function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); if (isset($field['fields'])) { $els = array(); foreach (array_keys($field['fields']) as $field_key) { $els[] = $formTool->buildWidget($record, $field['fields'][$field_key], $factory, $field['fields'][$field_key]['name']); } $el =& $factory->addGroup($els, $field['name'], $field['widget']['label']); } else { $el =& $factory->addElement('text', $field['name'], $widget['label']); } if (!@$field['widget']['layout']) { $field['widget']['layout'] = 'table'; } if (!@$field['widget']['layout']) { $field['widget']['columns'] = 1; } if (!@$field['widget']['separator']) { $field['widget']['separator'] = '<br />'; } $el->setFieldDef($field); return $el; }
function &pushValue(&$record, &$field, &$form, &$element, &$metaValues) { $table =& $record->_table; $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); $formFieldName = $element->getName(); $val = $element->getValue(); //print_r($val);exit; if (is_array($val)) { $val = $val[$field['name']]; } if (preg_match('/int/', @$field['Type']) and $val !== '' and $val !== null) { //print_r($_POST); //echo "Val is $val";exit; $out = intval($val); } else { //echo "Out is $val";exit; $out = $val; } //$res =& $s->setValue($fieldname, $val); if (PEAR::isError($val)) { $val->addUserInfo(df_translate('scripts.Dataface.QuickForm.pushValue.ERROR_PUSHING_VALUE', "Error pushing value for field '{$field['name']}' in QuickForm::pushWidget() on line " . __LINE__ . " of file " . __FILE__, array('name' => $field['name'], 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__))); return $val; } return $out; }
/** * @brief Initializes the datepicker module and registers all of the event listener. * */ function __construct() { $app = Dataface_Application::getInstance(); // Now work on our dependencies $mt = Dataface_ModuleTool::getInstance(); // We require the XataJax module // The XataJax module activates and embeds the Javascript and CSS tools $mt->loadModule('modules_XataJax', 'modules/XataJax/XataJax.php'); // Register the geopicker widget with the form tool so that it responds // to widget:type=geopicker import('Dataface/FormTool.php'); $ft = Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); $ft->registerWidgetHandler('geopicker', dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'widget.php', 'Dataface_FormTool_geopicker'); if (!@$app->_conf['modules_geopicker'] or !@$app->_conf['modules_geopicker']['key']) { $msg = <<<END <p>Google Maps Module is installed but no API key is specified.</p> <p>For information about obtaining your API key see <a href="">this page</a>.</p> <p>After obtaining your key, add the following section to your application's conf.ini file:</p> <p><code><pre> [modules_geopicker] key=YOUR_API_KEY_HERE </pre></code></p> END; die($msg); } $app->addHeadContent('<script>XF_GEOPICKER_API_KEY="' . htmlspecialchars($app->_conf['modules_geopicker']['key']) . '";</script>'); foreach (Dataface_Table::loadTable('', df_db(), true) as $t) { $evt = new StdClass(); $evt->table = $t; $this->afterTableInit($evt); } $app->registerEventListener("afterTableInit", array($this, 'afterTableInit')); $app->registerEventListener("Dataface_Record__htmlValue", array($this, 'Dataface_Record__htmlValue')); }
/** * Defines how a radio button widget should be built. * * @param Dataface_Record $record The Dataface_Record that is being edited. * @param array &$field The field configuration data structure that the widget is being generated for. * @param HTML_QuickForm The form to which the field is to be added. * @param string $formFieldName The name of the field in the form. * @param boolean $new Whether this widget is being built for a new record form. * @return HTML_QuickForm_element The element that can be added to a form. * */ function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { $widget =& $field['widget']; if (!@$widget['separator']) { $widget['separator'] = '<br />'; } if (isset($field['vocabulary']) and $field['vocabulary']) { $radios = array(); $dummyForm = new HTML_QuickForm(); $options =& Dataface_FormTool::getVocabulary($record, $field); $options__classes = Dataface_FormTool::getVocabularyClasses($record, $field); // CSS classes foreach ($options as $opt_val => $opt_text) { if ($opt_val === '') { continue; } $radios[] =& $dummyForm->createElement('radio', null, null, $opt_text, $opt_val, array('class' => 'radio-of-' . $field['name'] . ' ' . @$options__classes[$opt_val])); } $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $el =& $factory->addGroup($radios, $field['name'], $widget['label']); } else { error_log("Your field {$formFieldName} is missing the vocabulary directive."); throw new Exception("Your field {$formFieldName} is missing the vocabulary directive."); } return $el; }
