Beispiel #1
  * Seed the themes
  * return @void
 private function seedThemes()
     $this->info('---- Seeding new themes ----');
     $base_uri = $this->argument('uri');
     $taxonomy_uri = $this->argument('taxonomy_uri');
     if (empty($taxonomy_uri)) {
         $taxonomy_uri = $base_uri;
     // Try to get the themes from the (semantic data)
     try {
         $this->info('Trying to fetch triples from the uri: ' . $base_uri);
         $themes_graph = \EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($base_uri);
         if ($themes_graph->isEmpty()) {
             $this->info('We could not reach the online themes.');
         } else {
             $this->info('Found new themes online, removing the old ones.');
             // Empty the themes table
         // Fetch the resources with a skos:conceptScheme relationship
         $resources = $themes_graph->allOfType('skos:ConceptScheme');
         $taxonomy_uris = array();
         foreach ($resources as $r) {
             array_push($taxonomy_uris, $r->getUri());
         if (!empty($taxonomy_uris)) {
             if (count($taxonomy_uris) == 1) {
                 $taxonomy_uri = $taxonomy_uris[0];
             } else {
                 // Check if one of the possible taxonomy uris compares to the uri of the document
                 foreach ($taxonomy_uris as $tax_uri) {
                     if ($base_uri == $tax_uri) {
                         $taxonomy_uri = $tax_uri;
                     $this->error('None of the URIs that have the skos:ConceptScheme property matched the URI of the document, please specify the taxonomy URI as a second parameter.');
         } else {
             $this->error('No resource has been found with a property of skos:ConceptScheme.');
         // Fetch all of the themes
         foreach ($themes_graph->resourcesMatching('skos:inScheme') as $theme) {
             if ($theme->get('skos:inScheme')->getUri() == $taxonomy_uri) {
                 $uri = $theme->getUri();
                 $label = $theme->getLiteral('rdfs:label');
                 if (!empty($label) && !empty($uri)) {
                     $label = $label->getValue();
                     $this->info('Added ' . $uri . ' with label ' . $label);
                     \Theme::create(array('uri' => $uri, 'label' => $label));
         $this->info('Added new themes.');
     } catch (EasyRdf_Exception $ex) {
         $this->info('An error occurred when we tried to fetch online themes.');
 public function indexAction()
     $foaf = \EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
     $me = $foaf->primaryTopic();
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('category', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbpedia', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbo', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbp', '');
     $sparql = new \EasyRdf_Sparql_Client('');
     $result = $sparql->query('SELECT * WHERE {' . '  ?country rdf:type dbo:Country .' . '  ?country rdfs:label ?label .' . '  ?country dc:subject category:Member_states_of_the_United_Nations .' . '  FILTER ( lang(?label) = "en" )' . '} ORDER BY ?label');
     return $this->render('MyAppBlogBundle:Default:index.html.twig', array('name' => $result, 'count' => $result->numRows()));
Beispiel #3
  * Seed the themes
  * return @void
 private function seedThemes()
     $this->command->info('---- DCAT Themes ----');
     $uri = '';
     $themes_fetched = false;
     // Try to get the themes from the (semantic data)
     try {
         $this->command->info('Trying to fetch new themes online.');
         $themes_graph = \EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($uri);
         if ($themes_graph->isEmpty()) {
             $this->command->info('We could not reach the online themes.');
         } else {
             $themes_fetched = true;
             $this->command->info('Found new themes online, removing the old ones.');
             // Empty the themes table
         // Fetch all of the themes
         foreach ($themes_graph->resourcesMatching('skos:inScheme') as $theme) {
             if ($theme->get('skos:inScheme')->getUri() == $uri) {
                 $theme_uri = $theme->getUri();
                 $label = $theme->getLiteral('rdfs:label');
                 if (!empty($label) && !empty($theme_uri)) {
                     $label = $label->getValue();
                     $this->command->info('Added ' . $uri . ' with label ' . $label);
                     \Theme::create(array('uri' => $theme_uri, 'label' => $label));
         $this->command->info('Added new themes.');
     } catch (EasyRdf_Exception $ex) {
         $this->command->info('An error occurred when we tried to fetch online themes.');
     // If it's not available, get them from a file (json)
     if (!$themes_fetched) {
         $this->command->info('Trying to fetch the themes from the local json file containing a default set of themes.');
