$result = eF_getTableData("users_to_content", "visits, attempt_identifier", "content_ID={$unit['id']} and users_LOGIN='******'login']}'");
            if (!empty($result)) {
                // 				vd($_SESSION['attempt_identifier']);
                // 				vd($result[0]['attempt_identifier']);
                $visits = $result[0]['visits'];
                if ($_SESSION['attempt_identifier'] != $result[0]['attempt_identifier']) {
                    eF_updateTableData("users_to_content", array("visits" => $result[0]['visits'] + 1, "attempt_identifier" => $_SESSION['attempt_identifier']), "content_ID={$unit['id']} and users_LOGIN='******'login']}'");
                    $visits = $result[0]['visits'] + 1;
            } else {
                eF_insertTableData("users_to_content", array("attempt_identifier" => $_SESSION['attempt_identifier'], "visits" => 1, "content_ID" => $unit['id'], "lessons_ID" => $unit['lessons_ID'], "users_LOGIN" => $scoUser->user['login']));
                $visits = 1;
            $remaining_times = $unit['options']['scorm_times'] - $visits;
    $newUserProgress = EfrontStats::getUsersLessonStatus($scoLesson, $scoUser->user['login']);
    $newPercentage = $newUserProgress[$scoLesson->lesson['id']][$scoUser->user['login']]['overall_progress'];
    $newConditionsPassed = $newUserProgress[$scoLesson->lesson['id']][$scoUser->user['login']]['conditions_passed'];
    $newLessonPassed = $newUserProgress[$scoLesson->lesson['id']][$scoUser->user['login']]['lesson_passed'];
    if ($scoLesson->lesson['course_only'] && $_SESSION['s_courses_ID']) {
        $res = eF_getTableData("users_to_courses", "issued_certificate", "courses_ID=" . $_SESSION['s_courses_ID'] . " and users_LOGIN='******'s_login'] . "'");
        if ($res[0]['issued_certificate'] != "") {
            $courseCertified = true;
    echo json_encode(array($newPercentage, $newConditionsPassed, $newLessonPassed, $scormState, $redirectTo, $trackActivityInfo, $courseCertified, $remaining_times));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo json_encode(array('error' => $e->getMessage()));
         $nextLesson = $currentUser->getNextLesson($currentLesson, $_SESSION['s_courses_ID']);
         if ($currentLesson->lesson['course_only'] && isset($_SESSION['s_courses_ID'])) {
             $res = eF_getTableData("users_to_courses", "issued_certificate", "courses_ID=" . $_SESSION['s_courses_ID'] . " and users_LOGIN='******'s_login'] . "'");
             if ($res[0]['issued_certificate'] != "") {
                 $courseCertified = true;
         echo json_encode(array($newPercentage, $newConditionsPassed, $newLessonPassed, false, false, false, $courseCertified));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
 if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && isset($_GET['check_conditions'])) {
     try {
         $newUserProgress = EfrontStats::getUsersLessonStatus($currentLesson, $currentUser->user['login']);
         $newPercentage = $newUserProgress[$currentLesson->lesson['id']][$currentUser->user['login']]['overall_progress'];
         $newConditionsPassed = $newUserProgress[$currentLesson->lesson['id']][$currentUser->user['login']]['conditions_passed'];
         $newLessonPassed = $newUserProgress[$currentLesson->lesson['id']][$currentUser->user['login']]['lesson_passed'];
         $nextLesson = $currentUser->getNextLesson($currentLesson, $_SESSION['s_courses_ID']);
         if ($currentLesson->lesson['course_only'] && isset($_SESSION['s_courses_ID'])) {
             $res = eF_getTableData("users_to_courses", "issued_certificate", "courses_ID=" . $_SESSION['s_courses_ID'] . " and users_LOGIN='******'s_login'] . "'");
             if ($res[0]['issued_certificate'] != "") {
                 $courseCertified = true;
         echo json_encode(array($newPercentage, $newConditionsPassed, $newLessonPassed, false, false, false, $courseCertified));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
  * Mark seen nodes
  * This function gets the units that the user has seen
  * and sets the 'seen' property either to 1 or to 0.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $currentContent = new EfrontContentTree(5);           //Initialize content for lesson with id 5
  * $currentContent -> markSeenNodes($currentUser);       //Mark the seen content for user in object $currentUser
  * </cod>
  * @param mixed $user Either a user login or an EfrontUser object
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public function markSeenNodes($user)
     $user instanceof EfrontUser ? $login = $user->user['login'] : ($login = $user);
     $seenContent = EfrontStats::getStudentsSeenContent($this->lessonId, $login);
