Beispiel #1
function sql($query)
    if (DEBUG_PLAIN) {
        return FB::log($query);
    if (SCRIPT_IN) {
        return DataEngine::sql($query);
    $sql = str_replace('SQL_PREFIX_', SQL_PREFIX_, $query);
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or sqlerror($query);
 public function Get_Menu()
     $root_url = ROOT_URL;
     $Joueur = $_SESSION['_login'];
     $sqlreq = 'SELECT `ID` FROM `SQL_PREFIX_modules_commandes` WHERE (`DateLivraison` IS NULL) AND `LoginV` = \'' . $Joueur . '\'';
     $mysql_result = DataEngine::sql($sqlreq);
     if (mysql_num_rows($mysql_result) > 0) {
         $bouton = '%BTN_URL%modules_red.png';
         $menu = array('%ADDONS_URL%commerce/commandes_list.php', $bouton, 155, 'DataEngine::CheckPerms("ZZZ_COMMERCE_INDEX")');
         $submenu = array(array('%ADDONS_URL%commerce/commandes_list.php', $bouton, 155, 'DataEngine::CheckPerms("ZZZ_COMMERCE_INDEX")'));
     } else {
         $bouton = '%BTN_URL%modules.png';
         $menu = array('%ADDONS_URL%commerce/index.php', $bouton, 155, 'DataEngine::CheckPerms("ZZZ_COMMERCE_INDEX")');
         $submenu = array(array('%ADDONS_URL%commerce/index.php', $bouton, 155, 'DataEngine::CheckPerms("ZZZ_COMMERCE_INDEX")'));
     return array('insertafter' => 'addon', 'id' => 'commerce', 'onlysub' => true, 'menu' => $submenu);
     // 					"onlysub" => "key", // hmm...
Beispiel #3
    if ($Grade['Rattachement'] == 0) {
        $levels[0][$id] = $Grade['GradeId'];
$lid = 0;
do {
    $level = $levels[$lid];
    foreach ($Grades as $id => $Grade) {
        if (array_search($Grade['Rattachement'], $level) !== false) {
            $levels[$lid + 1][$id] = $Grade['GradeId'];
} while ($lid < count($levels));
$players = array();
$mysql_result = DataEngine::sql('SELECT `Joueur`, `Grade`, `Points`, `Economie`, `Commerce`, `Recherche`, `Combat`, `Construction`, `Navigation` from `SQL_PREFIX_Membres` ORDER BY `Grade`, `Joueur` ASC');
while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql_result)) {
    $players[$ligne['Grade']][] = $ligne;
foreach ($levels as $levelkey => $level) {
    foreach ($level as $GradeKey => $GradeId) {
    foreach ($level as $GradeKey => $GradeId) {
        if (!isset($players[$GradeId])) {
  * Ajout d'un joueur
  * @param string $user Nom du joueur
  * @param md5 $pass pass en md5
  * @param integer $axx niveau d'accès souhaité
  * @param integer $points nombre de points
  * @param integer $grade id du grade dans l'empire
 public static function NewUser($user, $md5pass, $axx = AXX_VALIDATING, $points = 0, $grade = 3)
     DataEngine::sql('INSERT INTO `SQL_PREFIX_Users` VALUES(\'' . $user . '\',\'' . $md5pass . '\',' . $axx . ')');
     DataEngine::sql('INSERT INTO `SQL_PREFIX_Membres` (`Joueur`,`Points`,`Date`,`Grade`) ' . 'VALUES(\'' . sqlesc($user) . '\',\'' . $points . '\',now(),' . $grade . ')');
Beispiel #5
    $query = <<<q
        UPDATE `SQL_PREFIX_Membres` SET `POINTS`=%d, `ship`='%s',
        `Economie`=%d, `Commerce`=%d, `Recherche`=%d, `Combat`=%d,
        `Construction`='%s', `Navigation`=%d,
        `pts_architecte`=%d, `pts_mineur`=%d,
        `pts_science`=%d, `pts_commercant`=%d, `pts_amiral`=%d,
        `pts_guerrier`=%d WHERE `Joueur`='%s'
    DataEngine::sql(sprintf($query, $_POST['Points'], $_POST['ship'], $_POST['Economie'], $_POST['Commerce'], $_POST['Recherche'], $_POST['Combat'], $_POST['Construction'], $_POST['Navigation'], $_POST['pts_architecte'], $_POST['pts_mineur'], $_POST['pts_science'], $_POST['pts_commercant'], $_POST['pts_amiral'], $_POST['pts_guerrier'], $_SESSION['_login']));
if (isset($_POST['pwd']) && !($_SESSION['_login'] == 'test' && DE_DEMO)) {
    $query = 'UPDATE `SQL_PREFIX_Users` SET `Password`=md5(\'' . sqlesc($_POST['pwd'], false) . '\') WHERE `Login`=\'' . $_SESSION['_login'] . '\'';
$mysql_result = DataEngine::sql('Select m.`Joueur`, m.`Points`, m.`Economie`, m.`Commerce`, m.`Recherche`, m.`Combat`, m.`Construction`, m.`Navigation`, m.`Race`, m.`ship`, m.`Titre`, m.`GameGrade`, m.`pts_architecte`, m.`pts_mineur`, m.`pts_science`, m.`pts_commercant`, m.`pts_amiral`, m.`pts_guerrier`, g.`Grade` from `SQL_PREFIX_Membres` m, `SQL_PREFIX_Grade` g WHERE m.`Joueur`=\'' . $_SESSION['_login'] . '\' AND (m.`Grade`=g.`GradeId`)');
$ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql_result);