         $themes = json_decode(file_get_contents(app_path() . '/database/seeds/data/themes.json'));
         if (!empty($themes)) {
             $this->command->info('Found new themes, removing the old ones.');
             // Empty the themes table
             foreach ($themes as $theme) {
                 \Theme::create(array('uri' => $theme->uri, 'label' => $theme->label));
             if (!empty($themes)) {
                 $this->command->info('Added themes from the local json file.');
         } else {
             $this->command->info('No themes were found in the local json file, the old ones will not be replaced.');
Beispiel #4
 private function makeSemanticResponse($uri)
     try {
         $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
         if (substr($uri, 0, 4) == "http") {
             $graph = \EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($uri);
         } else {
             $graph->parseFile($uri, 'jsonld');
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         \App::abort(500, "The JSON-LD reader couldn't parse the document, the exception message we got is: " . $ex->getMessage());
     // Return the data object with the graph
     $data = new Data();
     $data->data = $graph;
     $data->is_semantic = true;
     $data->preferred_formats = ['jsonld', 'ttl', 'rdf'];
     return $data;
Beispiel #5
 public function readData($source_definition, $rest_parameters = array())
     $uri = $source_definition['uri'];
     // If the parsing in the document fails, a JsonLdException is thrown
     try {
         $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
         if (substr($uri, 0, 4) == "http") {
             $graph = \EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($uri);
         } else {
             $graph->parseFile($uri, 'jsonld');
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         \App::abort(500, "The JSON LD reader couldn't parse the document, the exception message we got is: " . $ex->getMessage());
     // Return the data object with the graph
     $data = new Data();
     $data->data = $graph;
     $data->is_semantic = true;
     $data->preferred_formats = $this->getPreferredFormats();
     return $data;
 public function indexAction()
     $product = new Product();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
         $product->setName('Foo Bar  : ' . rand(0, 100));
         $product->setPrice(rand(0, 1000));
         $dm = $this->get('doctrine_mongodb')->getManager();
     $foaf = \EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
     $me = $foaf->primaryTopic();
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('category', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbpedia', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbo', '');
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dbp', '');
     $sparql = new \EasyRdf_Sparql_Client('');
     $result = $sparql->query('SELECT * WHERE {' . '  ?country rdf:type dbo:Country .' . '  ?country rdfs:label ?label .' . '  ?country dc:subject category:Member_states_of_the_United_Nations .' . '  FILTER ( lang(?label) = "en" )' . '} ORDER BY ?label');
     $repository = $this->get('doctrine_mongodb')->getManager()->getRepository('MyAppBlogBundle:Product');
     return $this->render('MyAppBlogBundle:Default:index.html.twig', array('name' => $result, 'count' => $result->numRows(), 'products' => $repository->findAll()));
Beispiel #7
 * Script to update test cases from
 * @package    EasyRdf
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Nicholas J Humfrey
 * @license
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . './lib/');
require_once "EasyRdf.php";
$RDFA_VERSION = 'rdfa1.1';
$HOST_LANGUAGE = 'xhtml5';
$FIXTURE_DIR = dirname(__FILE__);
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('test', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('rdfatest', '');
$client = new EasyRdf_Http_Client();
$manifest = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
foreach ($manifest->allOfType('test:TestCase') as $test) {
    if (!in_array($RDFA_VERSION, $test->all('rdfatest:rdfaVersion'))) {
    if (!in_array($HOST_LANGUAGE, $test->all('rdfatest:hostLanguage'))) {
    if ($test->get('test:classification')->shorten() != 'test:required') {
    $id = $test->localName();
    $title = $test->get('dc:title');
    $escapedTitle = addcslashes($title, '\'');
    # Download the test input
    $inputUri = "{$RDFA_VERSION}/{$HOST_LANGUAGE}/{$id}.xhtml";
Beispiel #8
 * A new EasyRdf_Graph object is created and then the contents
 * of my FOAF profile is loaded from the web. An EasyRdf_Resource for
 * the primary topic of the document (me, Nicholas Humfrey) is returned
 * and then used to display my name.
 * @package    EasyRdf
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Nicholas J Humfrey
 * @license
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lib/');
require_once "./lib/EasyRdf.php";
  <title>Basic FOAF example</title>