     $seenNodes = array_keys($seenContent[$this->lessonId][$login]);
     $resultScorm = eF_getTabledataFlat("scorm_data", "content_ID, lesson_status", "users_LOGIN='******'");
     $resultScorm = array_combine($resultScorm['content_ID'], $resultScorm['lesson_status']);
     $result = eF_getTableData("content c, completed_tests ct, tests t", "t.content_ID, ct.status, ct.timestamp, ct.archive, t.keep_best", "ct.status != 'deleted' and c.id = t.content_ID and c.lessons_ID = " . $this->lessonId . " and ct.tests_ID = t.id and ct.users_LOGIN='******'");
     foreach ($result as $value) {
         if ($value['keep_best'] && $value['status'] == 'passed') {
             $resultTests[$value['content_ID']] = $value['status'];
         } else {
             if (!$value['archive'] && !isset($resultTests[$value['content_ID']])) {
                 $resultTests[$value['content_ID']] = $value['status'];
         if (!$value['archive']) {
             $resultTestsTimes[$value['content_ID']] = $value['timestamp'];
     $iterator = new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($this->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST));
     foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
         in_array($key, $seenNodes) || $resultScorm[$key] == 'completed' || $resultScorm[$key] == 'passed' ? $value['seen'] = 1 : ($value['seen'] = 0);
         if ($resultScorm[$key]) {
             $resultScorm[$key] == 'incomplete' ? $value['incomplete'] = 1 : ($value['incomplete'] = 0);
             $resultScorm[$key] == 'failed' ? $value['failed'] = 1 : ($value['failed'] = 0);
         } else {
             if ($resultTests[$key]) {
                 $resultTests[$key] == 'incomplete' ? $value['incomplete'] = $resultTestsTimes[$key] : ($value['incomplete'] = 0);
                 $resultTests[$key] == 'failed' ? $value['failed'] = 1 : ($value['failed'] = 0);
     //Empty top level unit should be marked as complete if all sub units are marked as complete
     foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
         if (!$value['has_data'] && $value['ctg_type'] == 'theory') {
             $childIterator = new EfrontVisitableFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($value), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST));
             $seenChildNodes = true;
             $has_child = false;
             foreach ($childIterator as $key2 => $value2) {
                 $has_child = true;
                 if (!$value2['seen'] && $value2['has_data']) {
                     $seenChildNodes = false;
             $seenChildNodes && $has_child ? $value['seen'] = 1 : ($value['seen'] = 0);
 private function doSynchronizeCourseLessons()
     $smarty = $this->getSmartyVar();
     $currentUser = $this->getCurrentUser();
     $courses = array();
     foreach (EfrontCourse::getCourses() as $value) {
         $courses[$value['id']] = $value['name'];
     $form = new HTML_QuickForm("file_encodings_form", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=module&op=module_administrator_tools&tab=sync_course_lessons&do=learning", "", null, true);
     $form->addElement('select', 'course', _COURSE, $courses);
     $form->addElement('advcheckbox', 'set_completed', _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_UPDATECOMPLETEDLESSONS . '</span>');
     $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', _SUBMIT, 'class = "flatButton"');
     if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
         try {
             $updates = 0;
             $stats = EfrontStats::getUsersCourseStatus($form->exportValue('course'));
             foreach ($stats[$form->exportValue('course')] as $value) {
                 if ($value['completed']) {
                     foreach ($value['lesson_status'] as $lesson_id => $lesson_status) {
                         if (!$lesson_status['completed'] || $form->exportValue('set_completed')) {
                             eF_updateTableData("users_to_lessons", array('completed' => 1, 'to_timestamp' => $value['completion_date'], 'score' => $value['score']), "lessons_ID={$lesson_id} and users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
             $message = str_replace("%x", $updates, _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_PERFORMEDXUPDATES);
             $message_type = 'success';
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $smarty->assign("T_EXCEPTION_TRACE", $e->getTraceAsString());
             $message = $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ') &nbsp;<a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "eF_js_showDivPopup(event, \'' . _ERRORDETAILS . '\', 2, \'error_details\')">' . _MOREINFO . '</a>';
