Beispiel #1
 public function findDocumentoSemImagem($limit = 100)
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping($this->_em);
     $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_artefato', 'sqArtefato', 'integer');
      * somente documento que não possua vinculo com ninguem
     $strQuery = sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT t.*
                            FROM(SELECT a.sq_artefato
                                   FROM artefato AS a
                              LEFT JOIN (
                                         SELECT DISTINCT ON (ai.sq_artefato)
                                           FROM artefato_imagem ai
                                          ORDER BY ai.sq_artefato, ai.dt_operacao DESC, ai.sq_artefato_imagem DESC
                              ) uia ON a.sq_artefato = uia.sq_artefato
                              LEFT JOIN tipo_artefato_assunto     AS taa USING(sq_tipo_artefato_assunto)
                              LEFT JOIN artefato_processo         AS ap  ON a.sq_artefato = ap.sq_artefato
                              LEFT JOIN tmp_artefato_migration    as tmp ON a.sq_artefato = tmp.sq_artefato
                                  WHERE taa.sq_tipo_artefato = %1$d
                                    AND ap.sq_artefato         IS NULL
                                    AND uia.sq_artefato_imagem IS NULL
                                    AND tmp.sq_artefato        IS NULL
                                ) t
                            JOIN vw_imagem_sgdoc_fisico AS isf USING(sq_artefato)
                        ORDER BY sq_artefato DESC
                        LIMIT %2$d', \Core_Configuration::getSgdoceTipoArtefatoDocumento(), $limit);
     return $this->_em->createNativeQuery($strQuery, $rsm)->useResultCache(false)->getArrayResult();
Beispiel #2
 private function _fetchPaginationNativeQuery($params, \Doctrine\ORM\NativeQuery $nQuery)
     $strQuery = $nQuery->getSQL();
     # encapsula a consulta enviada numa subconsulta
     # para permitir a paginacao e limitacao do resultado
     # sem necessitar alterar a query enviada
     $improvedQuery = sprintf('SELECT * FROM (%s) AS foo ', $strQuery);
     $improvedQueryCount = sprintf('SELECT count(1) total FROM (%s) C', $improvedQuery);
     # se necesario, aplica ordenacao
     if (isset($params['order'])) {
         foreach ($params['order'] as $order) {
             $orderBy[] = sprintf('%s %s', $order['sort'], $order['order']);
         if (!empty($orderBy)) {
             $improvedQuery .= sprintf(' %s %s', self::T_ORDER_BY, implode(', ', $orderBy));
      * Cria uma query para recupera o total geral de registros
     $rsmCount = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping($this->_em);
     $rsmCount->addScalarResult('total', 'total', 'integer');
     $nativeQueryCount = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($improvedQueryCount, $rsmCount);
     foreach ($nQuery->getParameters() as $key => $value) {
         $nativeQueryCount->setParameter(":{$key}", $value);
     $improvedQuery .= sprintf(' %1$s %4$d %2$s %3$d', self::T_LIMIT, self::T_OFFSET, $params['iDisplayStart'], $params['iDisplayLength']);
     $result['data'] = $nQuery->getResult();
     $result['total'] = $nativeQueryCount->getSingleScalarResult();
     return $result;
 public function getConsumoAcumuladoGeneral($month, $anno, $id_servicio)
     $em = $this->getEntityManager();
     $fecha_inicial = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($anno . '/' . $month . '/01'));
     $fecha_final = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($anno . '/' . $month . '/31'));
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('cantidad', 'cantidad');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('cantidadHP', 'cantidadHP');
     $query = $em->createNativeQuery('Select SUM(consumo) as cantidad, SUM(consumo_horariopico) as cantidadHP
                                      FROM  lectura_diaria_servicio
                                      Where (id_servicio =:servicio) and (fecha >=:fecha_inicial) and (fecha <=:fecha_final)
                                      Group by id_servicio', $rsm);
       ->from('sisconeeAppBundle:LecturaDiariaServicio', 'registro')
       ->where('registro.idServicio = ?1')
       ->andWhere('registro.fecha >= ?2')
       ->andWhere('registro.fecha <= ?3')
     $query->setParameters(array('servicio' => $id_servicio, 'fecha_inicial' => $fecha_inicial, 'fecha_final' => $fecha_final));
     //->setParameters(array(1=> $id_servicio));
     $result = $query->getResult();
     if (sizeof($result) >= 1) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         return array(0 => array('cantidad' => 0, 'cantidadHP' => 0));
  * Sets the value of the location property.
  * You can set the value of this property using a GeoPoint object or using an array,
  * <code>
  * // example with GeoPoint
  * $entity->location = new GeoPoint(-45.123, -23.345);
  * // example with arrays
  * $entity->location = [-45.123, -23.345];
  * $entity->location = ['x' => -45.123, 'y' => -23.345];
  * $entity->location = ['longitude' => -45.123, 'latitude' => -23.345];
  * </code>
  * This method sets the value of the property _geoLocation with a PostGIS ST_Geography type.
