points'));
     $query = new Elastica_Query(new Elastica_Query_MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $type->search($query)->count());
     // Both points should be inside
     $query = new Elastica_Query();
     $points = array(array(16, 16), array(16, 40), array(40, 40), array(40, 16), array(16, 16));
     $geoFilter = new Elastica_Filter_GeoPolygon('point', compact('points'));
     $query = new Elastica_Query(new Elastica_Query_MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $type->search($query)->count());
Beispiel #4
	public function testFilter() {
		$client = new Elastica_Client();
		$index = $client->getIndex('test');
		$index->create(array(), true);
		$type = $index->getType('helloworld');
		$type->addDocument(new Elastica_Document(1, array('color' => 'red')));
		$type->addDocument(new Elastica_Document(2, array('color' => 'green')));
		$type->addDocument(new Elastica_Document(3, array('color' => 'blue')));
		$termQuery = new Elastica_Query_Term(array('color' => 'red'));
		$facet = new Elastica_Facet_Query('test');
		$query = new Elastica_Query();
		$resultSet = $type->search($query);
		$facets = $resultSet->getFacets();
		$this->assertEquals(1, $facets['test']['count']);
Beispiel #5
	public function testStatisticalWithSetFields() {
		$client = new Elastica_Client();
		$index = $client->getIndex('test');
		$index->create(array(), true);
		$type = $index->getType('helloworld');

		$doc = new Elastica_Document(1, array('price' => 10, 'price2' => 20));
		$doc = new Elastica_Document(2, array('price' => 35, 'price2' => 70));
		$doc = new Elastica_Document(2, array('price' => 45, 'price2' => 90));

		$facet = new Elastica_Facet_Statistical('stats');

		$query = new Elastica_Query();
		$query->setQuery(new Elastica_Query_MatchAll());


		$response = $type->search($query);
		$facets = $response->getFacets();

		$this->assertEquals(165, $facets['stats']['total']);
		$this->assertEquals(10, $facets['stats']['min']);
		$this->assertEquals(90, $facets['stats']['max']);
Beispiel #6
 public function testSearch()
     $client = new Elastica_Client();
     $index = new Elastica_Index($client, 'test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = new Elastica_Type($index, 'helloworldmlt');
     $mapping = new Elastica_Type_Mapping($type, array('email' => array('store' => 'yes', 'type' => 'string', 'index' => 'analyzed'), 'content' => array('store' => 'yes', 'type' => 'string', 'index' => 'analyzed')));
     $mapping->setSource(array('enabled' => false));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(1000, array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'content' => 'This is a sample post. Hello World Fuzzy Like This!'));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(1001, array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'content' => 'This is a fake nospam email address for gmail'));
     // Refresh index
     $mltQuery = new Elastica_Query_MoreLikeThis();
     $mltQuery->setLikeText('fake gmail sample');
     $mltQuery->setFields(array('email', 'content'));
     $query = new Elastica_Query();
     $query->setFields(array('email', 'content'));
     $resultSet = $type->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $resultSet->count());
Beispiel #7
	public function testQuery() {

		$client = new Elastica_Client();
		$index = $client->getIndex('test');
		$index->create(array(), true);
		$type = $index->getType('helloworld');

		$doc = new Elastica_Document(1, array('name' => 'nicolas ruflin'));
		$doc = new Elastica_Document(2, array('name' => 'ruflin test'));
		$doc = new Elastica_Document(2, array('name' => 'nicolas helloworld'));

		$facet = new Elastica_Facet_Terms('test');

		$query = new Elastica_Query();
		$query->setQuery(new Elastica_Query_MatchAll());


		$response = $type->search($query);
		$facets = $response->getFacets();