             $message_type = 'failure';
         $this->setMessageVar($message, $message_type);
     $smarty->assign("T_SYNC_COURSE_LESSONS_FORM", $form->toArray());
 foreach ($userCourses as $courseId => $value) {
     $coursesTotalSec = 0;
     //$coursesAvgScore += $value['score'];
     if ($value['completed']) {
         $completedScores[] = $value['score'];
     $data[$courseId] = array(_NAME => $value['name'], _CATEGORY => str_replace("&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;", " -> ", $directionsTreePaths[$value['directions_ID']]), _REGISTRATIONDATE => formatTimestamp($value['active_in_course']), _COMPLETED => $value['completed'] ? _YES . ($value['to_timestamp'] ? ', ' . _ON . ' ' . formatTimestamp($value['to_timestamp']) : '') : '-', _SCORE => formatScore($value['score']) . '%', 'active' => $value['active']);
     $courseLessons = $infoUser->getUserStatusInCourseLessons(new EfrontCourse($value));
     if (!empty($courseLessons)) {
         $subsectionFormatting = array(_NAME => array('width' => '68%', 'fill' => true), _COMPLETED => array('width' => '13%', 'fill' => true, 'align' => 'C'), _SCORE => array('width' => '9%', 'fill' => true, 'align' => 'R'));
         if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['time_reports']) {
             $subsectionFormatting[_ACTIVETIMEINLESSON] = array('width' => '10%', 'fill' => true, 'align' => 'R');
         } else {
             $subsectionFormatting[_TIME] = array('width' => '10%', 'fill' => true, 'align' => 'R');
         $result = EfrontStats::getStudentsDoneTests($courseLessons, $infoUser->user['login']);
         $userDoneTests = array();
         foreach ($result[$infoUser->user['login']] as $test) {
             $userDoneTests[$test['lessons_ID']][] = $test;
         $subSectionData = array();
         foreach ($courseLessons as $lessonId => $courseLesson) {
             $courseLesson = $courseLesson->lesson;
             if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['time_reports']) {
                 $coursesTotalSec += $courseLesson['active_time_in_lesson']['total_seconds'];
             } else {
                 $coursesTotalSec += $courseLesson['time_in_lesson']['total_seconds'];
             $subSectionData[$lessonId] = array(_NAME => $courseLesson['name'], _COMPLETED => $courseLesson['completed'] ? _YES . ($courseLesson['timestamp_completed'] ? ', ' . _ON . ' ' . formatTimestamp($courseLesson['timestamp_completed']) : '') : '-', _SCORE => formatScore($courseLesson['score']) . '%');
             if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['time_reports']) {
                 $subSectionData[$lessonId][_ACTIVETIMEINLESSON] = $courseLesson['active_time_in_lesson']['time_string'];
Beispiel #6
     //strip object, we don't need it
     if ($course->course['completed']) {
         $coursesScores[] = $course->course['score'];
         $coursesCEUS[] = $course->course['ceu'];
     } else {
 $smarty->assign("T_USER_COURSES", $userCourses);
 $userLessons = $editedUser->getUserStatusInLessons();
 foreach ($userLessons as $key => $value) {
     if (!in_array($value->lesson['user_type'], array_keys($studentRoles))) {
 $result = EfrontStats::getStudentsDoneTests($userLessons, $editedUser->user['login']);
 $feedbacks = eF_getTableDataFlat("tests t, content c", "t.id, t.content_ID", "c.id=t.content_ID and c.ctg_type='feedback'");
 $labels = array('completed' => _COMPLETED, 'passed' => _PASSED, 'failed' => _FAILED, 'incomplete' => _PENDING);
 foreach ($result[$editedUser->user['login']] as $contentId => $value) {
     if (!in_array($contentId, $feedbacks['content_ID'])) {
         $value['status'] = $labels[$value['status']];
         $userDoneTests[$value['lessons_ID']][] = $value;
 $smarty->assign("T_USER_TESTS", $userDoneTests);
 foreach ($userLessons as $key => $lesson) {
     if ($lesson->lesson['course_only']) {
         foreach ($courseLessons as $courseId => $foo) {
             if (isset($courseLessons[$courseId][$key])) {
                 $courseLessons[$courseId][$key] = $lesson->lesson;
             } elseif ($foo->lesson) {
     $column = 1;
     foreach ($lessonProjects as $id => $project) {
         $row = 1;
         $workSheet->setColumn($column, $column, 20);
         $workSheet->write($row++, $column, $project->project['title'], $fieldCenterFormat);
         foreach ($projectsInfo[$id]['done'] as $results) {
             if (in_array($results['users_LOGIN'], array_keys($rows))) {
                 $workSheet->write($rows[$results['users_LOGIN']], $column, formatScore(round($results['grade'], 2)) . "%", $fieldCenterFormat);
 //add a separate sheet for each distinct student of that lesson
