function renderDocGroups() { $documentgroups = $this->modx->db->select('id,name', $this->modx->getFullTableName('documentgroup_names'), '', 'id ASC'); $grd = new DataGrid('', $documentgroups); $grd->noRecordMsg = $this->dm->lang['DM_doc_no_docs']; $grd->cssClass = "grid"; $grd->columnHeaderClass = "gridHeader"; $grd->itemClass = "gridItem"; $grd->altItemClass = "gridAltItem"; $grd->columns = " ," . $this->dm->lang['DM_doc_column_id'] . "," . $this->dm->lang['DM_doc_column_name']; $grd->colTypes = "template:<input type='radio' name='docgroupid' value='[+id+]' />"; $grd->colWidths = "5%,5%,40%,50%"; $grd->fields = "template,id,name"; $this->dm->ph['documentgroups.grid'] = $grd->render(); $this->dm->ph['view.documentgroups'] = $this->dm->parseTemplate('documentgroups.tpl', $this->dm->ph); }
function getHTMLGrid($dsq, $params) { if (!is_object($dsq)) { $dsq = $this->query($dsq); } if ($dsq) { include_once MODX_MANAGER_PATH . 'includes/controls/datagrid.class.php'; $grd = new DataGrid('', $dsq); $grd->noRecordMsg = $params['noRecordMsg']; $grd->columnHeaderClass = $params['columnHeaderClass']; $grd->cssClass = $params['cssClass']; $grd->itemClass = $params['itemClass']; $grd->altItemClass = $params['altItemClass']; $grd->columnHeaderStyle = $params['columnHeaderStyle']; $grd->cssStyle = $params['cssStyle']; $grd->itemStyle = $params['itemStyle']; $grd->altItemStyle = $params['altItemStyle']; $grd->columns = $params['columns']; $grd->fields = $params['fields']; $grd->colWidths = $params['colWidths']; $grd->colAligns = $params['colAligns']; $grd->colColors = $params['colColors']; $grd->colTypes = $params['colTypes']; $grd->colWraps = $params['colWraps']; $grd->cellPadding = $params['cellPadding']; $grd->cellSpacing = $params['cellSpacing']; $grd->header = $params['header']; $grd->footer = $params['footer']; $grd->pageSize = $params['pageSize']; $grd->pagerLocation = $params['pagerLocation']; $grd->pagerClass = $params['pagerClass']; $grd->pagerStyle = $params['pagerStyle']; return $grd->render(); } }
} $where .= "(source LIKE '%{$search}%') OR (description LIKE '%{$search}%')"; } $orderby = ' DESC'; $ds = $modx->db->select($field, $from, $where, $orderby); include_once $base_path . "manager/includes/controls/datagrid.class.php"; $grd = new DataGrid('', $ds, $number_of_results); // set page size to 0 t show all items $grd->noRecordMsg = $_lang['no_records_found']; $grd->cssClass = "grid"; $grd->columnHeaderClass = "gridHeader"; $grd->itemClass = "gridItem"; $grd->altItemClass = "gridAltItem"; $grd->fields = "type,source,createdon,eventid,username"; $grd->columns = $_lang['type'] . " ," . $_lang['source'] . " ," . $_lang['date'] . " ," . $_lang['event_id'] . " ," . $_lang['sysinfo_userid']; $grd->colWidths = "34,,150,60"; $grd->colAligns = "center,,,center,center"; $grd->colTypes = "template:<a class='gridRowIcon' href='#' onclick='return showContentMenu([+id+],event);' title='" . $_lang['click_to_context'] . "'><img src='media/style/" . $manager_theme . "/images/icons/event[+type+].png' /></a>||template:<a href='index.php?a=115&id=[+id+]' title='" . $_lang['click_to_view_details'] . "'>[+source+]</a>||date: " . $modx->toDateFormat(null, 'formatOnly') . ' %H:%M:%S'; if ($listmode == '1') { $grd->pageSize = 0; } if ($_REQUEST['op'] == 'reset') { $grd->pageNumber = 1; } // render grid echo $grd->render(); ?> </div> </div> </form>
