Beispiel #1
  * Load configuration parameters from the database
  * This function retrieves all the parameters from the database and merge
  * them with the basis configuration object.
  * Parameters that exists in the basis configuration object will be replaced
  * by them that come from the database. The basis configuration object
  * contains parameters that come from the easyscp.conf configuration file or
  * any parameter defined in the {@link environment.php} file.
  * @return void
 protected function _processConfiguration()
     // We get an EasySCP_Config_Handler_Db object
     $dbConfig = new EasySCP_Config_Handler_Db();
     // Now, we can override our basis configuration object with parameter
     // that come from the database
     // Finally, we register the EasySCP_Config_Handler_Db for shared access
     EasySCP_Registry::set('Db_Config', $dbConfig);
Beispiel #2
require_once INCLUDEPATH . '/easyscp-autoloader.php';
 * Exception Handler for uncaught exceptions
 * Sets the exception handler for uncaught exceptions
 * Encryption data
require_once INCLUDEPATH . '/easyscp-load-db-keys.php';
if ($easyscp_db_pass_key != '{KEY}' && $easyscp_db_pass_iv != '{IV}') {
    EasySCP_Registry::set('MCRYPT_KEY', $easyscp_db_pass_key);
    EasySCP_Registry::set('MCRYPT_IV', $easyscp_db_pass_iv);
    unset($easyscp_db_pass_key, $easyscp_db_pass_iv);
} else {
    throw new EasySCP_Exception('Error: Database key and/or initialization vector was not generated!');
 * Include EasySCP common functions
require_once 'Net/IDNA2.php';
require_once INCLUDEPATH . '/easyscp-functions.php';
 * Bootstrap the EasySCP environment, and default configuration
 * @see {@link EasySCP_Bootstrap} class
 * @see {@link EasySCP_Initializer} class
Beispiel #3
 * Adds or updates a services ports
 * @since 1.0.7
 * @param boolean $mode TRUE on add, FALSE on update
 * @return void
function add_update_services($mode)
    // Gets a reference to the EasySCP_ConfigHandler_Db instance
    $db_cfg = EasySCP_Registry::get('Db_Config');
    // Create a pool for messages on error and gets a reference to him
    $messages =& EasySCP_Registry::set('Page_Messages', array());
    // Create a pool for error fields ids and gets a reference to him
    $error_fields_ids =& EasySCP_Registry::set('Error_Fields_Ids', array());
    // Adds a service port
    if ($mode) {
        $port = $_POST['port_new'];
        $proto = $_POST['port_type_new'];
        $name = strtoupper($_POST['name_new']);
        $show = $_POST['show_val_new'];
        $ip = $_POST['ip_new'];
        if (validates_service($name, $ip, $port, $proto, $show)) {
            $db_sname = "PORT_{$name}";
            // Add the service port in the database
            // See EasySCP_ConfigHandler_Db adapter class to learn how it work
            $db_cfg->{$db_sname} = "{$port};{$proto};{$name};{$show};1;{$ip}";
            write_log(get_session('user_logged') . ": Added service port {$name} ({$port})!");
        // Updates one or more services ports
    } else {
        // Reset counter of update queries
        foreach ($_POST['name'] as $index => $name) {
            $port = $_POST['port'][$index];
            $proto = $_POST['port_type'][$index];
            $name = strtoupper($name);
            $show = $_POST['show_val'][$index];
            $custom = $_POST['custom'][$index];
            $ip = $_POST['ip'][$index];
            if (validates_service($name, $ip, $port, $proto, $show, $index)) {
                $db_sname = $_POST['var_name'][$index];
                // Update the service port in the database
                // See EasySCP_ConfigHandler_Db adapter class to learn how it work
                $db_cfg->{$db_sname} = "{$port};{$proto};{$name};{$show};{$custom};{$ip}";
    // Prepare data and messages for error page
    if (!empty($error_fields_ids)) {
        set_page_message(implode('<br />', array_unique($messages)), 'error');
        // Prepares message for page on add
    } elseif ($mode) {
        set_page_message(tr('Service port was added!'), 'success');
        // Prepares message for page on update
    } else {
        // gets the number of queries that were been executed
        $updt_count = $db_cfg->countQueries('update');
        // An Update was been made in the database ?
        if ($updt_count == 1) {
            set_page_message(tr('%d Service port was updated!', $updt_count), 'success');
        } elseif ($updt_count > 1) {
            set_page_message(tr('%d Services port were updated!', $updt_count), 'success');
        } else {
            set_page_message(tr("Nothing's been changed!"), 'info');