 //$doneTests        = EfrontStats :: getStudentsDoneTests($infoLesson -> lesson['id']);
 $assignedProjects = EfrontStats::getStudentsAssignedProjects($infoLesson->lesson['id']);
 //Changed adding a worksheet for each user in lesson reports because it could crash file with more than 2000 users (#854)
 $workSheet =& $workBook->addWorksheet('Students');
 $row = 0;
 $workSheet->write($row, 0, $infoLesson->lesson['name'], $headerBigFormat);
 foreach ($students as $user) {
     $workSheet->mergeCells($row, 0, $row++, 9);
     $workSheet->write($row, 0, formatLogin($user['login']), $fieldCenterFormat);
     $workSheet->mergeCells($row, 0, $row++, 9);
     $workSheet->setColumn(0, 0, 40);
     $workSheet->write(++$row, 0, _LESSONROLE, $headerFormat);
     $workSheet->mergeCells($row, 0, $row, 1);
     $workSheet->write(++$row, 0, $roles[$user['role']], $fieldCenterFormat);
     $workSheet->mergeCells($row, 0, $row, 1);
     if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['time_reports']) {
                isset($_GET['offset']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['offset'], 'int') ? $offset = $_GET['offset'] : ($offset = 0);
                $recentTests = array_slice($recentTests, $offset, $limit, true);
            $smarty->assign("T_PENDING_TESTS", $recentTests);
            !$skillgap_tests ? $smarty->display('professor.tpl') : $smarty->display('administrator.tpl');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $smarty->assign("T_EXCEPTION_TRACE", $e->getTraceAsString());
    $message = $e->getMessage() . ' &nbsp;<a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "eF_js_showDivPopup(event, \'' . _ERRORDETAILS . '\', 2, \'error_details\')">' . _MOREINFO . '</a>';
    $message_type = 'failure';
try {
    if ($_student_ && !$skillgap_tests) {
        $seenContent = EfrontStats::getStudentsSeenContent($currentLesson->lesson['id'], $currentUser->user['login']);
        $seenContent = $seenContent[$currentLesson->lesson['id']][$currentUser->user['login']];
        if ($currentLesson->options['rules']) {
            $ruleCheck = $currentContent->checkRules($currentUnit['id'], $seenContent);
        if (isset($_GET['view_unit']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['view_unit'], 'id') && (!$GLOBALS['currentLesson']->options['rules'] || $ruleCheck === true)) {
            $visitableIterator = new EfrontVisitableFilterIterator(new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($currentContent->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST)));
            $smarty->assign("T_CONTENT_TREE", $currentContent->toHTML(false, 'dhtmlContentTree', array('truncateNames' => 25, 'selectedNode' => $currentUnit['id'])));
            $smarty->assign("T_UNIT", $currentUnit);
            $smarty->assign("T_NEXT_UNIT", $currentContent->getNextNode($currentUnit, $visitableIterator));
            $smarty->assign("T_PREVIOUS_UNIT", $currentContent->getPreviousNode($currentUnit, $visitableIterator));
            //Next and previous units are needed for navigation buttons
            $smarty->assign("T_PARENT_LIST", $currentContent->getNodeAncestors($currentUnit));
            //Parents are needed for printing the titles
            $test = new EfrontTest($currentUnit['id'], true);
            $status = $test->getStatus($currentUser, $_GET['show_solved_test']);
Beispiel #9
 public static function lightGetUserStatusInLesson($login, $currentLesson, $seenContent, $visitableIterator)
     $visitableTestIds = $visitableUnits = array();
     foreach ($visitableIterator as $key => $value) {
         if ($value['active']) {
             $visitableUnits[$key] = $key;
             if ($value['ctg_type'] == 'tests' || $value['ctg_type'] == 'scorm_test') {
                 $visitableTestIds[$key] = $key;
     $overallProgress = 0;
     if (sizeof($visitableUnits) > 0) {
         $overallProgress = round(100 * sizeof(array_intersect(array_keys($visitableUnits), array_keys($seenContent))) / sizeof($visitableUnits), 2);
     $conditions = $currentLesson->getConditions();
     foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
         if ($condition['time_in_lesson']) {
             $time_condition = true;
     if ($time_condition) {
         $usersTimesInLessonContent = EfrontLesson::getUserActiveTimeInLesson($login, $currentLesson->lesson['id']);
     } else {
         $usersTimesInLessonContent = null;
     list($conditionsMet, $lessonPassed) = EfrontStats::checkConditions($seenContent, $conditions, $visitableUnits, $visitableTestIds, $usersTimesInLessonContent);
     $status = eF_getTableData("users_to_lessons", "*", "users_LOGIN='******' and lessons_ID={$currentLesson->lesson['id']}");