		$this->assertEquals(3, count($facets['test']['terms']));
 public function testTest()
     $client = new Elastica_Client();
     $index = $client->getIndex('test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = $index->getType('helloworld');
     $mapping = new Elastica_Type_Mapping($type, array('name' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'no'), 'dtmPosted' => array('type' => 'date', 'store' => 'no', 'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(1, array('name' => 'nicolas ruflin', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-06-23 21:53:00"));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(2, array('name' => 'raul martinez jr', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-06-23 09:53:00"));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(3, array('name' => 'rachelle clemente', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-07-08 08:53:00"));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(4, array('name' => 'elastica search', 'dtmPosted' => "2011-07-08 01:53:00"));
     $facet = new Elastica_Facet_DateHistogram('dateHist1');
     $query = new Elastica_Query();
     $query->setQuery(new Elastica_Query_MatchAll());
     $response = $type->search($query);
     $facets = $response->getFacets();
     $this->assertEquals(4, $response->getTotalHits());
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($facets['dateHist1']['entries']));
 public function testQuery()
     $type = $this->index->getType('test');
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(1, array('firstname' => 'guschti', 'lastname' => 'ruflin'));
     $query = new Elastica_Query();
     $script = new Elastica_Script('1 + 2');
     $scriptFields = new Elastica_ScriptFields(array('test' => $script));
     $resultSet = $type->search($query);
     $first = $resultSet->current()->getData();
     // 1 + 2
     $this->assertEquals(3, $first['test']);
Beispiel #10
 public function testMappingStoreFields()
     $client = new Elastica_Client();
     $index = $client->getIndex('test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = $index->getType('test');
     $mapping = new Elastica_Type_Mapping($type, array('firstname' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'yes'), 'lastname' => array('type' => 'string')));
     $firstname = 'Nicolas';
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(1, array('firstname' => $firstname, 'lastname' => 'Ruflin'));
     $queryString = new Elastica_Query_QueryString('ruflin');
     $query = Elastica_Query::create($queryString);
     $resultSet = $type->search($query);
     $result = $resultSet->current();
     $fields = $result->getFields();
     $this->assertEquals($firstname, $fields['firstname']);
     $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('lastname', $fields);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($fields));
     $document = $type->getDocument(1);
Beispiel #11
  * Transforms a string or an array to a query object
  * If query is empty,
  * @param  mixed          $query
  * @return Elastica_Query
 public static function create($query)
     switch (true) {
         case $query instanceof Elastica_Query:
             return $query;
         case $query instanceof Elastica_Query_Abstract:
             return new self($query);
         case $query instanceof Elastica_Filter_Abstract:
             $newQuery = new Elastica_Query();
             return $newQuery;
         case empty($query):
             return new self(new Elastica_Query_MatchAll());
         case is_string($query):
             return new self(new Elastica_Query_QueryString($query));
     // TODO: Implement queries without
     throw new Elastica_Exception_NotImplemented();
 public function testHightlightSearch()
     $client = new Elastica_Client();
     $index = $client->getIndex('test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = $index->getType('helloworld');
     $phrase = 'My name is ruflin';
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(1, array('id' => 1, 'phrase' => $phrase, 'username' => 'hanswurst', 'test' => array('2', '3', '5')));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(2, array('id' => 2, 'phrase' => $phrase, 'username' => 'peter', 'test' => array('2', '3', '5')));
     $queryString = new Elastica_Query_QueryString('rufl*');
     $query = new Elastica_Query($queryString);
     $query->setHighlight(array('pre_tags' => array('<em class="highlight">'), 'post_tags' => array('</em>'), 'fields' => array('phrase' => array('fragment_size' => 200, 'number_of_fragments' => 1))));
     $resultSet = $type->search($query);
     foreach ($resultSet as $result) {
         $highlight = $result->getHighlights();
         $this->assertEquals(array('phrase' => array(0 => 'My name is <em class="highlight">ruflin</em>')), $highlight);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $resultSet->count());
 public function testQuery()
     $client = new Elastica_Client();
     $index = new Elastica_Index($client, 'test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = new Elastica_Type($index, 'multi_match');
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(1, array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Rodolfo', 'last_name' => 'Moraes'));
     // Refresh index
     $multiMatch = new Elastica_Query_MultiMatch();
     $query = new Elastica_Query();
     $multiMatch->setFields(array('name', 'last_name'));
     $resultSet = $index->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $resultSet->count());
     $multiMatch->setFields(array('name', 'last_name'));
     $resultSet = $index->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $resultSet->count());
 public function testQuery()
     $client = new Elastica_Client();
     $index = $client->getIndex('test');
     $index->create(array(), true);
     $type = $index->getType('helloworld');
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(1, array('name' => 'tom', 'paid' => 7));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(2, array('name' => 'tom', 'paid' => 2));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(3, array('name' => 'tom', 'paid' => 5));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(4, array('name' => 'mike', 'paid' => 13));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(5, array('name' => 'mike', 'paid' => 1));
     $doc = new Elastica_Document(6, array('name' => 'mike', 'paid' => 15));
     $facet = new Elastica_Facet_TermsStats('test');
     $query = new Elastica_Query();
     $query->setQuery(new Elastica_Query_MatchAll());
     $response = $type->search($query);
     $facets = $response->getFacets();
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($facets['test']['terms']));
     foreach ($facets['test']['terms'] as $facet) {
         if ($facet['term'] === 'tom') {
             $this->assertEquals(14, $facet['total']);
         if ($facet['term'] === 'mike') {
             $this->assertEquals(29, $facet['total']);
Beispiel #15
 public function search($query)
     if (is_string($query)) {
         $queryObj = new Query();
         $query = $queryObj;
     if ($query instanceof QueryInterface) {
         // Build the Elastica Query
         $elasticaQuery = new \Elastica_Query();
         // Define a Query. We want a string query.
         $elasticaQueryString = new \Elastica_Query_QueryString();
         $index = $this->getIndex();
         $elasticaResultSet = $index->search($elasticaQuery);
         return $elasticaResultSet;
     throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
$idx = $_REQUEST['idx'];
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
$query = str_replace('\\', '', $_REQUEST['query']);
$idx_type = $idx;
if ('' !== $type) {
    $idx_type .= '/' . $type;
//OPTIONAL: uncomment to enable whitelisting
//if ( ! in_array( $idx_type, array_keys( $whitelist_idx ) ) ) {
//	status_header( 403 ); //forbidden
//	die;
try {
    $esclient = new Elastica_Client(array('servers' => $es_servers));
    $esQ = new Elastica_Query();
    if (isset($whitelist_idx[$idx_type])) {
        $esQ->setHighlight(array('fields' => $whitelist_idx[$idx_type]['highlight'], 'pre_tags' => array('<b>'), 'post_tags' => array('</b>')));
    if ('' != $type) {
        $estype = $esclient->getIndex($idx)->getType($type);
    } else {
        $estype = $esclient->getIndex($idx);
    $results = $estype->search($esQ);
    echo json_encode($results->getResponse()->getData());
} catch (Exception $e) {
Beispiel #17
	public function testGetQuery() {
		$query = new Elastica_Query();