require_once TEMPLATE_PATH . 'mafiche.tpl.php';
$tpl = tpl_mafiche::getinstance();
$tpl->page_title = $lng['page_title'];
$tpl->add_row($lng['POINTS'], 'Points', $ligne['Points']);
$tpl->add_row($lng['pts_architecte'], 'pts_architecte', $ligne['pts_architecte']);
$tpl->add_row($lng['pts_mineur'], 'pts_mineur', $ligne['pts_mineur']);
$tpl->add_row($lng['pts_science'], 'pts_science', $ligne['pts_science']);
$tpl->add_row($lng['pts_commercant'], 'pts_commercant', $ligne['pts_commercant']);
$tpl->add_row($lng['pts_amiral'], 'pts_amiral', $ligne['pts_amiral']);
$tpl->add_row($lng['pts_guerrier'], 'pts_guerrier', $ligne['pts_guerrier']);
$tpl->add_row($lng['Commerce'], 'Commerce', $ligne['Commerce']);
$tpl->add_row($lng['Recherche'], 'Recherche', $ligne['Recherche']);
$tpl->add_row($lng['Combat'], 'Combat', $ligne['Combat']);
    $datas['ProtType'] = 0;
    $datas['ProtChasseur'] = 0;
    $datas['ProtGVG'] = 0;
    $datas['EquipType'] = 0;
    $datas['EquipNiv'] = 0;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if (($_POST['submit'] == 'Sauver' || $_POST['submit'] == 'Sauver et retour') && $datas_id > 0) {
        mysql_update_array('SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Template', '`ID`=' . $datas_id, $datas);
        if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Sauver et retour') {
            header('Location: template_list.php#ID' . $datas_id);
    } elseif ($_POST['submit'] == 'SUPPRIMER' && $datas_id > 0) {
        $mysql_result = DataEngine::sql('DELETE FROM `SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Template` WHERE `ID`=' . $datas_id) or die(mysql_error());
        $mysql_result = DataEngine::sql('DELETE FROM `SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Users` WHERE `Module_ID`=' . $datas_id) or die(mysql_error());
        header('Location: template_list.php');
    } elseif ($_POST['submit'] == 'Sauver sous nouveau') {
        $datas_id = mysql_insert_array('SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Template', $datas);

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
Beispiel #7
$lng = language::getinstance()->GetLngBlock('pillage');
$_GET['player'] = str_replace('%', '', $_GET['player']);
if ($_GET['player'] != '') {
    $player = gpc_esc($_GET['player']);
} else {
    $player = $_SESSION['_login'];
$sql = sqlesc($player);
$sql = <<<sql
  SELECT  ta.`ID`, ta.`type`, ta.`players_attack`, ta.`players_defender`, ta.`players_pertes`, ta.`when`, ta.`coords_ss`, ta.`coords_3p`, tp.`mid`, tp.`Player`, tp.`ress0`, tp.`ress1`, tp.`ress2`, tp.`ress3`, tp.`ress4`, tp.`ress5`, tp.`ress6`, tp.`ress7`, tp.`ress8`, tp.`ress9`, tp.`date` FROM `SQL_PREFIX_troops_attack` ta
  LEFT JOIN `SQL_PREFIX_troops_pillage` tp on (tp.`mid`=ta.`id`)
   WHERE `players_attack` LIKE '%"{$sql}"%' OR `players_defender` LIKE '%"{$sql}"%'
  ORDER BY `when` DESC LIMIT 0,30

$result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
$tpl->AddToRow($player, 'player');
$i = 1;
$id = -1;
$closepillagelog = false;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    if ($id != $row['ID']) {
        if ($closepillagelog) {
            $closepillagelog = false;
        $row['players_attack'] = unserialize($row['players_attack']);
        $row['players_defender'] = unserialize($row['players_defender']);
        $row['players_pertes'] = unserialize($row['players_pertes']);
        $Order = ' ORDER BY `Date` DESC';
} else {
    $TriModif = '0';
$where = '';
if ($_GET['Joueur'] != '') {
    $where = ' AND m.`Joueur`=\'' . sqlesc($_GET['Joueur']) . '\'';
$axx = array();
foreach (Members::s_perms() as $k => $v) {
    if ($k == AXX_DISABLED) {
    if (Members::CurrentPerms() > $k || Members::CurrentPerms() == AXX_ROOTADMIN) {
        $axx[$k] = $v;
require_once TEMPLATE_PATH . 'editmembres.tpl.php';
$tpl = tpl_editmembres::getinstance();
$mysql_result = DataEngine::sql('SELECT m.`Joueur`, m.`Points`, m.`Date`, m.`Economie`, m.`Commerce`, m.`Recherche`, m.`Combat`, m.`Construction`, m.`Navigation`, m.`Grade`, m.`Race`, m.`ship`, u.`Permission` from `SQL_PREFIX_Membres` m, `SQL_PREFIX_Users` u WHERE (m.`Joueur`=u.`Login`)' . $where . $Order);
if (mysql_num_rows($mysql_result) == 0) {
$tpl->header(Get_string(), $TriMembre, $triPermission, $TriPoints, $TriRace, $TriShip, $TriModif);
$i = 0;
