Beispiel #1
  * Write an item to the cache for a given number of minutes.
  * @param  string  $key
  * @param  mixed   $value
  * @param  int     $minutes
  * @return void
 public function put($key, $value, $minutes = 60)
     if (0 >= $minutes) {
     $expiration = $this->expiration($minutes);
     $data = array('key' => $key, 'value' => $value, 'expiration' => $expiration, 'namespace' => $this->namespace);
     Data::add('cache', $data);
Beispiel #2
 public static function save($id)
     $res = Data::query('movie', 'id_ac = ' . $id);
     if (!count($res)) {
         $info = static::getInfosMovie($id);
         $info['id_ac'] = $id;
         $info['id_video'] = null;
         $info['plateforme'] = null;
         $movie = Data::getById('movie', Data::add('movie', $info));
     } else {
         $movie = Data::getObject(current($res));
     return $movie;
Beispiel #3
 public function __construct($name, $duration = 3600)
     $ip = static::getIP();
     $this->_duration = $duration;
     $this->_key = sha1($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . date('dmY'));
     $this->_sessionName = $name;
     $sessions = parent::query('thinsession', 'session_name = ' . $this->_sessionName . ' && session_key = ' . $this->_key . ' && expire >= ' . time());
     if (count($sessions)) {
         $this->_session = parent::getObject(current($sessions));
     } else {
         $create = array();
         $create['expire'] = time() + $duration;
         $create['session_name'] = $this->_sessionName;
         $create['session_key'] = $this->_key;
         $create['data'] = new \thinDataSession();
         $newId = parent::add('thinsession', $create);
         $this->_session = parent::getById('thinsession', $newId);
     $data = $this->_session->getData();
     return $data;
Beispiel #4
 public static function auto($sentence, $source = 'fr', $target = 'en')
     $key = sha1(serialize(func_get_args()));
     $res = Data::query('translation', 'key = ' . $key);
     if (count($res)) {
         $obj = current($res);
         return $obj->getSentence();
     $source = Inflector::lower($source);
     $target = Inflector::lower($target);
     $url = "" . urlencode($sentence) . "&langpair=" . urlencode($source) . "|" . urlencode($target);
     $res = dwn($url);
     $tab = json_decode($res, true);
     if (Arrays::exists('responseData', $tab)) {
         if (Arrays::exists('translatedText', $tab['responseData'])) {
             $translation = $tab['responseData']['translatedText'];
             $data = array('source' => $source, 'target' => $target, 'key' => $key, 'sentence' => $translation);
             Data::add('translation', $data);
             return $translation;
     return $sentence;
Beispiel #5
 public function getAds($maxPages = 0)
     $first = dwn('');
     $nbPages = 0 == $maxPages ? Utils::cut('Page 1 de ', ' ', $first) : $maxPages;
     $ids = array();
     $infos = array();
     $pageIds = array();
     $tab = explode('<a id=', $first);
     for ($i = 1; $i < count($tab); $i++) {
         $seg = trim($tab[$i]);
         $id = Utils::cut('"', '"', $seg);
         if (!Arrays::in($id, $ids)) {
             array_push($ids, $id);
             array_push($pageIds, $id);
     foreach ($pageIds as $id) {
         $seg = $this->tag('<div class="thumbnail" data-listing-code="' . $id . '">', '<a id="', $first);
         if (!empty($seg)) {
             $tmp = $this->tag('<img src="', '"', $seg);
             $picId = $this->tag('-big-', '.', $tmp);
             $infos[$id]['thumb'] = $picId;
             $type = $this->tag('<span class="listing-type">', '</span>', $seg);
             $type = html_entity_decode(repl(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', strip_tags($type)));
             if (contain(',', $type)) {
                 list($type, $bedroom) = explode(',', $type, 2);
             } else {
                 $type = $type;
                 $bedroom = 0;
             $infos[$id]['type'] = $this->clean($type);
