public function toJs()
     if (null !== $this->panel) {
         $this->panel = "document.getElementById('" . $this->panel . "')";
     if (count($this->options['polylineOptions'])) {
         $this->options['polylineOptions'] = CJavaScript::encode($this->options['polylineOptions']);
     return 'var ' . $this->getJsName() . ' = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer(' . EGMap::encode($this->options) . ');' . "\n";
  * @return string Javascript code to return the Point
 public function toJs($map_js_name = 'map')
     $markers = array();
     if (count($this->markers)) {
         foreach ($this->markers as $m) {
             $markers[] = $m->getJsName();
     $return = 'var ' . $this->getJsName() . '= new MarkerClusterer(' . $map_js_name . ',' . EGMap::encode($markers) . ',' . EGMap::encode($this->options) . ');';
     return $return;
Beispiel #3
  function codeAddress(country,gMap) {
		geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
	    geocoder.geocode( { 'address': country}, function(results, status) {
	      if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
		    lat = results[0].geometry.location;
	        return results[0].geometry.location;	        
	      } else {
	        return ;
</script> <?php 
$gMap = new EGMap();
$gMap->zoom = 14;
$gMap->setOptions(array('zoomControl' => true, 'scaleControl' => true, 'disableDefaultUI' => true, 'panControl' => true, 'draggable' => true, 'scrollwheel' => true));
if ($property->latitude && $property->longitude) {
    $marker = new EGMapMarker($property->latitude, $property->longitude);
    $gMap->setCenter($property->latitude, $property->longitude);
} elseif ($propertyAddress['country']) {
    $country = $gMap->geocode($propertyAddress['city'] . "," . $propertyAddress['state'] . "," . $propertyAddress['country']);
    if ($country) {
        if ($country->getLat() && $country->getLng()) {
            $marker = new EGMapMarker($country->getLat(), $country->getLng());
            $gMap->setCenter($country->getLat(), $country->getLng());
Beispiel #4
 public function prepareMap($id, $size = 'medium')
     if ($pg === false) {
         // missing place_geometry
         // TO DO: Fix this later
         return false;
     $center = new stdClass();
     $gMap = new EGMap();
     switch ($size) {
         case 'small':
             $gMap->width = '200';
             $gMap->height = '200';
             $gMap->zoom = 13;
             $gMap->mapTypeControl = false;
             $gMap->width = '300';
             $gMap->height = '300';
             $gMap->zoom = 13;
     $gMap->setCenter($center->lat, $center->lon);
     $coords = PlaceGeometry::model()->string_to_coords($pg['region']);
     if (count($coords) > 1) {
         $polygon = new EGMapPolygon($coords);
     } else {
         // Create marker with label
         $marker = new EGMapMarkerWithLabel($center->lat, $center->lon, array('title' => 'Here!'));
     return $gMap;
Beispiel #5
  * @param string $map_js_name 
  * @return string Javascript code to create the marker
  * @author Fabrice Bernhard
  * @since 2009-08-21
  * @since 2010-12-22 modified by Antonio Ramirez
  * @since 2011-01-08 modified by Antonio Ramirez
  * 		Removed EGMapMarkerImage conversion
  * @since 2011-01-11 included option for global info window
  * @since 2011-01-22 included different types of Marker Object support
  * 				  EGMap::encode deprecates the use of optionsToJs
  * @since 2011-01-23 fixed logic bug
 public function toJs($map_js_name = 'map')
     $this->options['map'] = $map_js_name;
     $return = '';
     if (null !== $this->info_window) {
         if ($this->info_window_shared) {
             $info_window_name = $map_js_name . '_info_window';
             $this->addEvent(new EGMapEvent('click', 'if (' . $info_window_name . ') ' . $info_window_name . '.close();' . PHP_EOL . $info_window_name . ' = ' . $this->info_window->getJsName() . ';' . PHP_EOL . $this->info_window->getJsName() . ".open(" . $map_js_name . "," . $this->getJsName() . ");" . PHP_EOL));
         } else {
             $this->addEvent(new EGMapEvent('click', $this->info_window->getJsName() . ".open(" . $map_js_name . "," . $this->getJsName() . ");" . PHP_EOL));
         $return .= $this->info_window->toJs();
     $return .= 'var ' . $this->getJsName() . ' = new ' . $this->marker_object . '(' . EGMap::encode($this->options) . ');' . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($this->custom_properties as $attribute => $value) {
         $return .= $this->getJsName() . "." . $attribute . " = '" . $value . "';" . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($this->events as $event) {