  * @param \MapasCulturais\Types\GeoPoint|array $location
 function setLocation($location)
     $x = $y = null;
     if (!$location instanceof GeoPoint) {
         if (is_array($location) && key_exists('x', $location) && key_exists('y', $location)) {
             $x = $location['x'];
             $y = $location['y'];
         } elseif (is_array($location) && key_exists('longitude', $location) && key_exists('latitude', $location)) {
             $x = $location['longitude'];
             $y = $location['latitude'];
         } elseif (is_array($location) && count($location) === 2 && is_numeric($location[0]) && is_numeric($location[1])) {
             $x = $location[0];
             $y = $location[1];
         } else {
             throw new \Exception(App::txt('The location must be an instance of \\MapasCulturais\\Types\\GeoPoint or an array with two numeric values'));
         $location = new GeoPoint($x, $y);
     if (is_numeric($x) && is_numeric($y)) {
         $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
         $sql = "SELECT ST_GeographyFromText('POINT({$location->longitude} {$location->latitude})') AS geo";
         $rsm->addScalarResult('geo', 'geo');
         $query = App::i()->em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
         $this->_geoLocation = $query->getSingleScalarResult();
     $this->location = $location;
 function API_list()
     $app = App::i();
     $result = [];
     if (isset($this->data['includeData'])) {
         $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
         $rsm->addScalarResult('type', 'type');
         $rsm->addScalarResult('name', 'name');
         $strNativeQuery = "SELECT type, name FROM geo_division";
         $query = $app->getEm()->createNativeQuery($strNativeQuery, $rsm);
         $divisions = $query->getScalarResult();
     foreach ($app->getRegisteredGeoDivisions() as $geoDivision) {
         $r = clone $geoDivision;
         if (isset($this->data['includeData'])) {
             foreach ($divisions as $index => $division) {
                 if (!isset($r->data)) {
                     $r->data = [];
                 if ($r->key === $division['type']) {
                     $r->data[] = $division['name'];
         $result[] = $r;
  * Realiza verificacao dos usuario com status pendente de ativacao
 public function getUsuariosExterno()
     $sql = 'SELECT u.sq_usuario_externo FROM sicae.usuario_externo u
             WHERE u.st_registro_ativo = ' . self::ST_REGISTRO_PENDENTE . 'AND  (DATE(NOW()) - DATE(u.dt_cadastro)) >= ' . self::NU_DIAS;
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping($this->_em);
     $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_usuario_externo', 'sqUsuarioExterno', 'integer');
     return $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm)->getResult();
Beispiel #7
 function createQuery($date1, $date2)
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addEntityResult('MapasCulturais\\Entities\\EventOccurrence', 'e');
     $rsm->addFieldResult('e', 'id', 'id');
     $strNativeQuery = "SELECT * FROM recurring_event_occurrence_for('{$date1}', '{$date2}', 'Etc/UTC', NULL)";
     return $this->app->em->createNativeQuery($strNativeQuery, $rsm);
  * @param \Core_Dto_Search $dto
  * @return boolean
 public function isTramiteExterno(\Core_Dto_Search $dto)
     $sql = "SELECT (uo.sq_pessoa is null) AS is_tramite_externo\n                  FROM sgdoce.vw_ultimo_tramite_artefato uta\n                  JOIN corporativo.vw_pessoa pes\n                    ON pes.sq_pessoa = uta.sq_pessoa_destino\n             LEFT JOIN corporativo.vw_unidade_org uo\n                    ON pes.sq_pessoa = uo.sq_pessoa\n                 WHERE sq_artefato = :sqArtefato";
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('is_tramite_externo', 'isTramiteExterno', 'boolean');
     $query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
     $query->setParameter('sqArtefato', $dto->getSqArtefato());
     return $query->getSingleScalarResult();
 public function getKeyArquivamento($sqArtefato)
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_artefato_arquivo_setorial', 'sqArtefatoArquivoSetorial', 'integer');
     $sql = "\n               SELECT sq_artefato_arquivo_setorial\n                 FROM artefato_arquivo_setorial\n                WHERE sq_artefato = :sqArtefato\n                  AND dt_desarquivamento IS NULL\n                LIMIT 1";
     $query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
     $query->setParameter('sqArtefato', $sqArtefato)->useResultCache(false);
     return $query->getSingleScalarResult();
  * Consulta de processos.