while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql_result)) {
    $tpl->row($i++, $ligne, $Grades, $tabrace, $axx);
    function AddPillage_log($mode, $idate, $msg)
        // check si existant
        $sql = sprintf('SELECT `pid` FROM SQL_PREFIX_troops_pillage WHERE Player=\'%s\' AND date=%d', sqlesc($_SESSION['_login']), $idate);
        $result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
        if (mysql_numrows($result) > 0) {
            return $this->lng['log_allreadyexists'];
        // Type du log/bataille
        // Puis recherche de la bataille (coords+participation)
        if ($mode == 'defender') {
            preg_match($this->lng['defender_regex'], $msg, $info);
            $ident = $this->lng['defender_ident'];
            if (!($planets = ownuniverse::getinstance()->get_coordswithname())) {
                return $this->lng['battle_error_ownuniverse'];
            foreach ($planets as $v) {
                if ($v['Name'] == $info[$this->lng[$mode . '_regex_planetid']]) {
                    cartographie::getinstance()->FormatId($v['Coord'], $idsys, $iddet, 'troops::AddPillage_log(def,1)');
            $sql = sprintf('SELECT `ID` FROM `SQL_PREFIX_troops_attack` WHERE `type`=\'%s\' AND ' . '`coords_ss`=\'%s\' AND `coords_3p`=\'%s\' AND `when`<=%d AND `when`>=%d' . ' AND `players_defender` LIKE \'%%"%s"%%\' AND `players_attack` LIKE \'%%"%s"%%\'' . 'ORDER BY `when` DESC LIMIT 1', sqlesc($mode), $idsys, $iddet, $idate, $idate - 604800, sqlesc($_SESSION['_login']), sqlesc($info[$this->lng[$mode . '_regex_userid']]));
            $result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
            if (mysql_numrows($result) < 1) {
                return $this->lng['log_battlenofound'];
            $line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $mid = $line['ID'];
        } else {
            preg_match($this->lng['attacker_regex'], $msg, $info);
            $ident = $this->lng['attacker_ident'];
            $sql = <<<sql
LEFT JOIN `SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee_Joueurs` on `ID`=`jID`
WHERE `TYPE` in (0,3,5) AND `USER`='%s' AND `INFOS`='%s'
            $sql = sprintf($sql, $info[$this->lng[$mode . '_regex_userid']], $info[$this->lng[$mode . '_regex_planetid']]);
            $result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
            if (mysql_numrows($result) < 1) {
                return $this->lng['log_coordsnotfound'];
            if (mysql_numrows($result) > 1) {
                return $this->lng['log_multiplecoords'];
            $line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $idsys = $line['POSIN'];
            $iddet = $line['COORDET'];
            $sql = sprintf('SELECT `ID` FROM `SQL_PREFIX_troops_attack` WHERE `type`=\'%s\' AND ' . '`coords_ss`=\'%s\' AND `coords_3p`=\'%s\' AND `when`<%d AND `when`>%d AND ' . '`players_attack` LIKE \'%%"%s"%%\' AND `players_defender` LIKE \'%%"%s"%%\'', sqlesc($mode), $idsys, $iddet, $idate, $idate - 604800, sqlesc($_SESSION['_login']), sqlesc($info[$this->lng[$mode . '_regex_userid']]));
            $result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
            if (mysql_numrows($result) < 1) {
                return $this->lng['log_battlenofound'];
            if (mysql_numrows($result) > 1) {
                return 'Error battle result > 1 (omfg)';
            $line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $mid = $line['ID'];
        // Info à ajouter
        $amsg = explode("\n", trim(p_substr($msg, p_stripos($msg, $ident, 0) + p_strlen($ident), -1)));
        $ares = DataEngine::a_ressources();
        $fields = array();
        $sets = array();
        $fields[] = 'date';
        $sets[] = $idate;
        $fields[] = 'mid';
        $sets[] = $mid;
        $fields[] = 'Player';
        $sets[] = '\'' . sqlesc($_SESSION['_login']) . '\'';
        foreach ($ares as $k => $v) {
            foreach ($amsg as $line) {
                list($key, $value) = explode(':', $line);
                if ($v['Nom'] == trim($key)) {
                    $fields[] = 'ress' . $k;
                    $sets[] = DataEngine::strip_number($value);
        $fields = implode(',', $fields);
        $sets = implode(',', $sets);
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO `SQL_PREFIX_troops_pillage` (' . $fields . ') VALUES (' . $sets . ')';
