Beispiel #1
 public function comastObservations($result)
     global $objPresentations, $objObservation, $objCatalog, $objSession, $loggedUser, $objDatabase;
     include_once "cometobjects.php";
     include_once "observers.php";
     include_once "instruments.php";
     include_once "locations.php";
     include_once "lenses.php";
     include_once "filters.php";
     include_once "cometobservations.php";
     include_once "icqmethod.php";
     include_once "icqreferencekey.php";
     include_once "catalogs.php";
     include_once "setup/vars.php";
     include_once "setup/databaseInfo.php";
     $observer = $GLOBALS['objObserver'];
     $location = $GLOBALS['objLocation'];
     $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-1');
     $observers = array();
     $sites = array();
     $objects = array();
     $scopes = array();
     $eyepieces = array();
     $lenses = array();
     $filters = array();
     $cntObservers = 0;
     $cntSites = 0;
     $cntObjects = 0;
     $cntScopes = 0;
     $cntEyepieces = 0;
     $cntLens = 0;
     $cntFilter = 0;
     $allObs = $result;
     while (list($key, $value) = each($result)) {
         $obs = $objObservation->getAllInfoDsObservation($value['observationid']);
         $objectname = $obs['objectname'];
         $observerid = $obs['observerid'];
         $inst = $obs['instrumentid'];
         $loc = $obs['locationid'];
         $visibility = $obs['visibility'];
         $seeing = $obs['seeing'];
         $limmag = $obs['limmag'];
         $filt = $obs['filterid'];
         $eyep = $obs['eyepieceid'];
         $lns = $obs['lensid'];
         if (in_array($observerid, $observers) == false) {
             $observers[$cntObservers] = $observerid;
             $cntObservers = $cntObservers + 1;
         if (in_array($loc, $sites) == false) {
             $sites[$cntSites] = $loc;
             $cntSites = $cntSites + 1;
         if (in_array($objectname, $objects) == false) {
             $objects[$cntObjects] = $objectname;
             $cntObjects = $cntObjects + 1;
         if (in_array($inst, $scopes) == false) {
             $scopes[$cntScopes] = $inst;
             $cntScopes = $cntScopes + 1;
         if (in_array($eyep, $eyepieces) == false) {
             $eyepieces[$cntEyepieces] = $eyep;
             $cntEyepieces = $cntEyepieces + 1;
         if (in_array($lns, $lenses) == false) {
             $lenses[$cntLens] = $lns;
             $cntLens = $cntLens + 1;
         if (in_array($filt, $filters) == false) {
             $filters[$cntFilter] = $filt;
             $cntFilter = $cntFilter + 1;
     // add root fcga -> The header
     $fcgaInfo = $dom->createElement('oal:observations');
     $fcgaDom = $dom->appendChild($fcgaInfo);
     $attr = $dom->createAttribute("version");
     $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("2.0");
     $attr = $dom->createAttribute("xmlns:oal");
     $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("");
     $attr = $dom->createAttribute("xmlns:xsi");
     $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("");
     $attr = $dom->createAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation");
     $attrText = $dom->createTextNode(" oal21.xsd");
     // add root - <observers>
     $observersDom = $fcgaDom->appendChild($dom->createElement('observers'));
     while (list($key, $value) = each($observers)) {
         $observer2 = $dom->createElement('observer');
         $observerChild = $observersDom->appendChild($observer2);
         $attr = $dom->createAttribute("id");
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\s+/", "_", $value)));
         $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("usr_" . $correctedValue);
         $name = $observerChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('name'));
         $name->appendChild($dom->createCDATASection(utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($observer->getObserverProperty($value, 'firstname')))));
         $surname = $observerChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('surname'));
         $surname->appendChild($dom->createCDataSection($observer->getObserverProperty($value, 'name')));
         $account = $observerChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('account'));
         $attr = $dom->createAttribute("name");
         $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("");
         if ($observer->getObserverProperty($value, 'fstOffset') != 0.0) {
             $fst = $observerChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('fstOffset'));
             $fst->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($observer->getObserverProperty($value, 'fstOffset')));
     // add root - <sites>
     $observersDom = $fcgaDom->appendChild($dom->createElement('sites'));
     while (list($key, $value) = each($sites)) {
         $site2 = $dom->createElement('site');
         $siteChild = $observersDom->appendChild($site2);
         $attr = $dom->createAttribute("id");
         $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("site_" . $value);
         $name = $siteChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('name'));
         $name->appendChild($dom->createCDATASection(utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($location->getLocationPropertyFromId($value, 'name')))));
         $longitude = $siteChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('longitude'));
         $longitude->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($location->getLocationPropertyFromId($value, 'longitude')));
         $attr = $dom->createAttribute("unit");
         $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("deg");