  * @return QueryBuilder
 public function listGridProcesso($dto)
     $listCondition = array('getInteressado' => array("ilike" => array("OR" => array("trim(pse.no_pessoa)", "trim(vue.sg_unidade_org || ' - ' || pse.no_pessoa)"), 'tlp' => array('trim(%s)', 'trim(%s)'))), 'getNuArtefato' => array("regex" => array("AND" => array('art.nu_artefato'), 'tlp' => array('%s'))), 'getSqAssunto' => array("=" => array("AND" => 'ass.sq_assunto')), 'getTxAssuntoComplementar' => array("ilike" => array("AND" => 'art.tx_assunto_complementar')), 'getOrigem' => array("ilike" => array('OR' => array('trim(pfo.no_pessoa)', "trim(pfo.no_pessoa)"), 'tlp' => array('trim(%s)', 'trim(%s)'))), 'getNuDigital' => array("ilike" => array("AND" => 'cast(ard.nu_digital as text)')));
     $listPeriodo = array('dtCadastro' => 'art.dt_cadastro', 'dtAutuacao' => 'art.dt_artefato', 'dtPrazo' => 'art.dt_prazo');
     $sqPeriodo = $dto->getSqPeriodo();
     $periodoColumn = null;
     if (isset($listPeriodo[$sqPeriodo])) {
         $periodoColumn = $listPeriodo[$sqPeriodo];
     $where = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('app:Artefato')->getCriteriaText($listCondition, $dto, $periodoColumn);
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping($this->_em);
     $rsm->addScalarResult('total_record', 'totalRecord', 'integer');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_artefato', 'sqArtefato', 'integer');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('nu_artefato', 'nuArtefato', 'string');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('tx_assunto', 'txAssunto', 'string');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('origem', 'noPessoaOrigem', 'string');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('interessados', 'noPessoaInteressados', 'string');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('tx_movimentacao', 'txMovimentacao', 'string');
     $sql = "SELECT\n                       COUNT(art.sq_artefato) OVER() AS total_record,\n                       art.sq_artefato,\n                       formata_numero_artefato(art.nu_artefato, atp.co_ambito_processo) AS nu_artefato,\n                       ass.sq_assunto,\n                       ass.tx_assunto,\n                       art.tx_assunto_complementar,\n                       string_agg(pse.no_pessoa, ', ') as interessados,\n                       pfo.sq_pessoa_corporativo as origem_id,\n                       pfo.no_pessoa as origem,\n                       art.dt_artefato,\n                       art.dt_prazo,\n                       art.dt_cadastro,\n                       ard.nu_digital,\n                       sgdoce.ultima_movimentacao_artefato(art.sq_artefato) as tx_movimentacao,\n                       vuo.sg_unidade_org\n                  FROM sgdoce.artefato art\n                  JOIN sgdoce.artefato_processo atp\n                    ON art.sq_artefato = atp.sq_artefato\n                  JOIN sgdoce.tipo_artefato_assunto taa\n                    ON art.sq_tipo_artefato_assunto = taa.sq_tipo_artefato_assunto\n                  JOIN sgdoce.assunto ass\n                    ON taa.sq_assunto = ass.sq_assunto\n                  JOIN sgdoce.pessoa_artefato pao\n                    ON art.sq_artefato = pao.sq_artefato AND pao.sq_pessoa_funcao = " . \Core_Configuration::getSgdocePessoaFuncaoOrigem() . "\n                  JOIN sgdoce.pessoa_sgdoce pfo\n                    ON pao.sq_pessoa_sgdoce = pfo.sq_pessoa_sgdoce\n             LEFT JOIN corporativo.vw_unidade_org vuo\n                    ON pfo.sq_pessoa_corporativo = vuo.sq_pessoa\n             LEFT JOIN sgdoce.pessoa_interessada_artefato pai\n                    ON art.sq_artefato = pai.sq_artefato\n             LEFT JOIN sgdoce.pessoa_sgdoce pse\n                    ON pai.sq_pessoa_sgdoce = pse.sq_pessoa_sgdoce\n             LEFT JOIN corporativo.vw_unidade_org vue\n                    ON pse.sq_pessoa_corporativo = vue.sq_pessoa\n             LEFT JOIN sgdoce.artefato_vinculo arv\n                    ON art.sq_artefato = arv.sq_artefato_pai AND arv.sq_tipo_vinculo_artefato = " . \Core_Configuration::getSgdoceTipoVinculoArtefatoAutuacao() . "\n             LEFT JOIN sgdoce.artefato ard\n                    ON ard.sq_artefato = arv.sq_artefato_filho\n                %s\n              GROUP BY art.sq_artefato,\n                       art.nu_artefato,\n                       atp.co_ambito_processo,\n                       ass.sq_assunto,\n                       ass.tx_assunto,\n                       art.tx_assunto_complementar,\n                       pfo.sq_pessoa_corporativo,\n                       pfo.no_pessoa,\n                       art.dt_artefato,\n                       art.dt_prazo,\n                       art.dt_cadastro,\n                       ard.nu_digital,\n                       tx_movimentacao,\n                       vuo.sg_unidade_org";
     if ($where != "") {
         $where = "WHERE " . $where;
     } else {
         $where = "WHERE 1 <> 1";
     $sql = sprintf($sql, $where);
     return $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
Beispiel #11
 public function getDbversion()
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('v', 'v');
     $version = $this->app['orm.em']->createNativeQuery('select version() as v', $rsm)->getSingleScalarResult();
     if ($this->app['config']['database']['driver'] == 'pdo_mysql') {
         return 'MySQL ' . $version;
     } else {
         return $version;
Beispiel #12
 public function testNativeQueryResultCaching()
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'u');
