public function audienceAccueilAction() { $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $rep = $em->getRepository('APPCoreBundle:Abonne'); $inscr = $rep->findBy(array('softDelete' => 0), array(), null, null); $nbInscr = count($inscr); $desinscr = $rep->findBy(array('softDelete' => 1), array(), null, null); $nbDesinscr = count($desinscr); $generalite = $this->general(); /*analytics*/ $rep2 = $em->getRepository('APPAdminBundle:Visite'); /*graphique 1*/ $jour = new \datetime(); $fix = new \Datetime(); $date = $jour->format('D'); $jour2 = $jour->modify('-1 day'); $date2 = $jour2->format('D'); $jour3 = $jour->modify('-1 days'); $date3 = $jour3->format('D'); $jour4 = $jour->modify('-1 days'); $date4 = $jour4->format('D'); $jour5 = $jour->modify('-1 days'); $date5 = $jour5->format('D'); $jour6 = $jour->modify('-1 days'); $date6 = $jour6->format('D'); $jour7 = $jour->modify('-1 days'); $date7 = $jour7->format('D'); $joursDeLaSemaine = array('Mon' => 'Lun', 'Tue' => 'Mar', 'Wed' => 'Mer', 'Thu' => 'Jeu', 'Fri' => 'Ven', 'Sat' => 'Sam', 'Sun' => 'Dim'); $chiffres = array(array('new' => 0, 'ret' => 0), array('new' => 0, 'ret' => 0), array('new' => 0, 'ret' => 0), array('new' => 0, 'ret' => 0), array('new' => 0, 'ret' => 0), array('new' => 0, 'ret' => 0), array('new' => 0, 'ret' => 0)); $visites = $rep2->findAll(); $totalSemaine = 0; $totalVisitesSemaine = 0; foreach ($visites as $analytics) { $newDate = new \datetime($analytics->getDateAjout()->format('Y-m-d')); $newFix = $newDate->format('Y-m-d'); $diff = $fix->diff($newDate); $count = $diff->format('%D'); //die((int)$count.' = '.$fix->format('Y-m-d').' et '.$newDate->format('Y-m-d')); $nb = (int) $count; if ($nb >= 0 && $nb <= 6) { $compte = count($rep2->findByIp($analytics->getIp())); if ($compte == 1) { $totalVisitesSemaine += 1; $chiffres[$nb]['new'] += 1; } else { $totalVisitesSemaine += 1; if ($analytics->getNewSession() == 1) { $totalSemaine += 1; $chiffres[$nb]['ret'] += 1; } } } } $series = array(array("name" => "Nouveau visiteur", "data" => array($chiffres[6]['new'], $chiffres[5]['new'], $chiffres[4]['new'], $chiffres[3]['new'], $chiffres[2]['new'], $chiffres[1]['new'], $chiffres[0]['new'])), array("name" => "Visiteur revenant", "data" => array($chiffres[6]['ret'], $chiffres[5]['ret'], $chiffres[4]['ret'], $chiffres[3]['ret'], $chiffres[2]['ret'], $chiffres[1]['ret'], $chiffres[0]['ret']))); $categories = array($joursDeLaSemaine[$date7], $joursDeLaSemaine[$date6], $joursDeLaSemaine[$date5], $joursDeLaSemaine[$date4], $joursDeLaSemaine[$date3], $joursDeLaSemaine[$date2], $joursDeLaSemaine[$date]); $ob = new Highchart(); $ob->chart->renderTo('linechart'); // The #id of the div where to render the chart $ob->title->text('Visites des 7 derniers jours'); $ob->xAxis->categories($categories); $ob->xAxis->title(array('text' => "Jours")); $ob->yAxis->title(array('text' => "Visites")); $ob->series($series); /*graphique 2*/ $date = new \datetime(); $mois = $date->format('m'); $annee = $date->format('y'); $jour = $date->format('d'); $visitesan = $rep2->findBy(array(), array('dateAjout' => 'desc'), null, null); $cpt = 1; $cptMois = $mois; $cptAnnee = $annee; $cptJour = $jour; $moisArray = array('Jan', 'Fev', 'Mar', 'Avr', 'Mai', 'Jui', 'Jul', 'Aou', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); $params = array(); while ($cpt <= 12) { $params[$cpt - 1] = array('mois' => $moisArray[$mois - 1], 'moz' => 0, 'chr' => 0, 'div' => 0); if ($mois + 1 == 13) { $mois = 1; } else { $mois++; } $cpt++; } $totalAnnee = 0; $totalVisitesAnnee = 0; foreach ($visitesan as $analytics) { $newDate = $analytics->getDateAjout(); $newMois = $newDate->format('m'); $newAnnee = $newDate->format('y'); if ($cptAnnee - $newAnnee <= 1) { $offset = $newMois - $cptMois; if ($offset < 0) { $offset = 12 + $offset; } $preSplit = explode("0)", $analytics->getNavigateur()); if (!empty($preSplit[1])) { $morceaux = explode("/", $preSplit[1]); if ($morceaux[0] == ' Gecko') { $totalVisitesAnnee += 1; if ($analytics->getNewSession() == 1) { $totalAnnee += 1; $params[$offset]['moz'] += 1; } } else { if ($morceaux[0] == ' like Gecko') { $totalVisitesAnnee += 1; if ($analytics->getNewSession() == 1) { $totalAnnee += 1; $params[$offset]['div'] += 1; } } } } else { $totalVisitesAnnee += 1; if ($analytics->getNewSession() == 1) { $totalAnnee += 1; $params[$offset]['chr'] += 1; } } } } $series2 = array(array("name" => "Mozilla", "data" => array($params[1]['moz'], $params[2]['moz'], $params[3]['moz'], $params[4]['moz'], $params[5]['moz'], $params[6]['moz'], $params[7]['moz'], $params[8]['moz'], $params[9]['moz'], $params[10]['moz'], $params[11]['moz'], $params[0]['moz'])), array("name" => "Chrome", "data" => array($params[1]['chr'], $params[2]['chr'], $params[3]['chr'], $params[4]['chr'], $params[5]['chr'], $params[6]['chr'], $params[7]['chr'], $params[8]['chr'], $params[9]['chr'], $params[10]['chr'], $params[11]['chr'], $params[0]['chr'])), array("name" => "Autres", "data" => array($params[1]['div'], $params[2]['div'], $params[3]['div'], $params[4]['div'], $params[5]['div'], $params[6]['div'], $params[7]['div'], $params[8]['div'], $params[9]['div'], $params[10]['div'], $params[11]['div'], $params[0]['div']))); $categories2 = array($params[1]['mois'], $params[2]['mois'], $params[3]['mois'], $params[4]['mois'], $params[5]['mois'], $params[6]['mois'], $params[7]['mois'], $params[8]['mois'], $params[9]['mois'], $params[10]['mois'], $params[11]['mois'], $params[0]['mois']); $ob2 = new Highchart(); $ob2->chart->renderTo('linechart2'); // The #id of the div where to render the chart $ob2->title->text('Visites de l\'année entière'); $ob2->xAxis->categories($categories2); $ob2->xAxis->title(array('text' => "Mois")); $ob2->yAxis->title(array('text' => "Visites par navigateur")); $ob2->series($series2); /*fin de*/ return $this->render('APPAdminBundle:pages:audience.html.twig', array('general' => $generalite, 'inscr' => $inscr, 'desinscr' => $desinscr, 'nbInscr' => $nbInscr, 'nbDesinscr' => $nbDesinscr, 'chart' => $ob, 'chart2' => $ob2, 'totalSemaine' => $totalSemaine, 'totalAnnee' => $totalAnnee, 'totalVisitesSemaine' => $totalVisitesSemaine, 'totalVisitesAnnee' => $totalVisitesAnnee)); }
private function prepareProgressBarInformations(\Datetime $startingDate, \Datetime $endingDate) { $progressBar = []; $now = new \DateTime(); // Between the beginning and the end of the event $totalIterval = $startingDate->diff($endingDate); // Between the beginning and now $alreadyDone = $startingDate->diff($now); $progressBar['total_interval'] = $totalIterval->invert ? -1 * $totalIterval->format('%a') : $totalIterval->format('%a'); $progressBar['already_done'] = $alreadyDone->invert ? -1 * $alreadyDone->format('%a') : $alreadyDone->format('%a'); $progressBar['current_interval'] = $progressBar['total_interval'] - $progressBar['already_done']; return $progressBar; }
public function initialize(Controller $controller) { $this->controller =& $controller; if ($this->controller->name != 'Patcher') { $this->SettingModel = new Setting(); $Mushstats = $this->SettingModel->getOption('Mushstats'); $lastUpdate = new Datetime(); $lastUpdate->setTimestamp($Mushstats); if ($lastUpdate->diff(new Datetime())->d > 6) { $this->sendStats(); $this->SettingModel->setOption('Mushstats', time()); } } }
public function getInactiveTime($input) { $now = new Datetime($this->getCurrentTime()); $last = new Datetime($input); $result = $last->diff($now); $years = $result->y; $months = $result->m; $days = $result->d; $hours = $result->h; $minutes = $result->i; $seconds = $result->s; $result = array($years, $months, $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds); // Years = 0 - Months = 1 - Days = 2 - Hours = 3 - Minutes = 4 - Seconds = 5 return $result; }
<?php // Load Wordpress core require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../../../wp-load.php"; // Set system params date_default_timezone_set(get_option("timezone_string")); // Set params $classes = \Vividcrestrealestate\Core\Libs\Rets::getPossibleClasses(); // Init Lib $Exchange = new \Vividcrestrealestate\Core\Administration\Exchange(); // Fetch properties for all classes if it necessary $current_date = new \Datetime(); foreach ($classes as $class) { $last_fetch_date = new \Datetime(get_option("rets_exchange_last_fetch_date_{$class}", "2000-01-01")); $interval = $current_date->diff($last_fetch_date); if ($interval->format("%d") > 0) { $Exchange->fetchRawData($class); } else { echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " | There is no properties to fetch for class \"{$class}\": Last Fetch Date: " . $last_fetch_date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "; Interval: " . $interval->format("%d") . " days" . PHP_EOL; } } // Process properties $Exchange->processData(200); // Get the messages $messages = array_merge((array) $Exchange->getPositiveMessages(), (array) $Exchange->getNegativeMessages()); // Show messages echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " | " . implode(PHP_EOL . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " | ", $messages) . PHP_EOL;
