Beispiel #1
 function init($cfg)
     //! defaults
     if (empty($cfg["sqldir"])) {
         $cfg["sqldir"] = "data/temp";
     if (empty($cfg["pagesdir"])) {
         $cfg["pagesdir"] = "pages";
     $this->pagesdir = $cfg["pagesdir"];
     //! if it's a special sql refresh request
     if (Core::$core->url == "sqlrefresh" || isset($_REQUEST["sqlrefresh"])) {
         //look data source
         if (!DS::db()) {
             die("ERROR: no db");
         //read the changes
         $sqlFiles = @glob($cfg["sqldir"] . "/sqlchanges-*.sql");
         foreach ($sqlFiles as $sf) {
             //get sql commands from file
             $sqls = str_getcsv(@file_get_contents($sf), ";");
             //execute one by one
             foreach ($sqls as $query) {
     //! check if there's a CMS generated file for the url
     //! if so, add route for it
     $c = @explode("/", Core::$core->url);
     while (!empty($c)) {
         $f = implode("-SLASH-", $c);
         if (file_exists($cfg["pagesdir"] . "/" . $f . ".php")) {
             self::$page = $cfg["pagesdir"] . "/" . $f . ".php";
             Http::route(Core::$core->url, "\\PHPPE\\EplosCMS");
         //if not found, put last part in parameters array
         self::$params[] = array_pop($c);
     //reverse the parameters as they were popped in reverse order
     self::$params = @array_reverse(self::$params);
     return true;
Beispiel #2
  * construct mime email and send it out.
  * @param string    transport backend
 public function send($via = '')
     //! allow temporarly override backend. Only url allowed, not array
     if (!empty($via)) {
     //! sanity checks
     if (empty($this->via)) {
         throw new EmailException(L('Mailer backend not configured!'));
     if (empty($this->message)) {
         throw new EmailException(L('Empty message!'));
     if (empty($this->header['Subject'])) {
         throw new EmailException(L('No subject given!'));
     if (empty($this->header['To'])) {
         throw new EmailException(L('No recipient given!'));
     if (count($this->header['To']) > 64) {
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
         throw new EmailException(L('Too many recipients!'));
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     $this->address(self::$sender, 'From');
     $local = @explode('@', array_keys($this->header['From'])[0])[1];
     if (empty($local)) {
         $local = 'localhost';
     $id = sha1(uniqid()) . '_' . microtime(true) . '@' . $local;
     //! message type
     $isHtml = preg_match('/<html/i', $this->message);
     //! *** handle transport backends that does not require mime message ***
     if ($this->via == 'db') {
         //! mail queue in database
         if (empty(DS::db())) {
             throw new EmailException(L('DB queue backend without configured datasource!'));
         return DS::exec('INSERT INTO email_queue (data,created) VALUES (?,?);', [$this->get(), Core::$core->now]) > 0 ? true : false;
     } elseif ($this->via == 'phpmailer') {
         //! PHP Mailer
         if (!ClassMap::has('PHPMailer')) {
             throw new EmailException(L('PHPMailer not installed!'));
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
         $mail = new \PHPMailer();
         $mail->Subject = $this->header['Subject'];
         $mail->SetFrom(implode(', ', $this->header['From']));
         if (!empty($this->header['Reply-To'])) {
         foreach (['To', 'Cc', 'Bcc'] as $type) {
             foreach ($this->header[$type] as $rcpt => $full) {
                 list($name) = explode('<', $full);
                 $mail->SetAddress(self::$forge ? self::$forge : $rcpt, trim($name));
         foreach ($this->attach as $attach) {
