Beispiel #1
 /** Get the data for reuse based off sparql endpoint
  * @access public
  * @return array $data
  * */
 public function getInfo($identifier)
     $key = md5($identifier . 'ocre');
     $uri = self::CRRO . $identifier;
     if (!$this->getCache()->test($key)) {
         EasyRdf_Namespace::set('nm', '');
         EasyRdf_Namespace::set('nmo', '');
         EasyRdf_Namespace::set('skos', '');
         EasyRdf_Namespace::set('rdf', '');
         $request = new EasyRdf_Http_Client();
         $response = $request->request()->getStatus();
         if ($response == 200) {
             $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph($uri);
             $data = $graph->resource($uri);
         } else {
             $data = NULL;
     } else {
         $data = $this->getCache()->load($key);
     return $data;
 /** Register the namespaces with EasyRdf
  * @access public
  * @return \Pas_View_Helper_SparqlEasy
 public function registerNameSpaces()
     foreach ($this->getNameSpaces() as $k => $v) {
         EasyRdf_Namespace::set($k, $v);
     return $this;
Beispiel #3
 public static function getBody($dataObj)
     if ($dataObj->is_semantic) {
         // Check if a configuration is given
         $conf = array();
         if (!empty($dataObj->semantic->conf)) {
             $conf = $dataObj->semantic->conf;
             foreach ($conf['ns'] as $prefix => $uri) {
                 \EasyRdf_Namespace::set($prefix, $uri);
         // Add the configured ontology prefixes
         $ontologies = \App::make('Tdt\\Core\\Repositories\\Interfaces\\OntologyRepositoryInterface');
         $context = array();
         // Only add the common namespaces
         $namespaces = array('hydra', 'rdf', 'rdfs', 'foaf', 'void', 'xsd', 'skos', 'xs');
         foreach ($namespaces as $ns) {
             $namespace = $ontologies->getByPrefix($ns);
             if (!empty($namespace)) {
                 $context[$ns] = $namespace['uri'];
         $output = $dataObj->data->serialise('jsonld');
         // Next, encode the context as JSON
         $jsonContext = json_encode($context);
         // Compact the JsonLD by using @context -> Needs tweaking can only return the
         // URI spaces that are used in the document.
         $compacted = JsonLD::compact($output, $jsonContext);
         // Print the resulting JSON-LD!
         return JsonLD::toString($compacted, true);
     } else {
         \App::abort(400, "The data is not a semantically linked document, a linked data JSON representation is not possible.");
Beispiel #4
function init_vocabularies()
    $voc_prefixes = array("cc" => "", "mdc" => "", "rdf" => "", "dcterms" => "", "ebucore" => "", "nrl" => "", "va" => "", "ex" => "");
    foreach ($voc_prefixes as $key => $value) {
        EasyRdf_Namespace::set($key, $value);
Beispiel #5
 /** Make a query to the SPARQL endpoint
  * SELECT and ASK queries will return an object of type
  * EasyRdf_Sparql_Result.
  * CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE queries will return an object
  * of type EasyRdf_Graph.
  * @param string $query The query string to be executed
  * @return object EasyRdf_Sparql_Result|EasyRdf_Graph Result of the query.
