Beispiel #1
function loadConfig()
    $dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/../');
    $dotenv->required(['NOTIFICATIONS', 'COMMIT_WITH_URL'])->allowedValues(['true', 'false']);
    $_ENV['COMMIT_WITH_URL'] = $_ENV['COMMIT_WITH_URL'] === 'true';
    if ($_ENV['NOTIFICATIONS']) {
        $dotenv->required(['EMAIL', 'SUBJECT', 'MESSAGE']);
 public function setUp()
     $dotenv = new \Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__);
     $this->apiKey = getenv('AVALARA_API_KEY');
 function testGetOrder()
     $root = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
     $dotenv = new \Dotenv\Dotenv($root);
     $serviceUrl = "";
     $config = array('ServiceURL' => $serviceUrl, 'ProxyHost' => null, 'ProxyPort' => -1, 'ProxyUsername' => null, 'ProxyPassword' => null, 'MaxErrorRetry' => 3);
     $service = new \Amazon\MWS\Orders\Orders_Client(getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"), getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"), getenv("APPLICATION_NAME"), getenv("APPLICATION_VERSION"), $config);
      * Uncomment to try out Mock Service that simulates MarketplaceWebServiceOrders
      * responses without calling MarketplaceWebServiceOrders service.
      * Responses are loaded from local XML files. You can tweak XML files to
      * experiment with various outputs during development
      * XML files available under MarketplaceWebServiceOrders/Mock tree
     // $service = new MarketplaceWebServiceOrders_Mock();
      * Setup request parameters and uncomment invoke to try out
      * sample for Get Order Action
     // @TODO: set request. Action can be passed as Orders_Model_GetOrder
     $request = new \Amazon\MWS\Orders\Model\Orders_Model_GetOrderRequest(['AmazonOrderId' => '114-9172390-8828251', 'SellerId' => getenv("SELLER_ID")]);
     //		$request->setSellerId(getenv("MERCHANT_ID"));
     //		$request->setAmazonOrderId('114-9172390-8828251');
     // object or array of parameters
      * Get Get Order Action Sample
      * Gets competitive pricing and related information for a product identified by
      * the MarketplaceId and ASIN.
      * @param MarketplaceWebServiceOrders_Interface $service instance of MarketplaceWebServiceOrders_Interface
      * @param mixed $request Orders_Model_GetOrder or array of parameters
     try {
         $response = $service->GetOrder($request);
         echo "Service Response\n";
         echo "=============================================================================\n";
         $dom = new \DOMDocument();
         $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
         $dom->formatOutput = true;
         echo $dom->saveXML();
         echo "ResponseHeaderMetadata: " . $response->getResponseHeaderMetadata() . "\n";
     } catch (MarketplaceWebServiceOrders_Exception $ex) {
         echo "Caught Exception: " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n";
         echo "Response Status Code: " . $ex->getStatusCode() . "\n";
         echo "Error Code: " . $ex->getErrorCode() . "\n";
         echo "Error Type: " . $ex->getErrorType() . "\n";
         echo "Request ID: " . $ex->getRequestId() . "\n";
         echo "XML: " . $ex->getXML() . "\n";
         echo "ResponseHeaderMetadata: " . $ex->getResponseHeaderMetadata() . "\n";
 public function __construct()
      * Load environment configuration
     $env = new \Dotenv\Dotenv(dirname(__DIR__));
     if (getenv('JOOMLA_ENV') === false) {
     $env->required(['JOOMLA_DB_USER', 'JOOMLA_DB_PASS']);
     $this->host = getenv('JOOMLA_DB_HOST');
     $this->user = getenv('JOOMLA_DB_USER');
     $this->password = getenv('JOOMLA_DB_PASS');
     $this->db = getenv('JOOMLA_DB_NAME');
     $this->log_path = getenv('JOOMLA_LOG_PATH');
     $this->tmp_path = getenv('JOOMLA_TMP_PATH');
     $this->secret = getenv('JOOMLA_KEY');
      * Load application configuration
     $files = array('environment.php', 'environments/' . getenv('JOOMLA_ENV') . '.php');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/' . $file)) {
             $config = (require __DIR__ . '/' . $file);
             foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
                 $this->{$key} = $value;
      * Override application configuration if defined in environment
     if (getenv('JOOMLA_CACHE') !== false) {
         $this->caching = getenv('JOOMLA_CACHE');
     if (getenv('JOOMLA_DEBUG') !== false) {
         $this->debug = getenv('JOOMLA_DEBUG');
  * Importer constructor.
 public function __construct()
     $dotenv = new \Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . "/../../");
     $dotenv->required(['URI', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD']);
     $this->uri = getenv("URI");
     $this->username = getenv("USERNAME");
     $this->password = getenv("PASSWORD");
     $this->client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
     if (!file_exists(getcwd() . "/log_output")) {
         mkdir(getcwd() . "/log_output");
  * @param string $path
 public function __construct($path = '.')
     $dotenv = new \Dotenv\Dotenv($path);
     $dotenv->required(['JIRA_HOST', 'JIRA_USER', 'JIRA_PASS']);
     $this->jiraHost = $this->env('JIRA_HOST');
     $this->jiraUser = $this->env('JIRA_USER');
     $this->jiraPassword = $this->env('JIRA_PASS');
     $this->jiraLogFile = $this->env('JIRA_LOG_FILE', 'jira-rest-client.log');
     $this->jiraLogLevel = $this->env('JIRA_LOG_LEVEL', 'WARNING');
     $this->curlOptSslVerifyHost = $this->env('CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST', false);
     $this->curlOptSslVerifyPeer = $this->env('CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER', false);
     $this->curlOptVerbose = $this->env('CURLOPT_VERBOSE', false);
Beispiel #7
 public function getConnection()
     $dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/..');
     $dotenv->required(['DB_HOST', 'DB_DATABASE', 'DB_USERNAME', 'DB_PASSWORD', 'SITE_URL']);
     $host = getenv('DB_HOST');
     $db_name = getenv('DB_DATABASE');
     $username = getenv('DB_USERNAME');
     $password = getenv('DB_PASSWORD');
     $this->conn = null;
     try {
         $this->conn = new PDO("mysql:host=" . $host . ";dbname=" . $db_name, $username, $password);
     } catch (PDOException $exception) {
         echo "Connection error: " . $exception->getMessage();
     return $this->conn;
Beispiel #8