     $userProgress = array('completed' => $status[0]['completed'], 'score' => $status[0]['score'], 'overall_progress' => $overallProgress, 'lesson_passed' => $lessonPassed, 'total_conditions' => sizeof($conditions), 'conditions_passed' => array_sum($conditionsMet));
     return $userProgress;
Beispiel #10
 foreach ($scormDoneTests as $key => $value) {
     $userStats['scorm_done_tests'][$key] = array('name' => $value['name'], 'score' => $value['score'], 'content_ID' => $key);
 $smarty->assign("T_USER_LESSONS_INFO", $userStats);
 $notDoneTests = array_diff(array_keys($testNames), array_keys($doneTests[$_GET['edit_user']]));
 $smarty->assign("T_PENDING_TESTS", $notDoneTests);
 if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['time_reports']) {
     $userTime = EfrontTimes::formatTimeForReporting(EfrontLesson::getUserActiveTimeInLesson($editedUser->user['login'], $currentLesson->lesson['id']));
 } else {
     $timeReport = new EfrontTimes();
     $userTime = $timeReport->getUserSessionTimeInLesson($editedUser->user['login'], $currentLesson->lesson['id']);
     $userTime = $timeReport->formatTimeForReporting($userTime);
 $smarty->assign("T_USER_TIME", $userTime);
 $userProjects = EfrontStats::getStudentsAssignedProjects($currentLesson->lesson['id'], $editedUser->user['login']);
 $smarty->assign("T_USER_PROJECTS", $userProjects[$editedUser->user['login']]);
 if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
     #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
     /** Get evaluations **/
     $evaluations = eF_getTableData("users JOIN module_hcd_events ON login = author", "login, name, surname,module_hcd_events.*", "module_hcd_events.users_login = '******'login'] . "' AND event_code = 10");
     $smarty->assign('T_EVALUATIONS', $evaluations);
 $moduleFieldsets = array();
 foreach ($currentUser->getModules() as $module) {
     if ($moduleFieldset = $module->getFieldsetSmartyTpl('lesson_progress')) {
         $moduleFieldsets[] = $moduleFieldset;
 $smarty->assign("T_MODULE_FIELDSETS", $moduleFieldsets);
Beispiel #11
  * Analyse completed test
  * This function is used to analyse completed test. Scores are calculated for
  * each unit and subunit, based on the corresponding questions performance.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * list($parentScores, $analysisCode) = $completedTest -> analyseTest();
  * </code>
  * The function returns an array with 2 separate elements: The first element is the array
  * of scores per unit, which is needed in order to display the chart. The second element
  * is the content tree, where the scores per unit are depicted.
  * @return array A results array.
  * @since 3.5.2
  * @access public
 public function analyseTest()
     $parentScores = array();
     foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
         $questionIds[$question->question['content_ID']]['score'] += $question->score;
         $question->score > 0 ? $questionIds[$question->question['content_ID']]['correct'] += $question->score / 100 : null;
     $questionsStats = EfrontStats::getQuestionsUnitStatistics($this->questions);
     //Get unit names and ids
     $content = new EfrontContentTree(key($this->getLesson()));
     if (isset($_GET['entity']) && $_GET['entity']) {
         $temp = $content->seekNode($_GET['entity']);
         $tree[0] = new EfrontUnit(array('id' => 0, 'name' => _NOUNIT, 'active' => 1, $temp['id'] => $temp));
         //Add a bogus unit to hold questions which do not belong to a unit
         $iterator = new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST));
     } else {
         $tree = $content->tree;
         $tree[0] = new EfrontUnit(array('id' => 0, 'name' => _NOUNIT, 'active' => 1));
         //Add a bogus unit to hold questions which do not belong to a unit
         $iterator = new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($content->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST));
     foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
         if ($key != 0) {
             foreach ($content->getNodeAncestors($key) as $id => $foo) {
                 $parentScores[$foo['id']]['score'] += $questionIds[$key]['score'];
                 $parentScores[$foo['id']]['total'] += $questionIds[$key]['total'];
                 $parentScores[$foo['id']]['correct'] += $questionIds[$key]['correct'];
             $parentScores[$key]['this_score'] += $questionIds[$key]['score'];
             $parentScores[$key]['this_total'] += $questionIds[$key]['total'];
             $parentScores[$key]['this_correct'] += $questionIds[$key]['correct'];
             $parentScores[$key]['name'] = $value['name'];
             // Check if this chapter is a parent one.