 public function query($query)
     # Add namespaces to the queryString
     $prefixes = '';
     foreach (EasyRdf_Namespace::namespaces() as $prefix => $uri) {
         if (strpos($query, "{$prefix}:") !== false and strpos($query, "PREFIX {$prefix}:") === false) {
             $prefixes .= "PREFIX {$prefix}: <{$uri}>\n";
     $client = EasyRdf_Http::getDefaultHttpClient();
     $accept = EasyRdf_Format::getHttpAcceptHeader(array('application/sparql-results+json' => 1.0, 'application/sparql-results+xml' => 0.8));
     $client->setHeaders('Accept', $accept);
     $client->setParameterGet('query', $prefixes . $query);
     $response = $client->request();
     if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
         $type = $response->getHeader('Content-Type');
         if (strpos($type, 'application/sparql-results') === 0) {
             return new EasyRdf_Sparql_Result($response->getBody(), $type);
         } else {
             return new EasyRdf_Graph($this->_uri, $response->getBody(), $type);
     } else {
         throw new EasyRdf_Exception("HTTP request for SPARQL query failed: " . $response->getBody());
Beispiel #6
  * Create the DCAT document of the published (non-draft) resources
  * @param $pieces array of uri pieces
  * @return mixed \Data object with a graph of DCAT information
 private function createDcat()
     $ns = $this->dcat->getNamespaces();
     foreach ($ns as $prefix => $uri) {
         \EasyRdf_Namespace::set($prefix, $uri);
     // Apply paging when fetching the definitions
     list($limit, $offset) = Pager::calculateLimitAndOffset();
     $definition_count = $this->definitions->countPublished();
     $definitions = $this->definitions->getAllPublished($limit, $offset);
     $oldest = $this->definitions->getOldest();
     $describedDefinitions = array();
     // Add the source type description to the definition
     foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
         $definition = array_merge($definition, $this->definitions->getFullDescription($definition['collection_uri'] . '/' . $definition['resource_name']));
         array_push($describedDefinitions, $definition);
     $graph = $this->dcat->getDcatDocument($describedDefinitions, $oldest);
     // Return the dcat feed in our internal data object
     $data_result = new Data();
     $data_result->data = $graph;
     $data_result->is_semantic = true;
     $data_result->paging = Pager::calculatePagingHeaders($limit, $offset, $definition_count);
     // Add the semantic configuration for the ARC graph
     $data_result->semantic = new \stdClass();
     $data_result->semantic->conf = array('ns' => $ns);
     $data_result->definition = new \stdClass();
     $data_result->definition->resource_name = 'dcat';
     $data_result->definition->collection_uri = 'info';
     return $data_result;
  * @Route("/create-person")
 public function createPersonAction()
     \EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('ntriples', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_Arc');
     \EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('posh', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_Arc');
     \EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('rdfxml', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_Arc');
     \EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('turtle', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_Arc');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('foaf', '');
     $uri = '';
     $name = 'Emi Berea';
     $emailStr = '*****@*****.**';
     $homepageStr = '';
     $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
     # 1st Technique
     $me = $graph->resource($uri, 'foaf:Person');
     $me->set('foaf:name', $name);
     if ($emailStr) {
         $email = $graph->resource("mailto:" . $emailStr);
         $me->add('foaf:mbox', $email);
     if ($homepageStr) {
         $homepage = $graph->resource($homepageStr);
         $me->add('foaf:homepage', $homepage);
     # Finally output the graph
     $data = $graph->serialise('rdfxml');
     if (!is_scalar($data)) {
         $data = var_export($data, true);
Beispiel #8
 public function __construct()
     // Enable things like: http://linda/lists/frequencies.json?q=trien
     // cfr.
     $this->lists = ["frequencies" => [], "organizationtypes" => [], "uses" => []];
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('linda', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('odapps', '');
Beispiel #9
function getPeople($name, $affil)
    EasyRdf_Namespace::set('sd', '');
    $query = '
PREFIX sd: <>
construct { ?a ?b ?c . }
from <>
from <>
from <>
from <>
Where { 
?a a foaf:Person ; ?b ?c; foaf:name $n . 