     $query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery('select FROM cms_users u WHERE = ?', $rsm);
     $query->setParameter(1, 10);
     $cache = new ArrayCache();
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($cache->getIds()));
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($cache->getIds()));
     return $query;
  * Gets an approximate row count from the information_schema.tables for the current entity
  * @return int|NULL
 public function findApproximateCount()
     $database = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->getDatabase();
     $tableName = $this->getClassMetadata()->table['name'];
     $sql = 'SELECT table_rows FROM information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=? AND  TABLE_NAME=?';
     $resultSetMapping = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $resultSetMapping->addScalarResult('table_rows', 'table_rows');
     $query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $resultSetMapping);
     $query->setParameter(1, $database);
     $query->setParameter(2, $tableName);
     $result = $query->getOneOrNullResult();
     return $result['table_rows'];
Beispiel #14
 public function getFoundRows()
     // Run FOUND_ROWS query and add to results array
     $sql = 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS foundRows';
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('foundRows', 'foundRows');
     $query = $this->em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
     $foundRows = $query->getResult();
     if ($foundRows[0]['foundRows']) {
         return $foundRows[0]['foundRows'];
     } else {
         return 0;
Beispiel #15
  * Define check exception query
  * FIXME: decompose; move query definition to a separate method
  * @param array $ids Option ids list
  * @return \Doctrine\ORM\NativeQuery
 protected function defineCheckExceptionQuery(array $ids)
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('cnt', 'cnt');
     $keys = array();
     $parameters = array();
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $keys[] = ':id' . $id;
         $parameters['id' . $id] = $id;
     $query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery('SELECT COUNT(e1.option_id) as cnt ' . 'FROM ' . $this->_class->getTableName() . ' as e1 ' . 'WHERE e1.option_id IN (' . implode(', ', $keys) . ') ' . 'GROUP BY e1.exception_id ' . 'HAVING cnt = (' . 'SELECT COUNT(e2.option_id) ' . 'FROM ' . $this->_class->getTableName() . ' as e2 ' . 'WHERE e2.exception_id = e1.exception_id ' . 'GROUP BY e2.exception_id' . ') ' . 'LIMIT 1', $rsm);
     foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
         $query->setParameter($key, $value);
     return $query;
Beispiel #16
  * Counts Assets with the given Tag assigned
  * @param \TYPO3\Media\Domain\Model\Tag $tag
  * @param AssetCollection $assetCollection
  * @return integer
 public function countByTag(\TYPO3\Media\Domain\Model\Tag $tag, AssetCollection $assetCollection = NULL)
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('c', 'c');
     if ($assetCollection === NULL) {
         $queryString = 'SELECT count(a.persistence_object_identifier) c FROM typo3_media_domain_model_asset a LEFT JOIN typo3_media_domain_model_asset_tags_join mm ON a.persistence_object_identifier = mm.media_asset WHERE mm.media_tag = ?';
     } else {
         $queryString = 'SELECT count(a.persistence_object_identifier) c FROM typo3_media_domain_model_asset a LEFT JOIN typo3_media_domain_model_asset_tags_join tagmm ON a.persistence_object_identifier = tagmm.media_asset LEFT JOIN typo3_media_domain_model_assetcollection_assets_join collectionmm ON a.persistence_object_identifier = collectionmm.media_asset WHERE tagmm.media_tag = ? AND collectionmm.media_assetcollection = ?';
     $query = $this->entityManager->createNativeQuery($queryString, $rsm);
     $query->setParameter(1, $tag);
     if ($assetCollection !== NULL) {
         $query->setParameter(2, $assetCollection);
     return $query->getSingleScalarResult();
Beispiel #17
 public function getLastHistorico($sqArtefato)
     $sql = 'SELECT ch.sq_tipo_historico_arquivo
               FROM sgdoce.caixa_historico ch
               JOIN ( SELECT sq_artefato,
                             MAX(dt_operacao) dt_operacao
                        FROM sgdoce.caixa_historico
                       GROUP BY 1
                     ) ch_max ON (ch.sq_artefato, ch.dt_operacao) = (ch_max.sq_artefato, ch_max.dt_operacao)
               WHERE ch.sq_artefato = :sqArtefato';
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping($this->_em);
     $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_tipo_historico_arquivo', 'sqTipoHistoricoArquivo', 'integer');
     $nq = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
     $nq->setParameter('sqArtefato', $sqArtefato);
     $result = $nq->getOneOrNullResult();
     return $result ? $result['sqTipoHistoricoArquivo'] : NULL;
Beispiel #18
 public function getDatasMaxMin($sqVolume)
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping($this->_em);
     $rsm->addScalarResult('dt_abertura', 'dtAbertura', 'string');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('dt_encerramento', 'dtEncerramento', 'string');
     $query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery('
                 to_char(ant.dt_encerramento, \'DD/MM/YYYY\') AS dt_encerramento, 
                 to_char(post.dt_abertura, \'DD/MM/YYYY\') AS dt_abertura
                 sgdoce.processo_volume pv
                 LEFT JOIN sgdoce.processo_volume ant  ON (ant.sq_artefato  = pv.sq_artefato AND ant.nu_volume  = (pv.nu_volume - 1))
