Beispiel #1
  * Create a new object starting now, with a given duration. 
  * Override - as each month has a defined duration
  * @param object DateAndTime $aDateAndTime
  * @param object Duration $aDuration
  * @param optional string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE.
  *		This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being
  *		able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial 
  *		method call.
  * @return object Month
  * @access public
  * @since 5/5/05
  * @static
 static function startingDuration($aDateAndTime, $aDuration, $class = 'Month')
     // Validate our passed class name.
     if (!(strtolower($class) == strtolower('Month') || is_subclass_of(new $class(), 'Month'))) {
         die("Class, '{$class}', is not a subclass of 'Month'.");
     $start = $aDateAndTime->asDateAndTime();
     $adjusted = DateAndTime::withYearMonthDay($start->year(), $start->month(), 1);
     $days = Month::daysInMonthForYear($adjusted->month(), $adjusted->year());
     $month = new $class();
     return $month;
Beispiel #2
  * Create a new object starting from midnight
  * @param object DateAndTime $aDateAndTime
  * @param object Duration $aDuration
  * @param optional string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE.
  *		This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being
  *		able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial 
  *		method call.
  * @return object Year
  * @access public
  * @since 5/5/05
  * @static
 static function startingDuration($aDateAndTime, $aDuration, $class = 'Year')
     // Validate our passed class name.
     if (!(strtolower($class) == strtolower('Year') || is_subclass_of(new $class(), 'Year'))) {
         die("Class, '{$class}', is not a subclass of 'Year'.");
     $asDateAndTime = $aDateAndTime->asDateAndTime();
     $midnight = $asDateAndTime->atMidnight();
     $year = new $class();
     return $year;
  * Test Converting Methods
 function test_converting()
     // Converting
     $timespan = Year::startingDuration(DateAndTime::withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecondOffset(2005, 5, 4, 15, 25, 10, Duration::withHours(-4)), Duration::withDays(10));
     // asDate()
     $temp = $timespan->asDate();
     $this->assertTrue($temp->isEqualTo(Date::withYearMonthDay(2005, 5, 4)));
     // asDateAndTime()
     $temp = $timespan->asDateAndTime();
     $this->assertTrue($temp->isEqualTo(DateAndTime::withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond(2005, 5, 4, 00, 00, 00)));
     // asDuration()
     $temp = $timespan->asDuration();
     // asMonth()
     $temp = $timespan->asMonth();
     $this->assertTrue($temp->isEqualTo(Month::withMonthYear(5, 2005)));
     // asTime()
     $temp = $timespan->asTime();
     $dateAndTime = DateAndTime::withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond(2005, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0);
     // asTimeStamp()
     $temp = $timespan->asTimeStamp();
     $this->assertTrue($temp->isEqualTo(TimeStamp::withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond(2005, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0)));
     // asWeek()
     $temp = $timespan->asWeek();
     $this->assertTrue($temp->isEqualTo(Week::starting(Date::withYearMonthDay(2005, 5, 1))));
     // asYear()
     $temp = $timespan->asYear();
     $this->assertTrue($temp->isEqualTo(Year::starting(Date::withYearMonthDay(2005, 5, 4))));
     // to()
     $temp = $timespan->to(Date::withYearMonthDay(2005, 10, 1));
     $comparison = Timespan::startingEnding(DateAndTime::withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond(2005, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0), Date::withYearMonthDay(2005, 10, 1));
Beispiel #4
  * Answer the number of seconds the receiver represents.
  * @return integer
  * @access public
  * @since 5/3/05
 function seconds()
     // Above 2^31 seconds, (amost exactly 100 years), PHP converts the
     // variable from an integer to a float to allow it to grow larger.
