  *        get the revenue per day  for the Transaction Admin page Reports Tab
  * @access        public
  * @param string $period
  * @return \stdClass[]
 public function get_revenue_per_day_report($period = '-1 month')
     $sql_date = $this->convert_datetime_for_query('TXN_timestamp', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($period)), 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'UTC');
     $query_interval = EEH_DTT_Helper::get_sql_query_interval_for_offset($this->get_timezone(), 'TXN_timestamp');
     $results = $this->_get_all_wpdb_results(array(array('TXN_timestamp' => array('>=', $sql_date)), 'group_by' => 'txnDate', 'order_by' => array('TXN_timestamp' => 'ASC')), OBJECT, array('txnDate' => array('DATE(' . $query_interval . ')', '%s'), 'revenue' => array('SUM(Transaction.TXN_paid)', '%d')));
     return $results;
  * This returns a wpdb->results 		Array of all DTT month and years matching the incoming query params and grouped by month and year.
  * @param  array $where_params 		Array of query_params as described in the comments for EEM_Base::get_all()
  * @param  string $evt_active_status 		A string representing the evt active status to filter the months by.
  * 		Can be:
  * 			- '' = no filter
  * 			- upcoming = Published events with at least one upcoming datetime.
  * 			- expired = Events with all datetimes expired.
  * 			- active = Events that are published and have at least one datetime that starts before now and ends after now.
  * 			- inactive = Events that are either not published.
  * @return wpdb results array
 public function get_dtt_months_and_years($where_params, $evt_active_status = '')
     $current_time_for_DTT_EVT_start = $this->current_time_for_query('DTT_EVT_start');
     $current_time_for_DTT_EVT_end = $this->current_time_for_query('DTT_EVT_end');
     switch ($evt_active_status) {
         case 'upcoming':
             $where_params['Event.status'] = 'publish';
             //if there are already query_params matching DTT_EVT_start then we need to modify that to add them.
             if (isset($where_params['DTT_EVT_start'])) {
                 $where_params['DTT_EVT_start*****'] = $where_params['DTT_EVT_start'];
             $where_params['DTT_EVT_start'] = array('>', $current_time_for_DTT_EVT_start);
         case 'expired':
             if (isset($where_params['Event.status'])) {
             //get events to exclude
             $exclude_query[0] = array_merge($where_params, array('DTT_EVT_end' => array('>', $current_time_for_DTT_EVT_end)));
             //first get all events that have datetimes where its not expired.
             $event_ids = $this->_get_all_wpdb_results($exclude_query, OBJECT_K, 'Datetime.EVT_ID');
             $event_ids = array_keys($event_ids);
             if (isset($where_params['DTT_EVT_end'])) {
                 $where_params['DTT_EVT_end****'] = $where_params['DTT_EVT_end'];
             $where_params['DTT_EVT_end'] = array('<', $current_time_for_DTT_EVT_end);
             $where_params['Event.EVT_ID'] = array('NOT IN', $event_ids);
         case 'active':
             $where_params['Event.status'] = 'publish';
             if (isset($where_params['DTT_EVT_start'])) {
                 $where_params['Datetime.DTT_EVT_start******'] = $where_params['DTT_EVT_start'];
             if (isset($where_params['Datetime.DTT_EVT_end'])) {
                 $where_params['Datetime.DTT_EVT_end*****'] = $where_params['DTT_EVT_end'];
             $where_params['DTT_EVT_start'] = array('<', $current_time_for_DTT_EVT_start);
             $where_params['DTT_EVT_end'] = array('>', $current_time_for_DTT_EVT_end);
         case 'inactive':
             if (isset($where_params['Event.status'])) {
             if (isset($where_params['OR'])) {
                 $where_params['AND']['OR'] = $where_params['OR'];
             if (isset($where_params['DTT_EVT_end'])) {
                 $where_params['AND']['DTT_EVT_end****'] = $where_params['DTT_EVT_end'];
             if (isset($where_params['DTT_EVT_start'])) {
                 $where_params['AND']['DTT_EVT_start'] = $where_params['DTT_EVT_start'];
             $where_params['AND']['Event.status'] = array('!=', 'publish');
     $query_params[0] = $where_params;
     $query_params['group_by'] = array('dtt_year', 'dtt_month');
     $query_params['order_by'] = array('DTT_EVT_start' => 'DESC');
     $query_interval = EEH_DTT_Helper::get_sql_query_interval_for_offset($this->get_timezone(), 'DTT_EVT_start');
     $columns_to_select = array('dtt_year' => array('YEAR(' . $query_interval . ')', '%s'), 'dtt_month' => array('MONTHNAME(' . $query_interval . ')', '%s'), 'dtt_month_num' => array('MONTH(' . $query_interval . ')', '%s'));
     return $this->_get_all_wpdb_results($query_params, OBJECT, $columns_to_select);
  *		get the number of registrations per day  for the Registration Admin page Reports Tab.
