Beispiel #1
// no fallback
// no predefined page content
$tpl = new DotTemplate('.', 'remove');
// alternate version
// using ../templates because the setRoot won't help in this case as we get file contents manually
#$tpl = new Dot_Template('.', 'remove', '', ['tpl_main'=>file_get_contents('../templates/index.tpl')]);
// set the root directory
$tpl->setRoot(dirname(__DIR__) . '/templates/');
// set the main variable the template is working on (usually tpl_main)
$mainVar = 'tpl_main';
// load file contents in to main variable
$tpl->setFile($mainVar, 'index.tpl');
// setting
$tpl->setVar('VARIABLE', 'This is the variable inside');
// values to parse within block
$values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 7];
// setting the block
$tpl->setBlock($mainVar, 'test_block', 'internal_block_var');
// parsing the block
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
    $tpl->setVar('KEY', $key);
    $tpl->setVar('VALUE', $value);
    $tpl->parse('internal_block_var', 'test_block', true);
// parse the tpl_main variable to the variable OUTPUT
// @notice: parse does the main variable / page parsing
// without this method call we cannot
$tpl->parse('OUTPUT', 'tpl_main');
// display the final result
echo $tpl->get('OUTPUT');
 /** @dataProvider provideStringTemplateRU */
 public function testStringTplRU($pageContent, $expectedPageContent)
     $tpl = new DotTemplate('.', 'remove', '', ['tpl_main' => $pageContent]);
     $this->assertEquals($tpl->get('tpl_main'), $expectedPageContent);