optional { ?a sd:affiliation $f . } 
filter regex(?n, "' . $name . '","i")
filter regex(?f, "' . $affil . '","i")
LIMIT 100';
    $sparql = new EasyRdf_Sparql_Client('');
    $result = $sparql->query($query);
    // a CONSTRUCT query returns an EasyRdf_Graph
    //echo $result->dump("turtle");
    /* generate data structure for output table */
    $s = array();
    foreach ($result->allOfType("foaf:Person") as $v) {
        $a = $v->getUri();
        $label = $v->get('foaf:name');
        $loc = $v->get('sd:affiliation');
        $hp = $v->get('foaf:homepage');
        $zb = $v->get('sd:hasZBMathAuthorID');
        $mr = $v->get('sd:hasMRAuthorID');
        $bs = $v->get('sd:providesDataAt');
        $pp = $v->get('sd:hasPersonalProfile');
        $out = '<p><dl> <dt><strong><a href="' . $a . '">' . $label . '</a></strong></dt>
        if (!empty($loc)) {
            $out .= '<dd>Affiliation: ' . $loc . '.</dd>';
        if (!empty($hp)) {
            $out .= '<dd>Homepage: <a href="' . $hp . '">' . $hp . '</a></dd>';
        if (!empty($pp)) {
            $out .= '<dd>Personal FOAF Profile: <a href="' . $pp . '">' . $pp . '</a></dd>';
        if (!empty($zb)) {
            $out .= '<dd>ZBMath Author Code: <a href="' . $zb . '">' . $zb . '</a></dd>';
        if (!empty($mr)) {
            $out .= '<dd>MR Author ID: <a href="' . $mr . '">' . $mr . '</a></dd>';
        if (!empty($bs)) {
            $out .= '<dd>Provides Benchmark References at: <a href="' . $bs . '">' . $bs . '</a></dd>';
        $out .= '</dl></p>';
        $s["{$a}"] = $out;
    return '<h4>List of entries with foaf:name containing "' . $name . '" and sd:affiliation containing "' . $affil . '"</h4>' . join($s, "\n");
Beispiel #10
 public function get_action($data)
     EasyRdf_Namespace::set('o311', '');
     $sparql = new EasyRdf_Sparql_Client('http://localhost:8890/sparql');
     //SAMPLE QUERY: select * where {?sub o311:hasAddress o311:iiitCC3. ?sub o311:has311Subject o311:Waste. ?sub o311:need311Action ?action. ?sub o311:isHandledBy ?authority. ?authority o311:AgencyName ?name. ?authority o311:Phone ?phone. ?authority o311:Email ?email. ?authority o311:AddressType ?address }';
     $str = 'SELECT * WHERE {' . '?sub o311:hasAddress o311:' . $data["where"] . ". " . '?sub o311:has311Subject o311:' . $data["what"] . ". " . '?sub o311:isHandledBy ?authority. ' . '?sub o311:need311Action ?action. ' . '?authority o311:AgencyName ?name.' . '?authority o311:Phone ?phone.' . '?authority o311:Email ?email.' . '?authority o311:AddressType ?address.' . '} ';
     echo "<br><i><font color = 'grey'>{$str}</font></i><br>";
     $result = $sparql->query($str);
     return $result;
 public function indexAction()
     $foaf = \EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
     $me = $foaf->primaryTopic();
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('category', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbpedia', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbo', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbp', '');
     $sparql = new \EasyRdf_Sparql_Client('');
     $result = $sparql->query('SELECT * WHERE {' . '  ?country rdf:type dbo:Country .' . '  ?country rdfs:label ?label .' . '  ?country dc:subject category:Member_states_of_the_United_Nations .' . '  FILTER ( lang(?label) = "en" )' . '} ORDER BY ?label');
     return $this->render('MyAppBlogBundle:Default:index.html.twig', array('name' => $result, 'count' => $result->numRows()));
 public function testSerialiseJson()
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('', 'http://foo/bar/');
     $joe = $this->graph->resource('', 'foaf:Person');
     $joe->set('foaf:name', new EasyRdf_Literal('Joe Bloggs', 'en'));
     $joe->set('foaf:homepage', $this->graph->resource('http://foo/bar/me'));
     $joe->set('foaf:age', 59);
     $project = $this->graph->newBNode();
     $project->add('foaf:name', 'Project Name');
     $joe->add('foaf:project', $project);
     $json = $this->serialiser->serialise($this->graph, 'json');
     $this->assertSame('{"http:\\/\\/\\/joe#me":{' . '"http:\\/\\/\\/1999\\/02\\/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type":[' . '{"type":"uri","value":"http:\\/\\/\\/foaf\\/0.1\\/Person"}],' . '"http:\\/\\/\\/foaf\\/0.1\\/name":[' . '{"type":"literal","value":"Joe Bloggs","lang":"en"}],' . '"http:\\/\\/\\/foaf\\/0.1\\/homepage":[{"type":"uri","value":"http:\\/\\/foo\\/bar\\/me"}],' . '"http:\\/\\/\\/foaf\\/0.1\\/age":[' . '{"type":"literal","value":"59","datatype":' . '"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#integer"}],' . '"http:\\/\\/\\/foaf\\/0.1\\/project":[' . '{"type":"bnode","value":"_:genid1"}]},"_:genid1":{' . '"http:\\/\\/\\/foaf\\/0.1\\/name":[' . '{"type":"literal","value":"Project Name"}]}}', $this->serialiser->serialise($this->graph, 'json'));