		try {
			$this->fail('should throw exception because query does not exist');
		} catch(Elastica_Exception_Invalid $e) {

		$termQuery = new Elastica_Query_Term();
		$termQuery->setTerm('text', 'value');

		$this->assertEquals($termQuery->toArray(), $query->getQuery());
Beispiel #18
  * Search in the set indices, types
  * @param mixed $query
  * @return Elastica_ResultSet
 public function search($query)
     $query = Elastica_Query::create($query);
     $path = $this->getPath();
     $response = $this->getClient()->request($path, Elastica_Request::GET, $query->toArray());
     return new Elastica_ResultSet($response);
Beispiel #19
  * Registers a percolator query
  * @param  string                                        $name  Query name
  * @param  string|Elastica_Query|Elastica_Query_Abstract $query Query to add
  * @return Elastica_Response
 public function registerQuery($name, $query)
     $path = '_percolator/' . $this->_index->getName() . '/' . $name;
     $query = Elastica_Query::create($query);
     return $this->_index->getClient()->request($path, Elastica_Request::PUT, $query->toArray());
Beispiel #20
  * Search method.
  * @return Elastica_ResultSet
 public function search()
     $index = $this->index;
     // build search query
     $query = new \Elastica_Query();
     // sorting
     if (count($this->sort) > 0) {
     // add filter to query
     $filter = $this->getFilter();
     if (count($filter->getParams()) > 0) {
     $result = $this->getType()->search($query);
     return $result;
Beispiel #21
	public function testSetTypeArraySearchSingle() {
		$filter = new Elastica_Filter_Ids();
		$filter->setType(array('helloworld1', 'helloworld2'));

		$query = Elastica_Query::create($filter);
		$resultSet = $this->_index->search($query);

