public function controller_header($args) { if (empty($this->shown["header"])) { // Only allow header once per page $this->shown["header"] = true; $agents = array('mac', 'windows', 'linux', 'unix', 'android', 'ios', 'ipad', 'iphone', 'ipod', 'mobile', 'webkit', 'chrome', 'firefox', 'msie', 'opera', 'safari'); $useragent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $classes = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= count($agents); $i++) { if (strpos($useragent, $agents[$i])) { $classes .= ' ' . $agents[$i]; } } $args["classes"] = $classes; $args["agent"] = $useragent; $dependencies = ConfigManager::get("dependencies.load"); if (!empty($dependencies)) { foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) { if (!empty($dependency["enabled"])) { $dependency_args = array(); foreach ($dependency["args"] as $dependency_name => $dependency_arg) { $dependency_args[$dependency_name] = $dependency_arg; } DependencyManager::add($dependency_args); } } } $args["native"] = any(ConfigManager::get("native"), array("enabled" => false)); return $this->GetTemplate("./header.tpl", $args); } return ""; }
function smarty_block_config($params, $content, &$smarty) { global $webapp; static $initialized = false; if (empty($params->skipcobrand)) { // FIXME - this should also apply to page_component's getCobrandContent() somehow... $cfgmgr = ConfigManager::singleton(); if (!$initialized) { $heirarchy = $cfgmgr->GetConfigHeirarchy("cobrand." . $webapp->cobrand); foreach (array_reverse($heirarchy) as $cfgname) { // Walk heirarchy from bottom up if (preg_match("/^cobrand\\.(.*)\$/", $cfgname, $m) || $cfgname == "base") { // FIXME - most general-purpose would be to use the cobrand key as imagedir (s/\./\//g?) $cobrandname = $cfgname == "base" ? $cfgname : $m[1]; if (!empty($cobrandname)) { DependencyManager::add(array("type" => "component", "name" => "cobrands." . $cobrandname, "priority" => 4)); //DependencyManager::add(array("type"=>"component", "name"=>"cobrands.".$cobrandname."-fixes", "priority"=>4)); } } } $initialized = true; } } return trim($content); }
/** * addAppDependency. * * @param string $extensionmainjs Param * @param array &$dependencies {key2 => {key1, keyi}} * @param array &$paths {key1 => pathjs1, key2 => pathjs2} * * @return string */ public function addAppDependency($extensionmainjs, &$dependencies = array(), &$paths = array()) { $appName = parent::addAppDependency($extensionmainjs, $dependencies, $paths); $this->appPaths = array_merge($this->appPaths, $paths); $this->_addDependencyArray($dependencies); $moreDependencies = $this->_discoverDependencies($paths); $this->_addDependencyArray($moreDependencies); }
/** * @covers jk\sys\DependencyManager::register */ public function testRegister2() { \Yii::$container->clear('jarekkozak\\sys\\IProperties'); DependencyManager::register(['jarekkozak\\sys\\IProperties' => function () { return new \jarekkozak\sys\Properties(['values' => ['prop1' => 'test1']]); }]); $a = \Yii::$container->get('jarekkozak\\sys\\TestDPM'); self::assertInstanceOf('jarekkozak\\sys\\Properties', $a->prop); self::assertEquals('test1', $a->prop->getProperty('prop1')); }
public static function loadBasicDummyData() { TestManager::clearDatabase(); $database = new DatabaseManager(); UserManager::verifyTable($database); AddonManager::verifyTable($database); BoardManager::verifyTable($database); TagManager::verifyTable($database); GroupManager::verifyTable($database); DependencyManager::verifyTable($database); CommentManager::verifyTable($database); RatingManager::verifyTable($database); BuildManager::verifyTable($database); StatManager::verifyTable($database); ScreenshotManager::verifyTable($database); if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `addon_boards` (name, video, description) VALUES ('General Content', 'general_content_bg', 'Bricks, Events, Sounds, Prints, Environments, and much more!')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `addon_boards` (name, video, description) VALUES ('Minigames', 'minigames_bg', 'Weapons, Vehicles, Gamemodes, and all your gaming needs!')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `addon_boards` (name, video, description) VALUES ('Client Mods', 'client_mods_bg', 'Mods that run on your client.')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `addon_boards` (name, video, description) VALUES ('Bargain Bin', 'bargain_bin_bg', 'A home for \\'special\\' content.')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `users` (username, blid, password, email, salt, verified) VALUES ('testuser', '4833', '1d8436e97ef95a7a6151f47b909167c77cfe1985ee5500efa8d46cfe825abc59', '*****@*****.**', '273eb4', '1')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } //the default json types likely need to be reworked if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `addon_addons` (board, blid, name, filename, description, approved, versionInfo, authorInfo, reviewInfo) VALUES ('1', '4833', 'crapy adon', '', 'bad addone pls delete', '1', '{}', '[]', '[]')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } StatManager::addStatsToAddon(1); if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `addon_tags` (name, base_color, icon) VALUES ('dum tag', 'ff6600', 'brokenimage')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `addon_tagmap` (aid, tid) VALUES ('1', '1')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `group_groups` (leader, name, description, color, icon) VALUES ('4833', 'legion of dumies', 'a group for people who just want to be in a group', '00ff00', 'brokenimage')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `group_usermap` (gid, blid, administrator) VALUES ('1', '4833', '1')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `addon_comments` (blid, aid, comment) VALUES ('4833', '1', 'glorious addon comrade')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } if (!$database->query("INSERT INTO `addon_ratings` (blid, aid, rating) VALUES ('4833', '1', '1')")) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } }
