  * When getting an order address for an item, if the item does not yet have
  * a loaded order address instance, load a new one and return it.
 public function testGetOrderAddressMemoized()
     $addressId = 3;
     $address = Mage::getModel('sales/order_address');
     // Side-effect test: ensure that the factory, which will load new
     // address instances for the item, is only invoked one time, no matter
     // how many times getOrderAddress is invoked.
     // Invoke getOrderAddress multiple times, the factory should still only
     // be invoked one time.
  * When getting an items collection for the address, if an order item
  * does not yet exist for the address, a new item collection should be
  * created and returned.
 public function testGetItemsCollection()
     $itemCollection = $this->getResourceModelMockBuilder('sales/order_item_collection')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $address = Mage::getModel('sales/order_address', ['multishipping_factory' => $this->_multishippingFactory]);
     // Mock the factory such that, if given the address, factory will return
     // the expected item collection. Expect that no matter how many times this
     // method is called, a new collection will only be created once.
     $this->assertSame($itemCollection, $address->getItemsCollection());
     // Re-call to ensure that the item collection is stored and not
     // recreated each time it is requested. Factory's `once` invocation
     // matcher will ensure the method is only called the one time to create
     // a new item collection.
     $this->assertSame($itemCollection, $address->getItemsCollection());