$foaf = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
$me = $foaf->primaryTopic();

  My name is: <?php 
echo $me->get('foaf:name');

Beispiel #9
 private function fetchResourceFromUri($uri)
     try {
         // change the timeout setting for external requests
         $httpclient = EasyRdf_Http::getDefaultHttpClient();
         $httpclient->setConfig(array('timeout' => $this->getConfig()->getHttpTimeout()));
         $client = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad(EasyRdf_Utils::removeFragmentFromUri($uri));
         return $client->resource($uri);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return null;
Beispiel #10
  * Fetch the default licenses
  * @return \EasyRdf_Graph
 private function fetchDefaultGraph()
     $license_uri = $this->licenses_uri . $this->DEFAULT_LICENSE . '.json';
     return \EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($license_uri, 'jsonld');
Beispiel #11
  <title>EasyRdf RSS 1.0 Parsing example</title>
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<h1>EasyRdf RSS 1.0 Parsing example</h1>

echo form_tag();
echo text_field_tag('uri', '', array('size' => 50));
echo submit_tag();
echo form_end_tag();

if (isset($_REQUEST['uri'])) {
    $graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($_REQUEST['uri'], 'rdfxml');
    $channel = $graph->get('rss:channel', '^rdf:type');
    print "<p>Channel: " . link_to($channel->label(), $channel->get('rss:link')) . "</p>\n";
    print "<p>Description: " . $channel->get('rss:description') . "</p>\n";
    print "<ol>\n";
    foreach ($channel->get('rss:items') as $item) {
        print "<li>" . link_to($item->get('rss:title'), $item) . "</li>\n";
    print "</ol>\n";
Beispiel #12

  <section class="content-box">
      <!-- metadata about the RDF document/record that describes the resource -->
      <h2>Provenance of record</h2>

$record = $graph->resource('');
$creator = $record->get('dcterms:creator');

$creatorResource = str_replace("/me", "/jacobShelby.rdf", $creator);
$creatorGraph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($creatorResource);
$creatorRecord = $creatorGraph->resource($creator);
$creatorName = $creatorRecord->get('schema:name');
echo "<li><a href='" . "{$creator}" . "'>{$creatorName}</a>";
$creatorEmployer = $creatorRecord->get('schema:worksFor');
$employerRecord = $creatorGraph->resource($creatorEmployer);
$employerName = $employerRecord->get('schema:name');
echo "<li><strong>Works for</strong></li>";
echo "<li><a href='" . "{$creatorEmployer}" . "'>{$employerName}</a></li>";
$creatorTitle = $creatorRecord->get('schema:jobTitle');
echo "<li><strong>Job title</strong></li>";
echo "<li>{$creatorTitle}</li>";
$creatorEmail = $creatorRecord->get('schema:email');
 * @package    EasyRdf
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Nicholas J Humfrey
 * @license
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lib/');
require_once "EasyRdf.php";
  <title>Open Graph Protocol example</title>

$doc = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');

  Title: <?php 
echo $doc->title;
<br />
  Creator: <?php 
echo $doc->creator;
<br />

Beispiel #14

set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lib/');
require_once "EasyRdf.php";
## Add namespaces
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('vitro', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('vivo', '');
$uri = '';
$graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($uri);
$person = $graph->resource($uri);

<head><title>Vivo Reader</title></head>
<h1>Vivo Reader</h1>

  <b>First Name</b>: <?php 
echo $person->get('foaf:firstName');
<br />
  <b>Last Name</b>: <?php 
echo $person->get('foaf:lastName');
<br />
  <b>Title</b>: <?php 
echo $person->get('vivo:preferredTitle');
<br />
Beispiel #15

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad("http://localhost:8080/orbeon/nomisma/id/rome.rdf");
$objects = $graph->resources();
foreach ($objects as $object) {
Beispiel #16
  * Retrieves an RDF Graph for the resource in Fedora.
  * @param string    $uri    Fedora uri
  * @return EasyRdf_Graph    The graph object for the resource in Fedora
 public function fetchGraph($uri)
     return \EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($uri);
Beispiel #17