function getTVDisplayFormat($name, $value, $format, $paramstring = "", $tvtype = "", $docid = "", $sep = '') { global $modx; // process any TV commands in value $docid = intval($docid) ? intval($docid) : $modx->documentIdentifier; $value = ProcessTVCommand($value, $name, $docid); $params = array(); if ($paramstring) { $cp = explode("&", $paramstring); foreach ($cp as $p => $v) { $v = trim($v); // trim $ar = explode("=", $v); if (is_array($ar) && count($ar) == 2) { $params[$ar[0]] = decodeParamValue($ar[1]); } } } $id = "tv{$name}"; switch ($format) { case 'image': $images = parseInput($value, '||', 'array'); $o = ''; foreach ($images as $image) { if (!is_array($image)) { $image = explode('==', $image); } $src = $image[0]; if ($src) { // We have a valid source $attributes = ''; $attr = array('class' => $params['class'], 'src' => $src, 'id' => $params['id'] ? $params['id'] : '', 'alt' => htmlspecialchars($params['alttext']), 'style' => $params['style']); if (isset($params['align']) && $params['align'] != 'none') { $attr['align'] = $params['align']; } foreach ($attr as $k => $v) { $attributes .= $v ? ' ' . $k . '="' . $v . '"' : ''; } $attributes .= ' ' . $params['attrib']; // Output the image with attributes $o .= '<img' . rtrim($attributes) . ' />'; } } break; case "delim": // display as delimitted list $value = parseInput($value, "||"); $p = $params['format'] ? $params['format'] : " "; if ($p == "\\n") { $p = "\n"; } $o = str_replace("||", $p, $value); break; case "string": $value = parseInput($value); $format = strtolower($params['format']); if ($format == 'upper case') { $o = strtoupper($value); } else { if ($format == 'lower case') { $o = strtolower($value); } else { if ($format == 'sentence case') { $o = ucfirst($value); } else { if ($format == 'capitalize') { $o = ucwords($value); } else { $o = $value; } } } } break; case "date": if ($value != '' || $params['default'] == 'Yes') { $timestamp = getUnixtimeFromDateString($value); $p = $params['format'] ? $params['format'] : "%A %d, %B %Y"; $o = strftime($p, $timestamp); } else { $value = ''; } break; case "floater": $value = parseInput($value, " "); $modx->regClientStartupScript(MODX_MANAGER_URL . "media/script/mootools/mootools.js", array('name' => 'mootools', 'version' => '1.1.1', 'plaintext' => false)); $modx->regClientStartupScript(MODX_MANAGER_URL . "media/script/mootools/moodx.js", array('name' => 'moodx', 'version' => '0', 'plaintext' => false)); $class = !empty($params['class']) ? " class=\"" . $params['class'] . "\"" : ""; $style = !empty($params['style']) ? " style=\"" . $params['style'] . "\"" : ""; $o .= "\n<div id=\"" . $id . "\"" . $class . $style . ">" . $value . "</div>\n"; $o .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; $o .= "\twindow.addEvent('domready', function(){\n"; $o .= "\t\tvar modxFloat = new MooFloater(\$(\"" . $id . "\"),{\n"; $o .= "\t\t\twidth: '" . $params['width'] . "',\n"; $o .= "\t\t\theight: '" . $params['height'] . "',\n"; $o .= "\t\t\tposition: '" . $params['pos'] . "',\n"; $o .= "\t\t\tglidespeed: " . $params['gs'] . ",\n"; $o .= "\t\t\toffsetx: " . intval($params['x']) . ",\n"; $o .= "\t\t\toffsety: " . intval($params['y']) . "\n"; $o .= "\t\t});\n"; $o .= "\t});\n"; $o .= "</script>\n"; break; case "marquee": $value = parseInput($value, " "); $modx->regClientStartupScript(MODX_MANAGER_URL . "media/script/mootools/mootools.js", array('name' => 'mootools', 'version' => '1.1.1', 'plaintext' => false)); $modx->regClientStartupScript(MODX_MANAGER_URL . "media/script/mootools/moodx.js", array('name' => 'moodx', 'version' => '0', 'plaintext' => false)); $class = !empty($params['class']) ? " class=\"" . $params['class'] . "\"" : ""; $style = !empty($params['style']) ? " style=\"" . $params['style'] . "\"" : ""; $o .= "\n<div id=\"" . $id . "\"" . $class . $style . "><div id=\"marqueeContent\">" . $value . "</div></div>\n"; $o .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; $o .= "\twindow.addEvent('domready', function(){\n"; $o .= "\t\tvar modxMarquee = new MooMarquee(\$(\"" . $id . "\"),{\n"; $o .= "\t\t\twidth: '" . $params['width'] . "',\n"; $o .= "\t\t\theight: '" . $params['height'] . "',\n"; $o .= "\t\t\tspeed: " . $params['speed'] . ",\n"; $o .= "\t\t\tmodifier: " . $params['modifier'] . ",\n"; $o .= "\t\t\tmousepause: '" . $params['pause'] . "',\n"; $o .