public function debug()
     $html = EcommerceTaskDebugCart::debug_object($this);
     $html .= "<ul>";
     $html .= "<li><hr />Links<hr /></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Link:</b> <a href=\"" . $this->Link() . "\">" . $this->Link() . "</a></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Ajax Link:</b> <a href=\"" . $this->AjaxLink() . "\">" . $this->AjaxLink() . "</a></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>AddVariations Link:</b> <a href=\"" . $this->AddVariationsLink() . "\">" . $this->AddVariationsLink() . "</a></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Add to Cart Link:</b> <a href=\"" . $this->AddLink() . "\">" . $this->AddLink() . "</a></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Increment Link:</b> <a href=\"" . $this->IncrementLink() . "\">" . $this->IncrementLink() . "</a></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Decrement Link:</b> <a href=\"" . $this->DecrementLink() . "\">" . $this->DecrementLink() . "</a></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Remove Link:</b> <a href=\"" . $this->RemoveAllLink() . "\">" . $this->RemoveLink() . "</a></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Remove All Link:</b> <a href=\"" . $this->RemoveAllLink() . "\">" . $this->RemoveAllLink() . "</a></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Remove All and Edit Link:</b> <a href=\"" . $this->RemoveAllAndEditLink() . "\">" . $this->RemoveAllAndEditLink() . "</a></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Set Specific Quantity Item Link (e.g. 77):</b> <a href=\"" . $this->SetSpecificQuantityItemLink(77) . "\">" . $this->SetSpecificQuantityItemLink(77) . "</a></li>";
     $html .= "<li><hr />Cart<hr /></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Allow Purchase (DB Value):</b> " . $this->AllowPurchaseNice() . " </li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Can Purchase (overal calculation):</b> " . ($this->canPurchase() ? "YES" : "NO") . " </li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Shop Open:</b> " . ($this->EcomConfig() ? $this->EcomConfig()->ShopClosed ? "NO" : "YES" : "NO CONFIG") . " </li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Extended Country Can Purchase:</b> " . ($this->extendedCan('canPurchaseByCountry', null) === null ? "no applicable" : ($this->extendedCan('canPurchaseByCountry', null) ? "CAN PURCHASE" : "CAN NOT PURCHASE")) . " </li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Allow sales to this country (" . EcommerceCountry::get_country() . "):</b> " . (EcommerceCountry::allow_sales() ? "YES" : "NO") . " </li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Class Name for OrderItem:</b> " . $this->classNameForOrderItem() . " </li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Quantity Decimals:</b> " . $this->QuantityDecimals() . " </li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Is In Cart:</b> " . ($this->IsInCart() ? "YES" : "NO") . " </li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Has Been Sold:</b> " . ($this->HasBeenSold() ? "YES" : "NO") . " </li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Calculated Price:</b> " . $this->CalculatedPrice() . " </li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Calculated Price as Money:</b> " . $this->getCalculatedPriceAsMoney()->Nice() . " </li>";
     $html .= "<li><hr />Location<hr /></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Main Parent Group:</b> " . $this->MainParentGroup()->Title . "</li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>All Others Parent Groups:</b> " . ($this->AllParentGroups()->count() ? "<pre>" . print_r($this->AllParentGroups()->map()->toArray(), 1) . "</pre>" : "none") . "</li>";
     $html .= "<li><hr />Image<hr /></li>";
     $html .= "<li><b>Image:</b> " . ($this->BestAvailableImage() ? "<img src=" . $this->BestAvailableImage()->Link() . " />" : "no image") . " </li>";
     $productGroup = ProductGroup::get()->byID($this->ParentID);
     if ($productGroup) {
         $html .= "<li><hr />Product Example<hr /></li>";
         $html .= "<li><b>Product Group View:</b> <a href=\"" . $productGroup->Link() . "\">" . $productGroup->Title . "</a> </li>";
         $html .= "<li><b>Product Group Debug:</b> <a href=\"" . $productGroup->Link("debug") . "\">" . $productGroup->Title . "</a> </li>";
         $html .= "<li><b>Product Group Admin:</b> <a href=\"" . "/admin/pages/edit/show/" . $productGroup->ID . "\">" . $productGroup->Title . " Admin</a> </li>";
         $html .= "<li><b>Edit this Product:</b> <a href=\"" . "/admin/pages/edit/show/" . $this->ID . "\">" . $this->Title . " Admin</a> </li>";
     $html .= "</ul>";
     return $html;
     $html .= "</ul>";
     return $html;