if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_REQUEST = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_REQUEST); $_GET = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_GET); $_POST = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_POST); $_COOKIE = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_COOKIE); } //***** 2. INCLUDE CONFIGURATION // Include our config files. ET::loadConfig(PATH_CORE . "/config.defaults.php"); // If the config path is different from the default, but there's still a config file at the default location, include it. if (PATH_CONFIG != PATH_ROOT . "/config" and file_exists($file = PATH_ROOT . "/config/config.php")) { ET::loadConfig($file); } // Include the real config file. if (file_exists($file = PATH_CONFIG . "/config.php")) { ET::loadConfig($file); } // In debug mode, show all errors (except for strict standards). if (C("esoTalk.debug")) { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); } // Do we want to force HTTPS? if (C("esoTalk.https") and (!array_key_exists("HTTPS", $_SERVER) or $_SERVER["HTTPS"] != "on")) { header("Location: https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); exit; } // Load the forum's default language. We will load the user's preferred language later on. ET::loadLanguage(C("esoTalk.language")); //***** 3. REQUIRE AND REGISTER ESSENTIAL CLASSES // Require base classes that may be extended. require PATH_LIBRARY . "/ETFactory.class.php";
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_REQUEST = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_REQUEST); $_GET = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_GET); $_POST = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_POST); $_COOKIE = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_COOKIE); } //***** 2. INCLUDE CONFIGURATION // Include our config files. ET::loadConfig(PATH_CORE . "/config.defaults.php"); // If the config path is different from the default, but there's still a config file at the default location, include it. if (PATH_CONFIG != PATH_ROOT . "/config" and is_file($file = PATH_ROOT . "/config/config.php")) { ET::loadConfig($file); } // Include the real config file. //if (file_exists($file = PATH_CONFIG."/config.php")) ET::loadConfig($file); ET::loadConfig(PATH_CONFIG . "/config.php"); // In debug mode, show all errors (except for strict standards). if (C("esoTalk.debug")) { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); } // Do we want to force HTTPS? if (C("esoTalk.https") and (!array_key_exists("HTTPS", $_SERVER) or $_SERVER["HTTPS"] != "on")) { header("Location: https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); exit; } // Load the forum's default language. We will load the user's preferred language later on. //ET::loadLanguage(C("esoTalk.language")); //***** 3. REQUIRE AND REGISTER ESSENTIAL CLASSES // Require base classes that may be extended. require PATH_LIBRARY . "/ETFactory.class.php"; require PATH_LIBRARY . "/ETPluggable.class.php";