/** * Run any dependency that fields may have * * @return void */ function updateDependentField($filter_fields = null) { // This is ignored when coming via a webservice as it's only needed for display and not just raw data. // It results in a huge performance gain when pulling multiple records via webservices. if (!isset($GLOBALS['service_object']) && !$this->is_updated_dependent_fields) { require_once "include/Expressions/DependencyManager.php"; if (empty($filter_fields)) { $filterFields = $this->field_defs; } else { $filterFields = array_intersect_key($this->field_defs, $filter_fields); } $deps = DependencyManager::getDependentFieldDependencies($filterFields); foreach ($deps as $dep) { if ($dep->getFireOnLoad()) { $dep->fire($this); } } } }
<?php //collects together all the information needed by /addons/addon.php if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { return false; } require_once realpath(dirname(__DIR__) . "/class/AddonManager.php"); require_once realpath(dirname(__DIR__) . "/class/UserManager.php"); require_once realpath(dirname(__DIR__) . "/class/TagManager.php"); require_once realpath(dirname(__DIR__) . "/class/DependencyManager.php"); $addon = AddonManager::getFromID($_GET['id'] + 0); if ($addon === false) { return false; } $user = UserManager::getFromBLID($addon->blid); $tagIDs = $addon->getTags(); $dependencyIDs = $addon->getDependencies(); $tags = []; $dependencies = []; foreach ($tagIDS as $tid) { $tags[] = TagManager::getFromID($tid); } foreach ($dependencyIDs as $did) { $dependencies[] = DependencyManager::getFromID($did); } //to do: replace "downloads" with "stats" $response = ["addon" => $addon, "user" => $user, "tags" => $tags, "dependencies" => $dependencies, "downloads" => $addon->getTotalDownloads()]; return $response;
/** * Builds up module client cache files * * @param array $platforms A list of platforms to build for. Uses the first * platform in the list as the platform. * @param string $type The type of file to create the cache for. * @param array $modules The module to create the cache for. * @param MetaDataContextInterface|null $context Metadata context */ public static function buildModuleClientCache($platforms, $type, $modules = array(), MetaDataContextInterface $context = null, $noCache = false) { if (is_string($modules)) { // They just want one module $modules = array($modules); } elseif (count($modules) == 0) { // They want all of the modules $modules = array_keys($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList']); } if (!$context) { $context = new MetaDataContextDefault(); } foreach ($modules as $module) { $seed = BeanFactory::getBean($module); $fileList = self::getClientFiles($platforms, $type, $module, $context, $seed); $moduleResults = self::getClientFileContents($fileList, $type, $module, $seed); if ($type == "view") { foreach ($moduleResults as $view => $defs) { if (!is_array($defs) || empty($seed) || empty($seed->field_defs)) { continue; } $meta = !empty($defs['meta']) ? $defs['meta'] : array(); $deps = array_merge(DependencyManager::getDependenciesForFields($seed->field_defs, ucfirst($view) . "View"), DependencyManager::getDependenciesForView($meta, ucfirst($view) . "View", $module)); if (!empty($deps)) { if (!isset($meta['dependencies']) || !is_array($meta['dependencies'])) { $moduleResults[$view]['meta']['dependencies'] = array(); } foreach ($deps as $dep) { $moduleResults[$view]['meta']['dependencies'][] = $dep->getDefinition(); } } } } if ($noCache) { return $moduleResults; } else { $basePath = sugar_cached('modules/' . $module . '/clients/' . $platforms[0]); sugar_mkdir($basePath, null, true); $output = "<?php\n\$clientCache['" . $module . "']['" . $platforms[0] . "']['" . $type . "'] = " . var_export($moduleResults, true) . ";\n\n"; sugar_file_put_contents_atomic($basePath . '/' . $type . '.php', $output); } } }