function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { $widget =& $field['widget']; $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $el =& $factory->addElement('time', $formFieldName, $widget['label'], array(), $widget); return $el; }
function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { /* * * This field uses a table widget. * */ $table =& $record->_table; $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $widget =& $field['widget']; $el =& $factory->addElement('table', $formFieldName, $widget['label']); if (isset($widget['fields'])) { $widget_fields =& $widget['fields']; foreach ($widget_fields as $widget_field) { $widget_field =& Dataface_Table::getTableField($widget_field, $this->db); if (PEAR::isError($widget_field)) { return $widget_field; } $widget_widget = $formTool->buildWidget($record, $widget_field, $factory, $widget_field['name']); $el->addField($widget_widget); } } else { if (isset($field['fields'])) { foreach (array_keys($field['fields']) as $field_key) { $widget_widget = $formTool->buildWidget($record, $field['fields'][$field_key], $factory, $field['fields'][$field_key]['name']); $el->addField($widget_widget); unset($widget_widget); } } } return $el; }
/** * Defines how a geopicker widget should be built. * * @param Dataface_Record $record The Dataface_Record that is being edited. * @param array &$field The field configuration data structure that the widget is being generated for. * @param HTML_QuickForm The form to which the field is to be added. * @param string $formFieldName The name of the field in the form. * @param boolean $new Whether this widget is being built for a new record form. * @return HTML_QuickForm_element The element that can be added to a form. * */ function &buildWidget($record, &$field, $form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { $factory = Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $mt = Dataface_ModuleTool::getInstance(); $mod = $mt->loadModule('modules_geopicker'); $widget =& $field['widget']; $atts = array(); if (!@$atts['class']) { $atts['class'] = ''; } $atts['class'] .= ' xf-geopicker'; $atts['df:cloneable'] = 1; $perms = $record->getPermissions(array('field' => $field['name'])); $noEdit = ($new and !@$perms['new']) or !$new and !@$perms['edit']; if ($noEdit) { $atts['data-geopicker-read-only'] = "1"; } $mod->registerPaths(); // Add our javascript Dataface_JavascriptTool::getInstance()->import('xataface/modules/geopicker/widgets/geopicker.js'); $el = $factory->addElement('text', $formFieldName, $widget['label'], $atts); if (PEAR::isError($el)) { throw new Exception($el->getMessage(), $el->getCode()); } return $el; }
function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { $widget =& $field['widget']; $options =& Dataface_FormTool::getVocabulary($record, $field); $el =& $form->addElement('autocomplete', $formFieldName, $widget['label'], array('class' => $widget['class'], 'id' => $field['name'])); $el->setOptions($options); return $el; }
function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { $widget =& $field['widget']; $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $widget['record'] =& $record; $el =& $factory->addElement('portal', $formFieldName, $widget['label']); $el->init_portal($widget); return $el; }
function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $el =& $factory->addElement('hidden', $field['name']); if (PEAR::isError($el)) { throw new Exception("Failed to get element for field {$field['name']} of table " . $record->_table->tablename . "\n" . "The error returned was " . $el->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR); } $el->setFieldDef($field); return $el; }
