Beispiel #1
 /** returns type on success, false on failure */
 public static function isAcceptable($content_type)
     $ok_type = false;
     try {
         list($type, $subtype) = Dase_Media::parseMimeType($content_type);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     foreach (Dase_Media::getAcceptedTypes() as $t) {
         list($acceptedType, $acceptedSubtype) = explode('/', $t);
         if ($acceptedType == '*' || $acceptedType == $type) {
             if ($acceptedSubtype == '*' || $acceptedSubtype == $subtype) {
                 $ok_type = $type . "/" . $subtype;
     return $ok_type;
Beispiel #2
 public function getWebspace($r)
     $ws_path = $r->get('webspace_path');
     $webspace_url = '' . $ws_path;
     $rss_data = @file_get_contents($webspace_url . '?view=RSS');
     $files = array();
     $paths = array();
     $invalid_files = array();
     if ($rss_data) {
         $rss = new DOMDocument();
         $good_type = '';
         foreach ($rss->getElementsByTagName('item') as $item) {
             $enc = $item->getElementsByTagName('enclosure')->item(0);
             if ($enc) {
                 $file['url'] = $enc->getAttribute('url');
                 $file['length'] = ceil((int) $enc->getAttribute('length') / 1000);
                 $file['type'] = $enc->getAttribute('type');
                 $file['name'] = trim(urldecode(str_replace($webspace_url, '', $file['url'])), '/');
                 $good_type = Dase_Media::isAcceptable($file['type']);
             if ($good_type) {
                 $files[] = $file;
             } else {
                 if ($enc) {
                     $invalid_files[] = $file;
                 } else {
                     $path_href = $item->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->firstChild->substringData(0, 200);
                     $path['path_rel'] = str_replace('', '', $path_href);
                     $path['path_name'] = $item->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->firstChild->substringData(0, 200);
                     $paths[] = $path;
     $tpl = new Dase_Template($r, true);
     $tpl->assign('collection', $this->collection);
     $tpl->assign('files', $files);
     $tpl->assign('invalid_files', $invalid_files);
     $tpl->assign('paths', $paths);
     $tpl->assign('webspace_path', $ws_path);
     $r->set('tab', 'module');
 public function getContentType()
     if (isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) {
         $header = $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'];
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE'])) {
         $header = $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE'];
     if (isset($header)) {
         list($type, $subtype, $params) = Dase_Media::parseMimeType($header);
         if (isset($params['type'])) {
             return $type . '/' . $subtype . ';type=' . $params['type'];
         } else {
             return $type . '/' . $subtype;
Beispiel #4
 /** lots of duplicated code here -- need to refactor
 private function _processFile($r)
     $content_type = $r->getContentType();
     if (!Dase_Media::isAcceptable($content_type)) {
         $r->renderError(415, 'cannot accept ' . $content_type);
     $bits = $r->getBody();
     $file_meta = Dase_File::$types_map[$content_type];
     $ext = $file_meta['ext'];
     $title = '';
     if ($r->http_title) {
         $title = $r->http_title;
     } elseif ($r->slug) {
         $title = $r->slug;
     } else {
         $title = dechex(time());
     $base_dir = $this->config->getMediaDir();
     $basename = $this->_findUniqueName(Dase_Util::dirify($title));
     $newname = $this->_findNextUnique($base_dir, $basename, $ext);
     $new_path = $base_dir . '/' . $newname;
     $ifp = @fopen($new_path, 'wb');
     if (!$ifp) {
         Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'cannot write file ' . $new_path);
         $r->renderError(500, 'cannot write file ' . $new_path);
     @fwrite($ifp, $bits);
     @chmod($new_file, 0775);
     //create new item
     $item = new Dase_DBO_Item($this->db);
     $item->title = $title;
     $size = @getimagesize($new_path);
     $item->name = $newname;
     $item->file_url = 'file/' . $item->name;
     $item->filesize = filesize($new_path);
     $item->mime = $content_type;
     $mime_type = $item->mime;
     $parts = explode('/', $mime_type);
     if (isset($parts[0]) && 'image' == $parts[0]) {
         $thumb_path = $base_dir . '/thumb/' . $newname;
         $thumb_path = str_replace('.' . $ext, '.jpg', $thumb_path);