/** * createDependencyJavascript * Builds the javascript required to execute calculated/dependent fields * and module-view dependences. * * @param array $fieldDefs The fields defs for the current module. * @param array $viewDefs the viewdefs for the current view. * @param string $view the current view type. */ function createDependencyJavascript($fieldDefs, $viewDefs, $view, $module = null) { //Use a doWhen to wait for the page to be fulled loaded (!SUGAR.util.ajaxCallInProgress()) // TODO check if this isn't broken... $js = "<script type=text/javascript>\n" . "SUGAR.util.doWhen('!SUGAR.util.ajaxCallInProgress()', function(){\n" . "SUGAR.forms.AssignmentHandler.registerView('{$view}');\n"; if ($view == 'ConvertLead') { $fieldDefs = $this->prepareCalculationFields($fieldDefs, $module); } $js .= DependencyManager::getLinkFields($fieldDefs, $view); $dependencies = array_merge(DependencyManager::getDependenciesForFields($fieldDefs, $view), DependencyManager::getDependenciesForView($viewDefs, $view, $module)); foreach ($dependencies as $dep) { $js .= $dep->getJavascript($view); } //Detail views do not use the view name as the input ID. $viewId = $view == "DetailView" ? "{$module}_detailview_tabs" : $view; $js .= "\nYAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady('{$viewId}', SUGAR.forms.AssignmentHandler.loadComplete);"; $js .= "});</script>"; return $js; }
function PostProcess(&$output, $simpledebug = false) { global $webapp; Profiler::StartTimer("TemplateManager::PostProcess()"); $matchregex = "/\\[\\[(\\w[^\\[\\]{}:|]*)(?:[:|](.*?))?\\]\\]/"; if (!is_array($output)) { // FIXME - we should probably still postprocess if we're returning XML if (preg_match_all($matchregex, $output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $search = $replace = array(); foreach ($matches as $m) { $search[] = $m[0]; $replace[] = !empty($this->varreplace[$m[1]]) ? htmlspecialchars($this->varreplace[$m[1]]) : (!empty($m[2]) ? $m[2] : ""); } $pos = array_search("[[debug]]", $search); if ($pos !== false) { // if there are errors, check for access and force debug $show_debug = $webapp->debug; /* if (Logger::hasErrors()) { $user = User::singleton(); if ($user->HasRole("DEBUG") || $user->HasRole("ADMIN") || $user->HasRole("QA")) { $show_debug = true; } } */ if ($show_debug) { //$replace[$pos] = $this->GetTemplate("debug.tpl"); $replace[$pos] = $simpledebug ? Logger::Display(E_ALL) : ComponentManager::fetch("elation.debug"); } else { $replace[$pos] = ""; } } if (($pos = array_search("[[dependencies]]", $search)) !== false) { $replace[$pos] = DependencyManager::display(); // Sometimes dependencies also use postprocessing variables, so parse those and add them to the list too // FIXME - could be cleaner, this is copy-pasta of the first parsing pass above if (preg_match_all($matchregex, $replace[$pos], $submatches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($submatches as $sm) { $search[] = $sm[0]; $replace[] = !empty($this->varreplace[$sm[1]]) ? htmlspecialchars($this->varreplace[$sm[1]]) : (!empty($sm[2]) ? $sm[2] : ""); } } } $output = str_replace($search, $replace, $output); } } Profiler::StopTimer("TemplateManager::PostProcess()"); return $output; }
function App($rootdir, $args) { Profiler::StartTimer("WebApp", 1); Profiler::StartTimer("WebApp::Init", 1); Profiler::StartTimer("WebApp::TimeToDisplay", 1); // disable notices by default. This should probably be a config option... error_reporting(error_reporting() ^ E_NOTICE); // FIXME - xdebug recursion limit causes problems in some components... ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', 250); $GLOBALS["webapp"] = $this; register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown')); ob_start(); $this->rootdir = $rootdir; $this->debug = !empty($args["debug"]); $this->getAppVersion(); Logger::Info("WebApp Initializing (" . $this->appversion . ")"); Logger::Info("Path: " . get_include_path()); $this->initAutoLoaders(); if (class_exists("PandoraLog")) { Logger::Info("Turning Pandora flag on"); $pandora = PandoraLog::singleton(); $pandora->setFlag(true); } $this->InitProfiler(); $this->request = $this->ParseRequest(NULL, $args); $this->cfg = ConfigManager::singleton(array("rootdir" => $rootdir, "basedir" => $this->request["basedir"])); $this->locations = ConfigManager::getLocations(); $this->InitProfiler(); // reinitialize after loading the config Profiler::StartTimer("WebApp::Init - handleredirects", 1); $this->request = $this->ApplyRedirects($this->request); Profiler::StopTimer("WebApp::Init - handleredirects"); $this->data = DataManager::singleton($this->cfg); set_error_handler(array($this, "HandleError"), error_reporting()); DependencyManager::init($this->locations); if ($this->initialized()) { try { $this->session = SessionManager::singleton(); // Set sticky debug flag if (isset($this->request["args"]["debug"])) { $this->debug = $_SESSION["debug"] = $this->request["args"]["debug"] == 1; } else { if (!empty($_SESSION["debug"])) { $this->debug = $_SESSION["debug"]; } } $this->cobrand = $this->GetRequestedConfigName($this->request); if (isset($this->request["args"]["_role"])) { $this->role = $this->request["args"]["_role"]; } else { if (isset($this->cfg->servers["role"])) { $this->role = $this->cfg->servers["role"]; } else { $this->role = "dev"; } } $this->cfg->GetConfig($this->cobrand, true, $this->role); $this->ApplyConfigOverrides(); $this->locations = DependencyManager::$locations = $this->cfg->locations; // And the google analytics flag if (isset($this->request["args"]["GAalerts"])) { $this->GAalerts = $this->session->temporary["GAalerts"] = $this->request["args"]["GAalerts"] == 1 ? 