Beispiel #1
 function __construct($data, $name, $index = 0)
     parent::__construct($data, $name, $index);
     $this->row_attrs = array();
     $this->cell_attrs = array();
     $this->userdata = array();
 function __construct($data, $config, $index)
     parent::__construct($data, $config, $index);
     $this->im0 = false;
     $this->im1 = false;
     $this->im2 = false;
     $this->check = false;
Beispiel #3
 function __construct($id, $data, $name, $index, $parent_id)
     parent::__construct($id, $data, $name, $index);
     $this->parent_id = $parent_id;
     $this->im0 = false;
     $this->im1 = false;
     $this->im2 = false;
     $this->check = false;
Beispiel #4
 function __construct($data, $config, $index)
     parent::__construct($data, $config, $index);
     $this->im0 = false;
     $this->im1 = false;
     $this->im2 = false;
     $this->check = false;
     $this->attrs = array();
     $this->userdata = array();
Beispiel #5
 function __construct($data, $config, $index)
     parent::__construct($data, $config, $index);
     $this->selected = false;
        $snmpHeader = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultParametroHeader);
        if ($snmpServer["valor"] != "" && $snmpCommunity["valor"] != "" && $snmpHeader["valor"]) {
            $trapserver = $snmpServer["valor"];
            $community = $snmpCommunity["valor"];
            while ($filaDataItem = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultDataItem)) {
                if ($filaDataItem["changetrap"] == "true") {
                    $typeAlert = "";
                    $oid = "";
                    if ($filaDataItem["with_data"] == "true") {
                        $typeAlert = "WITH_DATA";
                        $oid = $snmpHeader["valor"] . ".1";
                    } else {
                        $typeAlert = "WITHOUT_DATA";
                        $oid = $snmpHeader["valor"] . ".2";
                    $filaDataItem["name_item"] = str_replace(" ", "-", $filaDataItem["name_item"]);
                    $sh = "snmptrap -v 2c -c {$community} {$trapserver} '' {$oid} {$oid} s \"DB=" . $filaDataItem["dbase"] . "*IT=" . $filaDataItem["name_item"] . "*LDTD=" . $filaDataItem["last_date"] . "*LHRD=" . $filaDataItem["last_hour"] . "*TA={$typeAlert}\"";
                    $sqlUpdateAlert = "UPDATE `bm_items_alert_data` SET `sendtrap` = 'true', `changetrap` = 'false' WHERE `id` = " . $filaDataItem["id_item"];
                    mysql_query($sqlUpdateAlert, $id);
if ($argv[1] != "") {
    $dataItem = new DataItem("localhost", "root", "bsw\$\$2009", $argv[1]);
} else {
    $dataItem = new DataItem("localhost", "root", "bsw\$\$2009", false);
  * DataEntry Form
 function SubmitDataSheet($data, $form, $request)
     // Create a new DataSheet object
     $oDataSheet = DataSheet::save_current_entry();
     //save to current Member
     //check that this is member is the owner of the CleanUpEvent
     $oCurrentMember = Member::currentUser();
     $iMemberID = $oCurrentMember->ID;
     $oDataSheet->MemberID = $iMemberID;
     //Save Image
     //Save DataCategories -> DataItems
     $oDataEntryPage = DataObject::get_one('DataEntryPage');
     $iDataEntryPageID = $oDataEntryPage->ID;
     $oFormCategorys = DataObject::get('FormCategory', 'DataEntryPageID =' . $iDataEntryPageID, '', '');
     foreach ($oFormCategorys as $category) {
         $sCatFieldName = $category->ID . '_' . $category->FieldName;
         if ($data[$sCatFieldName]) {
             $oDataCategory = new DataCategory();
             $oDataCategory->Title = $category->Title;
             $oDataCategory->Percentage = $data[$sCatFieldName];
             //Save to page
             $oDataCategory->DataEntryPageID = $iDataEntryPageID;
             //Save to datasheet
             $oDataCategory->DataSheetID = $oDataSheet->ID;
             $oDataCategory->MemberID = $iMemberID;
             //Get the items
             $oCatItems = DataObject::get('FormItem', 'DataEntryPageID =' . $iDataEntryPageID . ' AND FormCategoryID = ' . $category->ID, '', '');
             //Loop through category->items saving as DataItems
             foreach ($oCatItems as $item) {
                 $oDataItem = new DataItem();
                 $sItemFieldName = $item->ID . '_' . $item->FieldName;
                 $oDataItem->Title = $item->Title;
                 $oDataItem->Amount = $data[$sItemFieldName];
                 //Save to page
                 $oDataItem->DataEntryPageID = $iDataEntryPageID;
                 //Save to datasheet
                 $oDataItem->DataSheetID = $oDataSheet->ID;
                 //Very Important that you save all items with the newly created Data Category ID
                 $oDataItem->DataCategoryID = $oDataCategory->ID;
                 $oDataItem->MemberID = $iMemberID;
     //Write data to the data sheet
     // Email the administrator
     // Email the user
Beispiel #8
 function __construct($id, $data, $name, $index = 0)
     parent::__construct($id, $data, $name, $index);
     $this->selected = false;