  *		(doesn't utilize models because it's a fairly specialized query)
  * 		@access		public
  *		@param $period string which can be passed to php's strtotime function (eg "-1 month")
  *		@return stdClass[] with properties regDate and total
 public function get_registrations_per_day_report($period = '-1 month')
     $sql_date = $this->convert_datetime_for_query('REG_date', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($period)), 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'UTC');
     $where = array('REG_date' => array('>=', $sql_date), 'STS_ID' => array('!=', EEM_Registration::status_id_incomplete));
     if (!EE_Registry::instance()->CAP->current_user_can('ee_read_others_registrations', 'reg_per_day_report')) {
         $where['Event.EVT_wp_user'] = get_current_user_id();
     $query_interval = EEH_DTT_Helper::get_sql_query_interval_for_offset($this->get_timezone(), 'REG_date');
     $results = $this->_get_all_wpdb_results(array($where, 'group_by' => 'regDate', 'order_by' => array('REG_date' => 'ASC')), OBJECT, array('regDate' => array('DATE(' . $query_interval . ')', '%s'), 'total' => array('count(REG_ID)', '%d')));
     return $results;
  * Get the number of registrations per day including the count of registrations for each Registration Status.
  * Note: EEM_Registration::status_id_incomplete registrations are excluded from the results.
  * @param string $period
  * @return stdClass[] with properties Registration_REG_date and a column for each registration status as the STS_ID
  *                    (i.e. RAP)
 public function get_registrations_per_day_and_per_status_report($period = '-1 month')
     global $wpdb;
     $registration_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'esp_registration';
     $event_table = $wpdb->posts;
     $sql_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($period));
     //prepare the query interval for displaying offset
     $query_interval = EEH_DTT_Helper::get_sql_query_interval_for_offset($this->get_timezone(), 'dates.REG_date');
     //inner date query
     $inner_date_query = "SELECT DISTINCT REG_date from {$registration_table} ";
     $inner_where = " WHERE";
     //exclude events not authored by user if permissions in effect
     if (!EE_Registry::instance()->CAP->current_user_can('ee_read_others_registrations', 'reg_per_event_report')) {
         $inner_date_query .= "LEFT JOIN {$event_table} ON ID = EVT_ID";
         $inner_where .= " post_author = " . get_current_user_id() . " AND";
     $inner_where .= " REG_date >= '{$sql_date}'";
     $inner_date_query .= $inner_where;
     //start main query
     $select = "SELECT DATE({$query_interval}) as Registration_REG_date, ";
     $join = '';
     $join_parts = array();
     $select_parts = array();
     //loop through registration stati to do parts for each status.
     foreach (EEM_Registration::reg_status_array() as $STS_ID => $STS_code) {
         if ($STS_ID === EEM_Registration::status_id_incomplete) {
         $select_parts[] = "COUNT({$STS_code}.REG_ID) as {$STS_ID}";
         $join_parts[] = "{$registration_table} AS {$STS_code} ON {$STS_code}.REG_date = dates.REG_date AND {$STS_code}.STS_ID = '{$STS_ID}'";
     //setup the selects
     $select .= implode(', ', $select_parts);
     $select .= " FROM ({$inner_date_query}) AS dates LEFT JOIN ";
     //setup the joins
     $join .= implode(" LEFT JOIN ", $join_parts);
     //now let's put it all together
     $query = $select . $join . ' GROUP BY Registration_REG_date';
     //and execute it
     $results = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
     return $results;