Beispiel #13
function dissertationen($atts)
    EasyRdf_Namespace::set('bibo', '');
    EasyRdf_Namespace::set('sd', '');
    EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dct', '');
    $people = new EasyRdf_Graph("");
    $out = "\n\n<h2 align=\"center\">Habilitationen</h2>\n\n";
    $out .= displayAll(getDissertations('habil'), $people);
    $out .= "\n\n<h2 align=\"center\">Promotionen</h2>\n\n";
    $out .= displayAll(getDissertations('phd'), $people);
    return $out;
Beispiel #14
function casystems()
    EasyRdf_Namespace::set('sd', '');
    EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dct', '');
    EasyRdf_Namespace::set('owl', '');
    $people = new EasyRdf_Graph("");
    $systems = new EasyRdf_Graph("");
    $out = displaySystems($systems, $people);
    return $out;
Beispiel #15
function getNews()
    EasyRdf_Namespace::set('sd', '');
    EasyRdf_Namespace::set('sioc', '');
    $query1 = '
PREFIX sd: <>
construct { ?a ?b ?c . }
from <>
Where { ?a a sioc:BlogPost ; ?b ?c . }
    $query2 = '
PREFIX sd: <>
construct { ?p foaf:name ?n . }
from <>
from <>
Where { ?a a sioc:BlogPost ; dc:publisher ?p . 
  ?p foaf:name ?n . }
    $sparql = new EasyRdf_Sparql_Client('');
    $result = $sparql->query($query1);
    // a CONSTRUCT query returns an EasyRdf_Graph
    //echo $result->dump("turtle");
    $people = $sparql->query($query2);
    //echo $people->dump("turtle");
    /* generate data structure for output table */
    $s = array();
    foreach ($result->allOfType("sioc:BlogPost") as $v) {
        $a = $v->getUri();
        $label = $v->get('rdfs:label');
        $created = $v->get('dc:created');
        $subject = $v->join('dc:subject');
        $abstract = $v->get('dc:abstract');
        $publisher = $people->get($v->get('dc:publisher'), 'foaf:name');
        $link = $v->get('sioc:link');
        $linksTo = $v->get('sioc:links_to');
        $out = '<p><dl> <dt><strong><a href="' . $a . '">' . $label . '</a></strong></dt>
        $out .= addLine($created, "Created");
        $out .= addLine($subject, "Subject");
        $out .= addLine($abstract, "Abstract");
        $out .= addLine($publisher, "Publisher");
        $out .= addLink($link, "More");
        $out .= addLink($linksTo, "Links to");
        $out .= '</dl></p>';
        $s["{$created_}{$a}"] = $out;
    return join($s, "\n");
function fddbSuche($gtin)
    //$gtin = "4388844009943";
    $gtin = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $gtin);
    $data = curlData("" . $gtin);
    $resultblock = between("<!-- %sresultblock% //-->", "<!-- %eresultblock% //-->", $data);
    $link = between("window.location.href = '", "';", $data);
    $area = between("<b>100 g:</b>", "<b>1 Packung:</b>", $data);
    if ($link != false && strlen($gtin) >= 13) {
        $werte = array("energy" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', before("(", $area)), "calories" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', between("(", ")", $area)), "fat" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', between("Fett: ", "KH:", $area)), "carbonhydrate" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', between("KH: ", "<br>", $area)));
        //$werte = array("Energie", "Energie1", "Fett", "Kohlenhydrate");
        $naerhwerte = "";
        foreach ($werte as $key => $value) {
            $naerhwerte[$key]["value"] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $werte[$key]);
            $naerhwerte[$key]["currencie"] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]+/', '', $werte[$key]);
        $result = array("sourecName" => "fddb", "link" => $link, "gtin" => $gtin, "nutriTable" => $werte, "titel" => between("<a href='" . $link . "'><b>", '</b></a>', $resultblock));
        $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph();
        $namespace = new EasyRdf_Namespace();
        $namespace->set('rezept', "");
        buildTree($graph, $result["link"], $result, 'rezept');
        echo $graph->serialise("turtle");
Beispiel #17
  * Processes the enhancements and loads them into an array.