if ($row["status"] == "sold") { echo "Mark Unsold"; } else { echo "Mark Sold"; } ?> </button><div></div></td> <td class="renew"><span class="active<?php if ($row["status"] != "unsold") { echo " hidden"; } ?> "><?php $renew = new Datetime($row["renew"]); echo $renew->format("F j, Y"); if ($renew->diff(new DateTime())->days <= 30 || $renew < $startTime) { echo '<br><button type="button" name="renew">Renew</button><div></div>'; } ?> </span><span class="inactive<?php if ($row["status"] == "unsold") { echo " hidden"; } ?> ">Already Sold</span></td> <td class="title"><?php echo $row['title']; ?> </td> <td class="author"><?php echo $row["author"];
protected function checkPermalink($permalink, \media_subdef $subdef) { if (!$subdef->is_physically_present()) { return; } $start = microtime(true); $this->assertNotNull($subdef->get_permalink()); $this->assertInternalType('array', $permalink); $this->assertArrayHasKey("created_on", $permalink); $now = new \Datetime($permalink['created_on']); $interval = $now->diff($subdef->get_permalink()->get_created_on()); $this->assertTrue(abs($interval->format('U')) < 2); $this->assertInternalType(\PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType::TYPE_STRING, $permalink['created_on']); $this->assertDateAtom($permalink['created_on']); $this->assertArrayHasKey("id", $permalink); $this->assertInternalType(\PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType::TYPE_INT, $permalink['id']); $this->assertEquals($subdef->get_permalink()->get_id(), $permalink['id']); $this->assertArrayHasKey("is_activated", $permalink); $this->assertInternalType(\PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType::TYPE_BOOL, $permalink['is_activated']); $this->assertEquals($subdef->get_permalink()->get_is_activated(), $permalink['is_activated']); $this->assertArrayHasKey("label", $permalink); $this->assertInternalType(\PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType::TYPE_STRING, $permalink['label']); $this->assertArrayHasKey("updated_on", $permalink); $expected = $subdef->get_permalink()->get_last_modified(); $found = \DateTime::createFromFormat(DATE_ATOM, $permalink['updated_on']); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual(1, $expected->diff($found)->format('U')); $this->assertInternalType(\PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType::TYPE_STRING, $permalink['updated_on']); $this->assertDateAtom($permalink['updated_on']); $this->assertArrayHasKey("page_url", $permalink); $this->assertInternalType(\PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType::TYPE_STRING, $permalink['page_url']); $this->assertEquals($subdef->get_permalink()->get_page(), $permalink['page_url']); $this->checkUrlCode200($permalink['page_url']); $this->assertPermalinkHeaders($permalink['page_url'], $subdef); $this->assertArrayHasKey("url", $permalink); $this->assertInternalType(\PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType::TYPE_STRING, $permalink['url']); $this->assertEquals($subdef->get_permalink()->get_url(), $permalink['url']); $this->checkUrlCode200($permalink['url']); $this->assertPermalinkHeaders($permalink['url'], $subdef, "url"); $this->assertArrayHasKey("download_url", $permalink); $this->assertInternalType(\PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType::TYPE_STRING, $permalink['download_url']); $this->assertEquals($subdef->get_permalink()->get_url() . '&download=1', $permalink['download_url']); $this->checkUrlCode200($permalink['download_url']); $this->assertPermalinkHeaders($permalink['download_url'], $subdef, "download_url"); }
/** * Evaluates the given variable * * @param mixed &$subject Variable to query * @param bool $specialStr Should this be interpreted as a special string? * @return mixed Result (both HTML and text modes generate strings) */ protected function evaluate(&$subject, $specialStr = false) { switch ($type = gettype($subject)) { // case 'unknown type': return $this->fmt->text('unknown'); // null value // null value case 'NULL': return $this->fmt->text('null'); // integer/double/float // integer/double/float case 'integer': case 'double': return $this->fmt->text($type, $subject, $type); // boolean // boolean case 'boolean': $text = $subject ? 'true' : 'false'; return $this->fmt->text($text, $text, $type); // arrays // arrays case 'array': // empty array? if (empty($subject)) { $this->fmt->text('array'); return $this->fmt->emptyGroup(); } if (isset($subject[static::MARKER_KEY])) { unset($subject[static::MARKER_KEY]); $this->fmt->text('array'); $this->fmt->emptyGroup('recursion'); return; } // first recursion level detection; // this is optional (used to print consistent recursion info) foreach ($subject as $key => &$value) { if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } // save current value in a temporary variable $buffer = $value; // assign new value $value = $value !== 1 ? 1 : 2; // if they're still equal, then we have a reference if ($value === $subject) { $value = $buffer; $value[static::MARKER_KEY] = true; $this->evaluate($value); return; } // restoring original value $value = $buffer; } $this->fmt->text('array'); $count = count($subject); if (!$this->fmt->startGroup($count)) { return; } $max = max(array_map('static::strLen', array_keys($subject))); $subject[static::MARKER_KEY] = true; foreach ($subject as $key => &$value) { // ignore our temporary marker if ($key === static::MARKER_KEY) { continue; } if ($this->hasInstanceTimedOut()) { break; } $keyInfo = gettype($key); if ($keyInfo === 'string') { $encoding = static::$env['mbStr'] ? mb_detect_encoding($key) : ''; $keyLen = $encoding && $encoding !== 'ASCII' ? static::strLen($key) . '; ' . $encoding : static::strLen($key); $keyInfo = "{$keyInfo}({$keyLen})"; } else { $keyLen = strlen($key); } $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->text('key', $key, "Key: {$keyInfo}"); $this->fmt->colDiv($max - $keyLen); $this->fmt->sep('=>'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->evaluate($value, $specialStr); $this->fmt->endRow(); } unset($subject[static::MARKER_KEY]); $this->fmt->endGroup(); return; // resource // resource case 'resource': $meta = array(); $resType = get_resource_type($subject); $this->fmt->text('resource', strval($subject)); if (!static::$config['showResourceInfo']) { return $this->fmt->emptyGroup($resType); } // @see: // need to add more... switch ($resType) { // curl extension resource case 'curl': $meta = curl_getinfo($subject); break; case 'FTP Buffer': $meta = array('time_out' => ftp_get_option($subject, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC), 'auto_seek' => ftp_get_option($subject, FTP_AUTOSEEK)); break; // gd image extension resource // gd image extension resource case 'gd': $meta = array('size' => sprintf('%d x %d', imagesx($subject), imagesy($subject)), 'true_color' => imageistruecolor($subject)); break; case 'ldap link': $constants = get_defined_constants(); array_walk($constants, function ($value, $key) use(&$constants) { if (strpos($key, 'LDAP_OPT_') !== 0) { unset($constants[$key]); } }); // this seems to fail on my setup :( unset($constants['LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT']); foreach (array_slice($constants, 3) as $key => $value) { if (ldap_get_option($subject, (int) $value, $ret)) { $meta[strtolower(substr($key, 9))] = $ret; } } break; // mysql connection (mysql extension is deprecated from php 5.4/5.5) // mysql connection (mysql extension is deprecated from php 5.4/5.5) case 'mysql link': case 'mysql link persistent': $dbs = array(); $query = @mysql_list_dbs($subject); while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $dbs[] = $row['Database']; } $meta = array('host' => ltrim(@mysql_get_host_info($subject), 'MySQL host info: '), 'server_version' => @mysql_get_server_info($subject), 'protocol_version' => @mysql_get_proto_info($subject), 'databases' => $dbs); break; // mysql result // mysql result case 'mysql result': while ($row = @mysql_fetch_object($subject)) { $meta[] = (array) $row; if ($this->hasInstanceTimedOut()) { break; } } break; // stream resource (fopen, fsockopen, popen, opendir etc) // stream resource (fopen, fsockopen, popen, opendir etc) case 'stream': $meta = stream_get_meta_data($subject); break; } if (!