## Add namespaces. At default easyRdf recognizes dcterms, dc, foaf, rdf, rdfs, and some others
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('madsrdf', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('bibframe', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('gn', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('skos', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('lexvo', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('lexvont', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('schema', '');
##Create preliminary resources
$graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
$base = '';
// ____ = $graph->resource($base.'____');
/*$book = $graph->resource('');
  $language = $book->get('dcterms:language');
  $placeOfPublication = $book->get('bibframe:providerPlace');
  $placeOfPublicationResource = $placeOfPublication."about.rdf";
  $placeOfPublicationGraph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($placeOfPublicationResource);
  $placeOfPublicationRecord = $placeOfPublicationGraph->resource($placeOfPublication);
  $type = $book->get('dcterms:type');
  $typeGraph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
  $typeRecord = $typeGraph->resource($type); */

Beispiel #18
$uri = '' . $gnd;
// setup namespaces
// standard
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('owl', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('rdf', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('rdfs', '');
// dnb
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('gnd', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('bibo', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dct', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dc', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('skos', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('isbd', '');
$rdf = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($uri);
/** DNB returns error page if GND not found, no return code;
 * so we cannot catch an error
 * */
if (!$rdf) {
    $error = array();
    $error['error'] = "DNB: could not create rdf object";
    echo json_encode($error);
$typeUri = $rdf->get($uri, "rdf:type");
$typeArr = split("#", $typeUri);
$type = $typeArr[1];
$name = $rdf->join($uri, 'gnd:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading|' . 'gnd:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeadingSensoStricto|' . 'gnd:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody|' . 'gnd:preferredNameForTheFamily|' . 'gnd:preferredNameForThePerson|' . 'gnd:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName|' . 'gnd:preferredNameForTheWork|' . 'gnd:preferredNameForTheConferenceOrEvent');
$altname = $rdf->join($uri, 'gnd:variantNameForTheSubjectHeading|' . 'gnd:variantNameForTheSubjectHeadingSensoStricto|' . 'gnd:variantNameForTheCorporateBody|' . 'gnd:variantNameForTheFamily|' . 'gnd:variantNameForThePerson|' . 'gnd:variantNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName|' . 'gnd:variantNameForTheWork|' . 'gnd:variantNameForTheConferenceOrEvent', ', ');
$synSearch = '("' . $name . '") OR (' . $gnd . ') OR ("' . $rdf->join($uri, 'gnd:variantNameForTheSubjectHeading|' . 'gnd:variantNameForTheSubjectHeadingSensoStricto|' . 'gnd:variantNameForTheCorporateBody|' . 'gnd:variantNameForTheFamily|' . 'gnd:variantNameForThePerson|' . 'gnd:variantNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName|' . 'gnd:variantNameForTheWork|' . 'gnd:variantNameForTheConferenceOrEvent', '") OR ("') . '")';
Beispiel #19

## Add namespaces. At default easyRdf recognizes dcterms, dc, foaf, rdf, rdfs, and some others
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('madsrdf', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('bibframe', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('gn', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('skos', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('lexvo', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('lexvont', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('schema', '');
##Create preliminary resources
$graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
$base = '';
// ____ = $graph->resource($base.'____');
$collection = $graph->resource('');

  <h1>Linked data catalog example</h1>
  <section class="content-box">
    <!-- metadata about the "resouce", in this case, the original book "Moby Dick, or, the Whale"-->
    <h2>Catalog record 001</h2>

$dump = $graph->dump('html');
print $dump;
 public function testNewAndLoad()
     $this->_client->addMockOnce('GET', '', readFixture('foaf.json'));
     $graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('', 'json');
     $this->assertClass('EasyRdf_Graph', $graph);
     $this->assertStringEquals('Joe Bloggs', $graph->get('', 'foaf:name'));
<head><title>EasyRdf Artist Info Example</title></head>
<h1>EasyRdf Artist Info Example</h1>

echo form_tag();
echo text_field_tag('uri', '', array('size' => 50));
echo submit_tag();
echo form_end_tag();

if (isset($_REQUEST['uri'])) {
    $graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($_REQUEST['uri']);
    $artist = $graph->primaryTopic();
if (isset($artist)) {