        $result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
        return $this->lng['log_added'];
Beispiel #10
 public function __wakeup()
     $this->filename = CACHE_PATH . 'map.' . md5($_SESSION['_login'] . $_SESSION['_pass']) . '.js';
     if (file_exists($this->filename)) {
         $this->lastrun = filemtime($this->filename);
         $sqlr = DataEngine::sql('SELECT udate FROM SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee ORDER BY udate DESC LIMIT 1');
         $sqla = mysql_fetch_array($sqlr);
         if ($this->lastrun > $sqla['udate']) {
             $this->CronPattern = strftime("%M %H %d %m 0", time() + 3600);
         } else {
             $this->CronPattern = strftime("%M %H %d %m %w", time());
     } else {
         $this->lastrun = 0;
         $this->CronPattern = '* * * * *';
Beispiel #11
    $i = 0;
    // Loop par CXX
    foreach ($cxx_name as $cxx_k => $cxx_v) {
        $class = 'color_row' . $i % 2;
        if (is_numeric($cxx_k)) {
        } else {
            $tpl->perms_row($cxx_k, $cxx_v, $axx_name, $cxx_conf);
        if (is_numeric($cxx_k)) {
            $i = 1;
if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'config' && Members::CheckPerms(AXX_ROOTADMIN)) {
    $mysql_result = DataEngine::sql('SELECT * from `SQL_PREFIX_Grade` ORDER BY `Rattachement`, `Niveau`');
    while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql_result)) {
        $Grades[] = $ligne;
    $tpl->page_title = $lng['config_title'];
            $tritable = 'Categorie, CatType, NivTech';
        $titlecat = 2;
$sqlreq = '
  SELECT ID, URLIcone, Categorie, Nom, Abreviation, SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Own.Modifier,
  (SELECT COUNT(SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Users.Login) FROM SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Users LEFT JOIN SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Users_Config ON SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Users.Login = SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Users_Config.Login WHERE Module_ID = ID AND IF(Categorie=4, ChassisSecret, CommerceType)<=1) AS TotalFab, 
  (IF(Categorie = 0, IF(PropWarp >= 1, 1, 0), IF(Categorie = 1, ArmType, IF(Categorie = 2, ProtType, IF(Categorie = 3, EquipType, ChassType))))) AS CatType,
  (IF(Categorie = 0, IF(PropWarp > 0, PropWarp, PropImpulsion), IF(Categorie = 1, ArmDegat, IF(Categorie = 2, ProtChasseur, IF(Categorie = 3, EquipNiv, ChassPA))))) AS NivTech,
  (IF(Categorie = 0, IF(PropWarp > 0, CONCAT(FORMAT(PropWarp, 0)," (",FORMAT(PropImpulsion, 0),")"), FORMAT(PropImpulsion, 0)), IF(Categorie = 1, CONCAT(FORMAT(ArmDegat, 0)," (",FORMAT(ArmManiabilite, 0),")"), IF(Categorie = 2, CONCAT(FORMAT(ProtChasseur, 0),", ",FORMAT(ProtGVG, 0)), IF(Categorie = 3, FORMAT(EquipNiv, 0), FORMAT(ChassPA,0)))))) AS NivDef
(SELECT * FROM SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Users WHERE Login = "******") AS SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Own ON SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Template.ID = SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Own.Module_ID
  ORDER BY ' . $tritable;
//  pDebug($sqlreq);
$mysql_result = DataEngine::sql($sqlreq) or die(mysql_error());
$i = 0;
$oldtitle = '';
$nowtitle = '';
$titremod = false;
while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result)) {
    $subcatname = $cnhNames[$ligne['Categorie']][$ligne['CatType']];
    $catname = $cnhCategorieName[$ligne['Categorie']];
    if ($titlecat == 1) {
        $nowtitle = $catname;
    } elseif ($titlecat == 2) {
        $nowtitle = $subcatname . ' (' . $catname . ')';
    // En cas de mode commande
    if ($modecommande) {
        if ($i == 0 && !$titremod) {
 public function get_race()
     if ($this->race != '') {
         return $this->race;
     $result = DataEngine::sql('SELECT `Race` FROM `SQL_PREFIX_Membres` WHERE `Joueur`=\'' . $_SESSION['_login'] . '\'');
     $line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
     $this->race = $line['Race'];
     return $this->race;
    echo $datas['EquipNiv'];
  <tr class="color_row0">