$meta) { return $this->fmt->emptyGroup($resType); } if (!$this->fmt->startGroup($resType)) { return; } $max = max(array_map('static::strLen', array_keys($meta))); foreach ($meta as $key => $value) { $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->text('resourceProp', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))); $this->fmt->colDiv($max - static::strLen($key)); $this->fmt->sep(':'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->evaluate($value); $this->fmt->endRow(); } $this->fmt->endGroup(); return; // string // string case 'string': $length = static::strLen($subject); $encoding = static::$env['mbStr'] ? mb_detect_encoding($subject) : false; $info = $encoding && $encoding !== 'ASCII' ? $length . '; ' . $encoding : $length; if ($specialStr) { $this->fmt->sep('"'); $this->fmt->text(array('string', 'special'), $subject, "string({$info})"); $this->fmt->sep('"'); return; } $this->fmt->text('string', $subject, "string({$info})"); // advanced checks only if there are 3 characteres or more if (static::$config['showStringMatches'] && $length > 2 && trim($subject) !== '') { $isNumeric = is_numeric($subject); // very simple check to determine if the string could match a file path // @note: this part of the code is very expensive $isFile = $length < 2048 && max(array_map('strlen', explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', $subject)))) < 128 && !preg_match('/[^\\w\\.\\-\\/\\\\:]|\\..*\\.|\\.$|:(?!(?<=^[a-zA-Z]:)[\\/\\\\])/', $subject); if ($isFile) { try { $file = new \SplFileInfo($subject); $flags = array(); $perms = $file->getPerms(); if (($perms & 0xc000) === 0xc000) { // socket $flags[] = 's'; } elseif (($perms & 0xa000) === 0xa000) { // symlink $flags[] = 'l'; } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) === 0x8000) { // regular $flags[] = '-'; } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) === 0x6000) { // block special $flags[] = 'b'; } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) === 0x4000) { // directory $flags[] = 'd'; } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) === 0x2000) { // character special $flags[] = 'c'; } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) === 0x1000) { // FIFO pipe $flags[] = 'p'; } else { // unknown $flags[] = 'u'; } // owner $flags[] = $perms & 0x100 ? 'r' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x80 ? 'w' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x40 ? $perms & 0x800 ? 's' : 'x' : ($perms & 0x800 ? 'S' : '-'); // group $flags[] = $perms & 0x20 ? 'r' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x10 ? 'w' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x8 ? $perms & 0x400 ? 's' : 'x' : ($perms & 0x400 ? 'S' : '-'); // world $flags[] = $perms & 0x4 ? 'r' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x2 ? 'w' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x1 ? $perms & 0x200 ? 't' : 'x' : ($perms & 0x200 ? 'T' : '-'); $size = is_dir($subject) ? '' : sprintf(' %.2fK', $file->getSize() / 1024); $this->fmt->startContain('file', true); $this->fmt->text('file', implode('', $flags) . $size); $this->fmt->endContain(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $isFile = false; } } // class/interface/function if (!preg_match('/[^\\w+\\\\]/', $subject) && $length < 96) { $isClass = class_exists($subject, false); if ($isClass) { $this->fmt->startContain('class', true); $this->fromReflector(new \ReflectionClass($subject)); $this->fmt->endContain(); } if (!$isClass && interface_exists($subject, false)) { $this->fmt->startContain('interface', true); $this->fromReflector(new \ReflectionClass($subject)); $this->fmt->endContain('interface'); } if (function_exists($subject)) { $this->fmt->startContain('function', true); $this->fromReflector(new \ReflectionFunction($subject)); $this->fmt->endContain('function'); } } // skip serialization/json/date checks if the string appears to be numeric, // or if it's shorter than 5 characters if (!$isNumeric && $length > 4) { // url if (static::$config['showUrls'] && static::$env['curlActive'] && filter_var($subject, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $ch = curl_init($subject); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); curl_exec($ch); $nfo = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); if ($nfo['http_code']) { $this->fmt->startContain('url', true); $contentType = explode(';', $nfo['content_type']); $this->fmt->text('url', sprintf('%s:%d %s %.2fms (%d)', !empty($nfo['primary_ip']) ? $nfo['primary_ip'] : null, !empty($nfo['primary_port']) ? $nfo['primary_port'] : null, $contentType[0], $nfo['total_time'], $nfo['http_code'])); $this->fmt->endContain(); } } // date if ($length < 128 && static::$env['supportsDate'] && !preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9.:+\\s\\-\\/]/', $subject)) { try { $date = new \DateTime($subject); $errors = \DateTime::getLastErrors(); if ($errors['warning_count'] < 1 && $errors['error_count'] < 1) { $now = new \Datetime('now'); $nowUtc = new \Datetime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $diff = $now->diff($date); $map = array('y' => 'yr', 'm' => 'mo', 'd' => 'da', 'h' => 'hr', 'i' => 'min', 's' => 'sec'); $timeAgo = 'now'; foreach ($map as $k => $label) { if ($diff->{$k} > 0) { $timeAgo = $diff->format("%R%{$k}{$label}"); break; } } $tz = $date->getTimezone(); $offs = round($tz->getOffset($nowUtc) / 3600); if ($offs > 0) { $offs = "+{$offs}"; } $timeAgo .= (int) $offs !== 0 ? ' ' . sprintf('%s (UTC%s)', $tz->getName(), $offs) : ' UTC'; $this->fmt->startContain('date', true); $this->fmt->text('date', $timeAgo); $this->fmt->endContain(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // not a date } } // attempt to detect if this is a serialized string static $unserializing = 0; $isSerialized = $unserializing < 3 && ($subject[$length - 1] === ';' || $subject[$length - 1] === '}') && in_array($subject[0], array('s', 'a', 'O'), true) && ($subject[0] === 's' && $subject[$length - 2] !== '"' || preg_match("/^{$subject[0]}:[0-9]+:/s", $subject)) && ($unserialized = @unserialize($subject)) !== false; if ($isSerialized) { $unserializing++; $this->fmt->startContain('serialized', true); $this->evaluate($unserialized); $this->fmt->endContain(); $unserializing--; } // try to find out if it's a json-encoded string; // only do this for json-encoded arrays or objects, because other types have too generic formats static $decodingJson = 0; $isJson = !$isSerialized && $decodingJson < 3 && in_array($subject[0], array('{', '['), true); if ($isJson) { $decodingJson++; $json = json_decode($subject); if ($isJson = json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE) { $this->fmt->startContain('json', true); $this->evaluate($json); $this->fmt->endContain(); } $decodingJson--; } // attempt to match a regex if ($length < 768) { try { $components = $this->splitRegex($subject); if ($components) { $regex = ''; $this->fmt->startContain('regex', true); foreach ($components as $component) { $this->fmt->text('regex-' . key($component), reset($component)); } $this->fmt->endContain(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // not a regex } } } } return; } // if we reached this point, $subject must be an object // track objects to detect recursion static $hashes = array(); // hash ID of this object $hash = spl_object_hash($subject); $recursion = isset($hashes[$hash]); // sometimes incomplete objects may be created from string unserialization, // if the class to which the object belongs wasn't included until the unserialization stage... if ($subject instanceof \__PHP_Incomplete_Class) { $this->fmt->text('object'); $this->fmt->emptyGroup('incomplete'); return; } // check cache at this point if (!$recursion && $this->fmt->didCache($hash)) { static::$debug['cacheHits']++; return; } $reflector = new \ReflectionObject($subject); $this->fmt->startContain('class'); $this->fromReflector($reflector); $this->fmt->text('object', ' object'); $this->fmt->endContain(); // already been here? if ($recursion) { return $this->fmt->emptyGroup('recursion'); } $hashes[$hash] = 1; $flags = \ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED; if (static::$config['showPrivateMembers']) { $flags |= \ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE; } $props = $reflector->getProperties($flags); $methods = array(); if (static::$config['showMethods']) { $flags = \ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED; if (static::$config['showPrivateMembers']) { $flags |= \ReflectionMethod::IS_PRIVATE; } $methods = $reflector->getMethods($flags); } $constants = $reflector->getConstants(); $interfaces = $reflector->getInterfaces(); $traits = static::$env['is54'] ? $reflector->getTraits() : array(); $parents = static::getParentClasses($reflector); // work-around for // @see if (!static::$env['is54']) { $props = array_values(array_filter($props, function ($prop) use($subject) { return !