     // While addition and subraction work fine with floats, float modulos
     // and divisions loose precision. This precision loss does not affect
     // the proper value of days up to the maximum duration tested, 50billion
     // years.
     if (abs($this->seconds) > pow(2, 31)) {
         $remainderDuration = $this->minus(Duration::withDays($this->days()));
         return $remainderDuration->seconds();
     } else {
         if ($this->isPositive()) {
             return floor($this->seconds % ChronologyConstants::SecondsInMinute());
         } else {
             return 0 - floor(abs($this->seconds) % ChronologyConstants::SecondsInMinute());
  * Test some leap years.
 function test_end()
     $datA = DateAndTime::withYearDay(2005, 125);
     $datB = DateAndTime::withYearDay(2006, 125);
     $timespan = Schedule::startingDuration(DateAndTime::withYearDay(2005, 125), Duration::withDays(365));
     $this->assertEqual($timespan->startYear(), 2005);
     $this->assertEqual($timespan->dayOfYear(), 125);
     $duration = $timespan->duration();
     $end = $timespan->end();
     $this->assertEqual($end->julianDayNumber(), 2453860);
     $this->assertEqual($end->julianDayNumber() - $datA->julianDayNumber(), 364);
     $this->assertEqual($end->year(), 2006);
     $this->assertEqual($end->dayOfYear(), 124);
     $this->assertTrue($end->isEqualTo(DateAndTime::withYearDayHourMinuteSecond(2006, 124, 23, 59, 59)));
     * Create a new instance.
     * @param integer $anIntYear
     * @param integer $anIntDayOfYear
     * @param integer $anIntHour
     * @param integer $anIntMinute
     * @param integer $anIntSecond
     * @param object Duration $aDurationOffset
     * @param optional string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE.
     *		This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being
     *		able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial 
     *		method call.
     * @return object DateAndTime
     * @access public
     * @static
     * @since 5/4/05
    static function withYearDayHourMinuteSecondOffset($anIntYear, $anIntDayOfYear, $anIntHour, $anIntMinute, $anIntSecond, $aDurationOffset, $class = 'DateAndTime')
        eval('$result = ' . $class . '::withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecondOffset(
        if ($anIntDayOfYear <= 1) {
            $day = Duration::withDays(0);
        } else {
            $day = Duration::withDays($anIntDayOfYear - 1);
        $obj = $result->plus($day);
        return $obj;
  * Magnitude operations
 function test_magnitude_ops()
     // Plus a Duration
     $dateAndTime = DateAndTime::withYearDayHourMinuteSecond(2005, 100, 0, 0, 0);
     $result = $dateAndTime->plus(Duration::withSeconds(1));
     $this->assertEqual(strtolower(get_class($result)), 'dateandtime');
     $this->assertTrue($result->isEqualTo(DateAndTime::withYearDayHourMinuteSecond(2005, 100, 0, 0, 1)));
     // minus a Duration
     $dateAndTime = DateAndTime::withYearDayHourMinuteSecond(2005, 100, 0, 0, 0);
     $result = $dateAndTime->minus(Duration::withSeconds(1));
     $this->assertEqual(strtolower(get_class($result)), 'dateandtime');
     $this->assertEqual($result->year(), 2005);
     $this->assertEqual($result->dayOfYear(), 99);
     $this->assertEqual($result->hour(), 23);
     $this->assertEqual($result->minute(), 59);
     $this->assertEqual($result->second(), 59);
     $this->assertTrue($result->isEqualTo(DateAndTime::withYearDayHourMinuteSecond(2005, 99, 23, 59, 59)));
     // Minus a DateAndTime
     $dateAndTime = DateAndTime::withYearDayHourMinuteSecond(2006, 100, 0, 0, 0);
     $result = $dateAndTime->minus(DateAndTime::withYearDayHourMinuteSecond(2005, 100, 0, 0, 0));
     $this->assertEqual(strtolower(get_class($result)), 'duration');
     // Minus a DateAndTime over a leap year
     $dateAndTime = DateAndTime::withYearDayHourMinuteSecond(2005, 10, 0, 0, 0);
     $result = $dateAndTime->minus(DateAndTime::withYearDayHourMinuteSecond(2004, 10, 0, 0, 0));
     $this->assertEqual(strtolower(get_class($result)), 'duration');
     // Plus a DateAndTime
     $dateAndTime = DateAndTime::withYearDayHourMinuteSecond(2000, 100, 5, 15, 30);
     $result = $dateAndTime->plus(DateAndTime::withYearDayHourMinuteSecond(2000, 100, 5, 30, 15));
     $this->assertEqual(strtolower(get_class($result)), 'dateandtime');
     $this->assertEqual($result->year(), 2000);
     $this->assertEqual($result->dayOfYear(), 100);
     $this->assertEqual($result->hour(), 10);
     $this->assertEqual($result->minute(), 45);
     $this->assertEqual($result->second(), 45);
Beispiel #8
  * Create a new object starting now, with a given duration. 