$mysql_fab = DataEngine::sql('SELECT u.`Login`, u.`Module_ID`, u.`Modifier` FROM `SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Users` u LEFT JOIN `SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Users_Config` c ON u.`Login`=c.`Login` WHERE `Module_ID`=' . $_GET['viewid'] . ' AND ' . ($datas['Categorie'] == 4 ? 'ChassisSecret' : 'CommerceType') . '<=1 ORDER BY u.`Login`') or die(mysql_error());
$i = 0;
$minmod = 0;
$maxmod = 0;
while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_fab)) {
    if ($ligne['Modifier'] < $minmod) {
        $minmod = $ligne['Modifier'];
    if ($ligne['Modifier'] > $maxmod) {
        $maxmod = $ligne['Modifier'];
    echo '<b>' . $ligne['Login'] . '</b> (' . $ligne['Modifier'] . '%)<br>';
echo '<hr>';
echo $i . ' fabricant' . ($i > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' fourni' . ($i > 1 ? 'ssent' : 't') . ' ce module.<br>';
function mysql_update_array($my_table, $my_where, $my_array)
    foreach ($my_array as $field => $value) {
        if (is_numeric($value)) {
            $fields[] = sprintf("`%s` = %s", $field, $value);
        } else {
            $fields[] = sprintf("`%s` = '%s'", $field, mysql_real_escape_string($value));
        //    $fields[] = sprintf("`%s` = '%s'", $field, str_replace("'", "\'", $value));
        //    $fields[] = sprintf("`%s` = '%s'", $field, $value);
    $field_list = join(',', $fields);
    $query = sprintf("UPDATE `%s` SET %s WHERE %s", $my_table, $field_list, $my_where);
    return DataEngine::sql($query);
Beispiel #16
    public function init_map($custom = '')
        // init ici
        global $vortex_a, $CurrSS, $CurrSS_a;
        // variables
        $vortex_a = array();
        $CurrSS = 0;
        $CurrSS_a = array();
        if ($this->vortex) {
            $sql = 'SELECT `ID`, `POSIN`, `POSOUT` from `SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee` where `Type`=1';
            $mysql_result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
            while ($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql_result)) {
                $vortex_a[$line['POSOUT']][$line['ID']]['POSIN'] = $line['POSOUT'];
                $vortex_a[$line['POSOUT']][$line['ID']]['POSOUT'] = $line['POSIN'];
                $vortex_a[$line['POSOUT']][$line['ID']]['TYPE'] = 1;
        /// filtre spécial...
        $if = array();
        if (!$this->ennemis && !$this->allys && $this->joueur) {
            $if[] = 'IF(c.`TYPE` in (3,5), 0, c.`TYPE`) as TYPE';
        if (!$this->ennemis && $this->allys) {
            $if[] = 'IF(c.`TYPE`=5, 0, c.`TYPE`) as TYPE';
        if ($this->ennemis && !$this->allys) {
            $if[] = 'IF(c.`TYPE`=3, 0, c.`TYPE`) as TYPE';
        /// filtre in type:
        $in = array();
        if ($this->joueur) {
            $in[] = 0;
        if ($this->vortex) {
            $in[] = 1;
        if ($this->planete) {
            $in[] = 2;
        if ($this->allys || $this->joueur) {
            $in[] = 3;
        if ($this->asteroide) {
            $in[] = 4;
        if ($this->pnj) {
            $in[] = 6;
        if ($this->ennemis || $this->joueur) {
            $in[] = 5;
        if (count($in) > 0 && count($in) < 7) {
            $in = 'AND ( `TYPE` IN (' . implode(',', $in) . ')';
        } else {
            $in = '';
        /// filtre au cas par cas:
        $cas = array();
        if (!$this->joueur) {
            $cas[] = '(`Type`=0 AND m.`Joueur`=\'' . $_SESSION['_login'] . '\')';
        if ($this->joueur) {
            $if[] = 'IFNULL(g.`Grade`,\'\') as Grade';
            $if[] = 'IFNULL(m.`Joueur`,\'\') as Joueur';
        // compilation des filtres
        if (count($if) > 0) {
            $if = ', ' . trim(implode(', ', $if));
        } else {
            $if = '';
        if (count($cas) > 0) {
            if ($in != '') {
                $where = $in . ' OR ' . implode(' OR ', $cas) . ' ) ';
            } else {
                $where = ' AND ' . implode(' OR ', $cas) . ' ';
        } else {
            if ($in != '') {
                $where = $in . ' ) ';
        if ($custom == '') {
            $custom = '1 ';
        $where = 'WHERE ' . $custom . $where;
        $where = $where . ' ORDER BY `POSIN` ASC';
        $sql = <<<sql
SELECT c.`ID`, c.`TYPE`, c.`POSIN`, c.`POSOUT`, j.`USER`, j.`INFOS`, j.`EMPIRE`
    {$if} FROM `SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee` c
left outer join `SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee_Joueurs` j on (