         $latitude = $siteChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('latitude'));
         $latitude->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($location->getLocationPropertyFromId($value, 'latitude')));
         $attr = $dom->createAttribute("unit");
         $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("deg");
         // ELEVATION
         $elevation = $siteChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('elevation'));
         $elevation->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($location->getLocationPropertyFromId($value, 'elevation')));
         $timezone = $siteChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('timezone'));
         $dateTimeZone = new DateTimeZone($location->getLocationPropertyFromId($value, 'timezone'));
         $datestr = "01/01/2008";
         $dateTime = new DateTime($datestr, $dateTimeZone);
         // Geeft tijdsverschil terug in seconden
         $timedifference = $dateTimeZone->getOffset($dateTime);
         $timedifference = $timedifference / 60.0;
         if (strncmp($location->getLocationPropertyFromId($value, 'timezone'), "Etc/GMT", 7) == 0) {
             $timedifference = -$timedifference;
     // add root - <sessions> We export all the sessions of the logged observer
     $observersDom = $fcgaDom->appendChild($dom->createElement('sessions'));
     if ($loggedUser != "") {
         $sessions = $objSession->getAllSessionsForUser($loggedUser);
         $usedSessions = array();
         // Only add session for which the location is also exported
         for ($scnt = 0; $scnt < count($sessions); $scnt++) {
             if (in_array($sessions[$scnt]['locationid'], $sites)) {
                 $session = $dom->createElement('session');
                 $sessionChild = $observersDom->appendChild($session);
                 $attr = $dom->createAttribute("id");
                 $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("se_" . $sessions[$scnt]['id']);
                 $attr = $dom->createAttribute("lang");
                 $attrText = $dom->createTextNode($sessions[$scnt]['language']);
                 $begin = $sessionChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('begin'));
                 $begindate = $sessions[$scnt]['begindate'];
                 $begindate = str_replace(" ", "T", $begindate) . "+00:00";
                 $end = $sessionChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('end'));
                 $enddate = $sessions[$scnt]['enddate'];
                 $enddate = str_replace(" ", "T", $enddate) . "+00:00";
                 $site = $sessionChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('site'));
                 $site->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("site_" . $sessions[$scnt]['locationid']));
                 $weather = $sessionChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('weather'));
                 $equipment = $sessionChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('equipment'));
                 $comments = $sessionChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('comments'));
                 // TODO : Also add images of the session to the export
                 $usedSessions[] = $sessions[$scnt]['id'];
     // add root - <targets>
     $observersDom = $fcgaDom->appendChild($dom->createElement('targets'));
     while (list($key, $value) = each($objects)) {
         $object2 = $dom->createElement('target');
         $objectChild = $observersDom->appendChild($object2);
         $attr = $dom->createAttribute("id");
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\s+/", "_", $value)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\+/", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\//", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\,/", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\(/", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\)/", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/ /", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("_" . $correctedValue);
         $attr = $dom->createAttribute("xsi:type");
         $object = $GLOBALS['objObject']->getAllInfoDsObject($value);
         $type = $object["type"];
         if ($type == "OPNCL" || $type == "SMCOC" || $type == "LMCOC") {
             $type = "oal:deepSkyOC";
         } else {
             if ($type == "GALXY") {
                 $type = "oal:deepSkyGX";
             } else {
                 if ($type == "GALCL") {
                     $type = "oal:deepSkyCG";
                 } else {
                     if ($type == "PLNNB") {
                         $type = "oal:deepSkyPN";
                     } else {
                         if ($type == "ASTER" || $type == "AA1STAR" || $type == "AA3STAR" || $type == "AA4STAR" || $type == "AA8STAR") {
                             $type = "oal:deepSkyAS";
                         } else {
                             if ($type == "AA2STAR" || $type == "DS") {
                                 $type = "oal:deepSkyDS";
                             } else {
                                 if ($type == "GLOCL" || $type == "GXAGC" || $type == "LMCGC" || $type == "SMCGC") {
                                     $type = "oal:deepSkyGC";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($type == "BRTNB" || $type == "CLANB" || $type == "EMINB" || $type == "ENRNN" || $type == "ENSTR" || $type == "GXADN" || $type == "GACAN" || $type == "HII" || $type == "LMCCN" || $type == "LMCDN" || $type == "REFNB" || $type == "RNHII" || $type == "SMCCN" || $type == "SMCDN" || $type == "SNREM" || $type == "STNEB" || $type == "WRNEB") {