= "\t\t\tdirection: '" . $params['tfx'] . "'\n"; $o .= "\t\t});\n"; $o .= "\t});\n"; $o .= "</script>\n"; break; case "ticker": $modx->regClientStartupScript(MODX_MANAGER_URL . "media/script/mootools/mootools.js", array('name' => 'mootools', 'version' => '1.1.1', 'plaintext' => false)); $modx->regClientStartupScript(MODX_MANAGER_URL . "media/script/mootools/moostick.js?init=false", array('name' => 'moostick', 'version' => '0', 'plaintext' => false)); $class = !empty($params['class']) ? " class=\"" . $params['class'] . "\"" : ""; $style = !empty($params['style']) ? " style=\"" . $params['style'] . "\"" : ""; $o .= "\n<div id=\"" . $id . "\"" . $class . $style . ">\n"; if (!empty($value)) { $delim = $params['delim'] ? $params['delim'] : "||"; if ($delim == "\\n") { $delim = "\n"; } $val = parseInput($value, $delim, "array", false); if (count($val) > 0) { $o .= " <ul id=\"" . $id . "Ticker\">\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($val); $i++) { $o .= " <li id=\"tickerItem{$i}\">" . $val[$i] . "</li>\n"; } $o .= " </ul>\n"; } } $o .= "</div>\n"; $o .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; $o .= "\twindow.addEvent('domready', function(){\n"; $o .= "\t\tvar modxTicker = new Moostick(\$(\"" . $id . "Ticker\"), true, " . (!empty($params['delay']) ? $params['delay'] : "true") . ")\n"; $o .= "\t\t\$(\"" . $id . "Ticker\").setStyle('width','" . $params['width'] . "');\n"; $o .= "\t\t\$(\"" . $id . "Ticker\").setStyle('height','" . $params['height'] . "');\n"; $o .= "\t});\n"; $o .= "</script>\n"; break; case "hyperlink": $value = parseInput($value, "||", "array"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) { list($name, $url) = is_array($value[$i]) ? $value[$i] : explode("==", $value[$i]); if (!$url) { $url = $name; } if ($url) { if ($o) { $o .= '<br />'; } $attributes = ''; // setup the link attributes $attr = array('href' => $url, 'title' => $params['title'] ? htmlspecialchars($params['title']) : $name, 'class' => $params['class'], 'style' => $params['style'], 'target' => $params['target']); foreach ($attr as $k => $v) { $attributes .= $v ? ' ' . $k . '="' . $v . '"' : ''; } $attributes .= ' ' . $params['attrib']; // add extra // Output the link $o .= '<a' . rtrim($attributes) . '>' . ($params['text'] ? htmlspecialchars($params['text']) : $name) . '</a>'; } } break; case "htmltag": $value = parseInput($value, "||", "array"); $tagid = $params['tagid']; $tagname = $params['tagname'] ? $params['tagname'] : 'div'; // Loop through a list of tags for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) { $tagvalue = is_array($value[$i]) ? implode(' ', $value[$i]) : $value[$i]; if (!$tagvalue) { continue; } $attributes = ''; $attr = array('id' => $tagid ? $tagid : $id, 'class' => $params['class'], 'style' => $params['style']); foreach ($attr as $k => $v) { $attributes .= $v ? ' ' . $k . '="' . $v . '"' : ''; } $attributes .= ' ' . $params['attrib']; // add extra // Output the HTML Tag $o .= '<' . $tagname . rtrim($attributes) . '>' . $tagvalue . '</' . $tagname . '>'; } break; case "richtext": $value = parseInput($value); $w = $params['w'] ? $params['w'] : '100%'; $h = $params['h'] ? $params['h'] : '400px'; $richtexteditor = $params['edt'] ? $params['edt'] : ""; $o = '<div class="MODX_RichTextWidget"><textarea id="' . $id . '" name="' . $id . '" style="width:' . $w . '; height:' . $h . ';">'; $o .= htmlspecialchars($value); $o .= '</textarea></div>'; $replace_richtext = array($id); // setup editors if (!empty($replace_richtext) && !empty($richtexteditor)) { // invoke OnRichTextEditorInit event $evtOut = $modx->invokeEvent("OnRichTextEditorInit", array('editor' => $richtexteditor, 'elements' => $replace_richtext, 'forfrontend' => 1, 'width' => $w, 'height' => $h)); if (is_array($evtOut)) { $o .