Beispiel #1
if (CAN_POST && AUTH && TITLE && TEXT) {
    //the file on disk is a simplified version of the title:
    $translit = preg_replace(array('/[^_a-z0-9-]/i', '/_{2,}/'), '_', str_replace(array("'", "`", "^", "~", "'", '"'), '', strtolower(iconv('UTF-8', 'US-ASCII//IGNORE//TRANSLIT', TITLE))));
    //old iconv versions and certain inputs may cause a nullstring. don't allow a blank filename
    if (!$translit) {
        $translit = '_';
    //if a thread already exsits with that name, append a number until an available filename is found
    $c = 0;
    do {
        $file = $translit . ($c++ ? '_' . ($c - 1) : '');
    } while (file_exists("{$file}.rss"));
    //write out the new thread as an RSS file:
    $rss = new DOMTemplate(FORUM_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'rss-template.xml');
    $rss->set(array('/rss/channel/title' => TITLE, '/rss/channel/link' => FORUM_URL . PATH_URL . $file, '/rss/channel/item/title' => TITLE, '/rss/channel/item/link' => FORUM_URL . PATH_URL . "{$file}#" . base_convert(microtime(), 10, 36), '/rss/channel/item/author' => NAME, '/rss/channel/item/pubDate' => gmdate('r'), '/rss/channel/item/description' => formatText(TEXT)))->remove('//category');
    file_put_contents("{$file}.rss", $rss->html()) or die("Failed to save thread. Folder permissions may be incorrect.");
    //regenerate the folder's RSS file
    //redirect to newley created thread
    header('Location: ' . FORUM_URL . PATH_URL . $file, true, 303);
/* ======================================================================================================================
   template the page
   ====================================================================================================================== */
//first load the list of threads in the forum so that we can determine the number of pages and validate the page number,
//the thread list won't be used until further down after templating begins
if ($threads = preg_grep('/\\.rss$/', scandir('.'))) {
    //order by last modified date
    array_multisort(array_map('filemtime', $threads), SORT_DESC, $threads);
    //get sticky list, trimming any files that no longer exist
Beispiel #2
function indexRSS()
    /* create an RSS feed
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    $rss = new DOMTemplate(file_get_contents(FORUM_LIB . 'rss-template.xml'));
    $rss->set(array('/rss/channel/title' => FORUM_NAME . (PATH ? str_replace('/', ' / ', PATH) : ''), '/rss/channel/link' => FORUM_URL . url('index', PATH_URL)))->remove('/rss/channel/category');
    //get list of threads, sort by date; most recently modified first
    $threads = preg_grep('/\\.rss$/', scandir('.'));
    array_multisort(array_map('filemtime', $threads), SORT_DESC, $threads);
    $items = $rss->repeat('/rss/channel/item');
    //get the last post made in each thread as an RSS item
    foreach (array_slice($threads, 0, FORUM_THREADS) as $thread) {
        if ($xml = @simplexml_load_file($thread)) {
            //if the RSS feed is valid
            if ($item = @$xml->channel->item[0]) {
                //if the feed has any items
                $items->set(array('./title' => $item->title, './link' => $item->link, './author' => $item->author, './pubDate' => gmdate('r', strtotime($item->pubDate)), './description' => $item->description))->remove(array('./category[.="deleted"]' => !$item->xpath('category[.="deleted"]')))->next();
    file_put_contents('index.xml', $rss->html());
    /* sitemap
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    //we’re going to use the RSS files as sitemaps
    //get list of sub-forums and include the root too
    $folders = array('') + array_filter(preg_grep('/^(\\.|users$|themes$|lib$)/', scandir(FORUM_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), PREG_GREP_INVERT), 'is_dir');
    //start the XML file. this template has an XMLNS, so we have to prefix all our XPath queries :(
    $xml = new DOMTemplate(file_get_contents(FORUM_LIB . 'sitemap-template.xml'), array('x' => ''));
    //generate a sitemap index file, to point to each index RSS file in the forum:
    $sitemap = $xml->repeat('//x:sitemap');
    foreach ($folders as $folder) {
        //get the time of the latest item in the RSS feed
        //(the RSS feed may be missing as they are not generated in new folders until something is posted)
        if (@($rss = simplexml_load_file(FORUM_ROOT . ($folder ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder : '') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.xml'))) {
            //if you delete the last thread in a folder, there won’t be anything in the RSS index file!
            if (@$rss->channel->item[0]) {
                $sitemap->set(array('./x:loc' => FORUM_URL . ($folder ? safeURL("/{$folder}", false) : '') . '/index.xml', './x:lastmod' => gmdate('r', strtotime($rss->channel->item[0]->pubDate))))->next();
    file_put_contents(FORUM_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sitemap.xml', $xml->html());
    //you saw nothing, right?