         return $mail->Send();
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     //! *** build mime message ***
     //! mime headers
     $headers['MIME-Version'] = '1.0';
     $headers['Content-Class'] = 'urn:content-classes:message';
     $headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8';
     $headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '8bit';
     $headers['Sender'] = implode(', ', $this->header['From']);
     $headers['Message-ID'] = '<' . $id . '>';
     $headers['Date'] = date('r', Core::$core->now);
     $headers['X-Mailer'] = 'PHPPE ' . VERSION;
     foreach ($this->header as $k => $v) {
         $headers[$k] = is_array($v) ? implode(', ', $v) : $v;
     //! mime body
     if (!$isHtml) {
         //! plain text email
         $message = wordwrap($this->message, 78);
     } else {
         $boundary = uniqid();
         //! html email with a plain text alternative
         $headers['Content-Type'] = "multipart/alternative;\n boundary=\"" . $boundary . '"';
         $message = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n";
         $message .= '--' . $boundary . "\n" . "Content-type: text/plain;charset=utf-8\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n" . wordwrap(preg_replace("/\\<.*?\\>/m", '', strtr($this->message, ['</h1>' => "\n\n", '</h2>' => "\n\n", '</h3>' => "\n\n", '</h4>' => "\n\n", '</h5>' => "\n\n", '</h6>' => "\n\n", '</p>' => "\n\n", '</td>' => "\t", '</tr>' => "\n", '</table>' => "\n", '<br>' => "\n", '<br/>' => "\n"])), 78) . "\r\n";
         //! look for images in html, if found, we have to create a multipart/related block
         if (preg_match_all("/(http|images\\/|data\\/).*?\\.(gif|png|jpe?g)/mis", $this->message, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
             $boundary2 = uniqid();
             $diff = 0;
             foreach ($m as $k => $c) {
                 //if it's a absolute url, don't replace it
                 if ($c[1][0] == 'http') {
                 //generate a cid
                 $m[$k][3] = uniqid();
                 //get local path for filename
                 if ($c[1][0] == 'data/' && file_exists($c[0][0])) {
                     $m[$k][4] = $c[0][0];
                 } elseif (file_exists('public/' . $c[0][0])) {
                     $m[$k][4] = 'public/' . $c[0][0];
                 } else {
                     foreach (['vendor/phppe/*/', 'vendor/*/', 'vendor/*/*/'] as $d) {
                         if ($m[$k][4] = @glob($d . $c[0][0])[0]) {
                 //replace image url in message
                 $new = 'cid:' . $m[$k][3];
                 $this->message = substr($this->message, 0, $c[0][1] + $diff) . $new . substr($this->message, $c[0][1] + $diff + strlen($c[0][0]));
                 $diff -= strlen($c[0][0]) - strlen($new);
         if (!empty($m)) {
             //! add the html part as related
             $message .= '--' . $boundary . "\n" . "Content-type: multipart/related;\n boundary=\"" . $boundary2 . "\"\n\n" . "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n--" . $boundary2 . "\n" . "Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n" . wordwrap($this->message, 78) . "\r\n";
             foreach ($m as $c) {
                 $data = empty($c[4]) ? '' : (substr($c[4], 0, 4) == 'http' ? Core::get($c[4]) : file_get_contents($c[4]));
                 if (!$data) {
                 //get content
                 $message .= '--' . $boundary2 . "\n" . 'Content-Type: image/' . ($c[2][0] == 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : $c[2][0]) . "\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n" . "Content-Disposition: inline\n" . 'Content-ID: <' . $c[3] . ">\n\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode($data), 78, "\n");