                                         $type = "oal:deepSkyGN";
                                     } else {
                                         if ($type == "QUASR") {
                                             $type = "oal:deepSkyQS";
                                         } else {
                                             if ($type == "DRKNB") {
                                                 $type = "oal:deepSkyDN";
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($type == "NONEX") {
                                                     $type = "oal:deepSkyNA";
         $attrText = $dom->createTextNode($type);
         $datasource = $objectChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('datasource'));
         $name = $objectChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('name'));
         $altnames = $GLOBALS['objObject']->getAlternativeNames($value);
         while (list($key2, $value2) = each($altnames)) {
             if (trim($value2) != trim($value)) {
                 if (trim($value2) != "") {
                     $alias = $objectChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('alias'));
         $position = $objectChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('position'));
         $raDom = $dom->createElement('ra');
         $ra = $position->appendChild($raDom);
         $ra->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($object["ra"] * 15.0));
         $attr = $dom->createAttribute("unit");
         $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("deg");
         $decDom = $dom->createElement('dec');
         $dec = $position->appendChild($decDom);
         $attr = $dom->createAttribute("unit");
         $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("deg");
         $constellation = $objectChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('constellation'));
         if ($object["diam2"] > 0.0 && $object["diam2"] != 99.90000000000001) {
             $sdDom = $dom->createElement('smallDiameter');
             $diam2 = $objectChild->appendChild($sdDom);
             $sDiameter = $object["diam2"] / 60.0;
             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("unit");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("arcmin");
         $diameter1 = $object["diam1"];
         if ($diameter1 > 0.0 && $diameter1 != 99.90000000000001) {
             $ldDom = $dom->createElement('largeDiameter');
             $diam1 = $objectChild->appendChild($ldDom);
             $lDiameter = $diameter1 / 60.0;
             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("unit");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("arcmin");
         if ($object["mag"] < 99.0) {
             $mag = $objectChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('visMag'));
         if ($object["subr"] < 99.0) {
             $mag = $objectChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('surfBr'));
             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("unit");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("mags-per-squarearcmin");
         if ($type != "oal:deepSkyCG" && $type != "oal:deepSkyGC" && $type != "oal:deepSkyNA" && $type != "oal:deepSkyOC" && $type != "oal:deepSkyPN" && $type != "oal:deepSkyQS") {
             if ($object["pa"] < 999.0) {
                 $pa = $objectChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('pa'));
     // add root - <scopes>
     $observersDom = $fcgaDom->appendChild($dom->createElement('scopes'));
     while (list($key, $value) = each($scopes)) {
         if ($GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($value, 'fixedMagnification') != 1) {
             if ($GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($value, 'name') != "") {
                 $scope2 = $dom->createElement('scope');
                 $siteChild = $observersDom->appendChild($scope2);
                 $attr = $dom->createAttribute("id");
                 $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("opt_" . $value);
                 $attr = $dom->createAttribute("xsi:type");
                 if ($GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($value, 'fixedMagnification') > 0) {
                     $typeLong = "oal:fixedMagnificationOpticsType";
                 } else {
                     $typeLong = "oal:scopeType";
                 $tp = $GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($value, 'type');
                 if ($tp == InstrumentOther || $tp == InstrumentRest) {
                     $typeShort = "";
                 } else {
                     if ($tp == InstrumentNakedEye) {
                         $typeShort = "A";
                     } else {
                         if ($tp == InstrumentBinoculars || $tp == InstrumentFinderscope) {
                             $typeShort = "B";
                         } else {
                             if ($tp == InstrumentRefractor) {
                                 $typeShort = "R";
                             } else {
                                 if ($tp == InstrumentReflector) {
                                     $typeShort = "N";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($tp == InstrumentCassegrain) {
                                         $typeShort = "C";
                                     } else {
                                         if ($tp == InstrumentKutter) {
                                             $typeShort = "K";
                                         } else {
                                             if ($tp == InstrumentMaksutov) {
                                                 $typeShort = "M";