$root_dir = dirname(__DIR__);
$webroot_dir = $root_dir . '/web';
 * Expose global env() function from oscatero/env
 * Load environment variables with Dotenv
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv($root_dir);
if (file_exists($root_dir . '/.env')) {
    $dotenv->required(array('DB_NAME', 'DB_USER', 'DB_PASSWORD', 'WP_HOME'));
 * Environment settings
define('WP_ENV', env('WP_ENV') ? env('WP_ENV') : 'production');
define('WP_HOME', env('WP_HOME'));
define('WP_SITEURL', env('WP_SITEURL') ? env('WP_SITEURL') : WP_HOME . '/wp');
$environment = __DIR__ . '/env/' . WP_ENV . '.php';
if (file_exists($environment)) {
    require_once $environment;
 * Database settings
define('DB_NAME', env('DB_NAME'));
define('DB_USER', env('DB_USER'));
Beispiel #9

define("ROOT", __DIR__ . "/");
define("HTTP", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "" ? "//" : "//");
// Autoloader
$loader = (require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Load our environment variables
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__);
$dotenv->required(['UTORRENT_IP', 'UTORRENT_USER', 'UTORRENT_PASS']);
Beispiel #10

$root_dir = dirname(__DIR__);
$webroot_dir = $root_dir . '/web';
 * Use Dotenv to set required environment variables and load .env file in root
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv($root_dir);
if (file_exists($root_dir . '/.env')) {
    $dotenv->required(['DB_NAME', 'DB_USER', 'DB_PASSWORD', 'WP_HOME', 'WP_SITEURL']);
 * Set up our global environment constant and load its config first
 * Default: development
define('WP_ENV', getenv('WP_ENV') ?: 'development');
$env_config = __DIR__ . '/environments/' . WP_ENV . '.php';
if (file_exists($env_config)) {
    require_once $env_config;
 * URLs
define('WP_HOME', getenv('WP_HOME'));
define('WP_SITEURL', getenv('WP_SITEURL'));
 * Custom Content Directory
define('CONTENT_DIR', '/app');
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', $webroot_dir . CONTENT_DIR);
Beispiel #11
 public function loadEnvConfig()
     $dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv($this->getEnvDirPath());
Beispiel #12

$root_dir = dirname(__DIR__);
 * Use Dotenv to set required environment variables and load .env file in root
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv($root_dir);
if (file_exists($root_dir . '/.env')) {
    $dotenv->required(['DB_NAME', 'DB_USER', 'DB_PASSWORD']);
 * Set up our global environment constant and load its config first
 * Default: development
define('WP_ENV', getenv('WP_ENV') ?: 'development');
$env_config = __DIR__ . '/environments/' . WP_ENV . '.php';
if (file_exists($env_config)) {
    require_once $env_config;
 * URLs
define('WP_HOME', getenv('WP_HOME'));
define('WP_SITEURL', getenv('WP_HOME') . '/wp');
 * Custom Content Directory
define('CONTENT_DIR', '/app');
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', $root_dir . CONTENT_DIR);

