var params          = new Array();
	params['xml']       = "<?php 
    echo $xml_file;
    params['directive'] = "<?php 
    echo $directive_id;
    params['reload']    = true;
$directive_editor = new Directive_editor($engine_id);
$rule = $directive_editor->get_rule($directive_id, $xml_file, $rule_id);
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
$plugin_list = Plugin::get_list($conn);
if ($plugin_list == "") {
    $plugin_list = array();
$plugin_names = array();
$plugin_list_order = array();
foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) {
    $plugin_names[$plugin->get_id()] = $plugin->get_name();
    $plugin_list_order[strtolower($plugin->get_name()) . ";" . $plugin->get_id()] = $plugin;
    if ($rule->plugin_id == $plugin->get_id()) {
        $plugin_type = $plugin->get_type();
$attrib = $fields[0];
$rule = $fields[1];
$dir_id = $fields[2];
$file = $fields[3];
ossim_valid($engine_id, OSS_HEX, '\\-', 'illegal:' . _("Engine ID"));
ossim_valid($rule, OSS_DIGIT, '\\-', 'illegal:' . _("Rule ID"));
ossim_valid($dir_id, OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal:' . _("Directive ID"));
ossim_valid($file, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_PUNC, 'illegal:' . _("File"));
if (ossim_error()) {
$file = "user.xml";
// Force to user.xml as no other can be written
// Get current value
$directive_editor = new Directive_editor($engine_id);
$rule_aux = $directive_editor->get_rule($dir_id, $file, $rule);
$current_value = $rule_aux->{$attrib};
// Timeout
if ($attrib == "time_out") {
    ossim_valid($value, OSS_DIGIT, 'noneNONE', OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . $attrib);
    if (preg_match("/^none\$/i", $value)) {
        $value = "";
    } elseif ($value != "" && !preg_match("/^none\$/i", $value) && !preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $value)) {
        $another_error = _("Timeout must have a numeric value or None");
    if ($value == "") {
        $value = "None";
    // Occurrence
} elseif ($attrib == "occurrence") {
    ossim_valid($value, OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal:' . $attrib);