		$this->assertEquals(2, $resultSet->count());
Beispiel #22
  * Search in the set indices, types
  * @param  mixed              $query
  * @param  int|array          $options OPTIONAL Limit or associative array of options (option=>value)
  * @return Elastica_ResultSet
 public function search($query, $options = null)
     $query = Elastica_Query::create($query);
     $path = $this->getPath();
     $params = array();
     if (is_int($options)) {
     } else {
         if (is_array($options)) {
             foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
                 switch ($key) {
                     case 'limit':
                     case 'routing':
                         $params['routing'] = $value;
                     case 'search_type':
                         $params['search_type'] = $value;
                         throw new Elastica_Exception_Invalid('Invalid option ' . $key);
     $response = $this->getClient()->request($path, Elastica_Request::GET, $query->toArray(), $params);
     return new Elastica_ResultSet($response);
Beispiel #23
  * More like this query based on the given object
  * The id in the given object has to be set
  * @param Elastica_Document      $doc  Document to query for similar objects
  * @param array                  $params OPTIONAL Additional arguments for the query
  * @param Elastica_Query         $query OPTIONAL Query to filter the moreLikeThis results
  * @return Elastica_ResultSet    ResultSet with all results inside
  * @link
 public function moreLikeThis(Elastica_Document $doc, $params = array(), $query = array())
     $path = $doc->getId() . '/_mlt';
     $query = Elastica_Query::create($query);
     $response = $this->request($path, Elastica_Request::GET, $query->toArray(), $params);
     return new Elastica_ResultSet($response);
Beispiel #24
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function count($query)
     $query = Elastica_Query::create($query);
     $path = '_count';
     $data = $this->request($path, Elastica_Request::GET, $query->getQuery())->getData();
     return (int) $data['count'];
Beispiel #25
  * Search in the set indices, types
  * @param mixed $query
  * @param int|array $options OPTIONAL Limit or associative array of options (option=>value)
  * @return Elastica_ResultSet
 public function search($query, $options = null)
     $query = Elastica_Query::create($query);
     $path = $this->getPath();
     if (is_int($options)) {
     } else {
         if (is_array($options)) {
             foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
                 if (empty($value)) {
                     throw new Elastica_Exception_Invalid('Invalid value ' . $value . ' for option ' . $key);
                 } else {
                     $path_separator = strpos($path, '?') ? '&' : '?';
                     switch ($key) {
                         case 'limit':
                         case 'routing':
                             if (!empty($value)) {
                                 $path .= $path_separator . 'routing=' . $value;
                         case 'search_type':
                             if (!empty($value)) {
                                 $path .= $path_separator . 'search_type=' . $value;
                             throw new Elastica_Exception_Invalid('Invalid option ' . $key);
     $response = $this->getClient()->request($path, Elastica_Request::GET, $query->toArray());
     return new Elastica_ResultSet($response);
 public function grab(&$param_pool = NULL)
     $config = (object) Symphony::Configuration()->get('elasticsearch');
     // build an object of runtime parameters
     $params = (object) array('keywords' => isset($_GET['keywords']) ? $_GET['keywords'] : '', 'current-page' => isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1, 'per-page' => isset($_GET['per-page']) && is_numeric($_GET['per-page']) ? (int) $_GET['per-page'] : $config->{'per-page'}, 'sort' => isset($_GET['sort']) ? $_GET['sort'] : $config->sort, 'direction' => isset($_GET['direction']) && in_array($_GET['direction'], array('asc', 'desc')) ? $_GET['direction'] : $config->direction, 'sections' => isset($_GET['sections']) && !empty($_GET['sections']) ? array_map('trim', explode(',', $_GET['sections'])) : NULL, 'default-sections' => !empty($config->{'default-sections'}) ? explode(',', $config->{'default-sections'}) : NULL, 'language' => isset($_GET['language']) && !empty($_GET['language']) ? array_map('trim', explode(',', $_GET['language'])) : NULL, 'default-language' => !empty($config->{'default-language'}) ? explode(',', $config->{'default-language'}) : NULL);