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($tp == InstrumentSchmidtCassegrain) {
                                                     $typeShort = "S";
                 if ($typeShort == "B") {
                     $typeLong = "oal:fixedMagnificationOpticsType";
                 $attrText = $dom->createTextNode($typeLong);
                 $name = $siteChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('model'));
                 $name->appendChild($dom->createCDATASection(utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($value, 'name')))));
                 $type = $siteChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('type'));
                 $aperture = $siteChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('aperture'));
                 $aperture->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($value, 'diameter')));
                 if ($GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($value, 'fixedMagnification') > 0) {
                     $magnification = $siteChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('magnification'));
                     $magnification->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($value, 'fixedMagnification')));
                 } else {
                     if ($typeShort == "B") {
                         $magnification = $siteChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('magnification'));
                     } else {
                         $focalLength = $siteChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('focalLength'));
                         $focalLength->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($value, 'fd') * $GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($value, 'diameter')));
     // add root - <eyepieces>
     $observersDom = $fcgaDom->appendChild($dom->createElement('eyepieces'));
     while (list($key, $value) = each($eyepieces)) {
         if ($value != "" && $value > 0) {
             $eyepiece2 = $dom->createElement('eyepiece');
             $eyepieceChild = $observersDom->appendChild($eyepiece2);
             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("id");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("ep_" . $value);
             $model = $eyepieceChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('model'));
             $model->appendChild($dom->createCDATASection(utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($GLOBALS['objEyepiece']->getEyepiecePropertyFromId($value, 'name')))));
             $focalLength = $eyepieceChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('focalLength'));
             $focalLength->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($GLOBALS['objEyepiece']->getEyepiecePropertyFromId($value, 'focalLength')));
             if ($GLOBALS['objEyepiece']->getEyepiecePropertyFromId($value, 'maxFocalLength') > 0) {
                 $maxFocalLength = $eyepieceChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('maxFocalLength'));
                 $maxFocalLength->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($GLOBALS['objEyepiece']->getEyepiecePropertyFromId($value, 'maxFocalLength')));
             $apparentFOV = $eyepieceChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('apparentFOV'));
             $apparentFOV->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($GLOBALS['objEyepiece']->getEyepiecePropertyFromId($value, 'apparentFOV')));
             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("unit");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("deg");
     // add root - <lenses>
     $observersDom = $fcgaDom->appendChild($dom->createElement('lenses'));
     while (list($key, $value) = each($lenses)) {
         if ($value != "" && $value > 0) {
             $lens2 = $dom->createElement('lens');
             $lensChild = $observersDom->appendChild($lens2);
             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("id");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("le_" . $value);
             $model = $lensChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('model'));
             $model->appendChild($dom->createCDATASection(utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($GLOBALS['objLens']->getLensPropertyFromId($value, 'name')))));
             $factor = $lensChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('factor'));
             $factor->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($GLOBALS['objLens']->getLensPropertyFromId($value, 'factor')));
     // add root - <filters>
     $observersDom = $fcgaDom->appendChild($dom->createElement('filters'));
     while (list($key, $value) = each($filters)) {
         if ($value != "" && $value > 0) {
             $filter2 = $dom->createElement('filter');
             $filterChild = $observersDom->appendChild($filter2);
             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("id");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("flt_" . $value);
             $model = $filterChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('model'));
             $model->appendChild($dom->createCDATASection(utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($GLOBALS['objFilter']->getFilterPropertyFromId($value, 'name')))));
             $tp = $GLOBALS['objFilter']->getFilterPropertyFromId($value, 'type');
             if ($tp == 0) {
                 $filType = "other";
             } else {
                 if ($tp == 1) {
                     $filType = "broad band";
                 } else {
                     if ($tp == 2) {
                         $filType = "narrow band";