             $infos[$id]['bedroom'] = repl(' ch.', '', $this->clean($bedroom));
             $address = $this->tag('<span class="listing-address">', '</span>', $seg);
             $address = html_entity_decode(repl(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', strip_tags($address)));
             $address = $this->clean($address);
             $tabAddress = explode(', ', $address);
             if (count($tabAddress)) {
                 $city = Arrays::last($tabAddress);
                 $address = repl(', ' . $city, '', $address);
             } else {
                 $city = '';
             $infos[$id]['address'] = $address;
             $infos[$id]['city'] = $city;
             $price = $this->tag('<span class="listing-price">', '</span>', $seg);
             $price = html_entity_decode(repl(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', strip_tags($price)));
             $infos[$id]['price'] = $this->clean(repl(array(' ', '$'), '', $price));
             $infos[$id]['partner'] = 'duproprio';
             $infos[$id]['partner_id'] = $id;
     foreach ($infos as $id => $property) {
         Data::getById('property', Data::add('propriete', $property));
     for ($j = 2; $j <= (int) $nbPages; $j++) {
         $page = dwn('' . $j . '&hash=%2Fs-pmin%3D0%2Fs-pmax%3D99999999%2Fp-ord%3Ddate%2Fp-dir%3DDESC%2Fpa-ge%3D2%2Fs-filter%3Dforsale%2Fs-build%3D1%2Fp-con%3Dmain%2Fg-pr%3D1%2Fs-bmin%3D0');
         $infos = array();
         $pageIds = array();
         $tab = explode('<a id=', $page);
         for ($i = 1; $i < count($tab); $i++) {
             $seg = trim($tab[$i]);
             $id = Utils::cut('"', '"', $seg);
             if (!Arrays::in($id, $ids)) {
                 array_push($ids, $id);
                 array_push($pageIds, $id);
         foreach ($pageIds as $id) {
             $seg = $this->tag('<div class="thumbnail" data-listing-code="' . $id . '">', '<a id="', $page);
             if (!empty($seg)) {
                 $tmp = $this->tag('<img src="', '"', $seg);
                 $picId = $this->tag('-big-', '.', $tmp);
                 $infos[$id]['thumb'] = $picId;
                 $type = $this->tag('<span class="listing-type">', '</span>', $seg);
                 $type = html_entity_decode(repl(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', strip_tags($type)));
                 if (contain(',', $type)) {
                     list($type, $bedroom) = explode(',', $type, 2);
                 } else {
                     $type = $type;
                     $bedroom = 0;
                 $infos[$id]['type'] = $this->clean($type);
                 $infos[$id]['bedroom'] = repl(' ch.', '', $this->clean($bedroom));
                 $address = $this->tag('<span class="listing-address">', '</span>', $seg);
                 $address = html_entity_decode(repl(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', strip_tags($address)));
                 $address = $this->clean($address);
                 $tabAddress = explode(', ', $address);
                 if (count($tabAddress)) {
                     $city = Arrays::last($tabAddress);
                     $address = repl(', ' . $city, '', $address);
                 } else {
                     $city = '';
                 $infos[$id]['address'] = $address;
                 $infos[$id]['city'] = $city;
                 $price = $this->tag('<span class="listing-price">', '</span>', $seg);
                 $price = html_entity_decode(repl(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', strip_tags($price)));
                 $infos[$id]['price'] = $this->clean(repl(array(' ', '$'), '', $price));
                 $infos[$id]['partner'] = 'duproprio';
                 $infos[$id]['partner_id'] = $id;
         foreach ($infos as $id => $property) {
             Data::getById('property', Data::add('propriete', $property));
     return $this;

define('GEOCODER', 'hybrid');
require_once '../../spider.php';
$data = new Data('');
$indexes = array('', '');