         $return .= $event->getEventJs($this->getJsName()) . PHP_EOL;
     return $return;
Beispiel #6
  * @param string $map_js_name 
  * @return string Javascript code to create the marker
  * @author Fabrice Bernhard
  * @since 2009-08-21
  * @since 2011-01-25 by Antonio Ramirez
  *        Modified options encoding
 public function toJs($map_js_name = 'map')
     $return = '';
     $return .= $this->getJsName() . ' = new google.maps.InfoWindow(' . EGMap::encode($this->options) . ');' . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($this->custom_properties as $attribute => $value) {
         $return .= 'var ' . $this->getJsName() . "." . $attribute . " = '" . $value . "';" . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($this->events as $event) {
         $return .= $event->getEventJs($this->getJsName());
     return $return;
Beispiel #7
 public function getEncodedOptions()
     return EGMap::encode(parent::getOptions());
Beispiel #8
  * @param string $map_js_name 
  * @return string Javascript code to create the marker
  * @author Fabrice Bernhard
  * @since 2009-08-21
  * @since 2010-12-22 modified by Antonio Ramirez
  * @since 2011-01-08 modified by Antonio Ramirez
  * 		Removed EGMapMarkerImage conversion
  * @since 2011-01-11 included option for global info window
  * @since 2011-01-22 included different types of Marker Object support
  * 				  EGMap::encode deprecates the use of optionsToJs
  * @since 2011-01-23 fixed logic bug
  * @since 2011-10-12 added info_box plugin feature
 public function toJs($map_js_name = 'map')
     $this->options['map'] = $map_js_name;
     $return = '';
     if (null !== $this->info_window || null !== $this->info_box) {
         if ($this->info_window_shared || $this->info_box_shared) {
             $info_window_name = $map_js_name . ($this->info_window_shared ? '_info_window' : '_info_box');
             $content = $this->info_window ? $this->info_window->getContent() : $this->info_box->getContent();
             $this->addEvent(new EGMapEvent('click', $info_window_name . '.setContent(' . $content . ');' . PHP_EOL . $info_window_name . '.open(' . $map_js_name . ',' . $this->getJsName() . ');' . PHP_EOL));
         } else {
             $name = $this->info_window ? $this->info_window->getJsName() : $this->info_box->getJsName();
             $this->addEvent(new EGMapEvent('click', $this->info_window->getJsName() . ".open(" . $map_js_name . "," . $this->getJsName() . ");" . PHP_EOL));
             $return .= $this->info_window->toJs();
     //$return .='var ' . $this->getJsName() . ' = new ' . $this->marker_object . '(' . EGMap::encode($this->options) . ');' . PHP_EOL;
     //refering to global whenever possible
     $return .= ' ' . $this->getJsName() . ' = new ' . $this->marker_object . '(' . EGMap::encode($this->options) . ');' . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($this->custom_properties as $attribute => $value) {
         $return .= $this->getJsName() . "." . $attribute . " = '" . $value . "';" . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($this->events as $event) {
         $return .= $event->getEventJs($this->getJsName()) . PHP_EOL;
     return $return;
Beispiel #9
<section class="extPoset">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sx-12" id="ext_poset_line">

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-xs-12 text-center f-28 uppercase m-t-30 m-b-20">
		Выставка уже посетила
<div class="row" style="margin-bottom:70px;">
$gMap = new EGMap();
$gMap->zoom = 3;
$gMap->disableDefaultUI = true;
$gMap->scrollwheel = false;
$gMap->scaleControl = false;
$gMap->navigationControl = false;
$gMap->streetViewControl = false;
$gMap->overviewMapControl = false;
$gMap->panControl = false;
$gMap->zoomControl = true;
$gMap->zoomControlOptions = array('style' => 'google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL');
$gMap->styles = 1;
$gMap->setWidth(100, '%');
$mapTypeControlOptions = array();
// $gMap->mapTypeControlOptions= $mapTypeControlOptions;
Beispiel #10
        Han transcurrido más de 20 años desde que Havanatur comenzó en Chile a convertir sueños en realidades haciendo posible el reto de satisfacer y cumplir con las expectativas de los clientes en su motivación de viajar para conocer esa encantadora y fascinante isla caribeña, hoy convertida en uno de los destinos turísticos más importantes y atractivos del Caribe, dado la diversidad de sus entornos naturales, opciones e infraestructura a disposición del que la visita.


