Beispiel #1
if (!$realmId) {
    exit("Please add realm to App.Config before running this sample.\n");
// Prep Service Context
$requestValidator = new OAuthRequestValidator(ConfigurationManager::AppSettings('AccessToken'), ConfigurationManager::AppSettings('AccessTokenSecret'), ConfigurationManager::AppSettings('ConsumerKey'), ConfigurationManager::AppSettings('ConsumerSecret'));
$serviceContext = new ServiceContext($realmId, $serviceType, $requestValidator);
if (!$serviceContext) {
    exit("Problem while initializing ServiceContext.\n");
// Prep Data Services
$dataService = new DataService($serviceContext);
if (!$dataService) {
    exit("Problem while initializing DataService.\n");
// Run a batch
$maxSearch = 500;
$batch = $dataService->CreateNewBatch();
$batch->AddQuery("select * from Customer startPosition 0 maxResults {$maxSearch}", "queryCustomer");
$batch->AddQuery("select * from Vendor startPosition 0 maxResults {$maxSearch}", "queryVendor");
// Echo some formatted output
$batchItemResponse = $batch->intuitBatchItemResponses[0];
echo "Looked for up to {$maxSearch} customers; found " . count($batchItemResponse->entities) . "\n";
$batchItemResponse = $batch->intuitBatchItemResponses[1];
echo "Looked for up to {$maxSearch} vendors; found " . count($batchItemResponse->entities) . "\n";
Example output:

Looked for up to 500 customers; found 318
Looked for up to 500 vendors; found 278