 * @author Eugene Terentev <*****@*****.**>
// Composer
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Set environment
defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'test');
// Environment
$dotenv = new \Dotenv\Dotenv(dirname(__DIR__));
Beispiel #14

 * @author  Rizart Dokollari <*****@*****.**>
 * @since   16/12/2015
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/..');
$baseUrl = getenv('BASE_URL');
$mux = new \Pux\Mux();
$mux->get($baseUrl, ['App\\Controllers\\HomeController', 'home']);
$mux->get($baseUrl . "vessels(?pg=:id)", ['App\\Controllers\\VesselsController', 'index']);
$mux->get($baseUrl . "vessels/types", ['App\\Controllers\\VesselsController', 'types']);
$mux->get($baseUrl . "vessels/users/:id", ['App\\Controllers\\VesselsController', 'user']);
$mux->get($baseUrl . "companies(?pg=:id)", ['App\\Controllers\\CompaniesController', 'index']);
$mux->get($baseUrl . "users", ['App\\Controllers\\UsersController', 'index']);
$route = $mux->dispatch($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
echo \Pux\Executor::execute($route);
Beispiel #15

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/.env')) {
    $de = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__);
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../.env')) {
    $de = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/../');
if ($_SERVER['YII_ENV'] == 'dev') {
    define('YII_ENV', 'dev');
    define('YII_DEBUG', true);
} else {
    define('YII_ENV', 'prod');
    define('YII_DEBUG', false);

// Get path to parent directory
$rootDir = dirname(__DIR__);
$domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
// Load settings from .env file, if it exists
if (class_exists('Dotenv\\Dotenv')) {
    $dotenv = new \Dotenv\Dotenv($rootDir);
    if (file_exists($rootDir . '/.env')) {
    $dotenv->required(['DB_NAME', 'DB_USER', 'DB_PASSWORD', 'WP_HOME']);
    if (filter_var(getenv('WP_MULTISITE'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) && getenv('WP_MULTISITE_DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE') !== '') {
// Load environment files, if they exist
$envConfig = __DIR__ . '/environments/local.php';
if (file_exists($envConfig)) {
    require_once $envConfig;
$env = getenv('GW_ENV') ?: 'production';
$envConfig = __DIR__ . '/environments/' . $env . '.php';
if (file_exists($envConfig)) {
    require_once $envConfig;
$envConfig = __DIR__ . '/environments/default.php';
if (file_exists($envConfig)) {
Beispiel #17

if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli-server') {
    // To help the built-in PHP dev server, check if the request was actually for
    // something which should probably be served as a static file
    $file = __DIR__ . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    if (is_file($file)) {
        return false;
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// Configure environment var loading
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/..');
$dotenv->required(['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID', 'GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET']);
// Instantiate the app
$settings = (require __DIR__ . '/../app/settings.php');
$app = new \Slim\App($settings);
// Set up dependencies
require __DIR__ . '/../app/dependencies.php';
// Register middleware
require __DIR__ . '/../app/middleware.php';
// Register routes
require __DIR__ . '/../app/routes.php';
// Run!
Beispiel #18

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/../');
$dotenv->required(['ERPK_EMAIL', 'ERPK_PASSWORD']);

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
//Load configuration file
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/../../');
$dotenv->required(['DB_HOST', 'DB_NAME', 'DB_USER', 'DB_PASS', 'DB_PORT']);
$app = new Silex\Application();
$app['debug'] = getenv('DEBUG');
$twig_path = getenv('TWIG_PATH');
//Connect to the database
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\DoctrineServiceProvider(), array('db.options' => array('driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'dbname' => getenv('DB_NAME'), 'host' => getenv('DB_HOST'), 'user' => getenv('DB_USER'), 'password' => getenv('DB_PASS'), 'port' => getenv('DB_PORT'))));
//Make fake posts
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
$counter = 0;
while ($counter < 500) {
    $title = $faker->sentence($nbWords = 6);
    $text = $faker->text($maxNbChars = 600);
    $date_object = $faker->dateTimeBetween($startDate = '-3 years', $endDate = 'now');
    $date = $date_object->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $query = "INSERT INTO blog_posts (post_title, content, posted_time)\nVALUES ('{$title}', '{$text}', '{$date}')";
    $counter += 1;
Beispiel #20