1 : 0; } else { if (!empty($this->session->temporary["GAalerts"])) { $this->GAalerts = $this->session->temporary["GAalerts"]; } else { $this->GAalerts = 0; } } $this->apiversion = isset($this->request["args"]["apiversion"]) ? $this->request["args"]["apiversion"] : ConfigManager::get("api.version.default", 0); $this->tplmgr = TemplateManager::singleton($this->locations); $this->tplmgr->assign_by_ref("webapp", $this); $this->components = ComponentManager::singleton($this); if (class_exists("OrmManager")) { $this->orm = OrmManager::singleton($this->locations); } //$this->tplmgr->SetComponents($this->components); } catch (Exception $e) { print $this->HandleException($e); } } else { $fname = "components/elation/templates/uninitialized.html"; if (($path = file_exists_in_path($fname, true)) !== false) { print file_get_contents($path . "/" . $fname); } } $this->user = User::singleton(); $this->user->InitActiveUser($this->request); // Merge permanent user settings from the URL if (!empty($this->request["args"]["settings"])) { foreach ($this->request["args"]["settings"] as $k => $v) { $this->user->SetPreference($k, $v, "user"); } } // ...and then do the same for session settings if (!empty($this->request["args"]["sess"])) { foreach ($this->request["args"]["sess"] as $k => $v) { $this->user->SetPreference($k, $v, "temporary"); } } // And finally, initialize abtests if (class_exists("ABTestManager")) { Profiler::StartTimer("WebApp::Init - abtests", 2); $this->abtests = ABTestmanager::singleton(array("cobrand" => $this->cobrand, "v" => $this->request["args"]["v"])); Profiler::StopTimer("WebApp::Init - abtests"); } Profiler::StopTimer("WebApp::Init"); }
public function testIsFinishedFunctionality() { $op1 = new GenericOperation(1); $op2 = new GenericOperation(2); $dm = new DependencyManager(); $dm->addOperation($op1); $dm->addOperation($op2); $dm->addDependencyByOperation($op1, $op2); $this->assertFalse($dm->isFinished()); $dm->markAsExecuted($op1); $this->assertFalse($dm->isFinished()); $dm->markAsExecuted($op2); $this->assertTrue($dm->isFinished()); }
public function getDependencies() { return DependencyManager::getDependenciesFromAddonID($this->id); }
function Init($args, $locations) { foreach ($args as $k => $v) { $this->{$k} = $v; } if (!empty($args["name"]) && !empty($args["component"]) && !isset(self::$templates[$args["name"]])) { self::$templates[$args["name"]] = ComponentManager::fetch($args["component"], $args["componentargs"]); DependencyManager::add(array("type" => "component", "name" => "tplmgr.tplmgr", "priority" => 2)); } }
public static function removeDependencyByAddon($target, $required) { $database = new DatabaseManager(); DependencyManager::verifyTable($database); $resource = $database->query("SELECT `id` FROM `addon_dependencies` WHERE `target` = '" . $database->sanitize($target->getID()) . "' AND `requirement` = '" . $database->sanitize($required->getID()) . "' LIMIT 1"); if (!$resource) { throw new Exception("Database error: " . $database->error()); } if ($resource->num_rows == 0) { $resource->close(); return false; } $id = $resource->fetch_object()->id; $resource->close(); //if(!$database->query("DELETE FROM `addon_dependencies` WHERE `target` = '" . $database->sanitize($target->getID()) . "' AND `requirement` = '" . $database->sanitize($required->getID()) . "'")) { if (!$database->query("DELETE FROM `addon_dependencies` WHERE `id` = '" . $database->sanitize($id) . "'")) { throw new Exception("Error removing dependency entry: " . $database->error()); } }
/** * Smarty {dependency} plugin * * Type: function<br> * Name: dependency<br> * Purpose: Register a dependency to be printed in the header * * @author James Baicoianu * @param array * @param Smarty * @return string|null if the assign parameter is passed, Smarty assigns the * result to a template variable */ function smarty_function_dependency($args, &$smarty) { DependencyManager::add($args); }
foreach ($screenshots as $sid) { $ss = ScreenshotManager::getFromId($sid); echo "<div style=\"padding: 5px; margin: 10px 10px; background-color: #eee; display:inline-block; width: 128px; vertical-align: middle\">"; echo "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/addons/screenshot.php?id=" . $sid . "\">"; echo "<img src=\"" . $ss->getThumbUrl() . "\" /></a>"; echo "</div>"; } ?> </div> <?php $deps = DependencyManager::getDependenciesFromAddonID($_GET['id']); if (sizeof($deps) > 0) { echo "<hr /><div style=\"text-align:center\">"; echo "<b>This add-on has some dependencies or add-ons that it requires to run:</b><br/><br/>"; foreach ($deps as $did) { $dep = DependencyManager::getFromId($did); $rid = $dep->getRequired(); $requiredAddon = AddonManager::getFromId($rid); echo "<div style=\"padding: 10px; background-color: #ffbbbb; display: inline-block; border-radius: 5px\"><a href=\"addon.php?id=" . $requiredAddon->getId() . "\">" . $requiredAddon->getName() . "</a></div>"; } echo "</div>"; } ?> <div class="tile"> <div class="comments" id="commentSection"> <form action="" method="post"> <?php include realpath(dirname(__DIR__) . "/ajax/getComments.php"); ?> </form> </div>
/** * initPlatform * * @param array &$dependencies Param * @param array &$paths Param * * @return void */ protected function initPlatformNg(&$dependencies, &$paths) { parent::initPlatformNg($dependencies, $paths); $this->_addRequire(); }