         $command = CONVERT . " \"{$new_path}\" -format jpeg -resize '100x100 >' -colorspace RGB {$thumb_path}";
         $exec_output = array();
         $results = exec($command, $exec_output);
         if (!file_exists($thumb_path)) {
             //Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE,"failed to write $thumb_path");
         chmod($thumb_path, 0775);
         $newname = str_replace('.' . $ext, '.jpg', $newname);
         $item->thumbnail_url = 'file/thumb/' . $newname;
     } else {
         $item->thumbnail_url = 'www/images/mime_icons/' . Dase_File::$types_map[$mime_type]['size'] . '.png';
     if (isset($size[0]) && $size[0]) {
         $item->width = $size[0];
     if (isset($size[1]) && $size[1]) {
         $item->height = $size[1];
     $item->created_by = $this->user->eid;
     $item->created = date(DATE_ATOM);
     $item->updated_by = $this->user->eid;
     $item->updated = date(DATE_ATOM);
     $item->url = 'item/' . $item->name;
     if ($item->insert()) {
         $r->renderOk('added item');
     } else {
Beispiel #5
 public function getAtompubServiceDoc($app_root)
     $svc = new Dase_Atom_Service();
     $ws = $svc->addWorkspace($this->collection_name . ' Workspace');
     $coll = $ws->addCollection($app_root . '/collection/' . $this->ascii_id . '.atom', $this->collection_name . ' Items');
     $coll->addCategorySet()->addCategory('item', '');
     $atts = $coll->addCategorySet('yes', '');
     foreach ($this->getAttributes() as $att) {
         $atts->addCategory($att->ascii_id, '', $att->attribute_name);
     $media_repos = $app_root . '/media/' . $this->ascii_id . '.atom';
     $media_coll = $ws->addCollection($media_repos, $this->collection_name . ' Media');
     foreach (Dase_Media::getAcceptedTypes() as $type) {
     //json items collection
     $ws->addCollection($app_root . '/collection/' . $this->ascii_id . '.atom', $this->collection_name . ' JSON Items')->addAccept('application/json');
     $item_types_repos = $app_root . '/collection/' . $this->ascii_id . '/item_types.atom';
     $ws->addCollection($item_types_repos, $this->collection_name . ' Item Types')->addAccept('application/atom+xml;type=entry')->addCategorySet()->addCategory('item_type', '');
     $attributes_repos = $app_root . '/collection/' . $this->ascii_id . '/attributes.atom';
     $atts_repos = $ws->addCollection($attributes_repos, $this->collection_name . ' Attributes');
     $atts_repos->addAccept('application/atom+xml;type=entry')->addCategorySet()->addCategory('attribute', '', '', true);
     $html_inp_types = $atts_repos->addAccept('application/atom+xml;type=entry')->addCategorySet('yes', '');
     foreach (array('text', 'textarea', 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'noedit', 'list') as $inp) {
     return $svc->asXml();
Beispiel #6
 public function postToUploader($r)
     //form can use any 'name' it wishes
     $filecount = 0;
     foreach ($r->_files as $k => $v) {
         $input_name = $k;
         if ($input_name && is_file($r->_files[$input_name]['tmp_name'])) {
             $name = $r->_files[$input_name]['name'];
             $path = $r->_files[$input_name]['tmp_name'];
             $type = $r->_files[$input_name]['type'];
             if (!Dase_Media::isAcceptable($type)) {
                 Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, $type . ' is not a supported media type');
                 //$r->renderError(415,'unsupported media type: '.$type);
             if (!is_uploaded_file($path)) {
                 //$r->renderError(400,'no go upload');
             Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'uploading file ' . $name . ' type: ' . $type);
             try {
                 //this'll create thumbnail, viewitem, and any derivatives
                 $file = Dase_File::newFile($this->db, $path, $type, $name, BASE_PATH);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'add to collection error: ' . $e->getMessage());
             $item = $this->collection->createNewItem(null, $this->user->eid);
             if ($r->has('title')) {
                 $item->setValue('title', $r->get('title'));
             } else {
                 $item->setValue('title', $name);
             try {
                 $media_file = $file->addToCollection($item, true, MEDIA_DIR);
                 //true means tets for dups
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'add to collection error: ' . $e->getMessage());
             //here's where we map admin_att to real att
             //delay search building??
