  * @see sfTask
 protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
     $this->logSection('doctrine', 'generating model classes');
     $config = $this->getCliConfig();
     $tmpPath = sfConfig::get('sf_cache_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp';
     if (!file_exists($tmpPath)) {
     $plugins = $this->configuration->getPlugins();
     foreach ($this->configuration->getAllPluginPaths() as $plugin => $path) {
         if (!in_array($plugin, $plugins)) {
         $schemas = sfFinder::type('file')->name('*.yml')->in($path . '/config/doctrine');
         foreach ($schemas as $schema) {
             $tmpSchemaPath = $tmpPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $plugin . '-' . basename($schema);
             $models = Doctrine_Parser::load($schema, 'yml');
             if (!isset($models['package'])) {
                 $models['package'] = $plugin . '.lib.model.doctrine';
                 $models['package_custom_path'] = $path . '/lib/model/doctrine';
             Doctrine_Parser::dump($models, 'yml', $tmpSchemaPath);
     $options = array('generateBaseClasses' => true, 'generateTableClasses' => true, 'packagesPath' => sfConfig::get('sf_plugins_dir'), 'packagesPrefix' => 'Plugin', 'suffix' => '.class.php', 'baseClassesDirectory' => 'base', 'baseClassName' => 'sfDoctrineRecord');
     $options = array_merge($options, sfConfig::get('doctrine_model_builder_options', array()));
     $import = new Doctrine_Import_Schema();
     $import->importSchema(array($tmpPath, $config['yaml_schema_path']), 'yml', $config['models_path']);
  * @see sfTask
 protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
     $this->logSection('doctrine', 'generating model classes');
     $config = $this->getCliConfig();
     $builderOptions = $this->configuration->getPluginConfiguration('sfDoctrinePlugin')->getModelBuilderOptions();
     $stubFinder = sfFinder::type('file')->prune('base')->name('*' . $builderOptions['suffix']);
     $before = $stubFinder->in($config['models_path']);
     $schema = $this->prepareSchemaFile($config['yaml_schema_path']);
     $import = new Doctrine_Import_Schema();
     $import->importSchema($schema, 'yml', $config['models_path']);
     // markup base classes with magic methods
     foreach (sfYaml::load($schema) as $model => $definition) {
         // Start OrangeHRM Modified Section
         $subPackageName = $this->getSubPackageName($definition);
         // End OrangeHRM Modified Section
         $file = sprintf('%s%s/%s/Base%s%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) ? '/' . substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '', $builderOptions['baseClassesDirectory'], $model, $builderOptions['suffix']);
         $code = file_get_contents($file);
         // introspect the model without loading the class
         if (preg_match_all('/@property (\\w+) \\$(\\w+)/', $code, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
             $properties = array();
             foreach ($matches as $match) {
                 $properties[$match[2]] = $match[1];
             $typePad = max(array_map('strlen', array_merge(array_values($properties), array($model))));
             $namePad = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys(array_map(array('sfInflector', 'camelize'), $properties))));
             $setters = array();
             $getters = array();
             foreach ($properties as $name => $type) {
                 $camelized = sfInflector::camelize($name);
                 $collection = 'Doctrine_Collection' == $type;
                 $getters[] = sprintf('@method %-' . $typePad . 's %s%-' . ($namePad + 2) . 's Returns the current record\'s "%s" %s', $type, 'get', $camelized . '()', $name, $collection ? 'collection' : 'value');
                 $setters[] = sprintf('@method %-' . $typePad . 's %s%-' . ($namePad + 2) . 's Sets the current record\'s "%s" %s', $model, 'set', $camelized . '()', $name, $collection ? 'collection' : 'value');
             // use the last match as a search string
             $code = str_replace($match[0], $match[0] . PHP_EOL . ' * ' . PHP_EOL . ' * ' . implode(PHP_EOL . ' * ', array_merge($getters, $setters)), $code);
             // Start OrangeHRM Modified Section
             $tokens = array('##SUBPACKAGE##' => $subPackageName);
             $code = str_replace(array_keys($tokens), array_values($tokens), $code);
             // End OrangeHRM Modified Section
             file_put_contents($file, $code);