/** * Defines how a depselect widget should be built. * * @param Dataface_Record $record The Dataface_Record that is being edited. * @param array &$field The field configuration data structure that the widget is being generated for. * @param HTML_QuickForm The form to which the field is to be added. * @param string $formFieldName The name of the field in the form. * @param boolean $new Whether this widget is being built for a new record form. * @return HTML_QuickForm_element The element that can be added to a form. * */ function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { $factory = Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $mt = Dataface_ModuleTool::getInstance(); $mod = $mt->loadModule('modules_depselect'); //$atts = $el->getAttributes(); $widget =& $field['widget']; $atts = array(); if (!@$atts['class']) { $atts['class'] = ''; } $atts['class'] .= ' xf-depselect'; if (!@$atts['data-xf-table']) { $atts['data-xf-table'] = $field['tablename']; } $targetTable = Dataface_Table::loadTable($field['widget']['table']); if (PEAR::isError($targetTable)) { error_log("Your field {$formFieldName} is missing the widget:table directive or the table does not exist."); throw new Exception("Your field {$formFieldName} is missing the widget:table directive or the table does not exist."); } $targetPerms = $targetTable->getPermissions(); $atts['data-xf-depselect-options-table'] = $field['widget']['table']; if (@$targetPerms['new']) { $atts['data-xf-depselect-perms-new'] = 1; } $atts['df:cloneable'] = 1; $jt = Dataface_JavascriptTool::getInstance(); $jt->addPath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/js', $mod->getBaseURL() . '/js'); $ct = Dataface_CSSTool::getInstance(); $ct->addPath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/css', $mod->getBaseURL() . '/css'); // Add our javascript $jt->import('xataface/widgets/depselect.js'); $filters = array(); if (@$field['widget']['filters'] and is_array($field['widget']['filters'])) { foreach ($field['widget']['filters'] as $key => $val) { $filters[] = urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($val); } } $atts['data-xf-depselect-filters'] = implode('&', $filters); if (@$field['widget']['nomatch']) { $atts['data-xf-depselect-nomatch'] = $field['widget']['nomatch']; } if (@$field['widget']['dialogSize']) { $atts['data-xf-depselect-dialogSize'] = $field['widget']['dialogSize']; } if (@$field['widget']['dialogMargin']) { $atts['data-xf-depselect-dialogMargin'] = $field['widget']['dialogMargin']; } //$el->setAttributes($atts); $el = $factory->addElement('depselect', $formFieldName, $widget['label'], $atts); if (PEAR::isError($el)) { throw new Exception($el->getMessage(), $el->getCode()); } return $el; }
function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $el =& $factory->addElement('hidden', $field['name']); if (PEAR::isError($el)) { echo "Failed to get element for field {$field['name']} of table " . $record->_table->tablename; echo "The error returned was " . $el->getMessage(); echo Dataface_Error::printStackTrace(); } $el->setFieldDef($field); return $el; }
function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { /* * This field uses a calendar widget */ $widget =& $field['widget']; $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $el =& $factory->addElement('lookup', $formFieldName, $widget['label']); if (PEAR::isError($el)) { return $el; } $el->setProperties($widget); return $el; }
function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { /* * This field uses a calendar widget */ $widget =& $field['widget']; if (!@$widget['lang']) { $widget['lang'] = Dataface_Application::getInstance()->_conf['lang']; } $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $el =& $factory->addElement('calendar', $formFieldName, $widget['label'], null, $widget); //$el->setProperties($widget); return $el; }
/** * @brief Initializes the depselect module and registers all of the event listener. * */ function __construct() { $app = Dataface_Application::getInstance(); // Now work on our dependencies $mt = Dataface_ModuleTool::getInstance(); // We require the XataJax module // The XataJax module activates and embeds the Javascript and CSS tools $mt->loadModule('modules_XataJax', 'modules/XataJax/XataJax.php'); // Register the tagger widget with the form tool so that it responds // to widget:type=tagger import('Dataface/FormTool.php'); $ft = Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); $ft->registerWidgetHandler('depselect', dirname(__FILE__) . '/widget.php', 'Dataface_FormTool_depselect'); }