left outer join `SQL_PREFIX_Membres` m on (j.`USER`=m.`Joueur`)
left outer join `SQL_PREFIX_Grade` g on (m.`Grade`=g.`GradeId`)
        $mysql_result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
        return $mysql_result;
Beispiel #17
if ($validsession !== true && IS_IMG) {
    header("Content-Type: image/png");
    header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
    // HTTP/1.1
    header("Expires: Mon, 16 Jul 2008 04:21:44 GMT");
    // HTTP/1.0 Date dans le passé
    require_once CLASS_PATH . 'map.class.php';
    $Taille = 180;
    $image = imagecreate($Taille, 20);
    $background_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
    imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, $Taille, $Taille, $background_color);
    $debug_cl = imagecolorallocate($image, 254, 254, 254);
// $validsession
if ($validsession === true && $_SESSION['_Perm'] < AXX_VALIDATING) {
    $query = 'INSERT INTO `SQL_PREFIX_Log` (`DATE`,`log`,`IP`) VALUES(NOW(),"login,needvalidation:' . $_SESSION['_login'] . '",\'' . $_SESSION['_IP'] . '\')';
    $_SESSION['_login'] = '';
    output::_DoOutput('<a href="' . DataEngine::config_key('config', 'ForumLink') . '"><p style="color:red">' . $lng['no_axx'] . '</p></a>');
if ($validsession !== true) {
    require_once TEMPLATE_PATH . 'login.tpl.php';
    $tpl = tpl_login::getinstance();
    $tpl->page_title = $lng['login_page_title'];
Beispiel #18
 public function FillVendors()
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->items); $i++) {
         $modid = $this->items[$i]['ID'];
         $mysql_result = DataEngine::sql('
     SELECT u.`Login`, c.`Paiement`, u.`Modifier` FROM `SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Users_Config` c
     LEFT JOIN `SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Users` u ON c.`Login` = u.`Login`
     WHERE `CommerceType` <= 1 AND `Module_ID` = \'' . $modid . '\' ORDER BY u.`Login`;
   ') or die(mysql_error());
         $this->vendors[$modid][0]['Paiement'] = 0;
         $j = 1;
         while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result)) {
             $this->vendors[$modid][$j]['Login'] = $ligne['Login'];
             $this->vendors[$modid][$j]['Paiement'] = $ligne['Paiement'];
             $this->vendors[$modid][$j]['Modifier'] = $ligne['Modifier'];
         $this->vendors[$modid][0]['Total'] = $j - 1;
            $datas['Description'] = addslashes(trim($t));
            // Divers
            $datas['Taille'] = $datas['PAGVG'] * 1000;
            $query = 'SELECT ID FROM SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Template WHERE Nom LIKE \'' . $datas['Nom'] . '\'';
            $mysql_result = DataEngine::sql($query);
            if (mysql_num_rows($mysql_result) > 0) {
                $ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql_result);
                if ($ligne['ID'] > 0) {
                    DataEngine::sql('UPDATE SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Template SET Nom=\'' . $datas['Nom'] . '\', Description=\'' . $datas['Description'] . '\', Categorie=\'' . $datas['Categorie'] . '\', Taille=\'' . $datas['Taille'] . '\', PAChasseur=\'' . $datas['PAChasseur'] . '\', PAGVG=\'' . $datas['PAGVG'] . '\', Temps=\'' . $datas['Temps'] . '\', Titane=\'' . $datas['Titane'] . '\', Cuivre=\'' . $datas['Cuivre'] . '\', Fer=\'' . $datas['Fer'] . '\', Aluminium=\'' . $datas['Aluminium'] . '\', Mercure=\'' . $datas['Mercure'] . '\', Silicium=\'' . $datas['Silicium'] . '\', Uranium=\'' . $datas['Uranium'] . '\', Krypton=\'' . $datas['Krypton'] . '\', Azote=\'' . $datas['Azote'] . '\', Hydrogene=\'' . $datas['Hydrogene'] . '\', PropImpulsion=\'' . $datas['PropImpulsion'] . '\', PropWarp=\'' . $datas['PropWarp'] . '\', PropConsommation=\'' . $datas['PropConsommation'] . '\', ArmType=\'' . $datas['ArmType'] . '\', ArmDegat=\'' . $datas['ArmDegat'] . '\', ProtType=\'' . $datas['ProtType'] . '\', ProtChasseur=\'' . $datas['ProtChasseur'] . '\', ProtGVG=\'' . $datas['ProtGVG'] . '\', EquipType=\'' . $datas['EquipType'] . '\', EquipNiv=\'' . $datas['EquipNiv'] . '\' WHERE ID=\'' . $ligne['ID'] . '\'');
                    echo "<br /><center><b>Templates de module mis à jour.</b></center><br /><br />";
                    echo "<br /><br /><hr width='50%' /><p align=center>&nbsp;<a href='user_importmod.php'>Autre importation...</a>&nbsp;</p>";