     $properties = parse_ini_file(sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir') . '/properties.ini', true);
     $tokens = array('##PACKAGE##' => isset($properties['symfony']['name']) ? $properties['symfony']['name'] : 'symfony', '##SUBPACKAGE##' => 'model', '##NAME##' => isset($properties['symfony']['author']) ? $properties['symfony']['author'] : 'Your name here', ' <##EMAIL##>' => '', "{\n\n}" => "{\n}\n");
     // cleanup new stub classes
     $after = $stubFinder->in($config['models_path']);
     $this->getFilesystem()->replaceTokens(array_diff($after, $before), '', '', $tokens);
     // cleanup base classes
     $baseFinder = sfFinder::type('file')->name('Base*' . $builderOptions['suffix']);
     $baseDirFinder = sfFinder::type('dir')->name('base');
     $this->getFilesystem()->replaceTokens($baseFinder->in($baseDirFinder->in($config['models_path'])), '', '', $tokens);
  * Execute task
  * @param   array   $arguments  Task arguments [optional]
  * @param   array   $options    Task options [optional]
  * @return  void
 protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
     $this->logSection('doctrine', 'generating model classes');
     $config = $this->getCliConfig();
     $builderOptions = $this->configuration->getPluginConfiguration('sfDoctrinePlugin')->getModelBuilderOptions();
     $finder = sfFinder::type('file')->prune('base')->name('*' . $builderOptions['suffix']);
     $before = $finder->in($config['models_path']);
     $schema = $this->prepareSchemaFile($config['yaml_schema_path']);
     $import = new Doctrine_Import_Schema();
     $import->importSchema($schema, 'yml', $config['models_path']);
     $base = $builderOptions['baseClassesDirectory'];
     $suff = $builderOptions['suffix'];
     $src = array('##PACKAGE##', '##SUBPACKAGE##', '##NAME##', ' <##EMAIL##>');
     // markup base classes with magic methods
     foreach (sfYaml::load($schema) as $model => $definition) {
         $package = isset($definition['package']) ? substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '';
         $basePath = $config['models_path'] . ($package ? '/' . $package : '') . '/';
         $file = $basePath . $base . '/Base' . $model . $suff;
         $code = file_get_contents($file);
         // introspect the model without loading the class
         if (preg_match_all('/@property (\\w+) \\$(\\w+)/', $code, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
             $properties = array();
             foreach ($matches as $match) {
                 $properties[$match[2]] = $match[1];
             $typePad = max(array_map('strlen', array_merge(array_values($properties), array($model))));
             $namePad = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys(array_map(array('sfInflector', 'camelize'), $properties))));
             $setters = array();
             $getters = array();
             foreach ($properties as $name => $type) {
                 $camelized = sfInflector::camelize($name);
                 $collection = 'Doctrine_Collection' == $type;
                 $getters[] = sprintf('@method %-' . $typePad . 's %s%-' . ($namePad + 2) . 's Returns the current record\'s "%s" %s', $type, 'get', $camelized . '()', $name, $collection ? 'collection' : 'value');
                 $setters[] = sprintf('@method %-' . $typePad . 's %s%-' . ($namePad + 2) . 's Sets the current record\'s "%s" %s', $model, 'set', $camelized . '()', $name, $collection ? 'collection' : 'value');
             $dst = array(dinGeneratorSigner::getProjectName(), 'lib.model.doctrine' . ($package ? '.' . $package : '') . '.base', dinGeneratorSigner::getAuthor(), '');
             $code = str_replace($match[0], $match[0] . PHP_EOL . ' * ' . PHP_EOL . ' * ' . implode(PHP_EOL . ' * ', array_merge($getters, $setters)), $code);
             $code = str_replace($src, $dst, $code);
             file_put_contents($file, $code);
         $this->replaceLibClasses($basePath, $model, $package, $suff);
         if ($package) {
             $basePath = $this->configuration->getPluginConfiguration($package)->getRootDir() . '/lib/model/doctrine/';
             $this->replaceLibClasses($basePath, $model, $package, $suff, true);
 public function testClassExistsAfterImport()
     Doctrine_Core::setModelsDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/DC95/models');
     $import = new Doctrine_Import_Schema();
     $import->setOptions(array('pearStyle' => true, 'baseClassesDirectory' => null, 'baseClassPrefix' => 'Base_', 'classPrefix' => 'DC95_', 'classPrefixFiles' => true));
