Beispiel #1
$connection = new Database();
//Instance of Database Class
//Connect to database
echo '<br>';
//Insert Query
$insertSQL = "INSERT INTO Customer( customerFname, customerLname, customerEmail, customerAddress, customerDOB, customerAccountCreation, \tcustomerPassword )VALUES ('John', 'Newman', '*****@*****.**', '133 Hilltown Lawn', '1935/11/18', NOW( ) , '2324')";
//Select Query
$statement = "SELECT * FROM Customer";
$dataset = $connection->selectData($statement);
//Update Query
$update = "UPDATE Customer SET customerFname='Fart' WHERE customerId=3";
for ($i = 61; $i <= 67; $i++) {
    //Delete Data
    $delete = "DELETE FROM Customer\n\t\tWHERE customerId = " . $i;
    echo 'Record ' . $i . ' deleted';
//Close Connection
//List all values
if ($dataset->num_rows > 0) {
    // output data of each row
    while ($row = $dataset->fetch_assoc()) {
        echo "<br> id: " . $row["customerId"] . " - Name: " . $row["customerFname"] . " " . $row["customerLname"] . "<br>";
} else {
    echo "0 results";
    $game_id = "wk" . $gameWeek . "_" . ($id[0]['num'] + 1);
    $newGame = $db->addData($game_id, $_POST['away_id'], $_POST['home_id'], $gameWeek, $_POST['game_date'], $_POST['game_time'], $_POST['facility'], $_POST['area']);
    $school_name = 'All';
} elseif (isset($_POST['delete_game'])) {
    // get the page that sent here
    $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
    //get game id
    $game_id = $_POST['game_id'];
    // get away team name
    $away_team = $_POST['away_team'];
    // get home team name
    $home_team = $_POST['home_team'];
    //delete game with that id
    $deleteGame = $db->deleteData($game_id, $away_team, $home_team);
    // send the page back where it came from
    header("Location: {$referer}");
} else {
    // get school id from form
    $school = 'ccc_01';
    // get school info
    $getInfo = "CALL getInfo('{$school}')";
    $team_info = $db->getData($getInfo);
    // check if add button was pushed
    // set school name based
    if (isset($_POST['add'])) {
        // set school name to all
        $school_name = 'All';
    } else {
        // get school name from id info