$prop->isPublic() || property_exists($subject, $prop->name); })); } // no data to display? if (!$props && !$methods && !$constants && !$interfaces && !$traits) { unset($hashes[$hash]); return $this->fmt->emptyGroup(); } if (!$this->fmt->startGroup()) { return; } // show contents for iterators if (static::$config['showIteratorContents'] && $reflector->isIterateable()) { $itContents = iterator_to_array($subject); $this->fmt->sectionTitle(sprintf('Contents (%d)', count($itContents))); foreach ($itContents as $key => $value) { $keyInfo = gettype($key); if ($keyInfo === 'string') { $encoding = static::$env['mbStr'] ? mb_detect_encoding($key) : ''; $length = $encoding && $encoding !== 'ASCII' ? static::strLen($key) . '; ' . $encoding : static::strLen($key); $keyInfo = sprintf('%s(%s)', $keyInfo, $length); } $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->text(array('key', 'iterator'), $key, sprintf('Iterator key: %s', $keyInfo)); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->fmt->sep('=>'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->evaluate($value); //$this->evaluate($value instanceof \Traversable ? ((count($value) > 0) ? $value : (string)$value) : $value); $this->fmt->endRow(); } } // display the interfaces this objects' class implements if ($interfaces) { $items = array(); $this->fmt->sectionTitle('Implements'); $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->startContain('interfaces'); $i = 0; $count = count($interfaces); foreach ($interfaces as $name => $interface) { $this->fromReflector($interface); if (++$i < $count) { $this->fmt->sep(', '); } } $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->endRow(); } // traits this objects' class uses if ($traits) { $items = array(); $this->fmt->sectionTitle('Uses'); $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->startContain('traits'); $i = 0; $count = count($traits); foreach ($traits as $name => $trait) { $this->fromReflector($trait); if (++$i < $count) { $this->fmt->sep(', '); } } $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->endRow(); } // class constants if ($constants) { $this->fmt->sectionTitle('Constants'); $max = max(array_map('static::strLen', array_keys($constants))); foreach ($constants as $name => $value) { $meta = null; $type = array('const'); foreach ($parents as $parent) { if ($parent->hasConstant($name)) { if ($parent !== $reflector) { $type[] = 'inherited'; $meta = array('sub' => array(array('Prototype defined by', $parent->name))); } break; } } $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->sep('::'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->fmt->startContain($type); $this->fmt->text('name', $name, $meta, $this->linkify($parent, $name)); $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->colDiv($max - static::strLen($name)); $this->fmt->sep('='); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->evaluate($value); $this->fmt->endRow(); } } // object/class properties if ($props) { $this->fmt->sectionTitle('Properties'); $max = 0; foreach ($props as $idx => $prop) { if (($propNameLen = static::strLen($prop->name)) > $max) { $max = $propNameLen; } } foreach ($props as $idx => $prop) { if ($this->hasInstanceTimedOut()) { break; } $bubbles = array(); $sourceClass = $prop->getDeclaringClass(); $inherited = $reflector->getShortName() !== $sourceClass->getShortName(); $meta = $sourceClass->isInternal() ? null : static::parseComment($prop->getDocComment()); if ($meta) { if ($inherited) { $meta['sub'] = array(array('Declared in', $sourceClass->getShortName())); } if (isset($meta['tags']['var'][0])) { $meta['left'] = $meta['tags']['var'][0][0]; } unset($meta['tags']); } if ($prop->isProtected() || $prop->isPrivate()) { $prop->setAccessible(true); } $value = $prop->getValue($subject); $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->sep($prop->isStatic() ? '::' : '->'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $bubbles = array(); if ($prop->isProtected()) { $bubbles[] = array('P', 'Protected'); } if ($prop->isPrivate()) { $bubbles[] = array('!', 'Private'); } $this->fmt->bubbles($bubbles); $type = array('prop'); if ($inherited) { $type[] = 'inherited'; } if ($prop->isPrivate()) { $type[] = 'private'; } $this->fmt->colDiv(2 - count($bubbles)); $this->fmt->startContain($type); $this->fmt->text('name', $prop->name, $meta, $this->linkify($prop)); $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->colDiv($max - static::strLen($prop->name)); $this->fmt->sep('='); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->evaluate($value); $this->fmt->endRow(); } } // class methods if ($methods && !$this->hasInstanceTimedOut()) { $this->fmt->sectionTitle('Methods'); foreach ($methods as $idx => $method) { $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->sep($method->isStatic() ? '::' : '->'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $bubbles = array(); if ($method->isAbstract()) { $bubbles[] = array('A', 'Abstract'); } if ($method->isFinal()) { $bubbles[] = array('F', 'Final'); } if ($method->isProtected()) { $bubbles[] = array('P', 'Protected'); } if ($method->isPrivate()) { $bubbles[] = array('!', 'Private'); } $this->fmt->bubbles($bubbles); $this->fmt->colDiv(4 - count($bubbles)); // is this method inherited? $inherited = $reflector->getShortName() !== $method->getDeclaringClass()->getShortName(); $type = array('method'); if ($inherited) { $type[] = 'inherited'; } if ($method->isPrivate()) { $type[] = 'private'; } $this->fmt->startContain($type); $name = $method->name; if ($method->returnsReference()) { $name = "&{$name}"; } $this->fromReflector($method, $name, $reflector); $paramCom = $method->isInternal() ? array() : static::parseComment($method->getDocComment(), 'tags'); $paramCom = empty($paramCom['param']) ? array() : $paramCom['param']; $paramCount = $method->getNumberOfParameters(); $this->fmt->sep('('); // process arguments foreach ($method->getParameters() as $idx => $parameter) { $meta = null; $paramName = "\${$parameter->name}"; $optional = $parameter->isOptional(); $variadic = static::$env['is56'] && $parameter->isVariadic(); if ($parameter->isPassedByReference()) { $paramName = "&{$paramName}"; } if ($variadic) { $paramName = "...{$paramName}"; } $type = array('param'); if ($optional) { $type[] = 'optional'; } $this->fmt->startContain($type); // attempt to build meta foreach ($paramCom as $tag) { list($pcTypes, $pcName, $pcDescription) = $tag; if ($pcName !== $paramName) { continue; } $meta = array('title' => $pcDescription); if ($pcTypes) { $meta['left'] = $pcTypes; } break; } try { $paramClass = $parameter->getClass(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // @see } if (!empty($paramClass)) { $this->fmt->startContain('hint'); $this->fromReflector($paramClass, $paramClass->name); $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->sep(' '); } if ($parameter->isArray()) { $this->fmt->text('hint', 'array'); $this->fmt->sep(' '); } $this->fmt->text('name', $paramName, $meta); if ($optional) { $paramValue = $parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable() ? $parameter->getDefaultValue() : null; $this->fmt->sep(' = '); if (static::$env['is546'] && !$parameter->getDeclaringFunction()->isInternal() && $parameter->isDefaultValueConstant()) { $this->fmt->text('constant', $parameter->getDefaultValueConstantName(), 'Constant'); } else { $this->evaluate($paramValue, true); } } $this->fmt->endContain(); if ($idx < $paramCount - 1) { $this->fmt->sep(', '); } } $this->fmt->sep(')'); $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->endRow(); } } unset($hashes[$hash]); $this->fmt->endGroup(); $this->fmt->cacheLock($hash); }