= implode("", $evtOut); } } break; case "unixtime": $value = parseInput($value); $o = getUnixtimeFromDateString($value); break; case "viewport": $value = parseInput($value); $id = '_' . time(); if (!$params['vpid']) { $params['vpid'] = $id; } $sTag = "<iframe"; $eTag = "</iframe>"; $autoMode = "0"; $w = $params['width']; $h = $params['height']; if ($params['stretch'] == 'Yes') { $w = "100%"; $h = "100%"; } if ($params['asize'] == 'Yes' || $params['awidth'] == 'Yes' && $params['aheight'] == 'Yes') { $autoMode = "3"; //both } else { if ($params['awidth'] == 'Yes') { $autoMode = "1"; //width only } else { if ($params['aheight'] == 'Yes') { $autoMode = "2"; //height only } } } $modx->regClientStartupScript(MODX_MANAGER_URL . "media/script/bin/viewport.js", array('name' => 'viewport', 'version' => '0', 'plaintext' => false)); $o = $sTag . " id='" . $params['vpid'] . "' name='" . $params['vpid'] . "' "; if ($params['class']) { $o .= " class='" . $params['class'] . "' "; } if ($params['style']) { $o .= " style='" . $params['style'] . "' "; } if ($params['attrib']) { $o .= $params['attrib'] . " "; } $o .= "scrolling='" . ($params['sbar'] == 'No' ? "no" : ($params['sbar'] == 'Yes' ? "yes" : "auto")) . "' "; $o .= "src='" . $value . "' frameborder='" . $params['borsize'] . "' "; $o .= "onload=\"window.setTimeout('ResizeViewPort(\\'" . $params['vpid'] . "\\'," . $autoMode . ")',100);\" width='" . $w . "' height='" . $h . "' "; $o .= ">"; $o .= $eTag; break; case "datagrid": include_once MODX_MANAGER_PATH . "includes/controls/datagrid.class.php"; $grd = new DataGrid('', $value); $grd->noRecordMsg = $params['egmsg']; $grd->columnHeaderClass = $params['chdrc']; $grd->cssClass = $params['tblc']; $grd->itemClass = $params['itmc']; $grd->altItemClass = $params['aitmc']; $grd->columnHeaderStyle = $params['chdrs']; $grd->cssStyle = $params['tbls']; $grd->itemStyle = $params['itms']; $grd->altItemStyle = $params['aitms']; $grd->columns = $params['cols']; $grd->fields = $params['flds']; $grd->colWidths = $params['cwidth']; $grd->colAligns = $params['calign']; $grd->colColors = $params['ccolor']; $grd->colTypes = $params['ctype']; $grd->cellPadding = $params['cpad']; $grd->cellSpacing = $params['cspace']; $grd->header = $params['head']; $grd->footer = $params['foot']; $grd->pageSize = $params['psize']; $grd->pagerLocation = $params['ploc']; $grd->pagerClass = $params['pclass']; $grd->pagerStyle = $params['pstyle']; $o = $grd->render(); break; case 'htmlentities': $value = parseInput($value); if ($tvtype == 'checkbox' || $tvtype == 'listbox-multiple') { // remove delimiter from checkbox and listbox-multiple TVs $value = str_replace('||', '', $value); } $o = htmlentities($value, ENT_NOQUOTES, $modx->config['modx_charset']); break; case 'custom_widget': $widget_output = ''; $o = ''; /* If we are loading a file */ if (substr($params['output'], 0, 5) == "@FILE") { $file_name = MODX_BASE_PATH . trim(substr($params['output'], 6)); if (!file_exists($file_name)) { $widget_output = $file_name . ' does not exist'; } else { $widget_output = file_get_contents($file_name); } } elseif (substr($params['output'], 0, 8) == '@INCLUDE') { $file_name = MODX_BASE_PATH . trim(substr($params['output'], 9)); if (!file_exists($file_name)) { $widget_output = $file_name . ' does not exist'; } else { /* The included file needs to set $widget_output. Can be string, array, object */ include $file_name; } } elseif (substr($params['output'], 0, 6) == '@CHUNK' && $value !== '') { $chunk_name = trim(substr($params['output'], 7)); $widget_output = $modx->getChunk($chunk_name); } elseif (substr($params['output'], 0, 5) == '@EVAL' && $value !== '') { $eval_str = trim(substr($params['output'], 6)); $widget_output = eval($eval_str); } elseif ($value !== '') { $widget_output = $params['output']; } else { $widget_output = ''; } if (is_string($widget_output)) { $widget_output = str_replace('[+value+]', $value, $widget_output); $o = $modx->parseDocumentSource($widget_output); } else { $o = $widget_output; } break; default: $value = parseInput($value); if ($tvtype == 'checkbox' || $tvtype == 'listbox-multiple') { // add separator $value = explode('||', $value); $value = implode($sep, $value); } $o = $value; break; } return $o; }