             if (isset($content->tree[$key])) {
                 $parentScores[$key]['top_level'] = 1;
             } else {
                 $parentScores[$key]['top_level'] = 0;
     foreach ($parentScores as $id => $value) {
         if ($value['total']) {
             $parentScores[$id]['percentage'] = round($value['score'] / $value['total'], 2);
         if ($value['this_total']) {
             $parentScores[$id]['this_percentage'] = round($value['this_score'] / $value['this_total'], 2);
         if ($value['total']) {
             $options['custom'][$id] = '
                             <span style = "margin-left:20px;color:gray">' . $parentScores[$id]['percentage'] . '% [' . $value['correct'] . '/' . $value['total'] . ']</span>
                             <img src = "images/16x16/information.png" style = "vertical-align:middle" alt = "" title = "' . _THISLEVEL . ': ' . $parentScores[$id]['this_percentage'] . '% [' . $value['this_correct'] . '/' . $value['this_total'] . ']';
             if ($value['total'] - $value['this_total'] > 0) {
                 $options['custom'][$id] .= '/ ' . _BELOWLEVELS . ': ' . round(($value['score'] - $value['this_score']) / ($value['total'] - $value['this_total']), 2) . '% [' . ($value['correct'] - $value['this_correct']) . '/' . ($value['total'] - $value['this_total']) . '] ';
             $options['custom'][$id] .= '">';
         } else {
     $iterator = new analyseTestFilterIterator(new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($content->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST)), array_keys($parentScores));
     $options['show_hide'] = false;
     $options['noclick'] = true;
     //$options['tree_root'] = array('name' => _BACKTOTOP, 'class' => 'examples', 'onclick' => "$('analysis_frame').src = $('analysis_frame').src.replace(/selected_unit=(\d*)/, 'selected_unit='+Element.extend(this).up().id.replace(/node/, ''));");
     //$options['onclick']   = "re = new RegExp(this.up().id.replace(/node/, ''), 'g');if(treeObj.getNodeOrders().match(re).length > 1) $('analysis_frame').src = $('analysis_frame').src.replace(/selected_unit=(\d*)/, 'selected_unit='+Element.extend(this).up().id.replace(/node/, ''));";
     $options['onclick'] = "showGraph(\$('proto_chart'), 'graph_test_analysis', Element.extend(this).up().id.replace(/node/, ''));";
     return array($parentScores, $content->toHTML($iterator, false, $options));
 //$result = eF_getTableData("logs", "*", "timestamp between $from and $to and users_LOGIN in ('".implode("','", $user_logins)."') order by timestamp desc");
 $result = eF_getTableData("logs", "*", "users_LOGIN in ('" . implode("','", $user_logins) . "') order by timestamp desc");
 foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
     $value['lessons_ID'] ? $result[$key]['lesson_name'] = $lessonNames[$value['lessons_ID']] : null;
     if ($value['action'] == 'content') {
         $result[$key]['content_name'] = $contentNames[$value['comments']];
     } else {
         if ($value['action'] == 'tests' || $value['action'] == 'test_begin') {
             $result[$key]['content_name'] = $testNames[$value['comments']];
 $smarty->assign("T_USER_LOG", $result);
 $traffic = array();
 $traffic['lessons'] = array();
 $allStats = EfrontStats::getUsersTimeAll();
 //$allStats = EfrontStats :: getUsersTimeAll($from, $to);
 $result = EfrontLesson::getLessons();
 $probed_lessons = array();
 foreach ($result as $value) {
     $probed_lessons[$value['id']] = array("lessons_ID" => $value['id'], "lessons_name" => $value['name'], "active" => $value['active']);
 foreach ($probed_lessons as $id => $lesson) {
     $userTraffic = $allStats[$id];
     //$userTraffic = EfrontStats :: getUsersTime($id, $user_logins, $from, $to);
     foreach ($user_logins as $user => $login) {
         if ($userTraffic[$login]['accesses']) {
             if (!isset($traffic['lessons'][$id])) {
                 $traffic['lessons'][$id] = $userTraffic[$login];
                 $traffic['lessons'][$id]['name'] = $lesson['lessons_name'];
                 $traffic['lessons'][$id]['active'] = $lesson['active'];
 public static function upgradeFromUsersOnline()
     //Check if the users_online table actually exists. If not, then there is no need for upgrade
     try {
         $result = $GLOBALS['db']->GetAll("describe users_online");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     //Get the first log entry
     $result = eF_getTableData("logs", "timestamp", "", "timestamp", "", "1");
     $dateParts = getdate($result[0]['timestamp']);
     $firstDay = mktime(0, 0, 0, $dateParts['mon'], $dateParts['mday'], $dateParts['year']);
     //Delete old upgrade attempts
     //Get system times for users
     $timeNow = time();
     for ($t = $firstDay; $t <= $timeNow - 86400; $t += 86400) {
         $userTimes[$t] = EfrontTimes::getDeprecatedUserTimesPerDay(array('from' => $t, 'to' => $t + 86400));
     foreach ($userTimes as $timestamp => $users) {
         foreach ($users as $login => $times) {
             $fields = array('session_timestamp' => $timestamp, 'session_id' => 'from 3.6.6 upgrade', 'session_expired' => 1, 'users_LOGIN' => $login, 'timestamp_now' => $timestamp, 'time' => $times['total_seconds'], 'lessons_ID' => NULL, 'courses_ID' => NULL, 'entity' => 'system', 'entity_ID' => 0);