function pushValue(&$record, &$field, &$form, &$element, &$metaValues) { $table =& $record->_table; $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); $formFieldName = $element->getName(); if ($table->isDate($field['name'])) { return Dataface_converters_date::qf2Table($element->getValue()); } else { if ($table->isInt($field['name'])) { return Dataface_converters_date::qf2UnixTimestamp($element->getValue()); } else { return Dataface_converters_date::datetime_to_string(Dataface_converters_date::qf2Table($element->getValue())); } } }
/** * @brief Added support to transform date values in alternate formats * as provided by the widget:ifFormat directive. * */ function pullValue(&$record, &$field, &$form, &$element, &$metaValues) { $table =& $record->_table; $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); $formFieldName = $field['name']; $val = $record->strval($formFieldName); if (!trim($val)) { return ''; } if (@$field['widget']['ifFormat']) { return strftime($field['widget']['ifFormat'], strtotime($val)); } else { return $val; } }
function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { /* * This field uses a calendar widget */ $widget =& $field['widget']; $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $el =& $factory->addElement('yui_autocomplete', $formFieldName, $widget['label']); $el->setProperties($widget); if (@$field['vocabulary']) { $el->options = $record->_table->getValuelist($field['vocabulary']); $el->vocabularyName = $field['vocabulary']; $el->updateAttributes(array('df:vocabulary' => $el->vocabularyName)); } else { if (isset($widget['datasource'])) { $datasource =& $widget['datasource']; if (isset($datasource['url'])) { $el->datasourceUrl = $datasource['url']; $el->updateAttributes(array('df:datasource' => $el->datasourceUrl)); if (!isset($datasource['resultNode'])) { $datasource['resultNode'] = 'Result'; } $el->resultNode = $datasource['resultNode']; $el->updateAttributes(array('df:resultNode' => $el->resultNode)); if (!isset($datasource['fieldname'])) { $datasource['fieldname'] = 'df:title'; } $el->queryKeyNode = $datasource['fieldname']; $el->updateAttributes(array('df:queryKeyNode' => $el->queryKeyNode)); if (!@$datasource['other_fieldnames']) { $el->additionalNodes = array(); } else { $el->additionalNodes = array_map('trim', explode(',', $datasource['other_fieldnames'])); } $el->updateAttributes(array('df:additionalNodes' => implode(',', $el->additionalNodes))); if (!@$datasource['scriptQueryParam']) { $datasource['scriptQueryParam'] = '-search'; } $el->scriptQueryParam = $datasource['scriptQueryParam']; $el->updateAttributes(array('df:scriptQueryParam' => $el->scriptQueryParam)); } } } if (@$field['yui_autocomplete'] and is_array($field['yui_autocomplete'])) { $el->updateAttributes(array('data-xf-max-results-displayed' => $field['yui_autocomplete']['maxResultsDisplayed'])); } return $el; }
function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { if (is_string($field)) { echo Dataface_Error::printStackTrace(); } $table =& $record->_table; $widget =& $field['widget']; $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $el =& $factory->addElement('htmlarea', $formFieldName, $widget['label'], array('class' => $widget['class'], 'id' => $field['name'])); if (method_exists($el, 'setWysiwygOptions')) { $el->setWysiwygOptions($widget); if (isset($widget['editor'])) { $el->editorName = $widget['editor']; } } return $el; }
function &buildWidget(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false) { if (is_string($field)) { throw new Exception("buildWidget expects field to be a structure but recieved a string: {$field}", E_USER_ERROR); } $table =& $record->_table; $widget =& $field['widget']; $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory(); $el =& $factory->addElement('htmlarea', $formFieldName, $widget['label'], array('class' => $widget['class'], 'id' => $field['name'])); if (method_exists($el, 'setWysiwygOptions')) { $el->setWysiwygOptions($widget); if (isset($widget['editor'])) { $el->editorName = $widget['editor']; } } return $el; }
function pushValue(&$record, &$field, &$form, &$element, &$metaValues) { // quickform stores select fields as arrays, and the table schema will only accept // array values if the 'repeat' flag is set. $table =& $record->_table; $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); $formFieldName =& $element->getName(); if (!$field['repeat']) { $val = $element->getValue(); if (count($val) > 0) { return $val[0]; } else { return null; } } else { return $element->getValue(); } }