     $params->{'keywords-raw'} = $params->keywords;
     $params->keywords = ElasticSearch::filterKeywords($params->keywords);
     // don't run search if not searching for anything
     if (empty($params->keywords)) {
     // check valid page number
     if ($params->{'current-page'} < 1) {
         $params->{'current-page'} = 1;
     // if no language passed but there are defaults, use the defaults
     if ($params->{'language'} === NULL && count($params->{'default-language'})) {
         $params->{'language'} = $params->{'default-language'};
     // include this extension's own library
     // a query_string search type in ES accepts common (Lucene) search syntax such as
     // prefixing terms with +/- and surrounding exact phrases with quotes
     $query_querystring = new Elastica_Query_QueryString();
     // all terms are required
     // pass in keywords
     // only apply the search to fields mapped as multi-type with a sub-type named "symphony_fulltext"
     // this allows us to exclude fields from this generic full-site search but search them elsewhere
     if ($params->{'language'}) {
         $fields = array();
         foreach ($params->{'language'} as $language) {
             $fields[] = '*_' . $language . '.symphony_fulltext';
     } else {
     // create the parent query object (a factory) into which the query_string is passed
     $query = new Elastica_Query($query_querystring);
     // TODO: check this. should it be + 1?
     $query->setFrom($params->{'per-page'} * ($params->{'current-page'} - 1));
     $query->setSort(array($params->{'sort'} => $params->{'direction'}));
     // build a search object, this wraps an Elastica_Client and handles requests to and from the ElasticSearch server
     $search = new Elastica_Search(ElasticSearch::getClient());
     // search on our site index only (in case the server is running multiple indexes)
     // create a new facet on the entry _type (section handle). this will return a list
     // of sections in which the matching entries reside, and a count of matches in each
     $facet = new Elastica_Facet_Terms('filtered-sections');
     // we also want a list of _all_ sections and their total entry counts. facets run within the context
     // of the query they are attached to, so we want a new query that searches within the specified sections
     // but doesn't search on the keywords (so it finds everything). ES supports this with a match_all query
     // which Elastica creates by default when you create a plain query object
     $query_all = new Elastica_Query();
     $facet = new Elastica_Facet_Terms('all-sections');
     // build an array of all valid section handles that have mappings
     $all_mapped_sections = array();
     $section_full_names = array();
     foreach (ElasticSearch::getAllTypes() as $type) {
         // if using default config sections, check that the type exists in the default
         if (count($params->{'default-sections'}) > 0 && !in_array($type->section->get('handle'), $params->{'default-sections'})) {
         $all_mapped_sections[] = $type->section->get('handle');
         // cache an array of section names indexed by their handles, quick lookup later
         $section_full_names[$type->section->get('handle')] = $type->section->get('name');
     $sections = array();
     // no specified sections were sent in the params, so default to all available sections
     if ($params->sections === NULL) {
         $sections = $all_mapped_sections;
     } else {
         foreach ($params->sections as $handle) {
             if (!in_array($handle, $all_mapped_sections)) {
             $sections[] = $handle;
     // a filter is an additional set of filtering that can be added to a query. filters are run
     // after the query has executed, so run over the resultset and remove documents that don't
     // match the criteria. they are fast and are cached by ES. we want to restrict the search
     // results to within the specified sections only, so we add a filter on the _type (section handle)
     // field. the filter is of type "terms" (an array of exact-match strings)
     $filter = new Elastica_Filter_Terms('_type');
     // build an array of field handles which should be highlighted in search results, used for building
     // the excerpt on results pages. a field is marked as highlightable by giving it a "symphony_fulltext"
     // field in the section mappings
     $highlights = array();
     // iterate over each valid section, adding it as a filter and finding any highlighted fields within
     foreach ($sections as $section) {
         // add these sections to the entry search
         // read the section's mapping JSON from disk