<div class="col-md-6">
$this->widget('booster.widgets.TbCarousel', array('items' => array(array('image' => Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/images/carousel/slide-1.jpg'), array('image' => Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/images/carousel/slide-2.jpg'), array('image' => Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/images/carousel/slide-3.jpg'))));

<div class="col-md-6">
$gMap = new EGMap();
$gMap->width = '100%';
$gMap->height = 300;
$gMap->zoom = 11;
$gMap->setCenter(39.737827146489174, 3.2830574338912477);
$info_box = new EGMapInfoBox('<div style="color:#fff;border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 8px; background: #000; padding: 5px;">I am a marker with info box!</div>');
$info_box->pixelOffset = new EGMapSize('0', '-140');
$info_box->maxWidth = 0;
$info_box->boxStyle = array('width' => '"280px"', 'height' => '"120px"', 'background' => '"url( no-repeat"');
$info_box->closeBoxMargin = '"10px 2px 2px 2px"';
$info_box->infoBoxClearance = new EGMapSize(1, 1);
$info_box->enableEventPropagation = '"floatPane"';
$marker = new EGMapMarker(39.721089311812094, 2.91165944519042, array('title' => 'Marker With Info Box'));
    protected function renderPopupMap()
        $gMap = new EGMap();
        $gMap->width = isset($this->popupOptions['mapWidth']) ? $this->popupOptions['mapWidth'] : '100%';
        $gMap->height = isset($this->popupOptions['mapHeight']) ? $this->popupOptions['mapHeight'] : '600px';
        $gMap->zoom = 6;
        $gMap->setCenter($this->latitude, $this->longitude);
        $gMap->addEvent(new EGMapEvent('click', 'function(e){panToMap(geomap,e.latLng,hgeomap);}', false));
        $this->popupOptions['width'] = isset($this->popupOptions['width']) ? $this->popupOptions['width'] : '800px';
        $afterInit = array('hgmarker = new google.maps.Marker({
				position: hgeomap.getCenter(),
				map: hgeomap,
				draggable: true
			});', 'google.maps.event.addListener(hgmarker, "dragend", function(e) {
			});', '$("#open-big-map").click(function(e){
				$("#hgeomap").dialog({resizable:false,title:"Location",width:"' . $this->popupOptions['width'] . '"});
				google.maps.event.trigger(hgeomap, "resize");
				return false;
        echo CHtml::openTag('div', array('id' => 'hgeomap', 'style' => 'display:none'));
        if (isset($this->popupOptions['searchBox']) && $this->popupOptions['searchBox']) {
        if (!is_array($this->afterInitEvents)) {
            $this->afterInitEvents = array($this->afterInitEvents);
        $gMap->renderMap(array_merge($this->afterInitEvents, $afterInit));
        echo '<div id="popup-map" ></div>';
        echo CHtml::closeTag('div');
  * @return string js code to create the markerImage
  * @author Maxime Picaud
  * @since 4 sept. 2009
  * @since 2011-01-22 modified by Antonio Ramirez
  * 		implemented EGMap support for object to 
  * 		js translation
 public function toJs()
     $params = array();
     $params[] = '"' . $this->getUrl() . '"';
     $params[] = EGMap::encode($this->size);
     $params[] = EGMap::encode($this->origin);
     $params[] = EGMap::encode($this->anchor);
     $return = 'new google.maps.MarkerImage(' . implode(',', $params) . ")";
     return $return;
Beispiel #13

$themeUrl = Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl;
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile($themeUrl . '/plugins/circular-share/circular-menu.js', CClientScript::POS_END);
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile($themeUrl . '/plugins/circular-share/skin-circular.css');
