Beispiel #1
  * Returns an array of available timezones.
  * @static
  * @param boolean $addBlank If set to true an empty entry will be added
  *                          to the beginning of the array.
  * @return array An array containing all the available timezones.
 function availableTimezones($addBlank = false)
     global $_DATE_TIMEZONE_DATA;
     $_aTimezoneBcData = array('Brazil/Acre', 'Brazil/DeNoronha', 'Brazil/East', 'Brazil/West', 'Canada/Atlantic', 'Canada/Central', 'Canada/East-Saskatchewan', 'Canada/Eastern', 'Canada/Mountain', 'Canada/Newfoundland', 'Canada/Pacific', 'Canada/Saskatchewan', 'Canada/Yukon', 'CET', 'Chile/Continental', 'Chile/EasterIsland', 'CST6CDT', 'Cuba', 'EET', 'Egypt', 'Eire', 'EST', 'EST5EDT', 'Etc/GMT', 'Etc/GMT+0', 'Etc/GMT+1', 'Etc/GMT+10', 'Etc/GMT+11', 'Etc/GMT+12', 'Etc/GMT+2', 'Etc/GMT+3', 'Etc/GMT+4', 'Etc/GMT+5', 'Etc/GMT+6', 'Etc/GMT+7', 'Etc/GMT+8', 'Etc/GMT+9', 'Etc/GMT-0', 'Etc/GMT-1', 'Etc/GMT-10', 'Etc/GMT-11', 'Etc/GMT-12', 'Etc/GMT-13', 'Etc/GMT-14', 'Etc/GMT-2', 'Etc/GMT-3', 'Etc/GMT-4', 'Etc/GMT-5', 'Etc/GMT-6', 'Etc/GMT-7', 'Etc/GMT-8', 'Etc/GMT-9', 'Etc/GMT0', 'Etc/Greenwich', 'Etc/UCT', 'Etc/Universal', 'Etc/UTC', 'Etc/Zulu', 'Factory GB', 'GB-Eire', 'GMT', 'GMT+0', 'GMT-0', 'GMT0', 'Greenwich', 'Hongkong', 'HST', 'Iceland', 'Iran', 'Israel', 'Jamaica', 'Japan', 'Kwajalein', 'Libya', 'MET', 'Mexico/BajaNorte', 'Mexico/BajaSur', 'Mexico/General', 'MST', 'MST7MDT', 'Navajo', 'NZ', 'NZ-CHAT', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'PRC', 'PST8PDT', 'ROC', 'ROK', 'Singapore', 'Turkey', 'UCT', 'Universal', 'US/Alaska', 'US/Aleutian', 'US/Arizona', 'US/Central', 'US/East-Indiana', 'US/Eastern', 'US/Hawaii', 'US/Indiana-Starke', 'US/Michigan', 'US/Mountain', 'US/Pacific', 'US/Pacific-New', 'US/Samoa', 'UTC', 'W-SU', 'WET', 'Zulu');
     // Load translations
     require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/max/language/Loader.php';
     // Load global array of timezones
     require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/pear/Date/TimeZone.php';
     $aTimezoneKey = Date_TimeZone::getAvailableIDs();
     if (!defined('MAX_PATH')) {
         $tz = OX_Admin_Timezones::getTimezone();
     } else {
         $tz = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['PREF']['timezone'];
         if (is_null($tz)) {
             $tz = OX_Admin_Timezones::getTimezone();
     foreach ($aTimezoneKey as $key) {
         if (in_array($tz, $_aTimezoneBcData) && $key == $tz || !in_array($key, $_aTimezoneBcData)) {
             // Calculate the timezone offset
             $offset = OX_Admin_Timezones::_convertOffset($_DATE_TIMEZONE_DATA[$key]['offset']);
             // Build the arrays used for sorting time zones
             $origOffset = $_DATE_TIMEZONE_DATA[$key]['offset'];
             $key = !empty($GLOBALS['strTimezoneList'][$key]) ? $GLOBALS['strTimezoneList'][$key] : $key;
             if ($origOffset >= 0) {
                 $aTimezone[$offset][$key] = "(GMT+{$offset}) {$key}";
             } else {
                 $aNegTimezone[$key] = "(GMT-{$offset}) {$key}";
     // Sort timezones with positive offsets descending, and negative
     // offests ascending.
     // Add initial empty key/value pair
     if ($addBlank) {
         $aResult[] = '';
     // Sort time zones
     // Reverse array element order while preserving alphabetical order
     $hasRun = false;
     foreach ($aTimezone as $offset => $aValue) {
         if ($hasRun == false) {
             $aRevTimezone[] = $aValue;
             $hasRun = true;
         } else {
             array_unshift($aRevTimezone, $aValue);
     // Build the result array
     foreach ($aRevTimezone as $aValue) {
         foreach ($aValue as $k => $v) {
             $aResult[$k] = $v;
     foreach ($aNegTimezone as $key => $value) {
         $aResult[$key] = $value;
     return $aResult;
Beispiel #2
  * Method used to get the full list of available timezones to be
  * presented to the user.
  * @access  public
  * @return  array The list of timezones
 function getTimezoneList()
     return Date_TimeZone::getAvailableIDs();