         $mapping = json_decode(ElasticSearch::getTypeByHandle($section)->mapping_json, FALSE);
         // find fields that have symphony_highlight
         foreach ($mapping->{$section}->properties as $field => $properties) {
             if (!$properties->fields->symphony_fulltext) {
             $highlights[] = array($field => (object) array());
     // add the section filter to both queries (keyword search and the all entries facet search)
     // configure highlighting for the keyword search
     $query->setHighlight(array('fields' => $highlights, 'encoder' => 'html', 'fragment_size' => $config->{'highlight-fragment-size'}, 'number_of_fragments' => $config->{'highlight-per-field'}, 'pre_tags' => array('<strong class="highlight">'), 'post_tags' => array('</strong>')));
     // run both queries!
     $query_result = $search->search($query);
     $query_all_result = $search->search($query_all);
     // build root XMK element
     $xml = new XMLElement($this->dsParamROOTELEMENT, NULL, array('took' => $query_result->getResponse()->getEngineTime() . 'ms', 'max-score' => round($query_result->getMaxScore(), 4)));
     // append keywords to the XML
     $xml_keywords = new XMLElement('keywords');
     $xml_keywords->appendChild(new XMLElement('raw', General::sanitize($params->{'keywords-raw'})));
     $xml_keywords->appendChild(new XMLElement('filtered', General::sanitize($params->{'keywords'})));
     // build pagination
     $xml->appendChild(General::buildPaginationElement($query_result->getTotalHits(), ceil($query_result->getTotalHits() * (1 / $params->{'per-page'})), $params->{'per-page'}, $params->{'current-page'}));
     // build facets
     $xml_facets = new XMLElement('facets');
     // merge the facets from both queries so they appear as one
     $facets = array_merge($query_result->getFacets(), $query_all_result->getFacets());
     foreach ($facets as $handle => $facet) {
         $xml_facet = new XMLElement('facet', NULL, array('handle' => $handle));
         foreach ($facet['terms'] as $term) {
             // only show sections that are in default config, if it is being used
             if (!in_array($term['term'], $all_mapped_sections)) {
             $xml_facet_term = new XMLElement('term', $section_full_names[$term['term']], array('handle' => $term['term'], 'entries' => $term['count'], 'active' => in_array($term['term'], $sections) ? 'yes' : 'no'));
     // if each entry is to have its full XML built and appended to the result,
     // create a new EntryManager for using later on
     if ($config->{'build-entry-xml'} === 'yes') {
         $em = new EntryManager(Frontend::instance());
         $field_pool = array();
     // append entries
     $xml_entries = new XMLElement('entries');
     foreach ($query_result->getResults() as $data) {
         $entry = new XMLElement('entry', NULL, array('id' => $data->getId(), 'section' => $data->getType(), 'score' => is_array($data->getScore()) ? reset($data->getScore()) : round($data->getScore(), 4)));
         // append field highlights
         foreach ($data->getHighlights() as $field => $highlight) {
             foreach ($highlight as $html) {
                 $entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('highlight', $html, array('field' => $field)));
         // build and append entry data
         // this was pinched from Symphony's datasource class
         if ($config->{'build-entry-xml'} === 'yes') {
             $e = reset($em->fetch($data->getId()));
             $field_data = $e->getData();
             foreach ($field_data as $field_id => $values) {
                 if (!isset($field_pool[$field_id]) || !is_object($field_pool[$field_id])) {
                     $field_pool[$field_id] = FieldManager::fetch($field_id);
                 $field_pool[$field_id]->appendFormattedElement($entry, $values, FALSE, NULL, $e->get('id'));
         // put each entry ID into the param pool for chaining
         $param_pool['ds-elasticsearch'][] = $data->getId();
     // log query if logging is enabled
     if ($config->{'log-searches'} === 'yes') {
         ElasticSearchLogs::save($params->keywords, $params->{'keywords-raw'}, $sections, $params->{'current-page'}, $query_result->getTotalHits());
     return $xml;
Beispiel #27
  * Sets query object
  * @param string|Elastica_Query|Elastica_Query_Abstract $query
  * @return Elastica_Filter_HasChild Current object
 public function setQuery($query)
     $query = Elastica_Query::create($query);
     $data = $query->toArray();
     return $this->setParam('query', $data['query']);
Beispiel #28
	public function testMoreLikeThisApi() {