function sendOrderStatusMail() { // Select all Orders which are not in (4,5,6,10) state // Select id_order, payment and is_queued atleast once $sql = "select \n o.id_order, \n o.payment, \n position('3' IN group_concat(oh.id_order_state)) as is_queued \n from \n ps_orders o \n inner join ps_order_history oh \n on oh.id_order = o.id_order \n inner join ps_order_history h \n on h.id_order = o.id_order \n inner join \n (select id_order, max(date_add) max_date_add from ps_order_history group by id_order) t2 \n on (h.id_order = t2.id_order and h.date_add = t2.max_date_add) \n where \n h.id_order_state not in (4,5,6,10,20,34) \n group by \n o.id_order"; $total_orders = $not_shipped = $in_sourcing = $in_cust = $on_track = 0; $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); $reports = array(); foreach ($result as $order) { $total_orders++; $id_order = (int) $order['id_order']; $payment = (string) $order['payment']; $is_queued = (int) $order['is_queued'] === 0 ? false : true; if ($payment === 'Bank Wire' && $is_queued === false) { continue; } $order = new Order($id_order); $orderHistory = new OrderHistory(); $orderStateObj = $orderHistory->getLastOrderState($id_order); $customer = new Customer($order->id_customer); $cart = new Cart($order->id_cart); $products = $cart->getProducts(); $order_placed_date = date_create((string) $order->date_add); $actual_expected_shipping_date = date_create((string) $order->actual_expected_shipping_date); $current_expected_shipping_date = date_create((string) $order->expected_shipping_date); $status_updated_date = date_create((string) $orderStateObj->date_add); $curr_date = new Datetime(); $same_order = false; foreach ($products as $product) { $reportObject = array(); $reportObject['id_order'] = $id_order; $reportObject["name"] = $product['name']; $reportObject["reference"] = $product['reference']; $reportObject['customer_name'] = (string) $customer->firstname . ' ' . (string) $customer->lastname; $reportObject['email'] = (string) $customer->email; $reportObject['total_paid'] = (double) $order->total_paid; $reportObject['order_state'] = (string) $orderStateObj->name; $reportObject['order_placed_date'] = (string) $order_placed_date->format('Y-m-d'); $reportObject['actual_expected_shipping_date'] = (string) $actual_expected_shipping_date->format('Y-m-d'); $reportObject['current_expected_shipping_date'] = (string) $current_expected_shipping_date->format('Y-m-d'); $reportObject['status_updated_date'] = (string) $status_updated_date->format('Y-m-d'); $reportObject['flags'] = array(); if ($actual_expected_shipping_date < $curr_date || $current_expected_shipping_date < $curr_date) { if (!$same_order) { $not_shipped++; } array_push($reportObject['flags'], "not shipped"); } if ($reportObject['order_state'] === 'Customization in Progress' && $status_updated_date->add(new DateInterval('P5D')) < $curr_date) { if (!$same_order) { $in_cust++; } array_push($reportObject['flags'], "> 5days in cust"); } //(DATEDIFF(o.expected_shipping_date, o.date_add)/2 > DATEDIFF(o.expected_shipping_date, t1.date_add)) if ($reportObject['order_state'] === 'Sourcing in Progress') { $sourcing_flag = false; if ($current_expected_shipping_date > $curr_date) { $total_days_avail = (int) $current_expected_shipping_date->diff($order_placed_date)->days; $curr_days_avail = (int) $curr_date->diff($current_expected_shipping_date)->days; if ($total_days_avail / 2 > $curr_days_avail) { $sourcing_flag = true; } } else { $sourcing_flag = true; } if ($sourcing_flag) { if (!$same_order) { $in_sourcing++; } array_push($reportObject['flags'], "in sourcing"); } } if (empty($reportObject['flags'])) { if (!$same_order) { $on_track++; } $reportObject['flags'] = 'on track'; } else { $reportObject['flags'] = implode(",", $reportObject['flags']); } array_push($reports, $reportObject); $same_order = true; } } $headers = array(array("order_id", "40px"), array("pname", "100px"), array("pcode", "40px"), array("customer_name", "100px"), array("customer_email", "100px"), array("total_paid", "40px"), array("current_status", "100px"), array("placed_date", "50px"), array("original_shipping_date", "50px"), array("current_shipping_date", "50px"), array("order_status_updated_date", "50px"), array("urgency_level", "40px")); global $smarty; $smarty->assign("headers", $headers); $smarty->assign("total_orders", $total_orders); $smarty->assign("not_shipped", $not_shipped); $smarty->assign("in_cust", $in_cust); $smarty->assign("in_sourcing", $in_sourcing); $smarty->assign("on_track", $on_track); $smarty->assign("result", $reports); $line = ''; foreach ($headers as $header) { $value = str_replace('"', '""', $header[0]); $value = '"' . $value . '"' . ","; $line .= $value; } $data = trim($line) . "\n"; foreach ($reports as $row) { $line = ''; foreach ($row as $value) { if (!isset($value) || $value == "") { $value = ","; } else { $value = str_replace('"', '""', $value); $value = '"' . $value . '"' . ","; } $line .= $value; } $data .= trim($line) . "\n"; } $data = str_replace("\r", "", $data); if ($data == "") { $data = "\nNo Records Found!\n"; } $fileAttachment['content'] = $data; $fileAttachment['name'] = 'IndusdivaOrderDailyStatus' . date("d-m-Y") . '.csv'; $fileAttachment['mime'] = 'text/csv'; $templateVars = array(); $templateVars['{today_date}'] = date('d-m-y'); $templateVars['{report_summary}'] = $smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'order-daily-summary.tpl'); $templateVars['{report_content}'] = $smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'order-daily-status.tpl'); $to = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'); $subject = "Order Daily Status - " . date('d-m-y'); @Mail::Send(1, 'order_daily_status', $subject, $templateVars, $to, null, '*****@*****.**', '', $fileAttachment, NULL, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, false); }
/** * Excludes the given date from this series. * Do not call save() after this, or you might reset the rrule to the old value. * * @param Datetime $date The date to remove * * @return void */ protected function _excludeDate(Datetime $date) { // This function distinguishes three cases. // 1. This is the first event in the series. // 2. This is the last event in the series. // 3. Somewhere in between. if (empty($this->id)) { throw new Exception('Can only exclude dates from saved events'); } $series = clone $this; $series->find($this->id); $helper = $series->getRruleHelper(); if (!$helper->containsDate($date)) { throw new Exception('Trying to exclude date that is not part of this series'); } $start = new Datetime('@' . Phprojekt_Converter_Time::userToUtc($series->start)); $end = new Datetime('@' . Phprojekt_Converter_Time::userToUtc($series->end)); if ($start == $date) { // If it's the first in it's series, adjust the start date, // remove excluded dates that we skipped while doing that and // finally, check if we still need a rrule at all. $duration = $start->diff($end); $newStart = $helper->firstOccurrenceAfter($start); if (is_null($newStart)) { throw new Exception('$newStart should not be null'); } $newEnd = clone $newStart; $newEnd->add($duration); $series->start = Phprojekt_Converter_Time::utcToUser($newStart->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $series->end = Phprojekt_Converter_Time::utcToUser($newEnd->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); // Delete all obsolete excludes $db = $this->getAdapter(); $where = $db->quoteInto('calendar2_id = ?', $this->id); $where .= $db->quoteInto('AND date < ?', $newStart->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $db->delete('calendar2_excluded_dates', $where); // Check if this is still a recurring event if ($helper->islastOccurrence($newStart)) { $series->rrule = null; } $series->save(); } elseif ($helper->isLastOccurrence($date)) { // If it's the last in it's series, adjust the Rrule and delete // now obsolete excludes. $newLast = $helper->lastOccurrenceBefore($date); // Check if this is still a recurring event if ($helper->isFirstOccurrence($newLast)) { $series->rrule = null; } else { // Adjust the rrule $series->rrule = preg_replace('/UNTIL=[^;]*/', "UNTIL={$newLast->format('Ymd\\THis\\Z')}", $series->rrule); } $series->save(); // Delete all obsolete excludes $db = $this->getAdapter(); $where = $db->quoteInto('calendar2_id = ?', $this->id); $where .= $db->quoteInto('AND date > ?', $newLast->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $db->delete('calendar2_excluded_dates', $where); } else { // If it's somewhere in between, just add it to the list of // excluded dates. $this->getAdapter()->insert('calendar2_excluded_dates', array('calendar2_id' => $this->id, 'date' => $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } }
public static function loadData($part) { // Define coordinates by ip $coordinates = Libs\Address::recognizeCoordinates(); // Load structures $Properties = new Structures\Properties(); $FeaturedProperties = new Structures\FeaturedProperties(); // Handle search form $search = isset($_GET['search_property']) ? (object) Forms::sanitize($_GET['search_property']) : new \stdClass(); // Set default data $data = (object) ['search' => $search]; // Hidden adding city for main page if (empty($search->address) && $part == "main") { $search->address = "Toronto"; //$coordinates->city; } // Make criterion $criterion = self::makeCriterion($search); // Fetch wp_query global $wp_query; // Extract necessary data switch ($part) { case "main": $data->properties = $Properties->get($criterion); $data->recent_properties = $Properties->get(['orderby' => "publish_date", 'order' => "DESC", 'limit' => 4]); $data->featured_properties = $FeaturedProperties->getDetailed(['limit' => 3]); break; case "map": // $criterion['limit'] = 10000; $data->properties = $Properties->get($criterion); break; case "properties": $pagination = new Structures\Pagination($Properties->count($criterion)); $criterion['order'] = $pagination->order; $criterion['orderby'] = $pagination->orderby; $criterion['limit'] = $pagination->per_page; $criterion['limitstart'] = $pagination->current * $pagination->per_page - $pagination->per_page; $data->properties = $Properties->get($criterion); $data->pagination = $pagination; break; case "compare": $comparsions = []; $properties = []; if (!empty($_COOKIE['comparsions'])) { $decoded = json_decode(stripcslashes($_COOKIE['comparsions'])); if (!json_last_error()) { $comparsions = $decoded; } } foreach ($comparsions as $comparsion) { $properties[] = $Properties->getDetailed((int) $comparsion->id); } // TODO: move to admin panel $data->compare_fields = ['publish_date' => "Publish Date", 'bedrooms' => "Bedrooms", 'bathrooms' => "Bathrooms", 'size' => "Square Feet", 'Extras' => "Extras", 'Gar_type' => "Garage Type", 'Gar_spaces' => "Garage Spaces", 'Bsmt1_out' => "Basement"]; $data->properties = $properties; break; case "property": // Fetch property $property_id = $wp_query->query_vars['property_id']; $property = $Properties->getDetailed($property_id); // Fetch simlar properties $range = $property->deal_type == "buy" ? 50000 : 300; $min_price = $property->price - $range; $max_price = $property->price + $range; $similar_properties = $Properties->get(['confines' => ["`city`='{$property->city}'", "`price`>={$min_price}", "`price`<={$max_price}"], 'limit' => 4]); // Assign data $data->property = $property; $data->similar_properties = $similar_properties; break; case "search_posts": $search_query = new \WP_Query(['s' => $wp_query->query_vars['s'], 'posts_per_page' => 999]); $data->posts = $search_query->posts; $data->search_query = $wp_query->query_vars['s']; break; case "content": $data->post = get_post($wp_query->queried_object_id); break; case "rets": // Fixing start $start = new \Datetime(); // Do the action $credentials = Administration\Connection::getStoredOptions(); $Rets = new Libs\Rets($credentials->url, $credentials->login, $credentials->password); $Rets->login(); $processed_property = $Rets->processProperties(1); $data->property = $processed_property; // $data->rets_data = $Rets->synchronizeProperties(); // Fixing end and interval $end = new \Datetime(); $interval = $start->diff($end); // Attach info about execution time $data->execition_time = $interval->format("%s"); break; } return $data; }
/** * Parses a rrule string into a dictionary while working around all * specialities of iCalendar, so we have values in $this->_rrule that * a php programmer would expect. See there for exact documentation. * * @param string $rrule The rrule. * * @return array of string => mixed The properties and their values. */ private function _parseRrule($rrule) { if (empty($rrule)) { return array(); } $ret = array(); $ret['INTERVAL'] = self::_parseInterval($rrule); $ret['ORIGINAL_FREQ'] = self::_extractFromRrule($rrule, 'FREQ'); $ret['FREQ'] = self::_parseFreq($rrule); $ret['UNTIL'] = self::_parseUntil($rrule); $ret['BYDAY'] = self::_parseByDay($rrule); // Apply FREQ INTERVAL times $tmp = new Datetime(); $frqint = clone $tmp; for ($i = 0; $i < $ret['INTERVAL']; $i++) { $frqint->add($ret['FREQ']); } $ret['FREQINTERVAL'] = $tmp->diff($frqint); return $ret; }
public static function processData($batch_size = null) { // Check params if (empty($batch_size) && empty($_POST['batch_size'])) { self::$negative_messages[] = "Batch size is not defined"; return false; } // Pin the time of start $start = new \Datetime(); // Define vars $options = self::getStoredOptions(); $batch_size = !empty($batch_size) ? $batch_size : $_POST['batch_size']; $credentials = Connection::getStoredOptions(); // Define processing progress status if ($options->is_processing_in_progress) { self::$negative_messages[] = "Properties is already processing"; return; } else { self::storeOptions(['is_processing_in_progress' => true]); } // Init Libs $ProcessingProperties = new Structures\ProcessingProperties(); // Define quantity of processing properties $unprocecced_qty = $ProcessingProperties->getNumberOfUnprocessed(); $processed_qty = $batch_size >= $unprocecced_qty ? $batch_size : $unprocecced_qty; $processed_today_qty = $ProcessingProperties->getNumberOfProcessed(date("Y-m-d")); // Define necessity of processing if ($unprocecced_qty == 0 || $processed_today_qty >= 10000) { // Inform if nothing to do self::$negative_messages[] = $unprocecced_qty == 0 ? "There is no unprocessed properties" : "Daily limit for processing properties is exceeded (limit: 10000, processed: {$processed_today_qty})"; // Remove processing lock self::storeOptions(['is_processing_in_progress' => false]); // Stop working return; } // Process properties try { $Rets = new Libs\Rets($credentials->url, $credentials->login, $credentials->password); if (!$Rets->login()) { self::$negative_messages[] = "Can't connect to RETS server"; return false; } $Rets->processProperties($batch_size); } catch (\Exception $e) { self::$negative_messages[] = "Error due processing properties: {$e->getMessage()}"; $processed_qty = 0; } // Change processing progress status self::storeOptions(['is_processing_in_progress' => false]); // Fetch time info $end = new \Datetime(); $interval = $start->diff($end); $spent_seconds = $interval->format("%s"); // Add message info about processed properties self::$positive_messages[] = "{$batch_size} properties has been processed for the {$spent_seconds} seconds"; // Edit info about number of unprocessed properties $remaining_qty = $ProcessingProperties->getNumberOfUnprocessed(); array_walk(self::$positive_messages, function (&$message) use($remaining_qty) { $message = preg_replace("/^There is (\\d*) unprocessed properties\$/", "There is {$remaining_qty} unprocessed properties", $message); }); }
/** * @param Datetime $d1 * @param Datetime $d2 * @param boolean $day * @return int */ public static function diffMonths($d1, $d2, $day = true) { $interval = $d1->diff($d2); $result = $interval->y * 12 + $interval->m + ($day ? $interval->d / 30 : 0); return $result; }
/** * Updates the lastEnd values of all entries * * @return void */ private function _updateLastEnd() { if ($this->_debug) { Phprojekt::getInstance()->getLog()->debug('_updateLastEnd'); } $this->_db->query('UPDATE calendar2 SET last_end = end WHERE rrule = ""'); $entries = $this->_db->select()->from('calendar2', array('id', 'start', 'end', 'rrule'))->where('rrule != ""')->query()->fetchAll(); $update = $this->_db->prepare('UPDATE calendar2 SET last_end = :last_end WHERE id = :id'); $x = 0; foreach ($entries as $key => $e) { if ($this->_debug && ++$x % 100 == 0) { Phprojekt::getInstance()->getLog()->debug($x); } $start = new Datetime($e['start']); $end = new Datetime($e['end']); $duration = $start->diff($end); $helper = new Calendar2_Helper_Rrule($start, $duration, $e['rrule']); $update->execute(array(':last_end' => $helper->getUpperTimeBoundary()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ':id' => $e['id'])); } }
$salaires_joueurs_restant_min += $data['salary']; } if ($salaires_joueurs_restant_min > $salary_cap - $this_masse_salariale) { $selection_ok = FALSE; //$str_alert = "alert('Avec ce choix, il ne vous sera pas possible de compléter votre Grand Club avec les joueurs restants. Recommencer votre sélection avec un salaire plus petit...');"; $str_alert = "Avec ce choix, il ne vous sera pas possible de compléter votre Grand Club avec les joueurs restants. Recommencer votre sélection avec un salaire plus petit..."; } } } if ($selection_ok) { // insertion dans la table draft $query = "REPLACE INTO draft (id_pool,saison_id,gerant,draft_pick,draft_overall,round,id_player,pos,draft_overall_team)\n\t VALUES ({$id_pool},{$id_saison},{$gerant},{$draft_pick},{$draft_overall},{$ronde_rendue},{$id_player},\"{$pos}\",0)"; mysql_query($query, $pool->handle); // insertion du temps pris pour faire la sélection dans la table correspondante $_now = new Datetime(null, new DateTimeZone('America/Montreal')); $temps_pris_sel = $_now->diff($_date_compteur)->s; $query = "insert into draft_temps_gerant (id_pool,saison_id,id_gerant,ronde,temps)\n \t values ({$id_pool}, {$id_saison}, {$gerant}, {$ronde_rendue}, {$temps_pris_sel})"; mysql_query($query, $pool->handle); // maintenant, il faut passer au gérant suivant dans l'ordre du draft. Si c'était le dernier de la // liste, on revient au premier gérant et on augmente de 1 le numéro de la ronde. unset($ordre_repechageA, $ordre_repechage_id_gerant); // nombre de sélections possibles dans la ronde $query = "select count(*) d1\n from draft_repechage\n where\n id_pool = {$id_pool}\n and saison_id = {$id_saison}\n and ronde = {$ronde_rendue}"; $resultID = mysql_query($query, $pool->handle); $data = mysql_fetch_array($resultID); $nbre_picks_this_ronde = $data['d1']; if ($ordre_repechage_rendu < $nbre_picks_this_ronde) { $query = "select id_gerant\n\t from draft_repechage\n\t where\n\t id_pool = {$id_pool}\n\t and saison_id = {$id_saison}\n\t and ronde = {$ronde_rendue}\n\t and ordre_repechage = " . ($ordre_repechage_rendu + 1); $resultID = mysql_query($query, $pool->handle); $data = mysql_fetch_array($resultID); $next_gerant = $data['id_gerant'];
