
include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
// Checks the input
if (isset($_POST["player"]) && empty($_POST['player']) === false) {
    // Decode our JSON into PHP objects
    $player = json_decode($_POST["player"]);
    $regex = "/[A-Za-z]{1,20}/";
    // Regular Expression: Only English letters, Up to 20 characters
    // Check if the email is a valid email address
    if (filter_var($player->email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) {
        echo "Invalid email";
    } elseif (preg_match($regex, $player->firsName, $match)) {
        echo "Invalid firstName";
    } else {
        // Taking Only the string -> Cancel injection
        $dbconncet = new DbComunication();
        $player->firsName = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbconncet->db, $player->firsName);
        $player->lastName = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbconncet->db, $player->lastName);
        $player->nickname = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbconncet->db, $player->nickname);
        echo $dbconncet->insertNewPlayer($player);
Beispiel #2

include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
$dbconncet = new DbComunication();
$data = json_decode($_GET["data"]);
$gameId = $data->gameId;
$counter = $data->counter;
$timeStart = time();
while (true) {
    // Infinite loop until break
    $recordGame = $dbconncet->getRecordGameOfGame($gameId);
    // Get the length of the recordGame from the table
    if (empty($recordGame) && $recordGame != 0 || is_null($recordGame)) {
        $counterOfrecordGame = 0;
    } else {
        $counterOfrecordGame = (strlen($recordGame) + 1) / 2;
    if ($counterOfrecordGame > $counter) {
        // Return recordGame
        echo $recordGame;
    } elseif (time() - $timeStart > 30) {
        // Check id the time has passed
        // Return time-out
        echo "timeOut";
    } else {
        // wait for 1 sec
Beispiel #3

include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
if (isset($_POST['id']) == true && empty($_POST['id']) === false) {
    $dbconncet = new DbComunication();
    $returnValue = $dbconncet->getPlayerbyId($_POST['id']);
    // Return the Player object of the player id
    echo json_encode($returnValue);
Beispiel #4

include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
if (isset($_POST['nickname']) == true && empty($_POST['nickname']) === false) {
    $dbconncet = new DbComunication();
    // kepp only the string of the nickname
    $nickname = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbconncet->db, $_POST['nickname']);
    $returnValue = $dbconncet->getIdOfPlayerNic($nickname);
    // Return the id of a nickname
    echo $returnValue;
Beispiel #5

include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
$dbconncet = new DbComunication();
echo $dbconncet->checkConnection();
//Creates  a new table (deletes, if exist)
//echo $dbconncet ->createPlayersTable();
//echo $dbconncet ->createGamesTable();
//להוסיף סיסמא או משהו שמונע מכל אחד לגשת

include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
if (isset($_POST['setGameId']) == true && empty($_POST['setGameId']) === false) {
    $setGameId = json_decode($_POST["setGameId"]);
    $dbconncet = new DbComunication();
    // Set the game id in the Player table
    echo $dbconncet->setGameIdToPlayer($setGameId->playerId, $setGameId->gameId);
<!-- increment the score-->
include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
// Checks the input
if (isset($_POST['incrementScore']) == true && empty($_POST['incrementScore']) === false) {
    $incrementScore = json_decode($_POST["incrementScore"]);
    $dbconncet = new DbComunication();
    if ($incrementScore->column == "win") {
        // Increment to "wins"
        $returnValue = $dbconncet->incrementScore("wins", $incrementScore->id);
    } else {
        if ($incrementScore->column == "lose") {
            $returnValue = $dbconncet->incrementScore("lose", $incrementScore->id);
        } else {
            if ($incrementScore->column == "tie") {
                $returnValue = $dbconncet->incrementScore("tie", $incrementScore->id);
            } else {
                $returnValue = $incrementScore->column . " Error";
    echo $returnValue;

include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
$dbconncet = new DbComunication();
if (isset($_POST['playerId']) == true && empty($_POST['playerId']) === false) {
    $returnValue = $dbconncet->checkPlayerInGamesTable($_POST['playerId']);
    if ($returnValue == true) {
        $returnValue = $dbconncet->getidOfGameWithOnePlayer();
        // Return the id of a Game with one player
        echo json_encode($returnValue);
    } else {
        echo "user_already_play";
Beispiel #9