$col_count = count($col_fields); $grd = new DataGrid('',$ds,25); // page size needs to be setting! $grd->noRecordMsg = $_lang["no_records_found"]; $grd->cssClass="grid"; $grd->columnHeaderClass="gridHeader"; $grd->itemClass="gridItem"; $grd->altItemClass="gridAltItem"; $grd->fields= implode(',',$col_fields).',del'; $grd->columns = implode(',',$col_headers); $grd->colTypes ="template:<input type='checkbox' name='chk[]' value='[+value+]' /> [+value+]"; $grd->colWidths="55".str_repeat(',',$col_count); // render grid $html = $grd->render(); ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function cancelEdit(){ document.location.href = '<?php echo $dbeHomeUrl ?>'; } function restoreRecords(){ f = $('mutate'); if(f){ f.ra.value = "restore"; f.submit(); } }
})); $Grid->addColumn(array("title" => "Nombres", "campo" => "nombres")); $Grid->addColumn(array("title" => "Apellidos", "campo" => "apellidos", "fnCallback" => function ($fila, $row) { // se trata de un closure o función anónima, a la que accedemos por el indice (fnCallback) $cadena = $row['nombres'] . ' - ' . $row['apellidos']; return $cadena; })); $Grid->AddAccion(array("titulo" => "Editar", "icono" => "glyphicon glyphicon-pencil", "ajax" => array("funcion" => "index.edit", "params" => array("apellidos", "nombres")), "fnCallback" => function ($fila, $row) { // se trata de un closure o función anónima, a la que accedemos por el indice (fnCallback) $cadena = $fila . '.- ' . $row['nombres'] . ' - ' . $row['apellidos']; return $cadena; })); $Grid->AddAccion(array("titulo" => "Editar", "icono" => "glyphicon glyphicon-pencil", "ajax" => array("funcion" => "index.edit", "params" => array("apellidos", "nombres")))); $Grid->AddAccion(array("titulo" => "Editar", "icono" => "glyphicon glyphicon-pencil", "ajax" => array("funcion" => "index.edit", "params" => array("apellidos", "nombres")))); $Grid->selectData(array("info" => true, "criterio" => $criterio, "class" => "ConsultarData", "method" => "getDataSP", "paginate" => array("ajax" => "index.getDatagrid", "page" => $page, "reg_x_pag" => $regxpag, "itemPaginas" => 10))); echo $Grid->render(); /* Para comprobar la conexión $d = new Connect(); $sql = 'select * from f_trabajador where genero = :genero'; $parametros = array( ':genero' => 'M' ); $stat = $d->prepare($sql); $stat->execute($parametros); $res = $stat->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); print_r($res);*/
/** * Get an HTML grid * * @access public * @param $params Data grid parameters columnHeaderClass tableClass * itemClass altItemClass columnHeaderStyle tableStyle * itemStyle altItemStyle columns fields colWidths * colAligns colColors colTypes cellPadding * cellSpacing header footer pageSize pagerLocation * pagerClass pagerStyle * @return string */ function getHTMLGrid($dsq, $params) { if (!is_resource($dsq)) { $dsq = $this->query($dsq); } if ($dsq) { $dsq = $dsq->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); include_once MODX_BASE_PATH . "/manager/includes/controls/datagrid.class.php"; $grd = new DataGrid('', $dsq); $grd->noRecordMsg = $params['noRecordMsg']; $grd->columnHeaderClass = $params['columnHeaderClass']; $grd->tableClass = $params['tableClass']; $grd->itemClass = $params['itemClass']; $grd->altItemClass = $params['altItemClass']; $grd->columnHeaderStyle = $params['columnHeaderStyle']; $grd->tableStyle = $params['tableStyle']; $grd->itemStyle = $params['itemStyle']; $grd->altItemStyle = $params['altItemStyle']; $grd->columns = $params['columns']; $grd->fields = $params['fields']; $grd->colWidths = $params['colWidths']; $grd->colAligns = $params['colAligns']; $grd->colColors = $params['colColors']; $grd->colTypes = $params['colTypes']; $grd->cellPadding = $params['cellPadding']; $grd->cellSpacing = $params['cellSpacing']; $grd->header = $params['header']; $grd->footer = $params['footer']; $grd->pageSize = $params['pageSize']; $grd->pagerLocation = $params['pagerLocation']; $grd->pagerClass = $params['pagerClass']; $grd->pagerStyle = $params['pagerStyle']; return $grd->render(); } }