function save() { $db =& Dataface_DB::getInstance(); $db->startTransaction(); $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); foreach ($this->getFieldDefs() as $uri => $fieldDef) { $record =& $this->getRecord($uri); $formTool->pushField($record, $fieldDef, $this, $uri); if ($record->valueChanged($fieldDef['name'])) { $this->changed_fields[] = $uri; } } foreach (array_keys($this->records) as $uri) { $res = $this->records[$uri]->save(null, true); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); return $res; } } $db->commitTransaction(); return true; }
/** * @brief Gets the list of meta values that is associated with the valuelist * for a particular field. The idea is that the options in a valuelist * can be categorized into classes. This returns those classes. * @param Dataface_Record &$record The record that is being edited. * * @param array &$field The config array for the field being edited. * * @returns array The associative array of classes [key => class] */ public static function getVocabularyClasses($record, &$field) { $res = Dataface_FormTool::_getVocabAndClasses($record, $field); return $res['options__classes']; }
function &pushValue(&$record, &$field, &$form, &$element, &$metaValues) { $table =& $record->_table; $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); $formFieldName = $element->getName(); $val = $element->getValue(); if ($field['repeat']) { //print_r(array_keys($val)); // eg value array('value1'=>1, 'value2'=>1, ..., 'valueN'=>1) if (is_array($val)) { $out = array_keys($val); } else { $out = array(); } //$res =& $s->setValue($fieldname, array_keys($val)); } else { if (preg_match('/int/', @$field['Type'])) { $out = intval($val); } else { $out = $val; } //$res =& $s->setValue($fieldname, $val); } if (PEAR::isError($val)) { $val->addUserInfo(df_translate('scripts.Dataface.QuickForm.pushValue.ERROR_PUSHING_VALUE', "Error pushing value for field '{$field['name']}' in QuickForm::pushWidget() on line " . __LINE__ . " of file " . __FILE__, array('name' => $field['name'], 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__))); return $val; } return $out; }
function handle(&$params) { import('Dataface/FormTool.php'); import('Dataface/QuickForm.php'); $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance(); $query =& $app->getQuery(); $resultSet =& $app->getResultSet(); $currentRecord =& $app->getRecord(); $currentTable =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($query['-table']); if (!isset($query['--tab']) and count($currentTable->tabs($currentRecord)) > 1) { $tabs = $currentTable->tabs($currentRecord); uasort($tabs, array($formTool, '_sortTabs')); list($query['--tab']) = array_keys($tabs); } else { if (count($currentTable->tabs($currentRecord)) <= 1) { unset($query['--tab']); } } $includedFields = null; // Null for all fields if (@$query['-fields']) { $includedFields = explode(' ', $query['-fields']); } /* * * Create the quickform for the current record. * */ //$form = new Dataface_QuickForm($query['-table'], $app->db(), $query); if ($resultSet->found() > @$query['-cursor']) { $form = $formTool->createRecordForm($currentRecord, false, @$query['--tab'], $query, $includedFields); /* * There is either a result to edit, or we are creating a new record. * */ $res = $form->_build(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { error_log($res->toString() . implode("\n", $res->getBacktrace())); throw new Exception("An error occurred while building the edit form. See error log for details.", E_USER_ERROR); } $formTool->decorateRecordForm($currentRecord, $form, false, @$query['--tab']); /* * * We need to add the current GET parameter flags (the GET vars starting with '-') so * that the controller knows to pass control to this method again upon form submission. * */ foreach ($query as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, '-') === 0) { $form->addElement('hidden', $key); $form->setDefaults(array($key => $value)); } } /* * Store the current query string (the portion after the '?') in the form, so we * can retrieve it after and redirect back to our original location. */ $form->addElement('hidden', '-query'); $form->setDefaults(array('-action' => $query['-action'], '-query' => $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); /* * * We have to deal with 3 cases. * 1) The form has not been submitted. * 2) The form