            } else {
                $query = 'INSERT INTO SQL_PREFIX_Modules_Template (`Nom`, `Description`, `Categorie`, `Taille`, `PAChasseur`, `PAGVG`, `Temps`, `Titane`, `Cuivre`, `Fer`, `Aluminium`, `Mercure`, `Silicium`, `Uranium`, `Krypton`, `Azote`, `Hydrogene`, `PropImpulsion`, `PropWarp`, `PropConsommation`, `ArmType`, `ArmDegat`, `ArmManiabilite`, `ProtType`, `ProtChasseur`, `ProtGVG`, `EquipType`, `EquipNiv`) ';
                $query .= 'VALUES (\'' . $datas['Nom'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Description'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Categorie'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Taille'] . '\', \'' . $datas['PAChasseur'] . '\', \'' . $datas['PAGVG'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Temps'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Titane'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Cuivre'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Fer'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Aluminium'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Mercure'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Silicium'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Uranium'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Krypton'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Azote'] . '\', \'' . $datas['Hydrogene'] . '\', \'' . $datas['PropImpulsion'] . '\', \'' . $datas['PropWarp'] . '\', \'' . $datas['PropConsommation'] . '\', \'' . $datas['ArmType'] . '\', \'' . $datas['ArmDegat'] . '\', \'' . $datas['ArmManiabilite'] . '\', \'' . $datas['ProtType'] . '\', \'' . $datas['ProtChasseur'] . '\', \'' . $datas['ProtGVG'] . '\', \'' . $datas['EquipType'] . '\', \'' . $datas['EquipNiv'] . '\')';
                $datas_id = DataEngine::sql($query);
                echo "<br /><center><b>Templates de module ajouté.</b></center><br /><br />";
                echo "<br /><br /><hr width='50%' /><p align=center>&nbsp;<a href='user_importmod.php'>Autre importation...</a>&nbsp;</p>";
        } else {
            echo "<br /><center><b>Données non reconnues.</b></center><br /><br />";
if ($bcontinue) {
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
<table border="1" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width=80%>
  <tr class="color_row0">
    <td>Pour importer des données, il vous suffit de sélectionner une page du jeu (CTRL-A), de la copier entièrement (CTRL-C) puis de la coller dans le champs à droite (CTRL-V).<br />
    <br />
        // echo("vendeur:".$vendeur."<BR>");
        // echo("commande:".$commande."<BR>");
        // echo("typepaiement:".$typepaiement."<BR>");
        // echo("ressourcesitems:".$ressourcesitems."<BR>");
        // echo("RessourcesNBTotal:".$RessourcesNBTotal."<BR>");
        // echo ("requete sql:".$query."<br>");
        // echo("</font></center><br>");
    echo "<center><font color=#ff0000><h1>Commande enregistrée</h1><br>\r\n    Vous pourrez la suivre dans la partie <a href='commandes_list.php'>Gestion</a></font></center>";
} else {
    $vlist = $basket->VendorSelSort();
    $activecommande = false;
    $mysql_result = DataEngine::sql('SELECT planet0, coord0, planet1, coord1, planet2, coord2, planet3, coord3, planet4, coord4 FROM SQL_PREFIX_ownuniverse WHERE `UTILISATEUR`=\'' . $Joueur . '\'') or die(mysql_error());
    $j = 0;
    $valider_form_cond = '';
    $radiolist = '';
    if ($ownplanetes = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result)) {
        for ($i = 0; $ownplanetes['planet' . $i] != '' && $i < 5; $i++) {
            if ($i > 0) {
                $radiolist .= '<br>';
                $valider_form_cond .= ' && ';
            $radiolist .= '<input class="color_row0" name="coordplanete" value="' . $ownplanetes['coord' . $i] . '" type="radio"> ' . $ownplanetes['planet' . $i] . ' aux coordonnées ' . $ownplanetes['coord' . $i];
            $valider_form_cond .= '(document.forms["formMe"].coordplanete[' . $i . '].checked==false)';
    // PaiementMe_
        if (isset($_GET['sort'][$v])) {
            $_GET['sort'][$v] = '';
    $newvalue = array('sort' => array($v => $invert_sort[$_GET['sort'][$v]]));
    $tpl->AddToRow(Get_string($newvalue), 'sort_' . $v);
$sql = <<<sql