public function magasin_sortieAction(ProduitMagasin $pm) { if ($this->get('security.context')->isGranted('ROLE_GESTIONNAIRE') === false) { throw new AccessDeniedHttpException("Accès limité - Vous ne disposez pas d'autorisation necessaire"); } $date = new \Datetime(); $form = $this->createForm(new ProduitMagasinEditType(), $pm); if ($pm === null) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('ProduitMagasin[id=' . $id . ']inexistant.'); } $request = $this->get('request'); if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST') { $form->bind($request); if ($pm->getVars() > $pm->getQuantite()) { $msg = "Erreur: quantité entrée superieure au stock disponible"; return $this->render('SdzATIBundle:ati:magasin_sortie.html.twig', array('msg' => $msg, 'pm' => $pm, 'form' => $form->createView())); } if ($form->isValid()) { $qd = $pm->getVars(); $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $pm->setQuantite($pm->getQuantite() - $pm->getVars()); $pm->setDate(new \Datetime()); $sortie = new Sortie(); $sortie->setUser($this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser()); $sortie->setMagasin($pm->getMagasin()); $sortie->setProduit($pm->getProduit()); $sortie->setQuantite($qd); $sortie->setObservation($pm->getObservation()); $produit = $em->getRepository('SdzATIBundle:Produit')->findOneById($pm->getProduit()->getId()); $produit->setQted($produit->getQted() - $qd); $statm = $em->getRepository('SdzATIBundle:StatMagasin')->findStatMannee($pm->getMagasin()->getId(), $pm->getProduit()->getId(), $sortie->getDate()->format('Y')); if ($statm == null) { $newstat = new Statistique(); $newstat->setMois($newstat->getDate()->format('m')); $newstat->setAnnee($newstat->getDate()->format('Y')); $newstat->setEntree(0); $newstat->setSortie($sortie->getQuantite()); $newstat->setFreqvente($sortie->getQuantite()); $newstat->setProduit($pm->getProduit()); $newstatm = new StatMagasin(); $newstatm->setMois($newstat->getDate()->format('m')); $newstatm->setAnnee($newstat->getDate()->format('Y')); $newstatm->setEntree(0); $newstatm->setSortie($sortie->getQuantite()); $newstatm->setFreqvente($sortie->getQuantite()); $newstatm->setProduit($pm->getProduit()); $newstatm->setMagasin($pm->getMagasin()); $em->persist($newstatm); $em->persist($newstat); $em->persist($produit); $em->persist($pm); $em->persist($sortie); $em->flush(); $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('infom', 'Sortie du produit bien effectuée'); return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('sdz_ati_gestion_magasin', array('id' => $pm->getMagasin()->getId()))); } $statm2 = $em->getRepository('SdzATIBundle:StatMagasin')->findStatMmois($pm->getMagasin()->getId(), $pm->getProduit()->getId(), $sortie->getDate()->format('Y'), $sortie->getDate()->format('m')); if ($statm2 === null) { $newstat = new Statistique(); $newstat->setMois($newstat->getDate()->format('m')); $newstat->setAnnee($newstat->getDate()->format('Y')); $newstat->setEntree(0); $newstat->setSortie($sortie->getQuantite()); $newstat->setFreqvente($sortie->getQuantite()); $newstat->setProduit($pm->getProduit()); $newstatm = new StatMagasin(); $newstatm->setMois($newstat->getDate()->format('m')); $newstatm->setAnnee($newstat->getDate()->format('Y')); $newstatm->setEntree(0); $newstatm->setSortie($sortie->getQuantite()); $newstatm->setFreqvente($sortie->getQuantite()); $newstatm->setProduit($pm->getProduit()); $newstatm->setMagasin($pm->getMagasin()); $em->persist($newstatm); $em->persist($newstat); $em->persist($produit); $em->persist($pm); $em->persist($sortie); $em->flush(); $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('infom', 'Sortie du produit bien effectuée'); return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('sdz_ati_gestion_magasin', array('id' => $pm->getMagasin()->getId()))); } else { $statm2->setSortie($statm2->getSortie() + $sortie->getQuantite()); $stat = $em->getRepository('SdzATIBundle:Statistique')->findStatmois($pm->getProduit()->getId(), $sortie->getDate()->format('Y'), $sortie->getDate()->format('m')); $stat->setSortie($stat->getSortie() + $sortie->getQuantite()); $nb = $date->diff($statm2->getDate()); $nb = $nb->format('%d'); if ($nb == 0) { $statm2->setFreqvente($statm2->getSortie()); $stat->setFreqvente($stat->getSortie()); } else { $statm2->setFreqvente($statm2->getSortie() / $nb); $stat->setFreqvente($stat->getSortie() / $nb); } $em->persist($statm2); $em->persist($stat); $em->persist($produit); $em->persist($pm); $em->persist($sortie); $em->flush(); $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('infom', 'Sortie du produit bien effectuée'); return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('sdz_ati_gestion_magasin', array('id' => $pm->getMagasin()->getId()))); } } } return $this->render('SdzATIBundle:ati:magasin_sortie.html.twig', array('pm' => $pm, 'form' => $form->createView())); }
/** * Get Pretty Date * * @param string $date * @param string $compare_to_date * * @return string formatted pretty date * @since 1.0.0 */ public function getPrettyDate($date, $compare_to_date = null) { $source_date = new Datetime($date); if ($compare_to_date === null) { $compare_to_date = new Datetime(); } else { $compare_to_date = new Datetime($compare_to_date); } $interval = $source_date->diff($compare_to_date); $day_difference = $interval->days; if ($day_difference === 0) { $pretty_date = $this->getPrettyDateToday($interval); } else { $pretty_date = $this->getPrettyDateNotToday($interval); } return $pretty_date; }
private function applyICalendarTimes($start, $end, $timezoneID = null) { $utc = new DateTimezone('UTC'); $timezone = null; $userTimeZone = Phprojekt_User_User::getUserDateTimeZone(); if ('Z' === substr($start, -1)) { $timezone = $utc; } else { if (!is_null($timezoneID)) { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($timezoneID); } else { $timezone = $userTimeZone; } } // We can't use ->setTimezone with the timezones returned by getUserDateTimeZone, as these are non-standard // timezones. Unless we start storing correct timezones, we can't directly set the user timezone, so we go to // UTC and convert to usertime from there. Because utcToUser returns a unix timestamp, but ActiveRecords expects // a "Y-m-d H:i:s" timestamp, we have to go through Datetime again. $start = new Datetime($start, $timezone); $start->setTimezone($utc); $startTs = Phprojekt_Converter_Time::utcToUser($start->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $start = new Datetime('@' . $startTs); $end = new Datetime($end, $timezone); $end->setTimezone($utc); $endTs = Phprojekt_Converter_Time::utcToUser($end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $end = new Datetime('@' . $endTs); if ($start->diff($end)->invert) { throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_BadRequest('Start must be before End'); } $this->_timecard->startDatetime = $start->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($start->format('z') == $end->format('z')) { // Same day $this->_timecard->endTime = $end->format('H:i:s'); } else { $this->_timecard->endTime = '23:59:00'; } }
/** * Validate the date range * * @throws Exception * @param DateTime $startdate * @param DateTime $enddate * @return bool */ protected function validateDaterange(\Datetime $startdate, \Datetime $enddate) { // start date has to be before end date if ($startdate > $enddate) { throw new \Exception('Start date has to be before end date'); } // start and end date should not be more than 2 weeks apart $diff = $startdate->diff($enddate, true); if ($diff->format('%a') > 14) { throw new \Exception('Period can not be longer than 2 weeks'); } return true; }