foreach ($indexes as $url) {
    $indexUrl = new URL($url);
    while ($indexUrl) {
        $indexPage = $indexUrl->get();
        foreach ($indexPage->match('/<a href="([^"]+)" class="link_darkred"><b>more/') as $match) {
            $itemUrl = new URL($match, $indexUrl);
            $itemPage = $itemUrl->get();
            list($lat, $lng) = $data->geocode($itemPage->match('/<tr>[\\s\\n]+<td><img src="pics\\/1\\.gif" width="1" height="8"><\\/td>[\\s\\n]+<\\/tr>[\\s\\n]+<tr>[\\s\\n]+<td>([^<]+).*?<\\/td>[\\s\\n]+<\\/tr>[\\s\\n]+<tr>[\\s\\n]+<td><img src="pics\\/1\\.gif" width="1" height="8"><\\/td>[\\s\\n]+<\\/tr>/') . ' Salzburg Austria');
            $data->add(array('title' => $itemPage->match('/<h1>([^<]+)/'), 'description' => $itemPage->match('/<\\/td>[\\s\\n]+<td valign="top">[\\s\\n]+<table width="160" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">[\\s\\n]+<tr>[\\s\\n]+<td>([^<]+)/'), 'lat' => $lat, 'lng' => $lng, 'href' => $itemUrl));
        $nextUrl = $indexPage->match('/<a href="([^"]+)" class="link_darkred">next/');
        if ((string) $nextUrl) {
            $indexUrl = new URL($nextUrl, $url);
        } else {
// we're done, close the CSV file
Beispiel #7
 * This example usage grabs data from and creates a CSV
 * file containing the scraped data.
// we'll just use the Yahoo geocoder
define('GEOCODER', 'yahoo');
// include the spider library
require_once 'spider.php';
// create a data object to store our data in
$data = new Data('');
// get the index page of the attractions
$indexUrl = new URL('');
$indexPage = $indexUrl->get();
// match each subpage URL
foreach ($indexPage->match('/<li><b><a href="([^"]+)/') as $match) {
    // get the subpage
    $continentUrl = new URL($match, $indexUrl);
    $continentPage = $continentUrl->get();
    // match each attracton page URL
    foreach ($continentPage->match('/<b><a href="([^"]+)/') as $match) {
        // get the attraction page
        $itemUrl = new URL($match, $continentUrl);
        $itemPage = $itemUrl->get();
        // extract the address from the page and geocode it
        list($lat, $lng) = $data->geocode($itemPage->match('/<h3>Contact Addresses<\\/h3>[\\r\\n\\t ]+<div class="paragraph">.+?,([^<]+)/'));
        // extract the other data from the page and add it to the data object along with the geocoded lat/lng data
        $data->add(array('title' => preg_replace('/\\([^)]+\\)/', '', $itemPage->match('/<title>(.+?) Guide/')), 'description' => $itemPage->match('/<\\/h2>[\\r\\n\\t ]+<div class="paragraph">(.+?)<\\/div>/'), 'lat' => $lat, 'lng' => $lng, 'href' => $itemUrl));
// we're done, close the CSV file
Beispiel #8
 public static function fixtures()
     $adminTables = Data::getAll('admintable');
     $adminUsers = Data::getAll('adminuser');
     $adminactions = Data::getAll('adminaction');
     $adminRights = Data::getAll('adminright');
     $adminTaskStatus = Data::getAll('admintaskstatus');
     $adminTaskType = Data::getAll('admintasktype');
     $adminTaskTypes = Data::getAll('admintasktype');
     $adminCountries = Data::getAll('admincountry');
     $options = Data::getAll('option');
     $bools = Data::getAll('bool');
     $formTypes = Data::getAll('adminformfieldtype');
     if (!count($bools)) {
         $bool1 = array('name' => 'Oui', 'value' => 'true');
         $bool2 = array('name' => 'Non', 'value' => 'false');
         Data::add('bool', $bool1);
         Data::add('bool', $bool2);
     if (!count($formTypes)) {
         $typesToAdd = array();
         $typesToAdd[] = array('name' => 'Classique', 'value' => 'text');
         $typesToAdd[] = array('name' => 'Texte', 'value' => 'textarea');
         $typesToAdd[] = array('name' => 'Date', 'value' => 'date');
         $typesToAdd[] = array('name' => 'Courriel', 'value' => 'email');
         $typesToAdd[] = array('name' => 'Sélection', 'value' => 'select');
         $typesToAdd[] = array('name' => 'Téléphone', 'value' => 'telephone');
         $typesToAdd[] = array('name' => 'Caché', 'value' => 'hidden');