require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Pod\Slack\Api;
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(getenv('HOME'), '.slackbot');
$climate = new League\CLImate\CLImate();
$climate->arguments->add(['help' => ['longPrefix' => 'help', 'description' => 'Prints a usage statement', 'noValue' => true], 'name' => ['description' => 'Name or real name to send message to', 'required' => true], 'message' => ['description' => 'message to send', 'required' => true]]);
if ($climate->arguments->defined('help')) {
$name = $climate->arguments->get('name');
$message = $climate->arguments->get('message');
$token = getenv('SLACKBOT_TOKEN');
$api = new Api\Api($token);
$auth = $api->auth->test();
$bot = $api->users->info($auth->user_id);
$ul = $api->users->list();
$user = $ul->findByNameOrRealName($name);
if ($user === null) {
    echo "No such user" . PHP_EOL;
$api->chat->postMessage($user->id, $message, $bot->name, $bot->profile->image_48);
Beispiel #21

$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/../..');
$dotenv->required('YII_DEBUG', ['', '0', '1', 'true', true]);
$dotenv->required('YII_ENV', ['dev', 'prod', 'test']);
$dotenv->required(['APP_NAME', 'APP_ADMIN_EMAIL']);
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$/', getenv('APP_NAME'))) {
    throw new \Dotenv\Exception\ValidationException('APP_NAME must only be lowercase, dash or underscore and 3-16 characters long.');
if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/../version')) {
    $version = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../version');
} else {
    $version = 'dev';
defined('APP_VERSION') or define('APP_VERSION', $version);
Beispiel #22

$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/../..');
$dotenv->required('YII_DEBUG', ["", "0", "1", "true", true]);
$dotenv->required('YII_ENV', ['dev', 'prod', 'test']);
$dotenv->required(['APP_NAME', 'APP_SUPPORT_EMAIL', 'APP_ADMIN_EMAIL']);
defined('APP_VERSION') or define('APP_VERSION', file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../version'));

require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use HumanNameParser\Parser;
$root_dir = dirname(__DIR__);
 * Use Dotenv to set required environment variables and load .env file in root
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv($root_dir);
if (file_exists($root_dir . '/.env')) {
// Fetch the configuration settings
$config = (require_once 'config.php');
// Initialise the Slim framework
$app = new \Slim\Slim(array('mode' => getenv("ENVIRONMENT")));
// Only invoked if mode is "production"
$app->configureMode('production', function () use($app, &$config) {
    $app->config(array('log.enable' => true, 'debug' => false));
    $config['debug_mode'] = false;
// Only invoked if mode is "development"
$app->configureMode('development', function () use($app, &$config, $root_dir) {
    $app->config(array('log.enable' => false, 'debug' => true));
    $config['debug_mode'] = true;
    $config['debug_file'] = $root_dir . '/debug.log';
// Return an instance of HybridAuth
$app->container->singleton('hybridInstance', function () use($config) {
    $instance = new Hybrid_Auth($config);
Beispiel #24

// composer autoloader for required packages and dependencies
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
try {
    $dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__);
    $dotenv->required(['BASE_DIR', 'SIS_XML_URI', 'SIS_XML_USER', 'SIS_XML_PASS']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
$hsg_env = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__);
/** @var \Base $f3 */
$f3 = \Base::instance();
$f3->set('CACHE', 'folder=' . getenv(CACHE_DIR));
$f3->set('TEMP', getenv(TEMP_DIR));
$f3->set('UI', getenv(UI_DIR));
$f3->set('LOGS', getenv(LOG_DIR));
$f3->set('DEBUG', getenv(DEBUG));
$f3->set('AUTOLOAD', getenv(AUTOLOAD_DIR));
$f3->config(getenv(CONFIG_DIR) . 'hsg-wesel-teams.cfg');
$f3->config(getenv(CONFIG_DIR) . 'routes.cfg');
Beispiel #25

require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
// phpdotenv
try {
    $dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(dirname(__DIR__));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    exit('Could not find a .env file.');
// Path to your craft/ folder
$craftPath = '../craft';
// Do not edit below this line
$path = rtrim($craftPath, '/') . '/app/index.php';
if (!is_file($path)) {
    if (function_exists('http_response_code')) {
    exit('Could not find your craft/ folder. Please ensure that <strong><code>$craftPath</code></strong> is set correctly in ' . __FILE__);
require_once $path;
Beispiel #26