function print_content2($checkindate, $locposttext) { $ret = get_content($checkindate, $locposttext); $cntr = 0; $ajax = '<table><tr class="daterow">'; $checkindate_mysql = implode('-', array_reverse(explode('/', "{$checkindate}"))); # Convert to YYYY-MM-DD. for ($i = -3; $i < 4; $i++) { # Dates. // Check in date should not be less than three days from current date $i2 = $i + 3; $inthreedays = new Datetime("+ {$i2} days", new DateTimeZone('Europe/London')); $dayofweek = new DateTime("{$checkindate_mysql} {$i} days", new DateTimeZone('Europe/London')); $diff = $inthreedays->diff($dayofweek); if ($diff->format('%R%a') <= 0) { $dayofweek = $inthreedays; } // End if. $ajax .= '<th>' . substr($dayofweek->format('D '), 0, 1) . ' ' . $dayofweek->format('d') . '</th>'; # } // End for. $ajax .= '</tr>'; foreach ($ret as $test => $test2) { if ($cntr < 8) { # First location. if ($cntr == 0) { $ajax .= "<tr><th colspan=\"7\">{$test2}</th></tr>"; } # Location. if ($cntr > 0 && $cntr < 7) { $ajax .= print_amount($test2); } if ($cntr == 7) { # Get second location. $test3 = $test2; list($lastamount, $secondlocation) = explode(' ', $test3); $ajax .= print_amount($lastamount) . '</tr>'; } // End if first location. } else { if ($cntr < 15) { # Location #2 list($ajax2, $nextlocation) = get_row(15, $cntr, $secondlocation, $test2); $ajax .= $ajax2; } else { if ($cntr < 22) { # Location #3 list($ajax2, $nextlocation) = get_row(22, $cntr, $nextlocation, $test2); $ajax .= $ajax2; } else { if ($cntr < 29) { # Location #4 list($ajax2, $nextlocation) = get_row(29, $cntr, $nextlocation, $test2); $ajax .= $ajax2; } else { if ($cntr < 36) { # Location #5 list($ajax2, $nextlocation) = get_row(36, $cntr, $nextlocation, $test2); $ajax .= $ajax2; } else { if ($cntr < 43) { # Location #6 list($ajax2, $nextlocation) = get_row(43, $cntr, $nextlocation, $test2); $ajax .= $ajax2; } else { if ($cntr < 50) { # Location #7 list($ajax2, $nextlocation) = get_row(50, $cntr, $nextlocation, $test2); $ajax .= $ajax2; } else { if ($cntr < 57) { # Location #8 list($ajax2, $nextlocation) = get_row(57, $cntr, $nextlocation, $test2); $ajax .= $ajax2; } else { if ($cntr < 64) { # Location #9 list($ajax2, $nextlocation) = get_row(64, $cntr, $nextlocation, $test2); $ajax .= $ajax2; } else { if ($cntr < 71) { # Location #10 list($ajax2, $nextlocation) = get_row(71, $cntr, $nextlocation, $test2); $ajax .= $ajax2; } } } } } } } } } } // End if $cntr++; } // End foreach. $ajax .= '</table>'; return "{$checkindate}==||=={$locposttext}==||==" . $ajax; # Output to handle via ajax. }
protected function getScheduleDay() { $scheduleDay = new Datetime($this->StartDate . ' ' . $this->StartTime); $now = new Datetime(SS_Datetime::now()->Format(DateTime::ATOM)); // make sure that the 'day' we start looking from is close to 'now' so our // loops don't work through days that don't matter if (!$this->day && $now > $scheduleDay) { $diff = $now->diff($scheduleDay)->format("%r%a"); $this->day = abs($diff); } $scheduleDay->add(new DateInterval("P{$this->day}D")); return $scheduleDay->format('Y-m-d'); }
/** * Get the offset of the updated on time from the provided one. * * @param \Datetime $from * * @return bool|\DateInterval */ public function getUpdatedOnOffset(\Datetime $from) { return $this->updated_on->diff($from); }
/** * Set variables up before form is built based on participant ID from URL * * @return void */ public function preProcess() { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $this->_userContext = $session->readUserContext(); $participant = $values = array(); $this->_participant_id = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('pid', 'Positive', $this, FALSE, NULL, 'REQUEST'); $params = array('id' => $this->_participant_id); $this->_participant = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::getValues($params, $values, $participant); $this->_part_values = $values[$this->_participant_id]; $this->set('values', $this->_part_values); //fetch Event by event_id, verify that this event can still be xferred/cancelled $this->_event_id = $this->_part_values['event_id']; $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/info', "reset=1&id={$this->_event_id}&noFullMsg=true"); $this->_contact_id = $this->_part_values['participant_contact_id']; $this->assign('action', $this->_action); if ($this->_participant_id) { $this->assign('participantId', $this->_participant_id); } $event = array(); $daoName = 'title'; $this->_event_title = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $this->_event_id, $daoName); $daoName = 'start_date'; $this->_event_start_date = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $this->_event_id, $daoName); list($displayName, $email) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Location::getEmailDetails($this->_contact_id); $this->_contact_name = $displayName; $this->_contact_email = $email; $details = array(); $details = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::participantDetails($this->_participant_id); $optionGroupId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_OptionGroup', 'participant_role', 'id', 'name'); $contributionId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_ParticipantPayment', $this->_participant_id, 'contribution_id', 'participant_id'); $this->assign('contributionId', $contributionId); $query = "\n SELECT as status, as role, cp.fee_level, cp.fee_amount, cp.register_date, cp.status_id\n FROM civicrm_participant cp\n LEFT JOIN civicrm_participant_status_type cpst ON = cp.status_id\n LEFT JOIN civicrm_option_value cov ON cov.value = cp.role_id and cov.option_group_id = {$optionGroupId}\n WHERE = {$this->_participant_id}"; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray); while ($dao->fetch()) { $details['status'] = $dao->status; $details['role'] = $dao->role; $details['fee_level'] = $dao->fee_level; $details['fee_amount'] = $dao->fee_amount; $details['register_date'] = $dao->register_date; } //verify participant status is still Registered if ($details['status'] != "Registered") { $status = "You are no longer registered for " . $this->_event_title; CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($status, ts('Event status error.'), 'alert'); CRM_Utils_System::redirect($url); } $query = "select start_date as start, selfcancelxfer_time as time from civicrm_event where id = " . $this->_event_id; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray); while ($dao->fetch()) { $time_limit = $dao->time; $start_date = $dao->start; } $start_time = new Datetime($start_date); $timenow = new Datetime(); if (!empty($start_time) && $start_time < $timenow) { $status = ts("The event has been started, cannot transfer or cancel this event"); $session->setStatus($status, ts('Oops.'), 'alert'); CRM_Utils_System::redirect($url); } if (!empty($time_limit) && $time_limit > 0) { $interval = $timenow->diff($start_time); $days = $interval->format('%d'); $hours = $interval->format('%h'); if ($hours <= $time_limit && $days < 1) { $status = ts("Less than %1 hours to start time, cannot transfer or cancel this event", array(1 => $time_limit)); $session->setStatus($status, ts('Oops.'), 'alert'); CRM_Utils_System::redirect($url); } } $this->assign('details', $details); $this->selfsvcupdateUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/selfsvcupdate', "reset=1&id={$this->_participant_id}&id=0"); $this->selfsvcupdateText = ts('Update'); $this->selfsvcupdateButtonText = ts('Update'); // Based on those ids retrieve event and verify it is eligible // for self update (event.start_date > today, event can be 'self_updated' // retrieve contact name and email, and let user verify his/her identity }
/** * Retorna a diferenca, em minutos, entre dateTime1 - dateTime2, podendo esta diferenca ser negativa ou positiva * * @author Silas dos Santos * @version 17 AGO 2012 * @since 17 AGO 2012 - Silas dos Santos / Desenvolvimento * * @param string $dateTime1 no formato Y/m/d hh:mm:ss * @param string $dateTime2 no formato Y/m/d hh:mm:ss * * @return int */ public static function diffDateTimeMinutes($dateTime1, $dateTime2) { $date1 = new Datetime($dateTime1); $date2 = new Datetime($dateTime2); $diff = $date1->diff($date2); // 8766 horas no ano $diff->y = $diff->y * 8766 * 60; // anos para minutos $month = $diff->m / 12 * 8766 * 60; // meses para minutos $diff->d = $diff->d * 24 * 60; // dias para minutos $diff->h = $diff->h * 60; // horas para minutos $sec = (double) $diff->s / 60; // segundo para minutos $tempo = $diff->y + $month + $diff->d + $diff->h + $diff->i + $sec; $tempo *= $diff->invert == true ? -1 : 1; return $tempo; }