         $typesToAdd[] = array('name' => 'Url', 'value' => 'url');
         foreach ($typesToAdd as $typeToAdd) {
             Data::add('adminformfieldtype', $typeToAdd);
     if (!count($adminCountries)) {
         $list = fgc("");
         $rows = explode("\n", $list);
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $row = repl('"', '', trim($row));
             if (contain(';', $row)) {
                 list($id, $name, $upp, $low, $code) = explode(';', $row, 5);
                 $country = array('name' => $name, 'code' => $code);
                 Data::add('admincountry', $country);
     if (!count($adminTaskTypes)) {
         $types = array('Bogue', 'Snippet', 'SEO', 'Traduction', 'Graphisme', 'Contenu', 'Html', 'Css', 'Javascript');
         foreach ($types as $type) {
             $taskType = array('name' => $type);
             Data::add('admintasktype', $taskType);
     if (!count($adminTaskStatus)) {
         $allStatus = array(1 => 'Attribuée', 4 => 'Terminée', 2 => 'En cours', 7 => 'En suspens', 6 => 'En attente d\'information', 3 => 'En test', 5 => 'Réattribuée', 8 => 'Annulée');
         foreach ($allStatus as $priority => $status) {
             $taskStatus = array('name' => $status, 'priority' => $priority);
             Data::add('admintaskstatus', $taskStatus);
     if (!count($adminTables)) {
         $entities = container()->getEntities();
         if (count($entities)) {
             foreach ($entities as $entity) {
                 $table = array('name' => $entity);
                 Data::add('admintable', $table);
     if (!count($adminactions)) {
         $actions = array('list', 'add', 'duplicate', 'view', 'delete', 'edit', 'import', 'export', 'search', 'empty_cache');
         foreach ($actions as $action) {
             $newAction = array('name' => $action);
             Data::add('adminaction', $newAction);
     if (!count($adminUsers)) {
         $user = array('name' => 'Admin', 'firstname' => 'Dear', 'login' => 'admin', 'password' => 'admin', 'email' => '*****@*****.**');
         Data::add('adminuser', $user);
     if (!count($adminRights)) {
         $sql = dm('adminuser');
         $res = $sql->where('email =')->get();
         $user = $sql->first($res);
         $tables = Data::getAll('admintable');
         $actions = Data::getAll('adminaction');
         if (count($tables)) {
             foreach ($tables as $table) {
                 $table = Data::getIt('admintable', $table);
                 foreach ($actions as $action) {
                     $action = Data::getIt('adminaction', $action);
                     $right = array('adminuser' => $user->getId(), 'admintable' => $table->getId(), 'adminaction' => $action->getId());
                     Data::add('adminright', $right);
     if (!count($options)) {
         $optionsToAdd = array();
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'default_language', 'value' => 'fr');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'lng_fr_display', 'value' => 'flag');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'page_languages', 'value' => 'fr');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'theme', 'value' => SITE_NAME);
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'menu_fixed', 'value' => 'true');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'show_menu', 'value' => 'true');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'logo_max_width', 'value' => 400);