                     } else {
                         if ($tp == 3) {
                             $filType = "O-III";
                         } else {
                             if ($tp == 4) {
                                 $filType = "H-beta";
                             } else {
                                 if ($tp == 5) {
                                     $filType = "H-alpha";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($tp == 6) {
                                         $filType = "color";
                                     } else {
                                         if ($tp == 7) {
                                             $filType = "neutral";
                                         } else {
                                             if ($tp == 8) {
                                                 $filType = "corrective";
             $type = $filterChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('type'));
             if ($filType == "color") {
                 $col = $GLOBALS['objFilter']->getFilterPropertyFromId($value, 'color');
                 if ($col == 1) {
                     $colName = "light red";
                 } else {
                     if ($col == 2) {
                         $colName = "red";
                     } else {
                         if ($col == 3) {
                             $colName = "deep red";
                         } else {
                             if ($col == 4) {
                                 $colName = "orange";
                             } else {
                                 if ($col == 5) {
                                     $colName = "light yellow";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($col == 6) {
                                         $colName = "deep yellow";
                                     } else {
                                         if ($col == 7) {
                                             $colName = "yellow";
                                         } else {
                                             if ($col == 8) {
                                                 $colName = "yellow-green";
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($col == 9) {
                                                     $colName = "light green";
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($col == 10) {
                                                         $colName = "green";
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($col == 11) {
                                                             $colName = "medium blue";
                                                         } else {
                                                             if ($col == 12) {
                                                                 $colName = "pale blue";
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if ($col == 13) {
                                                                     $colName = "blue";
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     if ($col == 14) {
                                                                         $colName = "deep blue";
                                                                     } else {
                                                                         if ($col == 15) {
                                                                             $colName = "violet";
                 if ($colName != "") {
                     $color = $filterChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('color'));
                 if ($GLOBALS['objFilter']->getFilterPropertyFromId($value, 'wratten') != "") {
                     $wratten = $filterChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('wratten'));
                     $wratten->appendChild($dom->createCDATASection($GLOBALS['objFilter']->getFilterPropertyFromId($value, 'wratten')));
                 if ($GLOBALS['objFilter']->getFilterPropertyFromId($value, 'schott') != "") {
                     $schott = $filterChild->appendChild($dom->createElement('schott'));
                     $schott->appendChild($dom->createCDATASection($GLOBALS['objFilter']->getFilterPropertyFromId($value, 'schott')));
     // add root - <imagers> DeepskyLog has no imagers
     $observersDom = $fcgaDom->appendChild($dom->createElement('imagers'));
     // Add the observations.
     while (list($key, $value) = each($allObs)) {
         $obs = $GLOBALS['objObservation']->getAllInfoDsObservation($value['observationid']);
         $objectname = $obs['objectname'];
         $observerid = $obs['observerid'];
         $inst = $obs['instrumentid'];
         $loc = $obs['locationid'];
         $visibility = $obs['visibility'];
         $seeing = $obs['seeing'];
         $limmag = $obs['limmag'];
         $filt = $obs['filterid'];
         $eyep = $obs['eyepieceid'];
         $lns = $obs['lensid'];
         $observation = $fcgaDom->appendChild($dom->createElement('observation'));
         $attr = $dom->createAttribute("id");
         $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("obs_" . $value['observationid']);
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\s+/", "_", $observerid)));
         $observer = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('observer'));
         $observer->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("usr_" . $correctedValue));
         $site = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('site'));
         $site->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("site_" . $loc));
         // Check whether this observation is part of a session...