/** * Called from process(). This method will display the correct javascript. */ protected function _displayJavascript() { global $locale, $sugar_config, $timedate; if ($this->_getOption('show_javascript')) { if (!$this->_getOption('show_header')) { $langHeader = get_language_header(); echo <<<EOHTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html {$langHeader}> <head> EOHTML; } $js_vars = array("sugar_cache_dir" => "cache/"); if (isset($this->bean->module_dir)) { $js_vars['module_sugar_grp1'] = $this->bean->module_dir; } if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $js_vars['action_sugar_grp1'] = $_REQUEST['action']; } echo '<script>jscal_today = 1000*' . $timedate->asUserTs($timedate->getNow()) . '; if(typeof app_strings == "undefined") app_strings = new Array();</script>'; // Make sure the necessary cache files are in place $jsFiles = array("sugar_grp1.js", "sugar_grp1_yui.js", "sugar_grp1_jquery.js"); ensureJSCacheFilesExist($jsFiles); echo getVersionedScript('cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp1_jquery.js'); echo getVersionedScript('cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp1_yui.js'); echo getVersionedScript('cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp1.js'); $version_mark = getVersionedPath(null); echo '<script>SUGAR = SUGAR || {}; SUGAR.VERSION_MARK = ' . json_encode($version_mark) . ';</script>'; // output necessary config js in the top of the page $config_js = $this->getSugarConfigJS(); if (!empty($config_js)) { echo "<script>\n" . implode("\n", $config_js) . "</script>\n"; } // CSRF form token echo $this->getCsrfFormTokenJscript(); if (isset($sugar_config['email_sugarclient_listviewmaxselect'])) { echo "<script>SUGAR.config.email_sugarclient_listviewmaxselect = {$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['email_sugarclient_listviewmaxselect']};</script>"; } $image_server = defined('TEMPLATE_URL') ? TEMPLATE_URL . '/' : ''; echo '<script type="text/javascript">SUGAR.themes.image_server="' . $image_server . '";</script>'; // cn: bug 12274 - create session-stored key to defend against CSRF echo '<script type="text/javascript">var name_format = "' . $locale->getLocaleFormatMacro() . '";</script>'; echo self::getJavascriptValidation(); if (!is_file(sugar_cached('jsLanguage/') . $GLOBALS['current_language'] . '.js')) { require_once 'include/language/jsLanguage.php'; jsLanguage::createAppStringsCache($GLOBALS['current_language']); } echo getVersionedScript('cache/jsLanguage/' . $GLOBALS['current_language'] . '.js', $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['js_lang_version']); echo $this->_getModLanguageJS(); echo getVersionedScript('include/javascript/productTour.js'); if (isset($sugar_config['disc_client']) && $sugar_config['disc_client']) { echo getVersionedScript('modules/Sync/headersync.js'); } if (!is_file(sugar_cached("Expressions/functions_cache.js"))) { $GLOBALS['updateSilent'] = true; include "include/Expressions/updatecache.php"; } if (inDeveloperMode()) { echo getVersionedScript('cache/Expressions/functions_cache_debug.js'); } else { echo getVersionedScript('cache/Expressions/functions_cache.js'); } require_once "include/Expressions/DependencyManager.php"; echo "\n" . '<script type="text/javascript">' . DependencyManager::getJSUserVariables($GLOBALS['current_user']) . "</script>\n"; //echo out the $js_vars variables as javascript variables echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; foreach ($js_vars as $var => $value) { echo "var {$var} = '{$value}';\n"; } echo "</script>\n"; } }
function App($rootdir, $args) { Profiler::StartTimer("WebApp", 1); Profiler::StartTimer("WebApp::Init", 1); Profiler::StartTimer("WebApp::TimeToDisplay", 1); $GLOBALS["webapp"] = $this; register_shutdown_function(array('Logger', 'processShutdown')); ob_start(); $this->rootdir = $rootdir; $this->debug = !empty($args["debug"]); $this->getAppVersion(); Logger::Info("WebApp Initializing (" . $this->appversion . ")"); Logger::Info("Path: " . get_include_path()); $this->initAutoLoaders(); Logger::Info("Turning Pandora flag on"); if (class_exists("PandoraLog")) { $pandora = PandoraLog::singleton(); $pandora->setFlag(true); } $this->locations = array("scripts" => "htdocs/scripts", "css" => "htdocs/css", "tmp" => "tmp", "config" => "config"); $this->request = $this->ParseRequest(NULL, $args); $this->locations["basedir"] = $this->request["basedir"]; $this->locations["scriptswww"] = $this->request["basedir"] . "/scripts"; $this->locations["csswww"] = $this->request["basedir"] . "/css"; $this->locations["imageswww"] = $this->request["basedir"] . "/images"; $this->InitProfiler(); $this->cfg = ConfigManager::singleton($rootdir); $this->InitProfiler(); // reinitialize after loading the config $this->locations = array_merge($this->locations, $this->cfg->locations); $this->data = DataManager::singleton($this->cfg); set_error_handler(array($this, "HandleError"), error_reporting()); DependencyManager::init($this->locations); if ($this->initialized()) { try { $this->session = SessionManager::singleton(); // Set sticky debug flag if (isset($this->request["args"]["debug"])) { $this->debug = $_SESSION["debug"] = $this->request["args"]["debug"] == 1; } else { if (!empty($_SESSION["debug"])) { $this->debug = $_SESSION["debug"]; } } $this->cobrand = $this->GetRequestedConfigName($this->request); $this->cfg->GetConfig($this->cobrand, true, $this->cfg->role); $this->ApplyConfigOverrides(); $this->locations = DependencyManager::$locations = $this->cfg->locations; // And the google analytics flag if (isset($this->request["args"]["GAalerts"])) { $this->GAalerts = $this->session->temporary["GAalerts"] = $this->request["args"]["GAalerts"] == 1 ? 