                 LEFT JOIN sgdoce.processo_volume post ON (post.sq_artefato = pv.sq_artefato AND post.nu_volume = (pv.nu_volume + 1))
                 pv.sq_volume = :sqVolume', $rsm);
     $query->setParameter('sqVolume', $sqVolume);
     return $query->getResult();
Beispiel #19
 public function getNextBoxNumber(\Core_Dto_Search $dto)
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping($this->_em);
     $rsm->addScalarResult('nu_caixa', 'nuCaixa', 'string');
     $sql = sprintf("\n                    SELECT lpad((COALESCE(max(nu_caixa::INTEGER),0) + 1)::TEXT,7,'0') AS nu_caixa\n                      FROM caixa\n                     WHERE sq_unidade_org = %d", $dto->getSqUnidadeOrg());
     $nativeQuery = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
     $result = $nativeQuery->getSingleResult();
     return $result['nuCaixa'];
Beispiel #20
 public function findByEventsAndDateInterval($event_ids = array(), $date_from = null, $date_to = null, $limit = null, $offset = null)
     if (!$event_ids) {
         return array();
     if (is_null($date_from)) {
         $date_from = date('Y-m-d');
     } else {
         if ($date_from instanceof \DateTime) {
             $date_from = $date_from->format('Y-m-d');
     if (is_null($date_to)) {
         $date_to = $date_from;
     } else {
         if ($date_to instanceof \DateTime) {
             $date_to = $date_to->format('Y-m-d');
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addEntityResult('MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Space', 'e');
     $metadata = $this->getClassMetadata();
     foreach ($metadata->fieldMappings as $map) {
         $rsm->addFieldResult('e', $map['columnName'], $map['fieldName']);
     $dql_limit = $dql_offset = '';
     if ($limit) {
         $dql_limit = 'LIMIT ' . $limit;
     if ($offset) {
         $dql_offset = 'OFFSET ' . $offset;
     $dql_event_ids = $event_ids ? 'AND eo.event_id IN (' . implode(',', $event_ids) . ')' : '';
     $strNativeQuery = "\n            SELECT\n                e.*\n            FROM\n                space e\n            JOIN\n                recurring_event_occurrence_for(:date_from, :date_to, 'Etc/UTC', NULL) eo\n                ON eo.space_id = {$dql_event_ids}\n\n            WHERE e.status > 0\n\n            {$dql_limit} {$dql_offset}\n\n            ORDER BY\n                eo.starts_on, eo.starts_at";
     $query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($strNativeQuery, $rsm);
     $app = \MapasCulturais\App::i();
     if ($app->config['app.useEventsCache']) {
         $query->useResultCache(true, $app->config['app.eventsCache.lifetime']);
     $query->setParameters(array('date_from' => $date_from, 'date_to' => $date_to));
     return $query->getResult();
  * Walks down a SelectStatement AST node, wrapping it in a SELECT DISTINCT
  * @param SelectStatement $AST
  * @return string
 public function walkSelectStatement(SelectStatement $AST)
     $innerSql = parent::walkSelectStatement($AST);
     // Find out the SQL alias of the identifier column of the root entity
     // It may be possible to make this work with multiple root entities but that
     // would probably require issuing multiple queries or doing a UNION SELECT
     // so for now, It's not supported.
     // Get the root entity and alias from the AST fromClause
     $from = $AST->fromClause->identificationVariableDeclarations;
     if (count($from) !== 1) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Cannot count query which selects two FROM components, cannot make distinction");
     $rootAlias = $from[0]->rangeVariableDeclaration->aliasIdentificationVariable;
     $rootClass = $this->queryComponents[$rootAlias]['metadata'];
     $rootIdentifier = $rootClass->identifier;
     // For every identifier, find out the SQL alias by combing through the ResultSetMapping
     $sqlIdentifier = array();
     foreach ($rootIdentifier as $property) {
         if (isset($rootClass->fieldMappings[$property])) {
             foreach (array_keys($this->rsm->fieldMappings, $property) as $alias) {
                 if ($this->rsm->columnOwnerMap[$alias] == $rootAlias) {
                     $sqlIdentifier[$property] = $alias;
         if (isset($rootClass->associationMappings[$property])) {
             $joinColumn = $rootClass->associationMappings[$property]['joinColumns'][0]['name'];
             foreach (array_keys($this->rsm->metaMappings, $joinColumn) as $alias) {
                 if ($this->rsm->columnOwnerMap[$alias] == $rootAlias) {
                     $sqlIdentifier[$property] = $alias;
     if (count($rootIdentifier) != count($sqlIdentifier)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Not all identifier properties can be found in the ResultSetMapping: %s', implode(', ', array_diff($rootIdentifier, array_keys($sqlIdentifier)))));
     // Build the counter query
     $sql = sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM (%s) dctrn_result', implode(', ', $sqlIdentifier), $innerSql);
     if ($this->platform instanceof PostgreSqlPlatform) {
         $this->getPostgresqlSql($AST, $sqlIdentifier, $innerSql, $sql);
     // Apply the limit and offset
     $sql = $this->platform->modifyLimitQuery($sql, $this->maxResults, $this->firstResult);
     // Add the columns to the ResultSetMapping. It's not really nice but
     // it works. Preferably I'd clear the RSM or simply create a new one
     // but that is not possible from inside the output walker, so we dirty
     // up the one we have.