was submitted but didn't validate (ie: it had some bad input) * 3) The form was submitted and was validated. * * We deal with Case 3 first... * */ if ($formTool->validateRecordForm($currentRecord, $form, false, @$query['--tab'])) { /* * * The form was submitted and it validated ok. We now process it (ie: save its contents). * */ $app->clearMessages(); $formTool->handleTabSubmit($currentRecord, $form, @$query['--tab']); if (!isset($query['--tab'])) { // If we aren't using tabs we just do it the old way. // (If it ain't broke don't fix it $result = $form->process(array(&$form, 'save')); } else { // If we are using tabs, we will use the formtool's // session aware saving function $result = $formTool->saveSession($currentRecord); } $success = true; $response =& Dataface_Application::getResponse(); if (!$result) { error_log("Error occurred in save: " . xf_db_error($app->db()) . Dataface_Error::printStackTrace()); throw new Exception("An error occurred while attempting to save the record. See error log for details.", E_USER_ERROR); } else { if (PEAR::isError($result) && !Dataface_Error::isNotice($result)) { if (Dataface_Error::isDuplicateEntry($result)) { $app->addError($result); $success = false; } else { error_log($result->toString() . implode("\n", $result->getBacktrace())); throw new Exception("An error occurred while attempting to save the record. See error log for details.", E_USER_ERROR); } } else { if (Dataface_Error::isNotice($result)) { $app->addError($result); //$response['--msg'] = @$response['--msg'] ."\n".$result->getMessage(); $success = false; } } } if ($success) { if (@$query['-response'] == 'json') { //header('Content-type: text/html; charset="'.$app->_conf['oe'].'"'); $rvals = $currentRecord->strvals(); $rvals['__title__'] = $currentRecord->getTitle(); $rvals['__id__'] = $currentRecord->getId(); echo df_escape(json_encode(array('response_code' => 200, 'record_data' => $rvals, 'response_message' => df_translate('Record Successfully Saved', 'Record Successfully Saved')))); return; } import('Dataface/Utilities.php'); Dataface_Utilities::fireEvent('after_action_edit', array('record' => $form->_record)); /* * * The original query string will have the -new flag set. We need to remove this * flag so that we don't redirect the user to create another new record. * */ $vals = $form->exportValues(); $vals['-query'] = preg_replace('/[&\\?]-new=[^&]+/i', '', $vals['-query']); $_SESSION['--last_modified_record_url'] = $form->_record->getURL(); $_SESSION['--last_modified_record_title'] = $form->_record->getTitle(); $msg = implode("\n", $app->getMessages()); //$msg =@$response['--msg']; $msg = urlencode(Dataface_LanguageTool::translate('Record successfully saved', "Record successfully saved.<br>") . $msg); if (preg_match('/[&\\?]-action=edit&/', $vals['-query']) and !$form->_record->checkPermission('edit')) { $vals['-query'] = preg_replace('/([&\\?])-action=edit&/', '$1-action=view&', $vals['-query']); } else { if (preg_match('/[&\\?]-action=edit$/', $vals['-query']) and !$form->_record->checkPermission('edit')) { $vals['-query'] = preg_replace('/([&\\?])-action=edit$/', '$1-action=view', $vals['-query']); } } $vals['-query'] = preg_replace('/&?--msg=[^&]*/', '', $vals['-query']); if (@$query['--lang']) { $vals['-query'] .= '&--lang=' . $query['--lang']; } $link = $_SERVER['HOST_URI'] . DATAFACE_SITE_HREF . '?' . $vals['-query'] . '&--saved=1&--msg=' . $msg; /* * * Redirect the user to the appropriate record. * */ $app->redirect("{$link}"); } } ob_start(); $form->display(); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (count($form->_errors) > 0) { $app->clearMessages(); $app->addError(PEAR::raiseError("Some errors occurred while processing this form: <ul><li>" . implode('</li><li>', $form->_errors) . "</li></ul>")); } $context = array('form' => $out); // Now let's add the tabs to the context $context['tabs'] = $formTool->createHTMLTabs($currentRecord, $form, @$query['--tab']); } else { // no records were found $context = array('form' => ''); if (isset($_SESSION['--last_modified_record_url'])) { $lastModifiedURL = $_SESSION['--last_modified_record_url']; $lastModifiedTitle = $_SESSION['--last_modified_record_title']; unset($_SESSION['--last_modified_record_title']); unset($_SESSION['--last_modified_record_url']); $app->addMessage(df_translate('Return to last modified record', 'No records matched your