} if (!(isset($dbConfig['settings']['hide_delete']) && $dbConfig['settings']['hide_delete'])) { $grd->columns .= ',Delete'; } //compute templates/types for ($f = 0; $f < $col_count; $f++) { $col_types[] = "template:<a style='display:block;' href=\"" . $dbeHomeUrl . "&rn=[+" . $key_field . "+]\" title=\"Click to view record\">[+value+]</a>"; } if (isset($dbConfig['settings']['pdf_export']) && $dbConfig['settings']['pdf_export']) { $col_types[] = "template:<a href=\"/assets/modules/dbedit/exportpdf.php?export=" . $db_id . "&row=[+" . $key_field . "+]\t\"><img src=\"media/style/{$manager_theme}images/tree/application_pdf.png\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\"PDF export\" /></a>"; } if (!(isset($dbConfig['settings']['hide_delete']) && $dbConfig['settings']['hide_delete'])) { $col_types[] = "template:<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"deleteRecord('[+" . $key_field . "+]')\"><img src=\"media/style/{$manager_theme}images/icons/delete.png\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\"delete\" /></a>"; } $grd->colTypes = implode('||', $col_types); $grid_html = $grd->render(); $js_script = <<<EOS <script type="text/javascript"> function deleteRecord(id){ \turi = '{$dbeHomeUrl}&ra=delete&rn='+id; \tif(confirm("Are you sure you want to delete record '" + id + "'")==true){ \t\twindow.location.href = uri; \t} } function filterGrid(){ \tfld = \$('fldname').value; \tif(!fld) return; \tval = \$('dbe_search').value; \turi = '{$dbeHomeUrl}&dbe_fld='+fld+'&dbe_filter='+val; \twindow.location.href = uri; }
$numRecords = $modx->db->getRecordCount($items_result); if ($numRecords) { $grd = new DataGrid('', $items_result); $grd->noRecordMsg = 'Нет заявок.'; $grd->pageSize = $page_num; $grd->pagerLocation = 'bottom-left'; $grd->cssClass = "grid"; $grd->columnHeaderClass = "gridHeader"; $grd->itemClass = "gridItem"; $grd->altItemClass = "gridAltItem"; $grd->columns = "ID,Наименование,Цена,Действия"; $grd->colTypes = ' ||template:<br /><a href="index.php?a=27&update=[+id+]&id=[+parent+]&pid=[+parent+]&to_shk=1" onclick="$.fn.colorbox.init();$.fn.colorbox($.extend(colorBoxOpt,{href:\'index.php?a=27&update=[+id+]&id=[+parent+]&pid=[+parent+]&to_shk=1\'})); return false;">[+pagetitle+]</a> ||template:<input type="hidden" name="prod_id[]" value="[+id+]" /> <input type="text" name="price[]" size="12" value="[+price+]" /> ||template:<a href="#" title="' . $langTxt['delete'] . '" onclick="if(confirm(\'' . $langTxt['confirm'] . '\')){postForm(\'delete_item\',\'[+id+]\',null);}return false;"><img src="' . SHOPKEEPER_PATH . 'style/default/img/m_delete.gif" /></a> '; $grd->colWidths = "10%,50%,20%,20%"; $grd->fields = "id,pagetitle,price"; $data_table = $grd->render(); //pagination $p = new pagination(); $p->Items($total); $p->limit($page_num); $p->target($catalog_mod_page); $p->currentPage($curPage); $p->nextT = ' <a href="[+link+]">' . $langTxt['next'] . '</a> '; $p->prevT = ' <a href="[+link+]">' . $langTxt['prev'] . '</a> '; $pagination = $p->getOutput(); } } include "templates/catalog.tpl.php";