     foreach ($sqlIdentifier as $property => $alias) {
         $this->rsm->addScalarResult($alias, $property);
     return $sql;
 public function deleteInteressadoSemSqCorporativo($dto)
     $sql = "SELECT ps.sq_pessoa_sgdoce\n                 FROM pessoa_interessada_artefato pa\n                 JOIN pessoa_sgdoce ps using(sq_pessoa_sgdoce)\n                WHERE sq_artefato = :sqArtefato\n                  AND sq_pessoa_corporativo IS NULL";
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_pessoa_sgdoce', 'sqPessoaSgdoce', 'integer');
     $nq = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
     $nq->setParameter('sqArtefato', $dto->getSqArtefato());
     $result = $nq->getArrayResult();
     if (!$result) {
         return 0;
     $aux = array();
     foreach ($result as $value) {
         $aux[] = $value['sqPessoaSgdoce'];
     $queryBuilder = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
     $delete = $queryBuilder->delete($this->_entityName, 'pa')->andWhere('pa.sqArtefato = :sqArtefato')->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->in('pa.sqPessoaSgdoce', $aux))->setParameter('sqArtefato', $dto->getSqArtefato());
     $out = $delete->getQuery()->execute();
     return $out;
 public function indexAction()
     $page = intval($this->params()->fromQuery('page', 1), 10);
     $rank = is_null($this->getIdentityEntity()) ? 0 : $this->getIdentityEntity()->rank;
     $maxResults = 15;
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('theCount', 'count');
     $result = $this->getEntityManager()->createNativeQuery("SELECT COUNT(id) AS theCount FROM announcement WHERE lowestReadableRank <= {$rank}", $rsm)->execute();
     $pages = ceil($result[0]['count'] / $maxResults);
     if ($page > $pages) {
         $page = $pages;
     $offset = ($page - 1) * $maxResults;
     $announcementRepo = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('NightsWatch\\Entity\\Announcement');
     $criteria = Criteria::create()->where(Criteria::expr()->lte('lowestReadableRank', $rank))->orderBy(['timestamp' => 'DESC'])->setFirstResult($offset)->setMaxResults($maxResults);
     /** @var \NightsWatch\Entity\Announcement[] $announcements */
     $announcements = $announcementRepo->matching($criteria);
     return new ViewModel(['announcements' => $announcements, 'pages' => $pages, 'page' => $page, 'identity' => $this->getIdentityEntity()]);
Beispiel #24
 public function getDbversion()
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('v', 'v');
     switch ($this->app['config']['database']['driver']) {
         case 'pdo_sqlite':
             $prefix = 'SQLite version ';
             $func = 'sqlite_version()';
         case 'pdo_mysql':
             $prefix = 'MySQL ';
             $func = 'version()';
         case 'pdo_pgsql':
             $prefix = '';
             $func = 'version()';
     $version = $this->app['orm.em']->createNativeQuery('select ' . $func . ' as v', $rsm)->getSingleScalarResult();
     return $prefix . $version;
Beispiel #25
  * @param \Core_Dto_Search $dto
  * Perfil do Usuário ex. SGI = \Core_Configuration::getSicaeTipoPerfilAdministrador()
  * @return QueryBuilder
 public function listUsuarioPorPerfil($dto)
     $sqPerfil = null;
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT\n                       u.sq_usuario,\n                       u.sq_pessoa,\n                       u.st_ativo,\n                       pe.no_pessoa,\n                       p.no_perfil,\n                       p.in_perfil_externo\n                  FROM sicae.vw_usuario u\n                  JOIN sicae.vw_usuario_perfil up USING(sq_usuario)\n                  JOIN sicae.vw_perfil p USING(sq_perfil)\n                  JOIN corporativo.vw_pessoa pe USING(sq_pessoa)\n                 WHERE u.st_ativo = TRUE\n                   AND p.sq_perfil = :sqPerfil\n                 ORDER BY pe.no_pessoa";
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_usuario', 'sqUsuario');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_pessoa', 'sqPessoa');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('st_ativo', 'stAtivo');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('no_pessoa', 'noPessoa');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('no_perfil', 'noPerfil');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('in_perfil_externo', 'inPerfilExterno');
     $nativeQuery = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
     $nativeQuery->setParameter('sqPerfil', $dto->getSqPerfil());
     return $nativeQuery->useResultCache(TRUE, NULL, __METHOD__)->getArrayResult();
  * @see Console\Command\Command
 protected function execute(Console\Input\InputInterface $input, Console\Output\OutputInterface $output)
     $em = $this->getApplication()->getKernel()->getContainer()->getService('em');
     $sessionDiff = 3600 * 48;
     $requestTimeDiff = 3600;
     // select sections older than 48 hours
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addEntityResult('\\Newscoop\\Entity\\Session', 's');
     $rsm->addFieldResult('s', 'id', 'id');
     $rsm->addFieldResult('s', 'start_time', 'start_time');
     $rsm->addFieldResult('s', 'user_id', 'user_id');
     $rsm->addJoinedEntityResult('\\Newscoop\\Entity\\Request', 'r', 's', null);
     $rsm->addFieldResult('r', 'last_stats_update', 'last_stats_update');