1 : 0; } else { if (!empty($this->session->temporary["GAalerts"])) { $this->GAalerts = $this->session->temporary["GAalerts"]; } else { $this->GAalerts = 0; } } $this->apiversion = any($this->request["args"]["apiversion"], ConfigManager::get("api.version.default"), 0); $this->tplmgr = TemplateManager::singleton($this->rootdir); $this->tplmgr->assign_by_ref("webapp", $this); $this->components = ComponentManager::singleton($this); $this->orm = OrmManager::singleton(); //$this->tplmgr->SetComponents($this->components); } catch (Exception $e) { print $this->HandleException($e); } } else { $fname = "./templates/uninitialized.tpl"; if (($path = file_exists_in_path($fname, true)) !== false) { print file_get_contents($path . "/" . $fname); } } $this->user = User::singleton(); $this->user->InitActiveUser($this->request); // Merge permanent user settings from the URL if (!empty($this->request["args"]["settings"])) { foreach ($this->request["args"]["settings"] as $k => $v) { $this->user->SetPreference($k, $v, "user"); } } // ...and then do the same for session settings if (!empty($this->request["args"]["sess"])) { foreach ($this->request["args"]["sess"] as $k => $v) { $this->user->SetPreference($k, $v, "temporary"); } } // And finally, initialize abtests if (class_exists(ABTestManager)) { Profiler::StartTimer("WebApp::Init - abtests", 2); $this->abtests = ABTestmanager::singleton(array("cobrand" => $this->cobrand, "v" => $this->request["args"]["v"])); Profiler::StopTimer("WebApp::Init - abtests"); } Profiler::StopTimer("WebApp::Init"); }
/** * takes in a seed and creates the list view query based off of that seed * if the $limit value is set to -1 then it will use the default limit and offset values * * it will return an array with two key values * 1. 'data'=> this is an array of row data * 2. 'pageData'=> this is an array containg three values * a.'ordering'=> array('orderBy'=> the field being ordered by , 'sortOrder'=> 'ASC' or 'DESC') * b.'urls'=>array('baseURL'=>url used to generate other urls , * 'orderBy'=> the base url for order by * //the following may not be set (so check empty to see if they are set) * 'nextPage'=> the url for the next group of results, * 'prevPage'=> the url for the prev group of results, * 'startPage'=> the url for the start of the group, * 'endPage'=> the url for the last set of results in the group * c.'offsets'=>array( * 'current'=>current offset * 'next'=> next group offset * 'prev'=> prev group offset * 'end'=> the offset of the last group * 'total'=> the total count (only accurate if totalCounted = true otherwise it is either the total count if less than the limit or the total count + 1 ) * 'totalCounted'=> if a count query was used to get the total count * * @param SugarBean $seed * @param string $where * @param int:0 $offset * @param int:-1 $limit * @param string[]:array() $filter_fields * @param array:array() $params * Potential $params are $params['distinct'] = use distinct key word $params['include_custom_fields'] = (on by default) $params['custom_XXXX'] = append custom statements to query * @param string:'id' $id_field * @return array('data'=> row data, 'pageData' => page data information, 'query' => original query string) */ function getListViewData($seed, $where, $offset = -1, $limit = -1, $filter_fields = array(), $params = array(), $id_field = 'id', $singleSelect = true) { global $current_user; SugarVCR::erase($seed->module_dir); $this->seed = $seed; $totalCounted = empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['disable_count_query']); $_SESSION['MAILMERGE_MODULE_FROM_LISTVIEW'] = $seed->module_dir; if (empty($_REQUEST['action']) || $_REQUEST['action'] != 'Popup') { $_SESSION['MAILMERGE_MODULE'] = $seed->module_dir; } $this->setVariableName($seed->object_name, $where, $this->listviewName); $this->seed->id = '[SELECT_ID_LIST]'; // if $params tell us to override all ordering if (!empty($params['overrideOrder']) && !empty($params['orderBy'])) { $order = $this->getOrderBy(strtolower($params['orderBy']), empty($params['sortOrder']) ? '' : $params['sortOrder']); // retreive from $_REQUEST } else { $order = $this->getOrderBy(); // retreive from $_REQUEST } // still empty? try to use settings passed in $param if (empty($order['orderBy']) && !empty($params['orderBy'])) { $order['orderBy'] = $params['orderBy']; $order['sortOrder'] = empty($params['sortOrder']) ? '' : $params['sortOrder']; } //rrs - bug: 21788. Do not use Order by stmts with fields that are not in the query. // Bug 22740 - Tweak this check to strip off the table name off the order by parameter. // Samir Gandhi : Do not remove the report_cache.date_modified condition as the report list view is broken $orderby = $order['orderBy']; if (strpos($order['orderBy'], '.') && $order['orderBy'] != "report_cache.date_modified") { $orderby = substr($order['orderBy'], strpos($order['orderBy'], '.') + 1); } if ($orderby != 'date_entered' && !in_array($orderby, array_keys($filter_fields))) { $order['orderBy'] = ''; $order['sortOrder'] = ''; } if (empty($order['orderBy'])) { $orderBy = ''; } else { $orderBy = $order['orderBy'] . ' ' . $order['sortOrder']; //wdong, Bug 25476, fix the sorting problem of Oracle. if (isset($params['custom_order_by_override']['ori_code']) && $order['orderBy'] == $params['custom_order_by_override']['ori_code']) { $orderBy = $params['custom_order_by_override']['custom_code'] . ' ' . $order['sortOrder']; } } if (empty($params['skipOrderSave'])) { // don't save preferences if told so $current_user->setPreference('listviewOrder', $order, 0, $this->var_name); // save preference } if ($seed->isFavoritesEnabled()) { $params['favorites'] = !empty($_REQUEST['my_favorites']) ? 