Beispiel #1
  * Get the input fields
  * @param int $cnt A counter value.
  * @return string
 public function getFields($cnt)
     $html = array();
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, 'script', jgettext('Path'));
     $html[] = $this->getInput($cnt, 'script', $this->script);
     $html[] = '<br />';
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, '', jgettext('Abort on failure'));
     $html[] = EcrHtmlSelect::yesno('fields[' . $cnt . '][abort]', $this->abort);
     return implode("\n", $html);
  * Get the input fields
  * @param int $cnt A counter value.
  * @return string
 public function getFields($cnt)
     $html = array();
     $html[] = '<label class="inline" for="fields_' . $cnt . '_releaseState">' . jgettext('Release state') . '</label>';
     $html[] = EcrHtmlSelect::releaseStates(array('name' => 'fields[' . $cnt . '][releaseState]', 'id' => 'fields_' . $cnt . '_releaseState', 'selected' => $this->releaseState));
     $html[] = '<br />';
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, 'abort', jgettext('Abort on failure'));
     $html[] = EcrHtmlSelect::yesno('fields[' . $cnt . '][abort]', $this->abort);
     return implode("\n", $html);
Beispiel #3
  * Get the input fields
  * @param int $cnt A counter value.
  * @return string
 public function getFields($cnt)
     $js = array();
     JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration(implode("\n", $js));
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, 'dboxKey', jgettext('Dropbox Key'));
     $html[] = $this->getInput($cnt, 'dboxKey', $this->dboxKey);
     $html[] = '<br />';
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, 'dboxSecret', jgettext('Dropbox Secret'));
     $html[] = $this->getInput($cnt, 'dboxSecret', $this->dboxSecret);
     $html[] = '<br />';
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, '', jgettext('Abort on failure'));
     $html[] = EcrHtmlSelect::yesno('fields[' . $cnt . '][abort]', $this->abort);
     $html[] = '<br />';
     $link = JRoute::_('&option=com_easycreator&controller=stuffer&task=checkdropbox' . '&key=' . $this->dboxKey . '&seqret=' . $this->dboxSecret);
     $html[] = '<strong>Note</strong> Be sure to <a target="_blank" href="' . $link . '">Register the app</a>';
     return implode("\n", $html);
Beispiel #4
  * Get the input fields
  * @param int $cnt A counter value.
  * @return string
 public function getFields($cnt)
     $html = array();
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, 'host', jgettext('Host'));
     $html[] = $this->getInput($cnt, 'host', $this->host);
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, 'port', jgettext('Port'));
     $html[] = $this->getInput($cnt, 'port', $this->port, array('class' => 'span1'));
     $html[] = '<br />';
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, 'user', jgettext('User name'));
     $html[] = $this->getInput($cnt, 'user', $this->user);
     $html[] = '<br />';
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, 'pass', jgettext('Password'));
     $html[] = $this->getInput($cnt, 'pass', $this->pass);
     $html[] = '<br />';
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, 'folder', jgettext('Folder'));
     $html[] = $this->getInput($cnt, 'folder', $this->folder);
     $html[] = '<br />';
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, 'files', jgettext('Files'));
     $html[] = $this->getInput($cnt, 'files', $this->files);
     $html[] = '<br />';
     $html[] = $this->getLabel($cnt, '', jgettext('Abort on failure'));
     $html[] = EcrHtmlSelect::yesno('fields[' . $cnt . '][abort]', $this->abort);
     return implode("\n", $html);