include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
// Change the connected field in Players table
if (isset($_POST['changePlayNow']) == true && empty($_POST['changePlayNow']) === false) {
    // Decode our JSON into PHP objects
    $changePlayNow = json_decode($_POST["changePlayNow"]);
    $dbconncet = new DbComunication();
    $returnValue = $dbconncet->changePlayNowTo($changePlayNow->playerId, $changePlayNow->changeTo);
    echo $returnValue;
Beispiel #10
include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
$dbconncet = new DbComunication();
$dbconncet->setGameStatus(454, 1);
//  echo $dbconncet -> addCellToRecordGame(7, 19);
//  $timeStart= time();
//  while (true) {
// $answer=$dbconncet-> waitingForOpponent(277);
// if (intval(trim($answer,"\n"))>0){
//  // echo "==". $gameId. " - " .$counterOfrecordGame . "-- " . $recordGame;
//     echo $answer;
//     break;
// }
// elseif(time()-$timeStart>5){
//     echo $dbconncet-> deleteGame(277);
//     echo "timeOut";
//     break;
// }
// else {
//     // wait for 1 sec
//     sleep( 1 );
//     continue;
// }
// }
//   $returnValue =$dbconncet -> getidOfGameWithOnePlayer();
// echo json_encode($returnValue);
// $counter=1;
// $recordGame=$dbconncet-> getRecordGameOfGame(26);
// if ((empty($recordGame) && $recordGame!=0) || is_null($recordGame)){
//     $counterOfrecordGame=0;
include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
if (isset($_POST['addUpdateGame']) == true && empty($_POST['addUpdateGame']) === false) {
    // Decode our JSON into PHP objects
    $addUpdateGame = json_decode($_POST["addUpdateGame"]);
    $dbconncet = new DbComunication();
    if (empty($addUpdateGame->gameId)) {
        // Adds a new game to Games id
        echo $dbconncet->newGame($addUpdateGame->id);
    } else {
        // Adds to game id a second player
        echo $dbconncet->addSecondPlayerToGame($addUpdateGame->id, $addUpdateGame->gameId);

include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
$dbconncet = new DbComunication();
$data = json_decode($_GET["data"]);
$gameId = $data->gameId;
$counter = $data->counter;
$timeStart = time();
while (true) {
    // Infinite loop until break
    $answer = $dbconncet->waitingForOpponent($gameId);
    if (intval(trim($answer, "\n")) > 0) {
        // Found an opponent
        echo $answer;
    } elseif (time() - $timeStart > 30) {
        // Too long time
        echo "timeOut";
    } else {
        // wait for 1 sec
Beispiel #13

include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
$dbconncet = new DbComunication();
// Return json of top-10 list
$send = $dbconncet->getTopTen2();
echo json_encode($send);

include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
// Change gameStatus in Games Table
if (isset($_POST['changeGameStatus']) == true && empty($_POST['changeGameStatus']) === false) {
    // Decode our JSON into PHP objects
    $changeGameStatus = json_decode($_POST["changeGameStatus"]);
    $dbconncet = new DbComunication();
    // GameStatus -> wait=(-1), start=0, end=1
    if ($changeGameStatus->changeTo <= 1 && $changeGameStatus->changeTo >= -1) {
        $returnValue = $dbconncet->setGameStatus($changeGameStatus->gameId, $changeGameStatus->changeTo);
        echo $returnValue;
    } else {
        echo "Error";
include "../db/DBCommunication.php";
if (isset($_POST['addRecoredGame']) == true && empty($_POST['addRecoredGame']) === false) {
    // Decode our JSON into PHP objects
    $recoredGame = json_decode($_POST["addRecoredGame"]);
    $dbconncet = new DbComunication();
    // Add the cell to record game
    echo $dbconncet->addCellToRecordGame($recoredGame->cellNum, $recoredGame->gameId);