     $modelsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/DC95/models';
     $import->importSchema(dirname(__FILE__) . '/DC95/schema.yml', 'yml', $modelsPath);
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($modelsPath . '/DC95/Base/Article.php'));
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($modelsPath . '/DC95/Base/Article/Category.php'));
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($modelsPath . '/DC95/Article.php'));
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($modelsPath . '/DC95/Article/Category.php'));
     Doctrine_Lib::removeDirectories(dirname(__FILE__) . '/DC95/models');
Beispiel #5
  * Generate a yaml schema file from an existing directory of models
  * @param string $yamlPath Path to your yaml schema files
  * @param string $directory Directory to generate your models in
  * @param array  $options Array of options to pass to the schema importer
  * @return void
 public static function generateModelsFromYaml($yamlPath, $directory, $options = array())
     $import = new Doctrine_Import_Schema();
     return $import->importSchema($yamlPath, 'yml', $directory);
     * @see sfTask
    protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
        $this->logSection('doctrine', 'generating model classes');
        $config = $this->getCliConfig();
        $builderOptions = $this->configuration->getPluginConfiguration('sfDoctrinePlugin')->getModelBuilderOptions();
        $stubFinder = sfFinder::type('file')->prune('base')->name('*' . $builderOptions['suffix']);
        $before = $stubFinder->in($config['models_path']);
        $schema = $this->prepareSchemaFile($config['yaml_schema_path']);
        $import = new Doctrine_Import_Schema();
        $import->importSchema($schema, 'yml', $config['models_path']);
        $listFiles = array();
        $listDir = array();
        $bI = array('package' => isset($properties['symfony']['name']) ? $properties['symfony']['name'] : 'symfony', 'subpackage' => 'model', 'author' => isset($properties['symfony']['author']) ? $properties['symfony']['author'] : 'Your name here');
        $baseRecordFile = sprintf("%s/BaseDoctrineRecord.class.php", $config['models_path']);
        $baseRecordFileContent = <<<EOF

 * Base doctrin record.
 * @package    {$bI['package']}
 * @subpackage {$bI['subpackage']}
 * @author     {$bI['author']}

##class## BaseDoctrineRecord extends sfPostgresDoctrineRecord

        if (!file_exists($baseRecordFile)) {
            file_put_contents($baseRecordFile, str_replace('##class##', 'class', $baseRecordFileContent));
        // markup base classes with magic methods
        foreach (sfYaml::load($schema) as $model => $definition) {
            $file = sprintf('%s%s/%s/Base%s%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) ? '/' . substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '', $builderOptions['baseClassesDirectory'], $model, $builderOptions['suffix']);
            $code = file_get_contents($file);
            // introspect the model without loading the class
            if (preg_match_all('/@property (\\w+) \\$(\\w+)/', $code, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                $properties = array();
                foreach ($matches as $match) {
                    $properties[$match[2]] = $match[1];
                $typePad = max(array_map('strlen', array_merge(array_values($properties), array($model))));
                $namePad = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys(array_map(array('sfInflector', 'camelize'), $properties))));
                $setters = array();
                $getters = array();
                foreach ($properties as $name => $type) {
                    $camelized = sfInflector::camelize($name);
                    $collection = 'Doctrine_Collection' == $type;
                    $getters[] = sprintf('@method %-' . $typePad . 's %s%-' . ($namePad + 2) . 's Returns the current record\'s "%s" %s', $type, 'get', $camelized . '()', $name, $collection ? 'collection' : 'value');
                    $setters[] = sprintf('@method %-' . $typePad . 's %s%-' . ($namePad + 2) . 's Sets the current record\'s "%s" %s', $model, 'set', $camelized . '()', $name, $collection ? 'collection' : 'value');
                // use the last match as a search string
                $code = str_replace($match[0], $match[0] . PHP_EOL . ' * ' . PHP_EOL . ' * ' . implode(PHP_EOL . ' * ', array_merge($getters, $setters)), $code);