     $rsm->addFieldResult('r', 'session_id', 'session');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('last_update_diff', 'last_update_diff');
     $sql = "SELECT\r\n          ,\r\n                    s.start_time,\r\n                    s.user_id,\r\n                    MIN(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), r.last_stats_update))) AS last_update_diff\r\n                FROM\r\n                    Sessions s\r\n                LEFT JOIN\r\n                    Requests r ON = r.session_id\r\n                WHERE\r\n                    TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), s.start_time)) >= {$sessionDiff}\r\n        ";
     $query = $em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
     $sessions = $query->getResult();
     if (count($sessions) == 0 || $sessions[0][0] == null) {
         $output->writeln('<error>There is nothing to remove.</error>');
     foreach ($sessions as $session) {
         if ($session['last_update_diff'] < $requestTimeDiff) {
             // if there was a request for this session less than one hour ago do not process the session
         foreach ($session[0]->getRequests() as $request) {
             $output->writeln('<info>Request for session with id: ' . $session[0]->getId() . ' was removed.</info>');
         $output->writeln('<info>Session with id: ' . $session[0]->getId() . ' was removed.</info>');
     return true;
 public function count()
     if ($this->largeTableComputedCount === null) {
         $query = $this->getQuery();
         $sql = $query->getSQL();
         if (substr_count($sql, 'SELECT') == 1 && strpos($sql, 'GROUP BY') === false && strpos($sql, 'SUM(') === false && strpos($sql, 'COUNT(') === false) {
             $sql = preg_replace(array('/^SELECT ((?! FROM).+) FROM/ims', '/ORDER BY .*$/ims', '/LIMIT BY .*$/ims'), array('SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_for_paginator FROM', '', ''), $sql);
             $em = $query->getEntityManager();
             $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
             $rsm->addScalarResult('count_for_paginator', 'count_for_paginator');
             $countQuery = $em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($query->getParameters() as $parameter) {
                 $v = $parameter->getValue();
                 $countQuery->setParameter($i++, is_object($v) ? $v->getId() : $v);
             $result = $countQuery->getSingleScalarResult();
             $this->largeTableComputedCount = (int) $result;
         } else {
             $this->largeTableComputedCount = $this->count();
     return $this->largeTableComputedCount;
Beispiel #28
  * Merge second user into first one and returns it
  * @param User $userByEmail user to be kept
  * @param User $userByIdentity user to be deleted
  * @param Identity $identity identity to be moved from the deleted user to kept user
  * @return User
 private function mergeUser(User $userByEmail, User $userByIdentity, Identity $identity)
     // Gather all references to the user that we are going to delete
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('TABLE_NAME', 'TABLE_NAME');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('COLUMN_NAME', 'COLUMN_NAME');
     $qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createNativeQuery("\n            SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME\n            FROM `information_schema`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE`\n            WHERE\n            REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA = :database\n            AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = 'user'\n            AND REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME = 'id'", $rsm);
     $database = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->getDatabase();
     $qb->setParameters(['database' => $database]);
     $records = $qb->getResult(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     // Update all references from the old user to the user we're going to keep
     foreach ($records as $r) {
         $table = $r['TABLE_NAME'];
         $field = $r['COLUMN_NAME'];
         $query = "UPDATE `{$table}` SET `{$field}` = :newUser WHERE `{$field}` = :oldUser";
         $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->executeUpdate($query, ['newUser' => $userByEmail->getId(), 'oldUser' => $userByIdentity->getId()]);
     // This is not strictly necessary since the DB just has been update a
     // few lines before, but just to keep the model in memory up to date we do it "again"
     // Delete the duplicated user
     return $userByEmail;
  * Método de consulta de campos dos padrões de documentos campos para preenchimento do combo
  * @return array
 public function listItensPadraoModeloDocCampos($dtoSearch)
     if ($dtoSearch->getSqModeloDocumento()) {