             eF_insertTableData("user_times", $fields);
     //Get times spent in SCORM
     $scormTimes = eF_getTableData("scorm_data sd, content c", "sd.total_time, sd.users_LOGIN, c.lessons_ID", "c.id=sd.content_ID");
     $scormSeconds = array();
     foreach ($scormTimes as $value) {
         if (!isset($scormSeconds[$value['lessons_ID']][$value['users_LOGIN']])) {
             $scormSeconds[$value['lessons_ID']][$value['users_LOGIN']] = 0;
         $scormSeconds[$value['lessons_ID']][$value['users_LOGIN']] += convertTimeToSeconds($value['total_time']);
     //Get times spent in lessons, as reported by system function
     $userTimes = EfrontStats::getUsersTimeAll();
     foreach ($userTimes as $lessonId => $users) {
         foreach ($users as $login => $user) {
             if ($user['total_seconds'] || $scormSeconds[$lessonId][$login]) {
                 //If SCO times are bigger than lesson times, then use SCO times
                 if ($user['total_seconds'] < $scormSeconds[$lessonId][$login]) {
                     $user['total_seconds'] = $scormSeconds[$lessonId][$login];
                 $fields = array('session_timestamp' => time(), 'session_id' => 'from 3.6.6 upgrade', 'session_expired' => 1, 'users_LOGIN' => $login, 'timestamp_now' => time(), 'time' => $user['total_seconds'], 'lessons_ID' => $lessonId, 'courses_ID' => NULL, 'entity' => 'lesson', 'entity_ID' => $lessonId);
                 eF_insertTableData("user_times", $fields);
     $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("drop table users_online");
  * Prepare certificate for user
  * This function is used to prepare the certificate that
  * will be issued to the specified user. It returns an array with the certificate data
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $certificate = $course -> prepareCertificate('jdoe');
  * </code>
  * @param string $login The user to prepare a certificate for
  * @return string The certificate data
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public function prepareCertificate($login, $time = '')
     $login = EfrontUser::convertArgumentToUserLogin($login);
     $courseUser = EfrontUserFactory::factory($login);
     $userStats = EfrontStats::getUsersCourseStatus($this, $login);
     $data = array('organization' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['site_name'], 'course_name' => $this->course['name'], 'user_surname' => $courseUser->user['surname'], 'user_name' => $courseUser->user['name'], 'serial_number' => md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 'grade' => $userStats[$this->course['id']][$login]['score'], 'date' => $time != '' ? $time : time());
     $data = serialize($data);
     $modules = eF_loadAllModules();
     foreach ($modules as $module) {
         $module->onPrepareCourseCertificate($login, $this->course['id'], $data);
     return $data;
Beispiel #15
    $smarty->assign("T_LESSON_INFO", $lessonInformation);
    if (!$_admin_) {
        $seenContent = EfrontStats::getStudentsSeenContent($currentLesson->lesson['id'], $currentUser->user['login']);
        //Get the passing score for each "specific_test" rule
        $allTestsScore = eF_getTableDataFlat("tests", "content_ID,mastery_score");
        if (sizeof($allTestsScore) > 0) {
            $allTestsScore = array_combine($allTestsScore['content_ID'], $allTestsScore['mastery_score']);
        } else {
            $allTestsScore = array();
        foreach ($conditions as $key => $condition) {
            if ($condition['type'] == 'specific_test') {
                $conditions[$key]['test_passing_score'] = $allTestsScore[$condition['options'][0]];
        $times = new EfrontTimes();
        list($conditionsStatus, $lessonPassed) = EfrontStats::checkConditions($seenContent[$currentLesson->lesson['id']][$currentUser->user['login']], $conditions, $visitableContentIds, $testsIds, EfrontLesson::getUserActiveTimeInLesson($currentUser->user['login'], $currentLesson->lesson['id']));
        $smarty->assign("T_CONDITIONS", $conditions);
        $smarty->assign("T_CONDITIONS_STATUS", $conditionsStatus);
        //$smarty -> assign("T_LESSON_PASSED", $lessonPassed);
        foreach ($iterator = new EfrontAttributeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($currentContent->tree)), array('id', 'name')) as $key => $value) {
            $key == 'id' ? $ids[] = $value : ($names[] = $value);
        $smarty->assign("T_TREE_NAMES", array_combine($ids, $names));
        $smarty->assign("T_BASE_URL", "ctg=lesson_information");
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("T_BASE_URL", "ctg=lessons&lesson_info=" . $currentLesson->lesson['id']);
  * Set seen unit
  * This function is used to set the designated unit as seen or not seen,
  * according to $seen parameter. It also sets current unit to be the seen
  * unit, if we are setting a unit as seen. Otherwise, the current unit is
  * either leaved unchanged, or, if it matches the unset unit, it points
  * to another seen unit.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $user -> setSeenUnit(32, 2, true);						   //Set the unit with id 32 in lesson 2 as seen