  * Override - as each Week has a defined duration
  * @param object DateAndTime $aDateAndTime
  * @param object Duration $aDuration
  * @param optional string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE.
  *		This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being
  *		able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial 
  *		method call.
  * @return object Week
  * @access public
  * @since 5/5/05
  * @static
 static function startingDuration($aDateAndTime, $aDuration, $class = 'Week')
     // Validate our passed class name.
     if (!(strtolower($class) == strtolower('Week') || is_subclass_of(new $class(), 'Week'))) {
         die("Class, '{$class}', is not a subclass of 'Week'.");
     $asDateAndTime = $aDateAndTime->asDateAndTime();
     $midnight = $asDateAndTime->atMidnight();
     $dayNames = ChronologyConstants::DayNames();
     $temp = $midnight->dayOfWeek() + 7 - array_search(Week::startDay(), $dayNames);
     $delta = abs($temp - intval($temp / 7) * 7);
     $adjusted = $midnight->minus(Duration::withDays($delta));
     $obj = parent::startingDuration($adjusted, Duration::withWeeks(1), $class);
     return $obj;
  * Test durations that generate seconds larger than 2^32 seconds.
  * This may or may not work on some systems.
  * (32-bit) integers can be up to ~2billion. 
  * This corresponds to ~100 years (36500 days).
  * The system may or may not support going over this limit.
  * The system this was developed on, 
  *		Linux version 2.4.18-14 ( 
  *			(gcc version 3.2 20020903 (Red Hat Linux 8.0 3.2-7)) #1 
  *			Wed Sep 4 13:35:50 EDT 2002
  *		PHP 4.3.2
  *			'./configure' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' 
  *			'--enable-safe-mode' '--with-openssl' '--with-gd' 
  *			'--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib' 
  *			'--with-png-dir=/usr/lib' '--with-xpm-dir=/usr/lib' 
  *			'--with-ttf=/usr/lib' '--with-t1lib=/usr/lib' '--with-ldap' 
  *			'--with-mysql' '--with-pdflib' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr/lib' 
  *			'--with-gettext' '--with-xml' '--with-pgsql=/usr' 
  *			'--with-java=/usr/java' '--with-iconv=/usr/local/lib' '--with-dom'
  * supports the following tests.