request. Click <a href="' . $lastModifiedURL . '">here</a> to return to <em>' . df_escape($lastModifiedTitle) . '</em>.', array('lastModifiedURL' => $lastModifiedURL, 'lastModifiedTitle' => $lastModifiedTitle))); } else { $app->addMessage(Dataface_LanguageTool::translate('No records matched request', 'No records matched your request')); } $query['-template'] = 'Dataface_Main_Template.html'; } if (isset($query['-template'])) { $template = $query['-template']; } else { if (@$query['-headless']) { $template = 'Dataface_Edit_Record_headless.html'; } else { if (isset($params['action']['template'])) { $template = $params['action']['template']; } else { $template = 'Dataface_Edit_Record.html'; } } } df_display($context, $template, true); }
function handle(&$params) { $app = Dataface_Application::getInstance(); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . $app->_conf['oe']); $record =& $app->getRecord(); $query =& $app->getQuery(); if (isset($_REQUEST['-form-id'])) { $formid = $_REQUEST['-form-id']; } else { $formid = 'ajax-form-' . rand(); } // First let's figure out what kind of form this is $form_type = @$_REQUEST['-form-type']; $form = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['-fields'])) { $fields = explode(',', $_REQUEST['-fields']); } else { $fields = null; } switch ($form_type) { case 'new': $form = df_create_new_record_form($query['-table'], $fields); $form->_build(); break; case 'edit': $form = df_create_edit_record_form($query['-table'], $fields); break; case 'new_related_record': $form = df_create_new_related_record_form($record, $query['-relationship'], $fields); break; case 'existing_related_record': $form = df_create_existing_related_record_form($record, $query['-relationship']); break; case 'composite': import('Dataface/CompositeForm.php'); $form = new Dataface_CompositeForm($fields); $form->build(); break; default: @(include_once 'forms/' . $form_type . '.php'); if (!class_exists('forms_' . $form_type)) { return PEAR::raiseError('Could not find form of type "' . $form_type . '".', DATAFACE_E_ERROR); } $classname = 'forms_' . $form_type; $form = new $classname($fields); break; } // We want the form to be submitted to the embedded iframe $form->updateAttributes(array('target' => $formid . '-target', 'accept-charset' => $app->_conf['ie'])); $formparams = preg_grep('/^-[^\\-].*/', array_keys($query)); foreach ($formparams as $param) { $form->addElement('hidden', $param); $form->setDefaults(array($param => $query[$param])); } $form->addElement('hidden', '-form-id'); $form->setDefaults(array('-form-id' => $formid)); // Now that we have our form, we can do our thing with it. if ($form->validate()) { /* * * The form was submitted and it validated ok. We now process it (ie: save its contents). * */ $app->clearMessages(); $result = $form->process(array(&$form, 'save')); $success = true; $response =& Dataface_Application::getResponse(); if (!$result) { trigger_error("Error occurred in save: " . xf_db_error($app->db()) . Dataface_Error::printStackTrace(), E_USER_ERROR); exit; } else { if (PEAR::isError($result) && !Dataface_Error::isNotice($result)) { if (Dataface_Error::isDuplicateEntry($result)) { return $result; } else { trigger_error($result->toString() . Dataface_Error::printStackTrace(), E_USER_ERROR); exit; } } else { if (Dataface_Error::isNotice($result)) { $app->addError($result); $success = false; } } } if ($success) { import('Dataface/Utilities.php'); Dataface_Utilities::fireEvent('after_action_ajax_form'); $msg = implode("\n", $app->getMessages()); //$msg =@$response['--msg']; $msg = urlencode(Dataface_LanguageTool::translate('Record successfully saved', "Record successfully saved.<br>") . $msg); // We need to output the success content. // This could be in any of the following formats: // 1. HTML --- actually not yet.. let's just do JSON // 2. JSON // 3. XML --- not yet.. just JSON for now. $targetid = @$_REQUEST['-target-id']; // This should: // 1. Get the target element. // 2. Go through the element's subtree and replace // values that have been changed. How do we know what // values have been changed. // if (method_exists($form, 'htmlValues')) { if (method_exists($form, 'changedFields')) { $changed_fields = $form->changedFields(); } else { $changed_fields = null; } // Convert the values to JSON $changed_values = $form->htmlValues($changed_fields); import('Services/JSON.php'); $json = new Services_JSON(); $changed_values_json = $json->encode($changed_values); } else { $changed_values_json = '{}'; } echo <<<END <html><body><script language="javascript"><!