     $r->renderResponse('uploaded ' . $filecount . ' files');
Beispiel #7
 public function getAtomPubServiceDoc($app_root)
     $c = $this->getCollection();
     $app = new Dase_Atom_Service();
     $workspace = $app->addWorkspace($c->collection_name . ' Item ' . $this->serial_number . ' Workspace');
     $media_coll = $workspace->addCollection($app_root . '/item/' . $this->p_collection_ascii_id . '/' . $this->serial_number . '/media.atom', $c->collection_name . ' Item ' . $this->serial_number . ' Media');
     foreach (Dase_Media::getAcceptedTypes() as $type) {
     $comments_coll = $workspace->addCollection($app_root . '/item/' . $this->p_collection_ascii_id . '/' . $this->serial_number . '/comments.atom', $c->collection_name . ' Item ' . $this->serial_number . ' Comments');
     $metadata_coll = $workspace->addCollection($app_root . '/item/' . $this->p_collection_ascii_id . '/' . $this->serial_number . '/metadata.atom', $c->collection_name . ' Item ' . $this->serial_number . ' Metadata');
     return $app->asXml();
Beispiel #8
 /** used for swap-out */
 public function putMedia($r)
     $item = Dase_DBO_Item::get($this->db, $this->collection_ascii_id, $this->serial_number);
     if (!$item) {
         $r->renderError(404, 'no such item');
     if (!$this->user->can('write', $item)) {
         $r->renderError(401, 'cannot put media to this item');
     $coll = $item->getCollection();
     if (!isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']) || !isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) {
         $r->renderError(411, 'missing content length');
     $content_type = Dase_Media::isAcceptable($r->getContentType());
     if (!$content_type) {
         $r->renderError(415, 'not an accepted media type');
     $bits = $r->getBody();
     $upload_dir = MEDIA_DIR . '/' . $coll->ascii_id . '/uploaded_files';
     if (!file_exists($upload_dir)) {
         $r->renderError(500, 'missing upload directory ' . $upload_dir);
     $new_file = $upload_dir . '/' . $item->serial_number;
     $ifp = @fopen($new_file, 'wb');
     if (!$ifp) {
     @fwrite($ifp, $bits);
     // Set correct file permissions
     @chmod($new_file, 0644);
     try {
         $file = Dase_File::newFile($this->db, $new_file, $content_type, null, BASE_PATH);
         //since we are swapping in:
         //note: this deletes ALL media!!!
         $media_file = $file->addToCollection($item, false, MEDIA_DIR);
         //set 2nd param to true to test for dups
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'media handler error: ' . $e->getMessage());
         $r->renderError(500, 'could not ingest file (' . $e->getMessage() . ')');
Beispiel #9
 /** like media->putMedia but this does NOT
  * delete existing media files
 public function postToMedia($r)
     $item = $this->item;
     $coll = $item->getCollection();
     if (!isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']) || !isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) {
         $r->renderError(411, 'missing content length');
     $content_type = $r->getContentType();
     if ('multipart/form-data' == $content_type) {
         $user = $r->getUser();
         if (!$user->can('write', $this->item)) {
             $r->renderError(401, 'cannot post media to this item');
         foreach ($r->_files as $k => $v) {
             $input_name = $k;
             //just get the first one
         if ($input_name && is_file($r->_files[$input_name]['tmp_name'])) {
             $name = $r->_files[$input_name]['name'];
             $path = $r->_files[$input_name]['tmp_name'];
             $type = $r->_files[$input_name]['type'];
             if (!Dase_Media::isAcceptable($type)) {
                 Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, $type . ' is not a supported media type');
                 $r->renderError(415, 'unsupported media type: ' . $type);
             if (!is_uploaded_file($path)) {
                 $r->renderError(400, 'no go upload');
             $bits = file_get_contents($path);
             $content_type = $type;
     } else {
         $user = $r->getUser('service');
         if (!$user->can('write', $this->item)) {
             $r->renderError(401, 'cannot post media to this item');
         $content_type = Dase_Media::isAcceptable($content_type);
         if (!$content_type) {
             $r->renderError(415, 'not an accepted media type');
         $bits = $r->getBody();
     $orig_name = '';
     if ($r->http_title) {
         $item->setValue('title', $r->http_title);
         $orig_name = $r->http_title;
     } elseif ($r->slug) {
         $item->setValue('title', $r->slug);
         $orig_name = $r->slug;
     $upload_dir = MEDIA_DIR . '/' . $coll->ascii_id . '/uploaded_files';
     if (!file_exists($upload_dir)) {
         Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'missing upload directory ' . $upload_dir);
         $r->renderError(500, 'missing upload directory ' . $upload_dir);
     $new_file = $upload_dir . '/' . $item->serial_number;
     $ifp = @fopen($new_file, 'wb');
     if (!$ifp) {
         Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'cannot write file ' . $new_file);
         $r->renderError(500, 'cannot write file ' . $new_file);
     @fwrite($ifp, $bits);
     // Set correct file permissions
     @chmod($new_file, 0644);
     try {
         $file = Dase_File::newFile($this->db, $new_file, $content_type, $orig_name, BASE_PATH);
         //this'll create thumbnail, viewitem, and any derivatives
         //then return the Dase_DBO_MediaFile for the original
         $media_file = $file->addToCollection($item, false, MEDIA_DIR);
         //set 2nd param to true to test for dups
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'item handler error: ' . $e->getMessage());
         //delete uploaded file
         $r->renderError(500, 'could not ingest media file (' . $e->getMessage() . ')');
     //delete uploaded file
     if ($r->get('page_link')) {
         $r->renderRedirect($r->get('page_link') . '#' . time());
     //the returned atom entry links to derivs!
     $mle_url = $r->app_root . '/media/' . $media_file->p_collection_ascii_id . '/' . $media_file->p_serial_number . '.atom';
     header("Location:" . $mle_url, TRUE, 201);
     $r->response_mime_type = 'application/atom+xml';