2 : 1; } //Make sure all dependent fields have thier required data require_once "include/Expressions/DependencyManager.php"; $triggers = DependencyManager::getDependentFieldTriggerFields($filter_fields, $this->seed->field_defs); foreach ($triggers as $field) { $filter_fields[$field] = true; } // If $params tells us to override for the special last_name, first_name sorting if (!empty($params['overrideLastNameOrder']) && $order['orderBy'] == 'last_name') { $orderBy = 'last_name ' . $order['sortOrder'] . ', first_name ' . $order['sortOrder']; } $ret_array = $seed->create_new_list_query($orderBy, $where, $filter_fields, $params, 0, '', true, $seed, $singleSelect); $ret_array['inner_join'] = ''; if (!empty($this->seed->listview_inner_join)) { $ret_array['inner_join'] = ' ' . implode(' ', $this->seed->listview_inner_join) . ' '; } if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array(); } if (!isset($params['custom_select'])) { $params['custom_select'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['custom_from'])) { $params['custom_from'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['custom_where'])) { $params['custom_where'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['custom_order_by'])) { $params['custom_order_by'] = ''; } $main_query = $ret_array['select'] . $params['custom_select'] . $ret_array['from'] . $params['custom_from'] . $ret_array['inner_join'] . $ret_array['where'] . $params['custom_where'] . $ret_array['order_by'] . $params['custom_order_by']; //Prevent multiple (same) ACLAccess calls $seedACL['ListView'] = $this->seed->ACLAccess('ListView'); //C.L. - Fix for 23461 if (empty($_REQUEST['action']) || $_REQUEST['action'] != 'Popup') { $_SESSION['export_where'] = $ret_array['where']; } if ($limit < -1) { $result = $this->db->query($main_query); } else { if ($limit == -1) { $limit = $this->getLimit(); } $dyn_offset = $this->getOffset(); if ($dyn_offset > 0 || !is_int($dyn_offset)) { $offset = $dyn_offset; } if (strcmp($offset, 'end') == 0) { $totalCount = $this->getTotalCount($main_query); $offset = floor(($totalCount - 1) / $limit) * $limit; } if ($seedACL['ListView']) { $result = $this->db->limitQuery($main_query, $offset, $limit + 1); } else { $result = array(); } } $data = array(); $temp = clone $seed; $rows = array(); $count = 0; $idIndex = array(); $id_list = ''; while (($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) != null) { if ($count < $limit) { $id_list .= ',\'' . $row[$id_field] . '\''; $idIndex[$row[$id_field]][] = count($rows); $rows[] = $seed->convertRow($row); } $count++; } if (!empty($id_list)) { $id_list = '(' . substr($id_list, 1) . ')'; } SugarVCR::store($this->seed->module_dir, $main_query); if ($count != 0) { //NOW HANDLE SECONDARY QUERIES if (!empty($ret_array['secondary_select'])) { $secondary_query = $ret_array['secondary_select'] . $ret_array['secondary_from'] . ' WHERE ' . $this->seed->table_name . '.id IN ' . $id_list; if (isset($ret_array['order_by'])) { $secondary_query .= ' ' . $ret_array['order_by']; } $secondary_result = $this->db->query($secondary_query); $ref_id_count = array(); while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($secondary_result)) { $ref_id_count[$row['ref_id']][] = true; foreach ($row as $name => $value) { //add it to every row with the given id foreach ($idIndex[$row['ref_id']] as $index) { $rows[$index][$name] = $value; } } } $rows_keys = array_keys($rows); foreach ($rows_keys as $key) { $rows[$key]['secondary_select_count'] = count($ref_id_count[$rows[$key]['ref_id']]); } } // retrieve parent names if (!empty($filter_fields['parent_name']) && !empty($filter_fields['parent_id']) && !empty($filter_fields['parent_type'])) { foreach ($idIndex as $id => $rowIndex) { if (!isset($post_retrieve[$rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_type']])) { $post_retrieve[$rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_type']] = array(); } if (!empty($rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_id'])) { $post_retrieve[$rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_type']][] = array('child_id' => $id, 'parent_id' => $rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_id'], 'parent_type' => $rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_type'], 'type' => 'parent'); } } if (isset($post_retrieve)) { $parent_fields = $seed->retrieve_parent_fields($post_retrieve); foreach ($parent_fields as $child_id => $parent_data) { //add it to every row with the given id foreach ($idIndex[$child_id] as $index) { $rows[$index]['parent_name'] = $parent_data['parent_name']; } } } } $pageData = array(); reset($rows); $additionalDetailsFile = SugarAutoLoader::existingCustomOne('modules/' . $seed->module_dir . '/metadata/additionalDetails.php'); while ($row = current($rows)) { $temp = clone $seed; $dataIndex = count($data); if (!isset($temp->custom_fields) && empty($temp->disable_custom_fields)) { $temp->setupCustomFields($temp->module_dir); } $temp->loadFromRow($row); if ($idIndex[$row[$id_field]][0] == $dataIndex) { $pageData['tag'][$dataIndex] = $temp->listviewACLHelper(); } else { $pageData['tag'][$dataIndex] = $pageData['tag'][$idIndex[$row[$id_field]][0]]; } $temp->updateDependentFieldForListView('', $filter_fields); $data[$dataIndex] = $temp->get_list_view_data($filter_fields); if ($temp->isFavoritesEnabled()) { $data[$dataIndex]['star'] = SugarFavorites::generateStar(!empty($row['my_favorite']), $temp->module_dir, $temp->id); } $temp->ACLFilterFieldList($data[$dataIndex]); //Preventing multiple (same) ACLAccess calls $tempACL['EditView'] = $temp->ACLAccess('EditView'); $tempACL['DetailView'] = $temp->ACLAccess('DetailView'); $pageData['rowAccess'][$dataIndex] = array('view' => $tempACL['DetailView'], 'edit' => $tempACL['EditView']); $additionalDetailsAllow = $this->additionalDetails && $tempACL['DetailView'] && !empty($additionalDetailsFile); //if($additionalDetailsAllow) $pageData['additionalDetails'] = array(); $additionalDetailsEdit = $tempACL['EditView']; if ($additionalDetailsAllow) { if ($this->additionalDetailsAjax) { $ar = $this->getAdditionalDetailsAjax($data[$dataIndex]['ID']); } else { require_once $additionalDetailsFile; $ar = $this->getAdditionalDetails($data[$dataIndex], (empty($this->additionalDetailsFunction) ? 'additionalDetails' : $this->additionalDetailsFunction) . $this->seed->object_name, $additionalDetailsEdit); } $pageData['additionalDetails'][$dataIndex] = $ar['string']; $pageData['additionalDetails']['fieldToAddTo'] = $ar['fieldToAddTo']; } next($rows); } } $nextOffset = -1; $prevOffset = -1; $endOffset = -1; if ($count > $limit) { $nextOffset = $offset + $limit; } if ($offset > 0) { $prevOffset = $offset - $limit; if ($prevOffset < 0) { $prevOffset = 0; } } $totalCount = $count + $offset; if ($count >= $limit && $totalCounted) { $totalCount = $this->getTotalCount($main_query); } SugarVCR::recordIDs($this->seed->module_dir, array_keys($idIndex), $offset, $totalCount); $module_names = array('Prospects' => 'Targets'); $endOffset = floor(($totalCount - 1) / $limit) * $limit; $pageData['ordering'] = $order; $pageData['ordering']['sortOrder'] = $this->getReverseSortOrder($pageData['ordering']['sortOrder']); //get url parameters as an array $pageData['queries'] = $this->generateQueries($pageData['ordering']['sortOrder'], $offset, $prevOffset, $nextOffset, $endOffset, $totalCounted); //join url parameters from array to a string $pageData['urls'] = $this->generateURLS($pageData['queries']); $pageData['offsets'] = array('current' => $offset, 'next' => $nextOffset, 'prev' => $prevOffset, 'end' => $endOffset, 'total' => $totalCount, 'totalCounted' => $totalCounted); $pageData['bean'] = array('objectName' => $seed->object_name, 'moduleDir' => $seed->module_dir, 'moduleName' => strtr($seed->module_dir, $module_names), 'moduleTitle' => isset($seed->module_title) ? $seed->module_title : null, 'parentTitle' => isset($seed->parent_title) ? $seed->parent_title : null, 'parentModuleDir' => isset($seed->parent_module_dir) ? $seed->parent_module_dir : null, 'createAction' => isset($seed->create_action) ? $seed->create_action : 'EditView', 'showLink' => isset($seed->show_link) ? $seed->show_link : null, 'importable' => $seed->importable); $pageData['stamp'] = $this->stamp; $pageData['access'] = array('view' => $this->seed->ACLAccess('DetailView'), 'edit' => $this->seed->ACLAccess('EditView')); $pageData['idIndex'] = $idIndex; if (!$seedACL['ListView']) { $pageData['error'] = 'ACL restricted access'; } $queryString = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST["searchFormTab"]) && $_REQUEST["searchFormTab"] == "advanced_search" || isset($_REQUEST["type_basic"]) && (count($_REQUEST["type_basic"] > 1) || $_REQUEST["type_basic"][0] != "") || isset($_REQUEST["module"]) && $_REQUEST["module"] == "MergeRecords") { $queryString = "-advanced_search"; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST["searchFormTab"]) && $_REQUEST["searchFormTab"] == "basic_search") { if ($seed->module_dir == "Reports") { $searchMetaData = SearchFormReports::retrieveReportsSearchDefs(); } else { $searchMetaData = SearchForm::retrieveSearchDefs($seed->module_dir); } $basicSearchFields = array(); if (isset($searchMetaData['searchdefs']) && isset($searchMetaData['searchdefs'][$seed->module_dir]['layout']['basic_search'])) { $basicSearchFields = $searchMetaData['searchdefs'][$seed->module_dir]['layout']['basic_search']; } foreach ($basicSearchFields as $basicSearchField) { $field_name = is_array($basicSearchField) && isset($basicSearchField['name']) ? $basicSearchField['name'] : $basicSearchField; $field_name .= "_basic"; if (isset($_REQUEST[$field_name]) && (!is_array($basicSearchField) || !isset($basicSearchField['type']) || $basicSearchField['type'] == 'text' || $basicSearchField['type'] == 'name')) { $queryString = $_REQUEST[$field_name]; break; } } } } return array('data' => $data, 'pageData' => $pageData, 'query' => $queryString); }