  * @param EasyRDF_Graph $graph RDF graph that holds the enhancements
  * @return void
 private function _loadEnhancements($graph)
     EasyRdf_Namespace::set("stanbol", "");
     Entity::mapType("foaf:Person", "Person");
     $entityAnnotations = $graph->allOfType("");
     foreach ($entityAnnotations as $anno) {
         $entityAnnotation = new EntityAnnotation(Entity::create($anno));
         array_push($this->_enhancements, $entityAnnotation);
Beispiel #18
 /** Get the graph to parse
  * @access protected
  * @returns object
 protected function getData()
     $key = md5($this->_uri);
     if (!$this->_cache->test($key)) {
         $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph($this->_uri);
         $data = $graph->resource($this->_uri);
     } else {
         $data = $this->_cache->load($key);
     EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbpediaowl', '');
     EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbpprop', '');
     EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbpedia', '');
     return $data;
Beispiel #19
function pastConferences()
    EasyRdf_Namespace::set('ical', '');
    EasyRdf_Namespace::set('sd', '');
    $jahr = empty($_GET['year']) ? "2012" : $_GET['year'];
    $query = '
PREFIX sd: <>
PREFIX ical: <>
construct { ?a ?b ?c . ?a sd:Series ?a2 . }
from <>
from <>
Where { ?a a sd:Conference ; ?b ?c ; ical:dtstart ?d . 
optional {?a sd:toConferenceSeries ?a1 . ?a1 rdfs:label ?a2 . }
filter regex(?d, "' . $jahr . '")
} ';
    $sparql = new EasyRdf_Sparql_Client('');
    $result = $sparql->query($query);
    // a CONSTRUCT query returns an EasyRdf_Graph
    //echo $result->dump("turtle");
    /* generate data structure for output table */
    $s = array();
    foreach ($result->allOfType("sd:Conference") as $v) {
        $a = $v->getUri();
        $label = $v->get('rdfs:label');
        $from = date_format(date_create($v->get('ical:dtstart')), "Y/m/d");
        $to = date_format(date_create($v->get('ical:dtend')), "Y/m/d");
        $loc = $v->get('ical:location');
        $series = $v->get('sd:Series');
        $description = $v->get('ical:description');
        $out = '
<p><dl> <dt><strong><a href="' . $a . '">' . $label . '</a></strong></dt>
<dd>' . $from . ' &ndash; ' . $to . ' in ' . $loc . '.</dd>';
        foreach ($v->all('ical:url') as $url) {
            $out .= '<dd> Conference URL: <a href="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a></dd>';
        if (!empty($series)) {
            $out .= '<dd> Conference Series: ' . $series . '</dd>';
        $out .= '</dl></p>';
        $s["{$from}.{$a}"] = $out;
    return join($s, "\n");
Beispiel #20
  * Create a new dataset
  * @param array $config The config of the new dataset
  * @return void
 public function add($config)
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('odapps', '');
     // Create a auto-generated subject URI
     $id = $this->getIncrementalId();
     $uri = \URL::to('/apps/' . $id);
     $context = $this->getContext();
     $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
     $application = $graph->resource($uri . '#application');
     foreach ($this->getFields() as $field) {
         if ($field['domain'] == 'odapps:Application') {
             if ($field['single_value'] && in_array($field['type'], ['string', 'text', 'list'])) {
                 if (filter_var(trim($config[$field['var_name']]), FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
                     $graph->addResource($application, $field['sem_term'], trim($config[$field['var_name']]));
                 } else {
                     $graph->add($application, $field['sem_term'], trim($config[$field['var_name']]));
             } else {
                 if (!$field['single_value'] && in_array($field['type'], ['string', 'list'])) {
                     if (!empty($config[$field['var_name']])) {
                         foreach ($config[$field['var_name']] as $val) {
                             if (filter_var($val, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
                                 $graph->addResource($application, $field['sem_term'], $val);