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile($themeUrl . '/css/contacts.css');
<div id="map_canvas" class="vis-no">
$gMap = new EGMap();
$gMap->zoom = 17;
$gMap->disableDefaultUI = true;
$gMap->scrollwheel = false;
$gMap->scaleControl = false;
$gMap->navigationControl = false;
$gMap->streetViewControl = false;
$gMap->overviewMapControl = false;
$gMap->panControl = false;
$gMap->zoomControl = true;
$gMap->zoomControlOptions = array('style' => 'google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL');
$gMap->styles = 2;
$gMap->setWidth(100, '%');
$gMap->setHeight(100, '%');
$gMap->setCenter(55.834324, 37.626285);
$icon = new EGMapMarkerImage("/img/map-icon.png");
$icon->setSize(28, 28);
$icon->setAnchor(14, 14);
$icon->setOrigin(0, 0);
$info_window_a = new EGMapInfoWindow('<div>ВДНХ, павильон №57</div>');
$marker = new EGMapMarker(55.834324, 37.626285, array('title' => 'ВДНХ, павильон №57', 'icon' => $icon));
Beispiel #14
// ext is your protected.extensions folder
// gmaps means the subfolder name under your protected.extensions folder
$gMap = new EGMap();
$gMap->zoom = 10;
$mapTypeControlOptions = array(
  'position'=> EGMapControlPosition::LEFT_BOTTOM,
$gMap->mapTypeControlOptions= $mapTypeControlOptions;
$gMap->setCenter(39.721089311812094, 2.91165944519042);
// Create GMapInfoWindows
$info_window_a = new EGMapInfoWindow('<div>I am a marker with custom image!</div>');
$info_window_b = new EGMapInfoWindow('Hey! I am a marker with label!');
$icon = new EGMapMarkerImage("");
$icon->setSize(32, 37);
$icon->setAnchor(16, 16.5);
$icon->setOrigin(0, 0);
// Create marker
$marker = new EGMapMarker(39.721089311812094, 2.91165944519042, array('title' => 'Marker With Custom Image','icon'=>$icon));
Beispiel #15
  * @return string Javascript code to return the Point
 public function toJs($map_js_name = 'map')
     foreach (array('veilStyle', 'boxStyle', 'visualClass', 'visualType') as $key) {
         if (isset($this->options[$key])) {
             $this->options[$key] = CJavaScript::encode($this->options[$key]);
     $return = $map_js_name . '.enableKeyDragZoom(' . EGMap::encode($this->options) . ');';
     if (count($this->events)) {
         $return .= 'var ' . $this->getJsName() . '=' . $map_js_name . '.getDragZoomObject();';
         foreach ($this->events as $e) {
             $return .= $e->toJs($this->getJsName());
     return $return;
Beispiel #16
  * Generate js code for direction
  * Inspired by the work of Vincent Guillon <*****@*****.**>
  * @param string $map_js_name The google map js var name
  * @return $js_code The generated js to display direction
  * @author Antonio Ramirez
  * @since 2010-01-24
 public function toJs($map_js_name = 'map')
     if (null === $this->renderer) {
         throw new CException(Yii::t('EGMap', 'No Renderer Service has been provided'));
     $options = $this->getOptions();
     $js_name = $this->getJsName();
     // set map to renderer
     $this->renderer->map = $map_js_name;
     // Construct js code
     $js_code = '';
     $js_code .= $this->renderer->toJs();
     $js_code .= 'var ' . $js_name . ' = new google.maps.DirectionsService();' . "\n";
     // building Request
     $js_code .= 'var ' . $js_name . 'Request = ' . EGMap::encode($this->options) . ';' . "\n";
     $js_code .= $js_name . '.route(' . $js_name . 'Request, function(response, status)' . "\n";
     $js_code .= '{' . "\n";
     $js_code .= '  if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK)' . "\n";
     $js_code .= '  {' . "\n";
     $js_code .= '    ' . $this->renderer->getJsName() . '.setDirections(response);' . "\n";
     $js_code .= '  }' . "\n";
