function Page($LocalPageName = '<null>', $PathFromRoot = '', $PathToRoot = '../', $PageTitle = 'Untitled Document') { $this->Viewer =& new Viewer(); if ($this->Viewer->isAuthenticated() == False) { $this->Redirect("{$PathToRoot}Login/Login.php?M=D&CP={$PathFromRoot}{$LocalPageName}"); } else { $this->PageName = $LocalPageName; $this->PathFromRootDir = $PathFromRoot; $this->PathToRootDir = $PathToRoot; $this->PageTitle = $PageTitle; $this->PageBackgroundImage = "<null>"; $this->BodyParameters = "<null>"; $this->CharacterSet = "iso-8859-1"; $this->Styles = array(); $this->JScripts = array(); $this->OnLoadEvents = array(); DisplayObject::DisplayObject(); // Call the parent Object's Constructor // Check to see if there was a Language Change requested on current page: if (isset($_REQUEST[SESSION_ID_LANG]) == true) { $_SESSION[SESSION_ID_LANG] = $_REQUEST[SESSION_ID_LANG]; } // Now check to see if there is a current Language setting in the stored session info if (isset($_SESSION[SESSION_ID_LANG])) { $this->Viewer->LanguageID = $_SESSION[SESSION_ID_LANG]; } } }
function GetId() { if (isset($_GET['code'])) { $this->code = $_GET['code']; } parent::GetId(); }
function DisplayFormattedObject() { switch ($this->format) { case 'text': $this->DisplayText(); break; default: parent::DisplayFormattedObject(); break; } }
public function render() { if ($this->source) { $output = $this->source; foreach ($this->dictionary as $key => $value) { $this->applyPropertyToView($key, $value, $output); } return $output; } else { return DisplayObject::renderDisplayObjectWithURLAndDictionary($this->url, $this->dictionary); } }
function GetId() { if (isset($_GET['namebankid'])) { $this->namebankid = $_GET['namebankid']; } if (isset($_GET['namestring'])) { $this->namestring = $_GET['namestring']; } parent::GetId(); /* if (isset($_GET['lsid'])) { $this->identifiers[] = $_GET['lsid']; }*/ }
function DisplayFormattedObject() { switch ($this->format) { case 'xml': $this->DisplayXml(); break; case 'ris': $this->DisplayRis(); break; case 'bib': $this->DisplayBibtex(); break; case 'text': $this->DisplayText(); break; default: parent::DisplayFormattedObject(); break; } }
function GetDisplayData() { $Data = new DisplayObject(); $Data->AddToDisplayList('<form action="' . $this->cCallBack . '" method="post" name="' . $this->ClassTitle . '"> <input type="hidden" name="Process" value="Yes"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="6" cellpadding="6">'); for ($Indx = 0; $Indx < count($this->Entries); $Indx++) { $Data->AddToDisplayList($this->ReturnDisplayRow($this->Types[$Indx], $this->Entries[$Indx]), DISPLAYOBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT); } $Data->AddToDisplayList('<tr> <td> </td> <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td> </tr>'); $Data->AddToDisplayList('</table></form>'); if ($this->OutPutMessages != '') { $Data->AddToDisplayList('<hr size="1" noshade color="223450"><p class="text">' . $this->OutPutMessages . '</p>'); } return $Data; }
function Page_v1($LocalPageName = '<null>', $PathFromRoot = '', $PathToRoot = '../', $PageTitle = 'Untitled Document') { $this->Viewer =& new Viewer(); if ($this->Viewer->IsAuthenticated == False) { $this->Redirect("{$PathToRoot}Authenticate.php?CP={$PathFromRoot}{$LocalPageName}"); } else { $this->PageName = $LocalPageName; $this->PathFromRootDir = $PathFromRoot; $this->PathToRootDir = $PathToRoot; $this->PageTitle = $PageTitle; $this->PageBackgroundImage = "{$PathToRoot}../Pages/Images/Gen_bkg.gif"; $this->BodyParameters = 'vlink="#660000" alink="#660000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" '; $this->TitleImage = 'Images/ttl_Current.gif'; $this->Styles = array(); $this->JScripts = array(); $this->OnLoadEvents = array(); DisplayObject::DisplayObject(); // Call the parent Object's Constructor $this->AddStyle('Reports'); $this->AddStyle('Section'); $this->AddStyle('Subscriptions'); } }
function Draw() { $this->InitDisplay(); if ($this->isExcelSheet == false) { DisplayObject::Draw(); } else { $this->ExcelWorkBook->Draw(); } }
function DrawSubMenus() { // Re-initialize Display List before drawing $this->DisplayList = array(); $this->NumDisplayItems = 0; $this->ParseDraw($this->NavBarData['SubMenus']); return DisplayObject::Draw(); }
function DisplayObject_MySQLDB($DBName, $DBPath, $DBUserID, $DBPWord) { DisplayObject::DisplayObject(); // Call the Parent Constructor. $this->DBName = $DBName; $this->DBPath = $DBPath; $this->DBUserID = $DBUserID; $this->DBPWord = $DBPWord; $this->IsDBInitialized = false; }
function MultiLingual_Image($ImageName, $ImageType, $LanguageID) { DisplayObject::DisplayObject(); switch ($LanguageID) { case 1: $Temp = '_en'; break; case 2: $Temp = '_cn'; break; case 3: $Temp = '_ko'; break; } $this->ImageFileName = $ImageName . $Temp . $ImageType; // In Future Perform File Checking here, and default to _en or // unmodified file names if they Exist. If they don't then put // HTML Message "Image XXX Not Found." $this->AddToDisplayList("<img src=\"" . $this->ImageFileName . "\" >"); }
function drawDirect() { // // DESCRIPTION // // Here we override the Parent drawDirect() function to make sure the display // data is properly initialized. // this method is preferred over Draw - shorter time taken to draw table. //echo "I am at DrawDirect"; $this->initDisplayData(); DisplayObject::drawDirect(); }
function DisplayFormattedObject() { switch ($this->format) { case 'xml': $this->DisplayXml(); break; case 'text': $this->DisplayText(); break; case 'ris': $this->DisplayRis(); break; case 'bib': $this->DisplayBibtex(); break; case 'pdf': $this->DisplayPdf(); break; case 'rss': $this->DisplayRSS(); break; case 'json': $this->DisplayJSON(); break; case 'bibjson': $this->DisplayBibJSON(); break; case 'wikispecies': $this->DisplayWikispecies(); break; case 'wikipedia': $this->DisplayWikipedia(); break; default: parent::DisplayFormattedObject(); break; } }
function Draw() { $this->DrawInit(); return DisplayObject::Draw(); }
function Draw() { $this->initData(); return DisplayObject::Draw(); }
function Draw() { $this->AddToDisplayList($this->Data); return DisplayObject::Draw(); }