}); </script> </div> '; } if (isset($find) && strlen($find) > 0) { $output .= ' '; $search = $modx->dbQuery("\n\n select 'Site Content' as `type`,27 as action,,concat(sc.pagetitle,'(',,')') as pagetitle,'sc.content' as content from " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_content') . " sc where\n sc.content like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n OR sc.pagetitle like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n OR sc.longtitle like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n OR sc.description like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n OR sc.introtext like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n OR sc.menutitle like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n\n union\n\n select 'Module' as `type`,108 as action,,, 'md.modulecode' from " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_modules') . " md where md.modulecode like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n\n union\n\n select 'Module (Configuration Parameter)' as `type`,108 as action,,,'' from " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_modules') . " mcp where like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n\n union\n\n select 'Template' as `type`,16 as action,, tpl.templatename, 'tpl.content' from " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_templates') . " tpl where tpl.content like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n\n union\n -- 301 for TV edit form, as ID\n select 'Template Variable' as `type`,27 as action,,concat(,' - ',sc.pagetitle,'(',tval.contentid,')') as title,'tval.value' from\n " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_contentvalues') . " tval\n\n inner join " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars') . " tv\n on = tval.tmplvarid\n\n left join " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_content') . " sc\n on = tval.contentid\n\n where tval.value like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n\n union\n\n select 'Chunk' as `type`,78 as action,,,'chk.snippet' from " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_htmlsnippets') . " chk where chk.snippet like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n\n union\n\n select 'Snippet' as `type`,22 as action,,,'snp.snippet' from " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_snippets') . " snp where snp.snippet like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n\n union\n\n select 'Plugin' as `type`,102 as action,,,'plg.plugincode' from " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_plugins') . " plg where plg.plugincode like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n\n union\n\n select 'Plugin (Configuration Parameter)' as `type`,102 as action,,,'' from " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_plugins') . " pcp where like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n\n union\n\n select 'META Keywords' as `type`,81 as action,,kw.keyword,'kw.keyword' from " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_keywords') . " kw where kw.keyword like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n\n union\n\n select 'META Tags' as `type`,81 as action,,concat(mt.tag,' (',,')'),'mt.tagvalue' from " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_metatags') . " mt where mt.tagvalue like concat('%','" . $modx->db->escape($find) . "','%')\n\n "); // Render grid $grid = new DataGrid('', $search, 9999); $grid->noRecordMsg = 'No matching records were found.'; $grid->cssClass = "grid"; $grid->columnHeaderClass = "gridHeader"; $grid->itemClass = "gridItem"; $grid->altItemClass = "gridAltItem"; $grid->columns = " ,Type,Title"; $grid->colTypes = "template:<formname='Ceditform' method='get' action=''><input type='hidden' value='[+id+]' name='id' /><input type='hidden' value='[+action+]' name='a' /><input type='submit' value='Edit' name='submit_btn' /></form>,template:[+type+],template:[+pagetitle+]"; $grid->colWidths = "5%,20%,75%"; $grid->fields = "template,type,pagetitle"; $output .= $grid->render(); } $output .= '</div></div> </div> </div> </div> '; /* end search */ } $e->output($output); return;