     $js_code .= '});' . "\n";
     return $js_code;
Beispiel #17
  function codeAddress(country,gMap) {
		geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
	    geocoder.geocode( { 'address': country}, function(results, status) {
	      if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
		    lat = results[0].geometry.location;
	        return results[0].geometry.location;	        
	      } else {
	        return ;
$gMap = new EGMap();
$gMap->zoom = 12;
$gMap->setOptions(array('zoomControl' => false, 'scaleControl' => false, 'disableDefaultUI' => true, 'panControl' => false, 'draggable' => false, 'scrollwheel' => false));
if ($projectAddress['country']) {
    $country = $gMap->geocode($projectAddress['city'] . "," . $projectAddress['state'] . "," . $projectAddress['country']);
    if ($country) {
        if ($country->getLat() && $country->getLng()) {
            $gMap->setCenter($country->getLat(), $country->getLng());
Beispiel #18
  * @param string $map_js_name 
  * @return string Javascript code to create the rectangle
  * @author Antonio Ramirez        
 public function toJs($map_js_name = 'map')
     $this->options['map'] = $map_js_name;
     $return = '';
     if (null !== $this->info_window) {
         if ($this->info_window_shared) {
             $info_window_name = $map_js_name . '_info_window';
             $this->addEvent(new EGMapEvent('click', 'if (' . $info_window_name . ') ' . $info_window_name . '.close();' . PHP_EOL . $info_window_name . ' = ' . $this->info_window->getJsName() . ';' . PHP_EOL . $info_window_name . ".setPosition(" . $this->getCenterOfBounds()->toJs() . ");" . PHP_EOL . $info_window_name . ".open(" . $map_js_name . ");" . PHP_EOL));
         } else {
             $this->addEvent(new EGMapEvent('click', $this->info_window->getJsName() . ".setPosition(" . $this->getCenterOfBounds()->toJs() . ");" . PHP_EOL . $this->info_window->getJsName() . ".open(" . $map_js_name . ");" . PHP_EOL));
         $return .= $this->info_window->toJs();
     $return .= 'var ' . $this->getJsName() . ' = new ' . $this->rectangle_object . '(' . EGMap::encode($this->options) . ');' . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($this->events as $event) {
         $return .= $event->getEventJs($this->getJsName()) . PHP_EOL;
     return $return;
Beispiel #19

/* @var $this LocationController */
/* @var $model Location */
/* @var $form CActiveForm */

<div class="form">
if ($model->region) {
    $map = new EGMap();
    $map->width = '100%';
    $map->height = 470;
    $map->zoom = 8;
    $map->setCenter(39.737827146489174, 3.2830574338912477);
    $map->mapTypeControl = false;
    $map->panControl = false;
    $map->streetViewControl = false;
    $latitudeAttributeName = 'latitude';
    $longitudeAttributeName = 'longitude';
    $marker = new EGMapMarker($model->latitude, $model->longitude, array(), 'marker', array('dragevent' => new EGMapEvent('dragend', strtr('function(event){$("input[name=\\"{latName}\\"]").val(;$("input[name=\\"{lngName}\\"]").val(event.latLng.lng());}', array('{latName}' => CHtml::resolveName($model, $latitudeAttributeName), '{lngName}' => CHtml::resolveName($model, $longitudeAttributeName))), false, EGMapEvent::TYPE_EVENT_DEFAULT)));
    // the setter does not perform the special handling of 'title' that the constructor gets via setOptions().
    $marker->title = "'{$model->name}'";
    $marker->icon = new EGMapMarkerImage(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/images/map-marker-blue.png');
    $marker->icon->setSize(59, 54);
    $marker->icon->setAnchor(59 / 2, 54);
    $marker->draggable = true;