                             } else {
                                 $graph->add($application, $field['sem_term'], $val);
     $serializer = new \EasyRdf_Serialiser_JsonLd();
     $jsonld = $serializer->serialise($graph, 'jsonld');
     $compact_document = (array) JsonLD::compact($jsonld, $context);
     $serializer = new \EasyRdf_Serialiser_JsonLd();
     $jsonld = $serializer->serialise($graph, 'jsonld');
     $compact_document = (array) JsonLD::compact($jsonld, $context);
     $collection = $this->getMongoCollection();
Beispiel #21
  * Set all required type mappers
  * @return void
 public static function setTypeMappers()
     EasyRdf_Namespace::set('spl', '');
     EasyRdf_Namespace::set('spin', '');
     EasyRdf_Namespace::set('sp', '');
     // Query
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:Ask', 'EasySpinRdf_Query_Ask');
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:Select', 'EasySpinRdf_Query_Select');
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:Describe', 'EasySpinRdf_Query_Describe');
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:Construct', 'EasySpinRdf_Query_Construct');
     // Elements
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:TriplePattern', 'EasySpinRdf_Element_TriplePattern');
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:SubQuery', 'EasySpinRdf_Element_SubQuery');
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:NamedGraph', 'EasySpinRdf_Element_NamedGraph');
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:Optional', 'EasySpinRdf_Element_Optional');
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:Union', 'EasySpinRdf_Element_Union');
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:Bind', 'EasySpinRdf_Element_Bind');
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:Filter', 'EasySpinRdf_Element_Filter');
     EasyRdf_TypeMapper::set('sp:TriplePath', 'EasySpinRdf_Element_TriplePath');
 public function indexAction()
     $product = new Product();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
         $product->setName('Foo Bar  : ' . rand(0, 100));
         $product->setPrice(rand(0, 1000));
         $dm = $this->get('doctrine_mongodb')->getManager();
     $foaf = \EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
     $me = $foaf->primaryTopic();
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('category', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbpedia', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbo', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbp', '');
     $sparql = new \EasyRdf_Sparql_Client('');
     $result = $sparql->query('SELECT * WHERE {' . '  ?country rdf:type dbo:Country .' . '  ?country rdfs:label ?label .' . '  ?country dc:subject category:Member_states_of_the_United_Nations .' . '  FILTER ( lang(?label) = "en" )' . '} ORDER BY ?label');
     $repository = $this->get('doctrine_mongodb')->getManager()->getRepository('MyAppBlogBundle:Product');
     return $this->render('MyAppBlogBundle:Default:index.html.twig', array('name' => $result, 'count' => $result->numRows(), 'products' => $repository->findAll()));
Beispiel #23
 /** Get all the resources in the graph of a certain type
  * If no resources of the type are available and empty
  * array is returned.
  * @param  string  $type   The type of the resource (e.g. foaf:Person)
  * @return array The array of resources
 public function allOfType($type)
     $uri = EasyRdf_Namespace::expand($type);
     $resource = $this->resource($uri);
     return $resource->all('-rdf:type');
Beispiel #24
  * Delete an existing RDF type mapping.
  * @param  string  $type   The RDF type (e.g. foaf:Person)
 public static function delete($type)
     if (!is_string($type) or $type == null or $type == '') {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("\$type should be a string and cannot be null or empty");
     $type = EasyRdf_Namespace::expand($type);
     if (isset(self::$_map[$type])) {
 * This example uses ARC2's RDFa parser to extract the Google
 * rich snippets review vocabulary from an HTML page.