Beispiel #3
        $page = (count($thread) + 1) % FORUM_POSTS == 1 ? floor((count($thread) + 1) / FORUM_POSTS) : ceil((count($thread) + 1) / FORUM_POSTS);
        $url = FORUM_URL . url('thread', PATH_URL, $FILE, $page) . '#' . base_convert(microtime(), 10, 36);
        //re-template the whole thread:
        $rss = new DOMTemplate(file_get_contents(FORUM_LIB . 'rss-template.xml'));
        $rss->set(array('/rss/channel/title' => $xml->channel->title, '/rss/channel/link' => FORUM_URL . url('thread', PATH_URL, $FILE)))->remove(array('/rss/channel/category' => !$xml->channel->xpath('category[.="locked"]')));
        //template the new reply first
        $items = $rss->repeat('/rss/channel/item');
        $items->set(array('./title' => sprintf(THEME_RE, count($xml->channel->item), $xml->channel->title), './link' => $url, './author' => NAME, './pubDate' => gmdate('r'), './description' => formatText(TEXT, $xml)))->remove('./category')->next();
        //copy the remaining replies across
        foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) {
            $items->set(array('./title' => $item->title, './link' => $item->link, './author' => $item->author, './pubDate' => $item->pubDate, './description' => $item->description))->remove(array('./category' => !$item->xpath('./category')))->next();
        //write the file: first move the write-head to 0, remove the file's contents, and then write new one
        ftruncate($f, 0);
        fwrite($f, $rss->html());
    } else {
        //if a double-post, link back to the previous post
        $url = $xml->channel->item[0]->link;
    //close the lock / file
    flock($f, LOCK_UN);
    //regenerate the forum / sub-forums's RSS file
    //refresh page to see the new post added
    header("Location: {$url}", true, 303);
/* ======================================================================================================================
   template thread
Beispiel #4
   ====================================================================================================================== */
//has the user submitted a new thread?
//(`AUTH` will be true if username and password submitted and correct, `TITLE` and `TEXT` are checked to not be blank)
if (CAN_POST && AUTH && TITLE && TEXT) {
    //the file on disk is a simplified version of the title; see 'lib/functions.php' for `safeTransliterate`
    $translit = safeTransliterate(TITLE);
    //if a thread already exsits with that name, append a number until an available filename is found.
    //we also check for directories with the same name so as to avoid problematic Apache behaviour
    $c = 0;
    do {
        $file = $translit . ($c++ ? '_' . ($c - 1) : '');
    } while (file_exists("{$file}") || file_exists("{$file}.rss"));
    //write out the new thread as an RSS file:
    $rss = new DOMTemplate(file_get_contents(FORUM_LIB . 'rss-template.xml'));
    $rss->set(array('/rss/channel/title' => TITLE, '/rss/channel/link' => FORUM_URL . url('thread', PATH_URL, $file), '/rss/channel/item/title' => TITLE, '/rss/channel/item/link' => FORUM_URL . url('thread', PATH_URL, $file) . '#' . base_convert(microtime(), 10, 36), '/rss/channel/item/author' => NAME, '/rss/channel/item/pubDate' => gmdate('r'), '/rss/channel/item/description' => formatText(TEXT)))->remove('//category');
    file_put_contents("{$file}.rss", $rss->html()) or (require FORUM_LIB . 'error_permissions.php');
    //regenerate the folder's RSS file
    //redirect to newley created thread
    header('Location: ' . FORUM_URL . url('thread', PATH_URL, $file), true, 303);
/* ======================================================================================================================
   template the page
   ====================================================================================================================== */
//first load the list of threads in the forum so that we can determine the number of pages and validate the page number,
//the thread list won't be used until further down after templating begins
if ($threads = preg_grep('/\\.rss$/', scandir('.'))) {
    //order by last modified date
    array_multisort(array_map('filemtime', $threads), SORT_DESC, $threads);
    //get sticky list, trimming any files that no longer exist