$root_dir = dirname(__DIR__);
$webroot_dir = $root_dir . '/web';
 * Use Dotenv to set required environment variables and load .env file in root
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv($root_dir);
if (file_exists($root_dir . '/.env')) {
    $dotenv->required(['DB_NAME', 'DB_USER', 'DB_PASSWORD', 'WP_HOME', 'WP_SITEURL', 'REDIS_HOST', 'REDIS_PORT', 'REDIS_DB']);
 * Set up our global environment constant and load its config first
 * Default: development
define('WP_ENV', getenv('WP_ENV') ?: 'development');
$env_config = __DIR__ . '/environments/' . WP_ENV . '.php';
if (file_exists($env_config)) {
    require_once $env_config;
 * URLs
define('WP_HOME', getenv('WP_HOME'));
define('WP_SITEURL', getenv('WP_SITEURL'));
 * Custom Content Directory
define('CONTENT_DIR', '/app');
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', $webroot_dir . CONTENT_DIR);
Beispiel #27

namespace Nyaan;

use Nyaan\Application;
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
ini_set('session.use_strict_mode', true);
try {
    call_user_func(function () {
        $dotenv = new \Dotenv\Dotenv(dirname(__DIR__));
        $routing_map = ['logout' => ['GET', '/logout', 'logout'], 'login' => ['GET', '/login', 'login'], ['POST', '/login', 'login'], 'register' => ['GET', '/register', 'register'], ['POST', '/register', 'register'], 'room' => ['GET', '/rooms/:slug', 'room', ['slug' => '/[-a-zA-Z0-9]+/']], ['POST', '/rooms/:slug', 'room', ['slug' => '/[-a-zA-Z0-9]+/']], 'add_romm' => ['POST', '/add_room', 'add_room'], 'user' => ['GET', '/:user', 'user', ['user' => '/@[-a-zA-Z0-9]+/']], 'index' => ['GET', '/', 'top'], '#404' => 'fileloader'];
        $now = new \DateTimeImmutable();
        $app = new Application($_SERVER, $_COOKIE, $_GET, $_POST, $now);
        $basedir = dirname(__DIR__);
        $twig_option = ['cache' => $basedir . '/cache/twig', 'debug' => true];
        $loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem($basedir . '/src/View/twig');
        \Nyaan\Response\TemplateResponse::setTwigEnvironment(new \Twig_Environment($loader, $twig_option));
        ini_set('session.save_path', $basedir . '/cache/session');
        $session = new \Baguette\Session\PhpSession();
        $app->isVerified = $app;
        $app->isTokenVerified = isset($app->post['token']) && $app->post['token'] === $session->get('token', ['default' => false]);
        $path = isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
        $path = $path === '/index.php' ? '/' : $path;
        $router = new \Teto\Routing\Router($routing_map);
        $action = $router->match($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $path);
Beispiel #28

 * @author  Rizart Dokollari <*****@*****.**>
 * @since   16/12/2015
require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/../../..');
$dotenv->required(['DB_HOST', 'DB_NAME', 'DB_USERNAME', 'DB_PASSWORD', 'DB_PORT'])->notEmpty();
$database = new \Database\migrations\mysql\SetUpMySqlDb();

 * @file
 * Integrates DB settings as parsed from environment variables.
// Load .env file if it exists
if (file_exists(dirname(DRUPAL_ROOT) . '/.env')) {
    // Load environment
    $dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(dirname(DRUPAL_ROOT));
    // Require DATABASE_URL to be defined
$dsn_info = parse_url(getenv('DATABASE_URL'));
$databases['default']['default'] = array('database' => str_replace('/', '', $dsn_info['path']), 'username' => $dsn_info['user'], 'password' => $dsn_info['pass'], 'host' => $dsn_info['host'], 'port' => $dsn_info['port'], 'driver' => $dsn_info['scheme'], 'prefix' => '', 'collation' => 'utf8mb4_general_ci');

require_once "../../../../../../vendor/autoload.php";
 * Use Dotenv to set required environment variables and load .env file in root
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv('../../../../../../');
if (file_exists('../../../../../../.env')) {
    $dotenv->required(['REDIS_HOST', 'REDIS_PORT', 'REDIS_DB']);
$settings = ['REDIS_BACKEND' => getenv('REDIS_HOST') . ":" . getenv('REDIS_PORT'), 'REDIS_BACKEND_DB' => getenv('REDIS_DB'), 'COUNT' => '1', 'INTERVAL' => '2', 'QUEUE' => '*', 'PREFIX' => 'rooftop'];
foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
    putenv(sprintf('%s=%s', $key, $value));