 * @package    EasyRdf
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Nicholas J Humfrey
 * @license
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lib/');
require_once "EasyRdf.php";
require_once "html_tag_helpers.php";
## Load the ARC2 parser
require_once "EasyRdf/Parser/Arc.php";
## Add the Google Vocab namespace
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('gv', '');
<head><title>Review Extract</title></head>
<h1>Review Extract</h1>
echo form_tag();
<p>Please enter the URI of a page with a review on it (marked up with Google Review RDFa):</p>
echo text_field_tag('uri', '', array('size' => 50));
<br />
echo submit_tag();
Beispiel #26
  * Output data in RDF and Turtle format
  * @param array   $data       The items to output
  * @param string  $format     The output format
  * @param string  $predicate  The predicate for the list
  * @param string  $namespaces An associative array with the namespace, e.g. [ 'foaf' => '' ].
  *                            Note that EasyRDF already adds the standard prefixes, such as dc, foaf, etc.
  * @param integer $status     HTTP status code
  * @uses \EasyRdf_Graph
  * @throws \SameAsLite\Exception\ContentTypeException An exception may be thrown if the requested MIME type
  * is not supported
 protected function outputRDF(array $data = array(), $format = 'list', $predicate = 'owl:sameAs', array $namespaces = array(), $status = null)
     // how to: escape
     // array_walk($list, '\SameAsLite\Helper::escapeInputArray');
     if (!is_null($status)) {
     //end if
     // get the query parameters
     $symbol = $this->app->request()->params('string');
     if (!$symbol) {
         $symbol = $this->app->request()->params('symbol');
     //end if
     $symbol = $symbol ? urldecode($symbol) : false;
     $store = $this->store ? $this->store : false;
     $storeurl = $this->app->request()->getURL() . $this->app->request()->getRootUri() . '/datasets/' . urlencode($store);
     // EASY RDF
     $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
     // namespaces
     // ----------
     if (!empty($namespaces)) {
         foreach ($namespaces as $prefix => $uri) {
             \EasyRdf_Namespace::set($prefix, $uri);
     // result block
     // ------------
     if ($symbol && strpos($symbol, 'http') === 0) {
         $graph_uri = $meta_uri = $graph->resource($symbol);
     } else {
         $graph_uri = $graph->newBNode();
     $result_block = $graph->resource($graph_uri);
     // meta block
     // ------------
     $meta_uri = $this->app->request()->getURL() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $meta_block = $graph->resource($meta_uri);
     // if this part is added, EasyRDF will merge the result block with the meta block
     // $meta_block->add('foaf:primaryTopic', $graph->resource( '_:' . $result_block->getBNodeId() ));
     $meta_block->set('dc:creator', 'sameAsLite');
     // TODO: maybe also add info about store (storename, URI)?
     if ($store) {
         $meta_block->set('dc:source', $graph->resource($storeurl));
     // $meta_block->set('dc:title', 'Co-references from for ' . $symbol);
     if (isset($this->appOptions['license']['url'])) {
         $meta_block->add('dct:license', $graph->resource($this->appOptions['license']['url']));
     // list
     if ($format === 'list') {
         // simple list
         foreach ($data as $str) {
             if (strpos($str, 'http') === 0) {
                 // resource
                 $result_block->add($predicate, $graph->resource(urldecode($str)));
             } else {
                 // literal values - not technically correct, because sameAs expects a resource
                 // but validates in W3C Validator
                 $result_block->add($predicate, $str);
     } elseif ($format === 'table') {
         // table output
         // data is in the form of:
         // [ [header1, header2, ...], [row1_1, row1_2, ...], [row2_1, row2_2, ...] ]
         $preds = array_shift($data);
         foreach ($data as $arr) {
             // if (isset($val['url'])) {
             //     $url = $val['url'];
             //     unset($val['url']);
             // } else {
             //     $url = $graph_uri;
             // }
             $resources = array();
             for ($i = 0, $s = count($arr); $i < $s; $i++) {
                 $resources[$i] = $graph->resource($storeurl);
                 // TODO
                 for ($k = 0, $t = count($preds); $k < $t; $k++) {
                     if (strpos($arr[$i], 'http') === 0) {
                         // resource
                         $graph->addResource($resources[$i], $preds[$k], $graph->resource(urldecode($arr[$i])));
                     } else {