-- \t \t//self.onload = function(){ \t\t//parent.handleEditableResponse('{$targetid}', {$changed_values_json}); \t\tvar targetel = parent.document.getElementById('{$targetid}'); \t\ttargetel.handleResponse('{$targetid}', {$changed_values_json}); \t\ttargetel.onclick=parent.makeEditable; \t\ttargetel.onmouseover=targetel.old_onmouseover; \t\ttargetel.edit_form.parentNode.removeChild(targetel.edit_form); \t \t//} \t \t //--></script></body></html> END; exit; } } import('Dataface/FormTool.php'); $formTool = new Dataface_FormTool(); ob_start(); if (is_array($fields) and count($fields) == 1 and strpos($fields[0], '#') !== false) { $singleField = $fields[0]; } else { $singleField = false; } $formTool->display($form, null, $singleField); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo <<<END \t\t \t\t<div id="{$formid}-wrapper"> \t\t\t<iframe id="{$formid}-target" name="{$formid}-target" style="width:0px; height:0px; border: 0px"></iframe> \t\t\t{$out} \t\t</div> END; if ($form->isSubmitted()) { // The form has already been submitted so we must be displaying some // errors. We need to remove this stuff from inside the iframe // that we are going to be inside of, and place them on the page // in the correct place echo <<<END <script language="javascript"><!-- var targetel = parent.document.getElementById('{$formid}-wrapper'); var sourceel = document.getElementById('{$formid}-wrapper'); targetel.innerHTML = sourceel.innerHTML; //--></script> END; } exit; }
function display() { $this->_build(); $tableLabel = htmlspecialchars($this->_table->getLabel()); df_display(array('tableLabel' => $tableLabel), 'Dataface_Search_Instructions.html'); //parent::display(); import('Dataface/FormTool.php'); $ft =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); $ft->display($this, 'Dataface_FindForm.html'); //echo '</div>'; }
function display() { if ($this->_resultSet->found() > 0 || $this->_new) { $res = $this->_build(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } else { //$this->displayTabs(); if (!$this->_new and !Dataface_PermissionsTool::edit($this->_record)) { $this->freeze(); } if ($this->_new and !Dataface_PermissionsTool::checkPermission('new', $this->_table)) { $this->freeze(); } $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); if ($this->_new || Dataface_PermissionsTool::view($this->_record)) { //echo $this->_renderer->toHtml(); echo $formTool->display($this); } else { echo "<p>" . df_translate('scripts.GLOBAL.INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEW_RECORD', 'Sorry you have insufficient permissions to view this record.') . "</p>"; } //parent::display(); } } else { echo "<p>" . df_translate('scripts.GLOBAL.NO_RECORDS_MATCHED_REQUEST', 'No records matched your request.') . "</p>"; } }
/** * Displays the form. */ function display() { if (!$this->_built) { $this->_build(); } import('Dataface/FormTool.php'); $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance(); echo $formTool->display($this, null, false, $this->_relationship->showTabsForAddNew()); //$this->accept($this->_renderer); //echo $this->_renderer->toHtml(); //parent::display(); }
function pushValue($val) { $this->element->setValue($val); $delegate = $this->record->_table->getDelegate(); $widgetHandler = Dataface_FormTool::getInstance()->getWidgetHandler($this->field['widget']['type']); $filterValue = true; if ($delegate !== null and method_exists($delegate, $this->field['name'] . "__pushValue")) { /* * * The delegate defines a conversion method that should be used. * */ $method = $this->field['name'] . '__pushValue'; $val = $delegate->{$method}($this->record, $this->element); $filterValue = false; } else { if (isset($widgetHandler) and method_exists($widgetHandler, 'pushValue')) { $val = $widgetHandler->pushValue($this->record, $this->field, $this->form, $this->element, $this->new); } } if ($filterValue) { $evt = new stdClass(); $evt->record = $this->record; $evt->field =& $this->field; $evt->form = $this->form; $evt->{'new'} = $this->{'new'}; $evt->element = $this->element; $evt->metaValues = array(); $evt->value = $val; Dataface_Application::getInstance()->fireEvent('FormTool::pushValue', $evt); $val = $evt->value; } return $val; }