  * $user -> setSeenUnit(32, 2, false);						  //Set the unit with id 32 in lesson 2 as not seen
  * </code>
  * From version 3.5.2 and above, this function also sets the lesson as completed, if the conditions are met
  * @param mixed $unit The unit to set status for, can be an id or an EfrontUnit object
  * @param mixed $lesson The lesson that the unit belongs to, can be an id or an EfrontLesson object
  * @param boolean $seen Whether to set the unit as seen or not
  * @return boolean true if the lesson was completed as well
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public function setSeenUnit($unit, $lesson, $seen)
     if (isset($this->coreAccess['content']) && $this->coreAccess['content'] != 'change') {
         //If user type is not plain 'student' and is not set to 'change' mode, do nothing
         return true;
     if ($unit instanceof EfrontUnit) {
         //Check validity of $unit
         $unit = $unit['id'];
     } elseif (!eF_checkParameter($unit, 'id')) {
         throw new EfrontContentException(_INVALIDID . ": {$unit}", EfrontContentException::INVALID_ID);
     if ($lesson instanceof EfrontLesson) {
         //Check validity of $lesson
         $lesson = $lesson->lesson['id'];
     } elseif (!eF_checkParameter($lesson, 'id')) {
         throw new EfrontLessonException(_INVALIDID . ": {$lesson}", EfrontLessonException::INVALID_ID);
     $lessons = $this->getLessons();
     if (!in_array($lesson, array_keys($lessons))) {
         //Check if the user is actually registered in this lesson
         throw new EfrontUserException(_USERDOESNOTHAVETHISLESSON . ": " . $lesson, EfrontUserException::USER_NOT_HAVE_LESSON);
     $result = eF_getTableData("users_to_lessons", "done_content, current_unit", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "' and lessons_ID=" . $lesson);
     sizeof($result) > 0 ? $doneContent = unserialize($result[0]['done_content']) : ($doneContent = array());
     $current_unit = 0;
     if ($seen) {
         $doneContent[$unit] = $unit;
         $current_unit = $unit;
     } else {
         if (isset($doneContent[$unit])) {
             //Because of Fatal error: Cannot unset string offsets error
         if ($unit == $result[0]['current_unit']) {
             sizeof($doneContent) ? $current_unit = end($doneContent) : ($current_unit = 0);
     sizeof($doneContent) ? $doneContent = serialize($doneContent) : ($doneContent = null);
     eF_updateTableData("users_to_lessons", array('done_content' => $doneContent, 'current_unit' => $current_unit), "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "' and lessons_ID=" . $lesson);
     //		$cacheKey = "user_lesson_status:lesson:".$lesson."user:"******"type" => EfrontEvent::CONTENT_COMPLETION, "users_LOGIN" => $this->user['login'], "lessons_ID" => $lesson, "entity_ID" => $current_unit));
     //Set the lesson as complete, if it can be.
     $completedLesson = false;
     $userProgress = EfrontStats::getUsersLessonStatus($lesson, $this->user['login']);
     $userProgress = $userProgress[$lesson][$this->user['login']];
     //eF_updateTableData("users_to_lessons", array('progress' => $userProgress['overall_progress']), "users_LOGIN='******'login']."' and lessons_ID=".$lesson);
     if ($seen) {
         if ($userProgress['lesson_passed'] && !$userProgress['completed']) {
             $lesson = new EfrontLesson($lesson);
             if ($lesson->options['auto_complete']) {
                 $userProgress['tests_avg_score'] ? $avgScore = $userProgress['tests_avg_score'] : ($avgScore = 100);
                 $timestamp = _AUTOCOMPLETEDAT . ': ' . date("Y/m/d, H:i:s");
                 $this->completeLesson($lesson, $avgScore, $timestamp);
                 $completedLesson = true;
         if (!self::$cached_modules) {
             self::$cached_modules = eF_loadAllModules();
         // Trigger all necessary events. If the function has not been re-defined in the derived module class, nothing will happen
         foreach (self::$cached_modules as $module) {
             $module->onCompleteUnit($unit, $this->user['login']);
     return $completedLesson;
                 $modulesToRemove[] = 'course_reports';
                 $modulesToRemove[] = 'fuze_meetings';
                 $modulesToRemove[] = 'training_reports';
             if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'enterprise') {
                 #cpp#ifndef ENTERPRISE
                 $modulesToRemove[] = 'branch_reports';
                 $modulesToRemove[] = 'jobs_manager';
             if (is_file('post_install.php')) {
                 include 'post_install.php';
             if (!isset($_GET['unattended'])) {
                 header("location:" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?finish=1");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
 $renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty($smarty);
 $renderer->setRequiredTemplate('{$html}{if $required}
         &nbsp;<span class = "formRequired">*</span>
 $form->setJsWarnings('The following errors occured:', 'Please correct the above errors');
 $form->setRequiredNote('* Denotes mandatory fields');