         $sql = " SELECT pmdc.sq_padrao_modelo_documento_cam,\n            marcado.sq_padrao_modelo_documento checked,\n            c.sq_campo,c.no_campo,gc.sq_grupo_campo,gc.no_grupo_campo,pmd.no_padrao_modelo_documento\n            ,pmdc.in_visivel_documento\n            FROM campo c\n            INNER JOIN grupo_campo gc\n                        ON (c.sq_grupo_campo = gc.sq_grupo_campo)\n            INNER JOIN padrao_modelo_documento_campo pmdc\n                        ON (pmdc.sq_campo = c.sq_campo)\n            INNER JOIN padrao_modelo_documento pmd\n                        ON (pmd.sq_padrao_modelo_documento = pmdc.sq_padrao_modelo_documento)\n            LEFT JOIN\n                        (SELECT pmdc.sq_padrao_modelo_documento_cam, pmdc.sq_padrao_modelo_documento\n                        FROM modelo_documento md\n                        INNER JOIN modelo_documento_campo mdc\n                            ON (md.sq_modelo_documento = mdc.sq_modelo_documento)\n                        INNER JOIN padrao_modelo_documento_campo pmdc\n                            ON (mdc.sq_padrao_modelo_documento_cam = pmdc.sq_padrao_modelo_documento_cam)\n                        WHERE md.sq_modelo_documento = {$dtoSearch->getSqModeloDocumento()}) marcado\n                        ON (marcado.sq_padrao_modelo_documento_cam = pmdc.sq_padrao_modelo_documento_cam\n                            )\n            WHERE pmd.sq_padrao_modelo_documento = {$dtoSearch->getSqPadraoModeloDocumento()}\n            ORDER BY pmdc.nu_ordem, gc.sq_grupo_campo, c.sq_campo ASC\n            ";
         $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping($this->_em);
         $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_padrao_modelo_documento_cam', 'sqPadraoModeloDocumentoCam', 'string');
         $rsm->addScalarResult('checked', 'checked', 'string');
         $rsm->addScalarResult('no_padrao_modelo_documento', 'noPadraoModeloDocumento', 'string');
         $rsm->addScalarResult('no_campo', 'noCampo', 'string');
         $rsm->addScalarResult('no_grupo_campo', 'noGrupoCampo', 'string');
         $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_grupo_campo', 'sqGrupoCampo', 'string');
         $rsm->addScalarResult('in_visivel_documento', 'inVisivelDocumento', 'boolean');
         $result = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm)->execute();
         return $result;
     } else {
         $queryBuilder = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()->select("pmdc.sqPadraoModeloDocumentoCam,\n                                           pmd.noPadraoModeloDocumento,\n                                           c.noCampo,\n                                           gc.noGrupoCampo,\n                                           gc.sqGrupoCampo,\n                                           '' checked", 'pmdc.nuOrdem,
                                        pmdc.inVisivelDocumento')->from('app:PadraoModeloDocumentoCampo', 'pmdc')->innerJoin('pmdc.sqPadraoModeloDocumento', 'pmd')->innerJoin('pmdc.sqCampo', 'c')->innerJoin('c.sqGrupoCampo', 'gc')->orderBy('pmdc.nuOrdem, gc.sqGrupoCampo, c.sqCampo', 'ASC');
         if ($dtoSearch->getSqPadraoModeloDocumento()) {
             $queryBuilder->andWhere('pmd.sqPadraoModeloDocumento = :padraoModeloDoc')->setParameter('padraoModeloDoc', $dtoSearch->getSqPadraoModeloDocumento());
         $out = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
         return $out;
Beispiel #30
  * Método para pesquisa de artefato por ID,
  * não é necessário o artefato estar na área do trabalho para retornar a pesquisa.
  * @return 
 public function findById($sqArtefato)
     $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
     $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_artefato', 'sqArtefato', 'integer');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('nu_digital', 'nuDigital', 'string');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('nu_artefato', 'nuArtefato', 'string');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_tipo_documento', 'sqTipoDocumento', 'integer');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('no_tipo_documento', 'noTipoDocumento', 'string');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('sq_tipo_artefato', 'sqTipoArtefato', 'integer');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('dt_cadastro', 'dtCadastro', 'zenddate');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('co_ambito_processo', 'coAmbitoProcessos', 'string');
     $rsm->addScalarResult('no_pessoa_origem', 'noPessoaOrigem', 'string');
     $sql = "SELECT\n                    art.sq_artefato,\n                    art.nu_digital,\n                    art.nu_artefato,\n                    art.dt_cadastro,\n                    art_ass.sq_tipo_artefato,\n                    art_pro.co_ambito_processo,\n                    tip_doc.sq_tipo_documento,\n                    tip_doc.no_tipo_documento,\n                    pes_sgd.no_pessoa as no_pessoa_origem\n                FROM artefato art\n                JOIN tipo_artefato_assunto art_ass ON art.sq_tipo_artefato_assunto = art_ass.sq_tipo_artefato_assunto\n                JOIN tipo_documento tip_doc ON art.sq_tipo_documento = tip_doc.sq_tipo_documento\n                -- ORIGEM\n                JOIN pessoa_artefato pes_art ON art.sq_artefato = pes_art.sq_artefato\n                JOIN pessoa_sgdoce pes_sgd ON pes_art.sq_pessoa_sgdoce = pes_sgd.sq_pessoa_sgdoce                \n                LEFT JOIN artefato_processo art_pro ON art.sq_artefato = art_pro.sq_artefato\n                WHERE art.sq_artefato = :sqArtefato\n                AND pes_art.sq_pessoa_funcao = :sqPessoaFuncao";
     $query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
     $query->setParameter('sqArtefato', $sqArtefato)->setParameter('sqPessoaFuncao', \Core_Configuration::getSgdocePessoaFuncaoOrigem())->useResultCache(false);
     return $query->getSingleResult();