         for ($scnt = 0; $scnt < count($usedSessions); $scnt++) {
             $sessionObs = $objDatabase->selectRecordsetArray("select * from sessionObservations where sessionid = \"" . $usedSessions[$scnt] . "\" and observationid = \"" . $value['observationid'] . "\"");
             if (count($sessionObs) >= 1) {
                 $session = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('session'));
                 $session->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("se_" . $usedSessions[$scnt]));
         $target = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('target'));
         $correctedValue = $objCatalog->checkObject($objectname);
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\s+/", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\+/", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\//", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\,/", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\(/", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/\\)/", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $correctedValue = utf8_encode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/ /", "_", $correctedValue)));
         $target->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("_" . $correctedValue));
         if ($obs["time"] >= 0) {
             $time = sprintf("T%02d:%02d:00+00:00", (int) ($obs["time"] % 2400 / 100), $obs["time"] % 2400 - (int) ($obs["time"] % 2400 / 100) * 100);
         } else {
             $time = "T22:00:00+00:00";
         $year = (int) ($obs["date"] / 10000);
         $month = (int) (($obs["date"] - $year * 10000) / 100);
         $day = (int) ($obs["date"] - $year * 10000 - $month * 100);
         if ($day == 0) {
             $day = 1;
         } else {
             if ($day > 31) {
                 $day = 31;
         $date = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d", $year, $month, $day);
         $begin = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('begin'));
         $begin->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($date . $time));
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             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("unit");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("mags-per-squarearcsec");
         } else {
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                 $faintestStar = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('faintestStar'));
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             $seeing = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('seeing'));
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             $scope = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('scope'));
             $scope->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("opt_" . $inst));
         if ($eyep > 0) {
             $eyepiece = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('eyepiece'));
             $eyepiece->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("ep_" . $eyep));
         if ($lns > 0) {
             $lens = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('lens'));
             $lens->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("le_" . $lns));
         if ($filt > 0) {
             $filter = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('filter'));
             $filter->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("flt_" . $filt));
         $magni = 0;
         if ($GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($inst, 'fixedMagnification') > 0) {
             $magni = $GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($inst, 'fixedMagnification');
         } else {
             if ($obs["magnification"] > 0) {
                 $magni = $obs["magnification"];
             } else {
                 if ($eyep > 0 && $GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($inst, 'fixedMagnification') > 0) {
                     $factor = 1.0;
                     if ($GLOBALS['objLens']->getFilterPropertyFromId($lns, 'factor') > 0) {
                         $factor = $GLOBALS['objLens']->getFilterPropertyFromId($lns, 'factor');
                     $magni = sprintf("%.2f", $GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($inst, 'fixedMagnification') * $GLOBALS['objInstrument']->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($inst, 'diameter') * $factor / $GLOBALS['objEyepiece']->getEyepiecePropertyFromId($eyep, 'focalLength'));
         // Replace , with .
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             $magnification = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('magnification'));
             $magnification->appendChild($dom->createTextNode((int) $magni));
         $result = $observation->appendChild($dom->createElement('result'));
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             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("extended");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("true");
         $attr = $dom->createAttribute("lang");
         $attrText = $dom->createTextNode($obs["language"]);
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             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("mottled");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("true");
         $object = $GLOBALS['objObject']->getAllInfoDsObject($objectname);
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                 $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("true");
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                     $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("false");
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                     $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("true");
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                     $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("false");
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                     $col1 = "orange";
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                     $col1 = "yellow";
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                     $col1 = "green";
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                     $col1 = "blue";
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                     $col2 = "white";
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                     $col2 = "red";
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                     $col2 = "orange";
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                     $col2 = "yellow";
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                     $col2 = "green";
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                     $col2 = "blue";
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                 $type = "oal:findingsDeepSkyDSType";
             } else {
                 $type = "oal:findingsDeepSkyType";
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         $rat = $obs["visibility"];
         if ($rat == 0) {
             $rat = 99;
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             $smallDiameter = $result->appendChild($dom->createElement('smallDiameter'));
             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("unit");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("arcsec");
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             $largeDiameter = $result->appendChild($dom->createElement('largeDiameter'));
             $attr = $dom->createAttribute("unit");
             $attrText = $dom->createTextNode("arcsec");
         $rating = $result->appendChild($dom->createElement('rating'));
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     // generate xml
     $dom->formatOutput = true;
     // set the formatOutput attribute of
     // domDocument to true
     // save XML as string or file
     $test1 = $dom->saveXML();
     // put string in test1
     print $test1;