 function test_big_durations()
     // 50 years (18250 days)
     $duration = Duration::withDays(18250);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->days(), 18250);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->hours(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->minutes(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->seconds(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->asSeconds(), 86400 * 18250);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->asSeconds(), 1576800000);
     // 100 years (36500 days)
     $duration = Duration::withDays(36500);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->days(), 36500);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->hours(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->minutes(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->seconds(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->asSeconds(), 86400 * 36500);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->asSeconds(), 3153600000);
     // 500 years (182500 days)
     $duration = Duration::withDays(182500);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->days(), 182500);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->hours(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->minutes(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->seconds(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->asSeconds(), 86400 * 182500);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->asSeconds(), 15768000000);
     // 5000 years (1825000 days)
     $duration = Duration::withDays(1825000);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->days(), 1825000);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->hours(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->minutes(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->seconds(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->asSeconds(), 86400 * 1825000);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->asSeconds(), 157680000000);
     // 5000 years (1825000 days)
     // minus 500 years (182500 days)
     // should equal 4500 years (1642500 days)
     $duration = Duration::withDays(1825000);
     $result = $duration->minus(Duration::withDays(182500));
     $this->assertEqual($result->days(), 1642500);
     $this->assertEqual($result->hours(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($result->minutes(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->seconds(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($result->asSeconds(), 86400 * 1642500);
     $this->assertEqual($result->asSeconds(), 141912000000);
     // 500,000,000 years (182500000000 days)
     // minus 500 years (182500 days)
     // should equal 499,999,500 years (182481750000 days)
     $duration = Duration::withDays(182500000000);
     $result = $duration->minus(Duration::withDays(182500));
     $this->assertEqual($result->days(), 182499817500);
     $this->assertEqual($result->hours(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($result->minutes(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->seconds(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($result->asSeconds(), 86400 * 182499817500);
     $this->assertEqual($result->asSeconds(), hexdec('3804e5eaf8ea00'));
     // 50,000,000,000 years (18250000000000 days)
     // minus 500 years (182500 days)
     // should equal 49,999,999,500 years (18249999817500 days)
     $duration = Duration::withDays(18250000000000);
     $result = $duration->minus(Duration::withDays(182500));
     $this->assertEqual($result->days(), 18249999817500);
     $this->assertEqual($result->hours(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($result->minutes(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->seconds(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual($result->asSeconds(), 86400 * 18249999817500);
     $this->assertEqual($result->asSeconds(), hexdec('15e1eb3b3dfd6a00'));
     // Beyond negative 4 billion years, the precision drops from
     // second precision to hour precision.
     // 4,000,000,000 years (1460000000000 days)
     $duration = Duration::withDaysHoursMinutesSeconds(1460000000000, 2, 23, 12);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->days(), 1460000000000);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->hours(), 2);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->minutes(), 23);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->seconds(), 12);
     // 50,000,000,000 years (18250000000000 days)
     $duration = Duration::withDaysHoursMinutesSeconds(18250000000000, 2, 23, 12);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->days(), 18250000000000);
     $this->assertEqual($duration->hours(), 2);
     // 		$this->assertEqual($duration->minutes(), 23);
     // 		$this->assertEqual($duration->seconds(), 12);
Beispiel #10
  * Answer a TimeStamp which is anInteger days after the receiver.
  * @param integer $anInteger
  * @return object TimeStamp
  * @access public
  * @since 5/13/05
 function plusDays($anInteger)
     $obj = $this->plus(Duration::withDays($anInteger));
     return $obj;
Beispiel #11
  * Answer the date that occurs $anInteger days from this date
  * @param integer $anInteger
  * @return object Date
  * @access public
  * @since 5/20/05
 function addDays($anInteger)
     $asDateAndTime = $this->asDateAndTime();
     $newDateAndTime = $asDateAndTime->plus(Duration::withDays($anInteger));
     $obj = $newDateAndTime->asDate();
     return $obj;
Beispiel #12
  * Add in empty data arrays for dates with no values
  * @param string $upcoming
  * @return void
  * @access private
  * @since 2/29/08
 private function addEmptyDates($upcoming)
     if (!count($this->data['labels'])) {
     $i = Date::fromString(end($this->data['labels']))->plus(Duration::withDays(1));
     $upcoming = Date::fromString($upcoming);
     while ($i->isLessThan($upcoming)) {
         $this->data['labels'][] = $i->yyyymmddString();
         $this->data['comments'][] = 0;
         $this->data['edits'][] = 0;
         $this->data['files'][] = 0;
         $this->data['logins'][] = 0;
         $this->data['users'][] = 0;
         $this->data['errors'][] = 0;
         $i = $i->plus(Duration::withDays(1));