             $message .= '--' . $boundary2 . "--\n";
         } else {
             $message .= '--' . $boundary . "\n" . "Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n" . wordwrap($this->message, 78) . "\r\n";
         $message .= '--' . $boundary . "--\n";
     if (!empty($this->attach)) {
         $boundary = uniqid();
         $headers['Content-Type'] = "multipart/mixed;\n boundary=\"" . $boundary . '"';
         $message = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n--" . $boundary . "\n" . $message;
         foreach ($this->attach as $attach) {
             $data = !empty($attach['data']) ? $attach['data'] : (substr($attach['file'], 0, 4) == 'http' ? Core::get($attach['file']) : file_get_contents(substr($attach['file'], 0, 6) == 'images' ? @glob('vendor/phppe/*/' . $attach['file'])[0] : $attach['file']));
             if (!$data) {
             $message .= '--' . $boundary . "\n" . 'Content-type: ' . (!empty($attach['mime']) ? $attach['mime'] : 'application-octet-stream') . "\n" . 'Content-Disposition: attachment' . (!empty($attach['file']) ? ";\n filename=\"" . basename($attach['file']) . '"' : '') . "\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode($data), 78, "\n");
         $message .= '--' . $boundary . "--\n";
     //! flat headers
     $header = '';
     //! redirect message to a specific address (for testing)
     if (!empty(self::$forge)) {
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
         $headers['To'] = self::$forge;
         $headers['Cc'] = '';
         $headers['Bcc'] = '';
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     foreach ($headers as $k => $v) {
         $header .= $k . ': ' . $v . "\r\n";
     //! log that we are sending a mail
     Core::log('I', 'To: ' . $headers['To'] . ', Subject: ' . $headers['Subject'] . ', ID: ' . $id, 'email');
     //if email directory exists, save the full mime message as well for debug
     @file_put_contents('data/log/email/' . $id, 'Backend: ' . $this->via . ' ' . self::$user . ':' . self::$pass . '@' . self::$host . ':' . self::$port . "\r\n\r\n" . $header . "\r\n" . $message);
     //! *** handle transport backends ***
     switch ($this->via) {
         //! only log and possibly save message in file, do not send for real. Nothing left to do
         case 'log':
             //! return constructed mime message
         //! return constructed mime message
         case 'mime':
             return $header . "\r\n" . $message;
             //! use php's mail()
         //! use php's mail()
         case 'mail':
             $to = $headers['To'];
             $subj = $headers['Subject'];
             $header = '';
             foreach ($headers as $k => $v) {
                 $header .= $k . ': ' . $v . "\r\n";
             if (!mail($to, $subj, $message, $header)) {
                 Core::log('E', 'mail() failed, To: ' . $to . ', Subject: ' . $subj . ', ID: ' . $id, 'email');
                 return false;
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
             //! sendmail through pipe
         //! sendmail through pipe
         case 'sendmail':
             $f = @popen('/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i', 'w');
             if ($f) {
                 fputs($f, $header . "\r\n" . $message);
             } else {
                 Core::log('E', 'mail() failed, To: ' . $headers['To'] . ', Subject: ' . $headers['Subject'] . ', ID: ' . $id, 'email');
                 return false;
             //! this is how real programmers do it, let's speak smtp directly!
         //! this is how real programmers do it, let's speak smtp directly!