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'menu_background_color', 'value' => '#eee');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'menu_link_background_color', 'value' => '#444');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'menu_link_color', 'value' => '#fff');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'page_background', 'value' => '#e2e2e2');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'page_color', 'value' => '#333');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'show_logo', 'value' => 'true');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'site_font_family', 'value' => 'Oswald');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'site_font_size', 'value' => '14px');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'slideshow_background', 'value' => '#222');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'slideshow_height', 'value' => '500px');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'slideshow_text_color', 'value' => '#fff');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'title_font_family', 'value' => 'Passion One');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'company_name', 'value' => 'My website');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'google_fonts', 'value' => 'Ubuntu,Oswald,Passion One');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'map_marker_name', 'value' => 'My website');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'map_text', 'value' => 'Bienvenue!');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'custom_css', 'value' => ' ');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'latitude', 'value' => 48);
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'longitude', 'value' => -71);
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'contact_email', 'value' => '*****@*****.**');
         $optionsToAdd[] = array('name' => 'form_email', 'value' => '*****@*****.**');
         foreach ($optionsToAdd as $optionToAdd) {
             Data::add('option', $optionToAdd);
         $status1 = array('name' => 'online');
         $status2 = array('name' => 'offline');
         $status3 = array('name' => 'maintenance');
         Data::add('statuspage', $status1);
         Data::add('statuspage', $status2);
         Data::add('statuspage', $status3);
         $sql = dm('statuspage');
         $res = $sql->where('name = online')->get();
         $status = $sql->first($res);
         $page = array('name' => 'Accueil', 'url' => array('fr' => 'home'), 'template' => 'home', 'parent' => null, 'statuspage' => $status->getId(), 'date_out' => null, 'hierarchy' => 1, 'is_home' => getBool('true')->getId());
         Data::add('page', $page);

define('GEOCODER', 'yahoo');
require_once '../../spider.php';
$data = new Data('');
$indexes = array('museum' => '', 'theatre' => '', 'nature' => '');
foreach ($indexes as $type => $url) {
    $indexUrl = new URL($url);
    $indexPage = $indexUrl->get();
    foreach ($indexPage->match('/<OBJECT Object_ID="([^"]+)"/') as $match) {
        $itemUrl = new URL('' . $match . '&lang=en');
        $itemPage = $itemUrl->get();
        $city = $itemPage->match('/<[is]_city>([^<]+)/');
        $postcode = $itemPage->match('/<[is]_postcode>([^<]+)/');
        $location = $itemPage->match('/<[is]_location>([^<]+)/');
        list($lat, $lng) = $data->geocode($city . ' ' . $postcode . ' ' . $location . ' Austria');
        $href = $itemPage->match('/<[is]_web>([^<]+)/');
        if (substr($href, 0, 7) != 'http://') {
            $href = 'http://' . $href;
        $data->add(array('title' => $itemPage->match('/<o_name>([^<]+)/'), 'description' => $itemPage->match('/<DETAIL d_art="Beschreibung" d_language="en" d_priority="0"><\\!\\[CDATA\\[(.+?)\\]\\]>/'), 'lat' => $lat, 'lng' => $lng, 'href' => $href, 'type' => $type));
// we're done, close the CSV file

define('GEOCODER', 'hybrid');
require_once '../../spider.php';
$data = new Data('');
$indexUrl = new URL('');
$indexPage = $indexUrl->get();
foreach ($indexPage->match('/<td width="50%"(?: height="11")?><a href="([^"]+)/') as $match) {
    $itemUrl = new URL($match, $indexUrl);
    $itemPage = $itemUrl->get();
    list($lat, $lng) = $data->geocode($itemPage->match('/<span class="Adressen">([^<]+)/') . ' Vienna Austria');
    $data->add(array('title' => $itemPage->match('/<h1 class="tdolive_gross_strich"><a name="1"><\\/a>([^<]+)/'), 'description' => $itemPage->match('/<\\!-- google_ad_section_start -->([^<]+)/'), 'lat' => $lat, 'lng' => $lng, 'href' => $itemUrl));
// we're done, close the CSV file