SELECT udate, c.`ID`, c.`TYPE`, c.`POSIN`, c.`POSOUT`, c.`COORDET`, c.`COORDETOUT`, j.`USER`, j.`EMPIRE`, j.`INFOS`, c.`NOTE`, p.`water`,
\tj.`batiments`, j.`troop`, j.`troop_date`, c.`UTILISATEUR`, p.`pID`, p.`Titane`, p.`Cuivre`, p.`Fer`, p.`Aluminium`, p.`Mercure`, p.`Silicium`, p.`Uranium`, p.`Krypton`,
\tp.`Azote`, p.`Hydrogene` from `SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee` c
left outer join `SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee_Joueurs` j on (c.`ID`=j.`jID`)
left outer join `SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee_Planetes` p on (c.`ID`=p.`pID`) {$where}{$sort}{$limit}
$mysql_result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
$lngmain = language::getinstance()->GetLngBlock('dataengine');
$a_Ress = DataEngine::a_ressources();
$stype = $lngmain['types']['string'];
$i = 0;
$cmdinput = '<input class="color_row%%rowA%%" type="checkbox" value="1" id="item[%%id%%][%%cmd%%]" name="item[%%id%%][%%cmd%%]" %%bulle%%/>';
while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql_result)) {
    $coords = $ligne['POSIN'] . '-' . $ligne['COORDET'];
    switch ($ligne['TYPE']) {
        case 1:
            $coords = $ligne['POSIN'] . '-' . $ligne['COORDET'] . '<br/>' . $ligne['POSOUT'] . '-' . $ligne['COORDETOUT'];
        case 6:
        case 2:
        case 4:
 * @license GNU Public License 3.0 ( )
 * @license Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA ( )
require_once './init.php';
require_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'Script.php';
require_once CLASS_PATH . 'ownuniverse.class.php';
require_once CLASS_PATH . 'parser.class.php';
require_once TEMPLATE_PATH . 'ownuniverse.tpl.php';
$ownuniverse = ownuniverse::getinstance();
$lng = language::getinstance()->GetLngBlock('ownuniverse');
// initialisation des variables
$info = $warn = '';
if (isset($_GET['reset']) && $_GET['reset'] == $_SESSION['_permkey']) {
    DataEngine::sql('DELETE FROM `SQL_PREFIX_ownuniverse` WHERE `UTILISATEUR` = \'' . $_SESSION['_login'] . '\' LIMIT 1');
if ($_GET['showuser'] != '' && Members::CheckPerms('PERSO_OWNUNIVERSE_READONLY')) {
    $player = gpc_esc($_GET['showuser']);
    $include_form = false;
} else {
    $player = false;
    $include_form = true;
if (isset($_POST['importation'])) {
    $cleandata = $ownuniverse->get_universe(false);
    // initialise les infos (planet)
    $data = gpc_esc($_POST['importation']);
    // Partie centre de controle
    if ($data != "" and strpos($data, $lng['control_center_ident']) !== false) {
 public function do_spooler()
     if (count($this->detelespooler) > 0) {
         $in = implode(',', $this->detelespooler);
         $query = 'DELETE FROM `SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee` WHERE id IN (' . $in . ')';
         $sql_result = DataEngine::sql($query);
         if (mysql_affected_rows() == 0) {
             return $this->AddErreur(sprintf($this->lng['class_delete_nofound'], $ident));
         $query = 'DELETE FROM `SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee_Joueurs` WHERE jid IN (' . $in . ')';
         $sql_result = DataEngine::sql($query);
         $query = 'DELETE FROM `SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee_Planetes` WHERE pid IN (' . $in . ')';
         $sql_result = DataEngine::sql($query);
         $this->detelespooler = array();
Beispiel #24
    $map->parcours = $map->Parcours()->Do_Parcours($map->IN, $map->OUT);
    $map->load_prefs('1;0;0;0;' . $map->sc . ';' . $map->taille . ';0;0;0');
include_once TEMPLATE_PATH . 'carte.tpl.php';
$tpl = tpl_carte::getinstance();
$tpl->page_title = $title != '' ? 'Carte: ' . $title . '' : 'EU2: Carte';
// menu carte
// la carte
$mysql_result = DataEngine::sql('SELECT `ID`,`Flotte` from `SQL_PREFIX_itineraire` where `Joueur`=\'' . $_SESSION['_login'] . '\' ORDER BY `Flotte` ASC');
while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql_result)) {
    $array[$ligne['ID']] = $ligne['Flotte'];
if (is_array($array)) {
    $tpl->SelectOptions($array, $map->loadfleet);
$javascript = '';
if ($map->itineraire) {
    $tmp = $map->Parcours()->get_coords_part($map->parcours[1][0]);
    $javascript .= 'tmp = Carte.Get_SS(' . $tmp . ');';
    $javascript .= 'tmp.parcours=1;';
    $javascript .= 'Carte.Get_SS(' . $tmp . ', tmp);';
    $i = $dt = 0;