    <dt>Artist Name:</dt><dd><?php 
    echo $artist->get('foaf:name');
    echo join(', ', $artist->types());
Beispiel #22

## Add namespaces. At default easyRdf recognizes dcterms, dc, foaf, rdf, rdfs, and some others
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('madsrdf', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('bibframe', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('gn', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('skos', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('lexvo', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('lexvont', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('schema', '');
##Create preliminary resources
$graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
$base = '';
// ____ = $graph->resource($base.'____');
/*$book = $graph->resource('');
  $language = $book->get('dcterms:language');
  $placeOfPublication = $book->get('bibframe:providerPlace');
  $placeOfPublicationResource = $placeOfPublication."about.rdf";
  $placeOfPublicationGraph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($placeOfPublicationResource);
  $placeOfPublicationRecord = $placeOfPublicationGraph->resource($placeOfPublication);
  $type = $book->get('dcterms:type');
  $typeGraph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
  $typeRecord = $typeGraph->resource($type); */

Beispiel #23
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    $graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad("" . $_REQUEST['id']);
    $village = $graph->primaryTopic();
    print content_tag('h2', $village->label());
    if ($village->get('foaf:depiction')) {
        print image_tag($village->get('foaf:depiction'), array('style' => 'max-width:400px;max-height:250px;'));
    print content_tag('p', $village->get('rdfs:comment'));
    if ($village->get('geo:long')) {
        $ll = $village->get('geo:lat') . ',' . $village->get('geo:long');
        print "<iframe width='425' height='350' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' src=';ll={$ll}&amp;output=embed'></iframe>";
    echo "<br /><br />";
    echo $graph->dump();
} else {
    $graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad("" . $CATEGORY_ID);
    $category = $graph->primaryTopic();
    print "<ul>\n";
    foreach ($category->all('^rdf:type') as $resource) {
        if (preg_match("|\\d+)#id|", $resource, $matches)) {
            print '<li>' . link_to_self($resource->label(), "id=" . $matches[1]) . "</li>\n";
    print "</ul>\n";
Beispiel #24

## Add namespaces. At default easyRdf recognizes dcterms, dc, foaf, rdf, rdfs, and some others
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('madsrdf', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('bibframe', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('gn', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('skos', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('lexvo', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('lexvont', '');
EasyRdf_Namespace::set('schema', '');
##Create preliminary resources
$graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
$base = '';
// ____ = $graph->resource($base.'____');
/*$book = $graph->resource('');
  $language = $book->get('dcterms:language');
  $placeOfPublication = $book->get('bibframe:providerPlace');
  $placeOfPublicationResource = $placeOfPublication."about.rdf";
  $placeOfPublicationGraph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($placeOfPublicationResource);
  $placeOfPublicationRecord = $placeOfPublicationGraph->resource($placeOfPublication);
  $type = $book->get('dcterms:type');
  $typeGraph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('');
  $typeRecord = $typeGraph->resource($type); */

  * Fetches and parses RDF from Fedora based on Drupal id.
  * @param string            $id Drupal id
  * @return EasyRdf_Graph    RDF from Fedora
 public function findGraph($id)
     // Get the uri in fedora based on drupal id.
     $resource_uri = $this->getResourceUri($id);
     if (empty($resource_uri)) {
         throw new \Exception("No resource exists associated with id: {$id}.", 404);
     // Retrieve the RDF from fedora.
     $fedora_response = $this->fedora->get($resource_uri, ['headers' => ['Accept' => 'text/turtle']]);
     return \EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad($fedora_response->getBody(), 'text/turtle');
 public function testNewAndLoadError()
     $this->client->addMockOnce('GET', '', 'Error text', array('status' => 404));
     try {
         $graph = EasyRdf_Graph::newAndLoad('', 'turtle');
         $this->fail('404 should lead to exception');
     } catch (EasyRdf_Http_Exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals(404, $e->getCode());
         $this->assertEquals('Error text', $e->getBody());