  * Add a gift card to the container. Will make the gift card balance check
  * and make sure card can be applied to the order.
  * @param EbayEnterprise_GiftCard_Model_IGiftcard $card
  * @return self
  * @throws EbayEnterprise_GiftCard_Exception If gift card could not be added to the order.
 public function addGiftCardToOrder(EbayEnterprise_GiftCard_Model_IGiftcard $card, EbayEnterprise_GiftCard_Model_IContainer $giftCardContainer)
     // Treat 0 balance gift cards as invalid.
     if ($card->getBalanceAmount() <= 0) {
         throw Mage::exception('EbayEnterprise_GiftCard', $this->__(self::ZERO_BALANCE_CARD_MESSAGE, $card->getCardNumber()));
     return $this;
  * Make stored value card payloads for any redeemed
  * gift cards
  * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Order $order
  * @param IPaymentContainer      $paymentContainer
  * @param SplObjectStorage       $processedPayments
 public function addPaymentsToPayload(Mage_Sales_Model_Order $order, IPaymentContainer $paymentContainer, SplObjectStorage $processedPayments)
     foreach ($this->_giftcardContainer->getRedeemedGiftcards() as $giftcard) {
         $iterable = $paymentContainer->getPayments();
         $payload = $iterable->getEmptyStoredValueCardPayment();
         $payload->setOrderId($order->getIncrementId())->setTenderType($giftcard->getTenderType())->setAccountUniqueId($giftcard->getCardNumber())->setPanIsToken((bool) $giftcard->getPanIsToken())->setCreateTimestamp($giftcard->getRedeemedAt())->setAmount($giftcard->getAmountRedeemed())->setPin($giftcard->getPin())->setPaymentRequestId($giftcard->getRedeemRequestId());
         // add the new payload
         $iterable->OffsetSet($payload, $payload);
         // put the payment in the processed payments set
  * Add a gift card to the container. Will make the gift card balance check
  * and make sure card can be applied to the order.
  * @param EbayEnterprise_GiftCard_Model_IGiftcard $card
  * @return self
 public function addGiftCardToOrder(EbayEnterprise_GiftCard_Model_IGiftcard $card)
     try {
         // only add cards with an available balance
         if ($card->getBalanceAmount() > 0) {
         } else {
             // throw exception to trigger error handling below, let 0 balance card
             // get handled like any other balance check failure
             throw Mage::exception('EbayEnterprise_GiftCard', $this->__(self::ZERO_BALANCE_CARD_MESSAGE, $card->getCardNumber()));
     } catch (EbayEnterprise_GiftCard_Exception $e) {
     return $this;
  * Collect gift card totals for the specified address
  * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address
  * @return self
 public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
     // Cards are not specific to a single address so cards may have already been
     // partially applied to other address amounts.
     $cards = $this->_giftCardContainer->getUnredeemedGiftCards();
     $grandTotal = $address->getGrandTotal();
     $appliedAmount = 0.0;
     foreach ($cards as $card) {
         // Amount of this address total to apply to the gift card
         $amountToApply = min($this->_getGiftCardAvailableAmount($card), $grandTotal - $appliedAmount);
         // Update the amount expected to be redeemed from the gift card. Must add to any
         // existing amount exepcted to be redeemed to not clear out amounts
         // set while collecting other addresses.
         $card->setAmountToRedeem($card->getAmountToRedeem() + $amountToApply);
         // Accumulate amounts being redeemed for this address.
         $appliedAmount += $amountToApply;
     // Only support one currency right now.
     $address->setEbayEnterpriseGiftCardBaseAppliedAmount($appliedAmount)->setEbayEnterpriseGiftCardAppliedAmount($appliedAmount)->setBaseGrandTotal($grandTotal - $appliedAmount)->setGrandTotal($grandTotal - $appliedAmount);
     return $this;
  * remove a giftcard.
  * @param string $cardNumber
  * @return self
 protected function removeGiftCard($cardNumber)
     $giftcard = $this->container->getGiftCard($cardNumber);
     return $this;