		$client = new Elastica_Client(array('persistent' => false));
		$index = $client->getIndex('elastica_test');
		$index->create(array('index' => array('number_of_shards' => 1, 'number_of_replicas' => 0)), true);

		$type = new Elastica_Type($index, 'mlt_test');
		$type->addDocument(new Elastica_Document(1, array('visible' => true, 'name' => 'bruce wayne batman')));
		$type->addDocument(new Elastica_Document(2, array('visible' => true, 'name' => 'bruce wayne')));
		$type->addDocument(new Elastica_Document(3, array('visible' => false, 'name' => 'bruce wayne')));
		$type->addDocument(new Elastica_Document(4, array('visible' => true, 'name' => 'batman')));
		$type->addDocument(new Elastica_Document(5, array('visible' => false, 'name' => 'batman')));
		$type->addDocument(new Elastica_Document(6, array('visible' => true, 'name' => 'superman')));
		$type->addDocument(new Elastica_Document(7, array('visible' => true, 'name' => 'spiderman')));


		$document = $type->getDocument(1);

		// Return all similar
		$resultSet = $type->moreLikeThis($document, array('min_term_freq' => '1', 'min_doc_freq' => '1'));
		$this->assertEquals(4, $resultSet->count());

		// Return just the visible similar
		$query 				= new Elastica_Query();
		$filterTerm 		= new Elastica_Filter_Term();
		$filterTerm->setTerm('visible', true);

		$resultSet = $type->moreLikeThis($document, array('min_term_freq' => '1', 'min_doc_freq' => '1'), $query);
		$this->assertEquals(2, $resultSet->count());
Beispiel #29
  * Counts results of query
  * @param  string|array|Elastica_Query $query Array with all query data inside or a Elastica_Query object
  * @return int                         number of documents matching the query
  * @see Elastica_Searchable::count
 public function count($query = '')
     $query = Elastica_Query::create($query);
     $path = '_search';
     $response = $this->request($path, Elastica_Request::GET, $query->toArray(), array('search_type' => 'count'));
     $resultSet = new Elastica_ResultSet($response);
     return $resultSet->getTotalHits();
Beispiel #30
  * Deletes entries in the db based on a query
  * @param Elastica_Query|string $query Query object
  * @link
 public function deleteByQuery($query)
     $query = Elastica_Query::create($query);
     return $this->request('_query', Elastica_Request::DELETE, $query->getQuery());