  * Generate a test for the given method at the given location using an answer file.
  * @param string $className
  * @param string $methodName
  * @param string $testRootDir
  * @param string $answerFileName
  * @return void
 static function createTest($className, $methodName, $testRootDir, $answerFileName)
     // @TODO (ryang 11/12/14) : use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR consistently to make the test platform independent.
     // We use the -o overwrite flag to overwrite any output file which may be there.
     // Thus we don't need to clean up the generated files.
     $projectRootDir = Directory::getProjectRoot();
     $fixtureDir = Directory::getFixtureDir();
     $inputDir = Directory::getInputDataDir();
     $config_file_path_option = \Box\TestScribe\CLI\CmdOption::CONFIG_FILE_PATH;
     $config_file_path = $inputDir . "/test_scribe_config.yaml";
     $cmd = "cat {$inputDir}/{$answerFileName}.txt | " . "php {$projectRootDir}/bin/test_scribe.php generate-test " . " {$inputDir}/{$className}.php {$methodName} " . " --{$config_file_path_option}={$config_file_path} " . " --test-source-root={$testRootDir} " . " --bootstrap={$fixtureDir}/bootstrapForTest.php -o";
     // Execute the command in a shell.
     // Without assigning the expression result to a local variable first
     // Intellij will warn about not using the result of an expression.
     /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
     $out = `{$cmd}`;