$redirect_url = BASE_URL . "login.php";
session_user_agent_h($redirect_url, "userAgent");
//end if
//make sure user is logged in
$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
 *	handle update list items.
//if update list item was clicked in the browser.
if (isset($_POST['update_list_item'])) {
    $list_id = $_POST['list_id'];
    $updated_message = $_POST['list_message'];
    echo $updated_message;
    $db->update_list_item($list_id, $user_id, $updated_message);
//end if
//if pencil button was clicked in the browser.
if (!empty($_POST['checked_off'])) {
    $list_id = $_POST['list_id'];
    //what value to add to the column list_completed in database
    $is_checked_off = $_POST['is_checked_off'];
    $db->update_list_item_is_completed($list_id, $user_id, $is_checked_off);
//end if
//if delete button was clicked handle ajax post from javascript.
if ($_POST['delete_item']) {
    $list_id = $_POST['list_id'];
    //update the database
    $db->delete_list_item($user_id, $list_id);