                $newfile = sprintf('%s%s%s/%s/Base%s%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) && false !== stripos($definition['package'], 'plugin') && 0 !== stripos($definition['package'], 'plugin') ? '/plugins' : '/project', isset($definition['package']) ? '/' . substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '', $builderOptions['baseClassesDirectory'], $model, $builderOptions['suffix']);
                $newtablefile = sprintf('%s%s%s/%sTable%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) && false !== stripos($definition['package'], 'plugin') && 0 !== stripos($definition['package'], 'plugin') ? '/plugins' : '/project', isset($definition['package']) ? '/' . substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '', $model, $builderOptions['suffix']);
                $newdir = sprintf('%s%s%s/%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) && false !== stripos($definition['package'], 'plugin') && 0 !== stripos($definition['package'], 'plugin') ? '/plugins' : '/project', isset($definition['package']) ? '/' . substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '', $builderOptions['baseClassesDirectory']);
                if (!file_exists($newdir)) {
                    mkdir($newdir, 0777, true);
                $listDir[sprintf('%s%s/%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) ? '/' . substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '', $builderOptions['baseClassesDirectory'])] = true;
                $listDir[sprintf('%s%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) ? '/' . substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '')] = true;
                if (!file_exists(str_replace(sprintf('%s/Base', $builderOptions['baseClassesDirectory']), '', $newfile))) {
                    $listFiles[sprintf('%s%s/%s%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) ? '/' . substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '', $model, $builderOptions['suffix'])] = str_replace(sprintf('%s/Base', $builderOptions['baseClassesDirectory']), '', $newfile);
                } else {
                    unlink(sprintf('%s%s/%s%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) ? '/' . substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '', $model, $builderOptions['suffix']));
                if (!file_exists($newtablefile)) {
                    $listFiles[sprintf('%s%s/%sTable%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) ? '/' . substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '', $model, $builderOptions['suffix'])] = $newtablefile;
                } else {
                    unlink(sprintf('%s%s/%sTable%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) ? '/' . substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '', $model, $builderOptions['suffix']));
                $code = str_replace(" extends sfDoctrineRecord", " extends BaseDoctrineRecord", $code);
                file_put_contents($newfile, $code);
        $properties = parse_ini_file(sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir') . '/properties.ini', true);
        $tokens = array('##PACKAGE##' => isset($properties['symfony']['name']) ? $properties['symfony']['name'] : 'symfony', '##SUBPACKAGE##' => 'model', '##NAME##' => isset($properties['symfony']['author']) ? $properties['symfony']['author'] : 'Your name here', ' <##EMAIL##>' => '', "{\n\n}" => "{\n}\n");
        // cleanup new stub classes
        $after = $stubFinder->in($config['models_path']);
        $this->getFilesystem()->replaceTokens(array_diff($after, $before), '', '', $tokens);
        // cleanup base classes
        $baseFinder = sfFinder::type('file')->name('Base*' . $builderOptions['suffix']);
        $baseDirFinder = sfFinder::type('dir')->name('base');
        $this->getFilesystem()->replaceTokens($baseFinder->in($baseDirFinder->in($config['models_path'])), '', '', $tokens);
        // cleanup new table classes
        $tableFinder = sfFinder::type('file')->prune('base')->name('*Table' . $builderOptions['suffix']);
        foreach (array_diff($tableFinder->in($config['models_path']), $before) as $file) {
            $contents = file_get_contents($file);
            file_put_contents($file, sfToolkit::stripComments($contents));
        foreach ($listFiles as $old => $new) {
            rename($old, $new);
        foreach ($listDir as $dir => $val) {
            if (file_exists($dir)) {
                if (($files = @scandir($dir)) && count($files) <= 2) {