             //open socket
             $s = @fsockopen(self::$host, self::$port, $en, $es, 5);
             $l = '';
             //get welcome message
             if ($s) {
                 stream_set_timeout($s, 5);
                 $l = fgets($s, 1024);
             if (!$s || substr($l, 0, 3) != '220') {
                 Core::log('E', 'connection error to ' . self::$host . ':' . self::$port . ', ' . trim($l), 'email');
                 return false;
             //we silently assume we got 8BITMIME here, it's a safe assumption as of 2016
             while ($l[3] == '-') {
                 $l = fgets($s, 1024);
             //greet remote
             fputs($s, 'EHLO ' . $local . "\r\n");
             $l = fgets($s, 1024);
             while ($l[3] == '-') {
                 $l = fgets($s, 1024);
             //tell who are sending
             fputs($s, 'MAIL FROM: <' . array_keys($this->header['From'])[0] . ">\r\n");
             $l = fgets($s, 1024);
             if (substr($l, 0, 3) != '250') {
                 PPHPE3::log('E', 'from error: ' . trim($l), 'email');
                 return false;
             //to whom
             $addresses = array_merge(array_keys($this->header['To']), array_keys($this->header['Cc']), array_keys($this->header['Bcc']));
             foreach ($addresses as $a) {
                 fputs($s, 'RCPT TO: <' . $a . ">\r\n");
                 $l = fgets($s, 1024);
                 if (substr($l, 0, 3) != '250') {
                     Core::log('E', 'recipient error: ' . trim($l), 'email');
             //the message
             fputs($s, "DATA\r\n");
             $l = fgets($s, 1024);
             if (substr($l, 0, 3) != '250') {
                 Core::log('E', 'data error: ' . trim($l), 'email');
                 return false;
             fputs($header . "\r\n" . str_replace(array("\n.\n", "\n.\r"), array("\n..\n", "\n..\r"), $message) . "\r\n.\r\n");
             $l = fgets($s, 1024);
             if (substr($l, 0, 3) != '250') {
                 Core::log('E', 'data send error: ' . trim($l), 'email');
                 return false;
             //say bye
             fputs($s, "QUIT\r\n");
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     return true;
Beispiel #3
 public static function arr2str($o, $s = '', $c = ' ')
     if (!is_array($s)) {
         $s = str_getcsv($s, ',');
     $r = '';
     $d = DS::db();
     if (is_string($o)) {
         $o = [$o];
     foreach ($o as $k => $v) {
         if (!in_array($k, $s)) {
             $r .= ($r ? $c : '') . $k . '=' . ($c == ',' && !empty($d) ? $d->quote($v) : "'" . str_replace(["\r", "\n", "\t", ""], ['\\r', '\\n', '\\t', '\\x1a'], addslashes($v)) . "'");
     return $r;
Beispiel #4
  * Save a page
  * @param force use of insert instead of update
  * @return boolean success
 function save($force = false)
     //! check input
     if (!empty($this->id) && $this->id[0] == "/") {
         $this->id = substr($this->id, 1);
     $this->id = strtr($this->id, ["\\'" => "", "\"" => "", "#" => "", "?" => ""]);
     if (empty($this->id)) {
         throw new \Exception(L('No page id'));
     if (empty(Core::$user->id) || !Core::$user->has("siteadm|webadm")) {
         throw new \Exception(L('No user id'));
     $d = DS::db();
     if (empty($d)) {
         throw new \Exception('no ds');
     //! set up properties
     $this->ownerid = 0;
     $this->lockd = "";
     $this->modifyd = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", Core::$core->now);
     $this->modifyid = Core::$user->id;
     if (static::$_history || $force) {
         $this->created = $this->modifyd;
     //! build the arguments array
     $a = [];
     foreach ($this as $k => $v) {
         if ($k[0] != '_' && $k != "created") {
             $a[$k] = is_scalar($v) ? $v : json_encode($v);
     $a['publishid'] = static::$_history ? 0 : Core::$user->id;
     //! write audit log
     Core::log('A', sprintf("Page %s saved by %s", $this->id, Core::$user->name), "cmsaudit");
     //! save page
     if (!DS::exec(!static::$_history && !$force ? 'UPDATE ' . static::$_table . ' SET ' . implode('=?,', array_keys($a)) . '=? WHERE id=' . $d->quote($this->id) . ' AND lang=' . $d->quote($this->lang) : 'INSERT INTO ' . static::$_table . ' (' . implode(',', array_keys($a)) . ') VALUES (?' . str_repeat(',?', count($a) - 1) . ')', array_values($a))) {
         return false;
     //! purge old records
     DS::exec("DELETE FROM " . static::$_table . " WHERE id=? AND lang=? AND publishid!=0 AND created not in (SELECT created FROM " . static::$_table . " WHERE id=? AND lang=? ORDER BY created desc limit " . (static::$_history ? max([intval(Core::lib("CMS")->purge), 1]) : 1) . ")", [$this->id, $this->lang, $this->id, $this->lang]);
     return true;