                         // literal
                         $graph->addLiteral($resources[$i], $preds[$k], urldecode($arr[$i]));
     } else {
         // keyed = 'arbitrary' output format (e.g. for analysis)
         // Accepts data in the form of:
         // [ [ $key1 => $value1 ], [ $key2 => $value2 ], [...] ]
         // Will take key as predicate and
         // value as resource (if url) or literal
         $resource = $graph->resource($storeurl);
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             if (strpos($value, 'http') === 0) {
                 // resource
                 $graph->addResource($resource, $key, $graph->resource(urldecode($value)));
             } else {
                 // literal
                 $graph->addLiteral($resource, $key, $value);
     // ------
     // output
     // ------
     if ($this->mimeBest === 'application/rdf+xml') {
         $outFormat = 'rdf';
     } else {
         $outFormat = 'turtle';
     $data = $graph->serialise($outFormat);
     if (!is_scalar($data)) {
         $data = var_export($data, true);
Beispiel #27
 /** Add one or more rdf:type properties to a resource
  * @param  string  $resource The resource to add the type to
  * @param  string  $type     The new type (e.g. foaf:Person)
 public function addType($resource, $types)
     $this->checkResourceParam($resource, true);
     if (!is_array($types)) {
         $types = array($types);
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         $type = EasyRdf_Namespace::expand($type);
         $this->add($resource, 'rdf:type', array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => $type));
  * Namespace which is too short shouldn't apply
 public function testShortNamespace()
     EasyRdf_Namespace::set('ex', '');
     $this->assertSame('ex:foo', EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten(''));
Beispiel #29
  * Internal function to serialise an EasyRdf_Graph into a DOT formatted string
  * @ignore
 protected function serialiseDot($graph)
     $result = "digraph {\n";
     // Write the graph attributes
     foreach ($this->attributes as $k => $v) {
         $result .= '  ' . $this->escape($k) . '=' . $this->escape($v) . ";\n";
     // Go through each of the properties and write the edges
     $nodes = array();
     $result .= "\n  // Edges\n";
     foreach ($graph->resources() as $resource) {
         $name1 = $this->nodeName($resource);
         foreach ($resource->propertyUris() as $property) {
             $label = null;
             if ($this->useLabels) {
                 $label = $graph->resource($property)->label();
             if ($label === null) {
                 if ($this->onlyLabelled == true) {
                 } else {
                     $label = EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($property);
             foreach ($resource->all("<{$property}>") as $value) {
                 $name2 = $this->nodeName($value);
                 $nodes[$name1] = $resource;
                 $nodes[$name2] = $value;
                 $result .= $this->serialiseRow($name1, $name2, array('label' => $label));
     $result .= "\n  // Nodes\n";
     foreach ($nodes as $name => $node) {
         $type = substr($name, 0, 1);
         $label = '';
         if ($type == 'R') {
             if ($this->useLabels) {
                 $label = $node->label();
             if (!$label) {
                 $label = $node->shorten();
             if (!$label) {
                 $label = $node->getURI();
             $result .= $this->serialiseRow($name, null, array('URL' => $node->getURI(), 'label' => $label, 'shape' => 'ellipse', 'color' => 'blue'));
         } elseif ($type == 'B') {
             if ($this->useLabels) {
                 $label = $node->label();
             $result .= $this->serialiseRow($name, null, array('label' => $label, 'shape' => 'circle', 'color' => 'green'));
         } else {
             $result .= $this->serialiseRow($name, null, array('label' => strval($node), 'shape' => 'record'));
     $result .= "}\n";
     return $result;
Beispiel #30

set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lib/');
require_once "EasyRdf.php";
## Add namespaces
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('vitro', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('vivo', '');
$uri = '';
$graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($uri);
$person = $graph->resource($uri);

<head><title>Vivo Reader</title></head>
<h1>Vivo Reader</h1>

  <b>First Name</b>: <?php 
echo $person->get('foaf:firstName');
<br />
  <b>Last Name</b>: <?php 
echo $person->get('foaf:lastName');
<br />
  <b>Title</b>: <?php 
echo $person->get('vivo:preferredTitle');
<br />